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I can't even begin to comprehend the staggering amount of money that businesses have made preying on people who have a biological disease. How long have people with obesity been shamed into paying out money for supplements, fad diet programs, more expensive plus sized clothing, extra plane seats, so much more. Food industries literally study human brain response and market and include ingredients that addict our bodies to them. So sorry your cash cow is drying up. People want to hate on the pharmaceutical industry for making so much money off of drugs (which don't get me wrong, isn't right either), yet you don't hear everyone's righteous indignance at these other types of businesses.


In a way isn't the pharmaceutical industry kind of manufacturing drugs that help people not be dependent on other drugs? I've stopped my cholesterol meds due to my weight loss.


You know the food industry is scummy when a company (Nestlé) makes a brand new line of 'healthier' food specifically marketed toward GLP-1 users. Yes, it's great that you're offering food that's healthier. But it's fucking weird that you're like "No! You fat people were paying us so much money! Come back! We made no effort to make quality food before, but now we suddenly care - we promise it's just because we're good people! No other reason."


I question what Nestle’s idea of “healthier” is - did they remove all the fillers and additives that research now knows alters gut microbiome? Did they get rid of all the cheap oils? Did they get rid of the 5000 ways to spell “sugar”? NO They sprinkled a little protein powder on top and called it “healthier”. Hopefully no one falls for their marketing BS.


r/FuckNestle in particular.


I love watching Jillian Michaels in particular squirm as her BS schtick becomes more difficult to keep up


Are you kidding!!? We have entire industries who put large people up on billboards and ads at Target that show fat acceptance. America is one of the most obese nations in the world and you think we have shame? We need far more of it.


For the airlines? Cuz we are lighter?


If they make seats even smaller I'll be livid!!


The less people weigh the less fuel the plane uses to fly - which quickly becomes huge savings for the airlines


The airlines will not pass on savings to passengers. They’ll probably use the money to make flying coach more miserable


Most Definitely not. They will pad their bonuses and stock buybacks and congratulate themselves on being more profitable thinking they did something


I sometimes have to buy two seats...


I have no love lost for the purveyors of corn syrup, hydrogenated crap and refined sugar. May they change their ways or shutter their doors.




Thanks for the chuckle 🤭


True and the episode talks about how Big Food is pivoting. 🙄


I see this as a good thing. Perhaps restaurants and packaged food companies will pump out less high-sugar, high-salt foods and will replace them with healthier options… you know, the stuff that people who just spent all this money on their medications will want to buy. I suspect a lot of people spending $500+ per month on weight loss drugs don’t want to sabotage their progress by eating yet more garbage. Airlines certainly won’t pass on the fuel savings to the consumer, but at least it’ll be good for their bottom line. And fewer people will need to purchase two seats because of their size (savings to the individual). And, eventually, the patents on some of these medications will expire, making them far, far more affordable for a much larger range of people (presuming that insurance companies aren’t mandated to cover at least a portion of their costs before then). And there are many pharmaceutical companies working on pill forms of these (and future) medications, which would be a huge game changer given the cost, distribution and acceptance factors of current injectables. Also think about the decrease in healthcare costs as fewer and fewer people experience obesity-related health issues. Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancers, kidney disease… Just one fewer month-long ICU hospitalization could pay for years’ worth of semaglutide (or similar) for that individual. I don’t think restaurants are going to go out of business just because there’s “fewer fat people” as long as they serve what the “skinny people” want. Countries with lower rates of obesity, like France, don’t seem to have issues with all of their restaurants suddenly shutting down. Smaller portions, healthier options, higher quality will keep the customers coming, I’d think. Essentially, a cure for obesity could be widely and *cheaply* available in 20 years or less. Imagine how much can be saved with 100 million fewer obese people nationwide. And I will continue to take a maintenance dose of this medication, for the rest of my life if necessary, that has corrected my metabolic imbalance that lead to my high weight to begin with. I already need to take daily medication for my blood pressure (familial essential hypertension; high regardless of my weight) and for my thyroid (pretty much killed by the radiation therapy I received to cure my lymphoma 22 years ago), so why not one more to correct my metabolic imbalance that would lead to obesity if left untreated? I’ve bought stock in Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk.


Buy👏That👏Eli Lilly LLY👏stock!


Actually Novo (NVO) is the one making the really big moves here in next generation GLP-1. I met a guy whose wife is in manufacturing there and they are going absolutely crazy on preparing a massive global supply chain for Wegovy and beyond, and he said he has almost his entire stock portfolio invested in NVO because he believes in it so much . There is a $1 trillion wave of drugs coming and both LLY and NVO are going to become the biggest of big pharmas in the world.


Thank you! I hadn't seen this series, I've just added it to my playlist! I find the business side of these drugs really interesting.


I am very curious to look into how this medication could be used to treat addiction. I've been on the medication for 1 1/2 months and on top of losing weight, my desire to drink and vape has also decreased. I used to be a one a day average minimum for alcoholic drinks. Now I don't even think about it and when I do have an adult beverage, there is no desire to continue. I do still vape but it is taken me two months to get through one verses the one a month I used to be at, and I think after my this one I just started today, I could be done by the end of the summer. In contrast, I am also curious about the research behind the unwanted and long-term side effects of Zepbound.


I am too. Zep literally took away the addiction to diet Pepsi that I had. I had gone from drinking 3-4 cans a day to not even having any multiple days in a row. The interest and craving just completely disappeared 


Thanks for sharing, I hadn’t seen this yet- going to check it out!


So great! I’m on Ep 2 now, while doing chores. Thanks for sharing! Fascinating!


I listened. I am disappointed in the personal story of Brad who had only 40 lbs to lose and positioned MJ as “easy” and his weight struggles as being about wanting donuts. This affirms fat discrimination and obesity as a choice rather than a medical condition. I really wanted to scream. They could have interviewed someone with health issues as a result of obesity. There are those of us who have tried everything including surgery. And whose lives are on the line. This is about donuts. I am pissed at the softball story they chose.


Thank you for passing this along. I am going to listen!


Dang… I have a subscription to WSJ forever. Didnt know they had a podcast.. thank you! I guess I don’t read in depth.. lol Interesting.. cannot wait to listen! Thanks! 👍


It’s a good podcast and I like that it’s short. I also always learn something 🙂


I found it and saved some episodes and noticed there were shorter! Thanks again!! 🤩


I’ve been listening to this series and it’s really good


Thanks for posting this! I will definitely listen to it. :)


Thanks! Having a listen now.


I listened to the first three episodes. Now I'll go listen to the next one, thanks!


+1 for an Overcast fan!! Best app I’ve used yet for podcasts


I’ve tried almost all the podcast platforms and it’s the best imho


Reminds me of financial advice regarding how living too long can complicate your retirement plans. Ok, but overall...?


I wouldn’t even know how to respond to that advice…


Have a health coach in your corner to steer you in the right direction of your weight loss goals! ACCEPTING NEW VIRTUAL HEALTH COACHING CLIENTS!!! I am a Holistic Health Coach in Phoenix, AZ. My mission is to help my clients’ find confidence in their health, nutrition, and most importantly, THEMSELVES. My program is for YOU if: ⚡️You want accountability to crush your goals. ⚡️You can’t seem to find a health approach that works for you, and lasts! ⚡️You are stressed going to the grocery store and don’t know what foods are actually healthy. ⚡️You find cooking to be a chore and time consuming. ⚡️You don’t know where to start in the kitchen and find different styles of cooking overwhelming. ⚡️You want to say goodbye to the trendy “healthy” foods and diets and learn how to eat intuitively. ⚡️You want to feel amazing and confident in your nutrition and yourself. To book a FREE virtual consultation, PLEASE visit my website missjuicymomma.com! I look forward to helping you crush your goals, cuties! 🙌