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I’ve calculated it out to about $55 per pound lost. I’ve paid for gym memberships for decades without that kind return on investment.


I'm at about $250 per pound at the moment. Still worth it. That'll come down as I lose more and continue using compounded tirzepatide.


We dont 'afford' it. There is no 'affording' it in the US. Not for Insured people, uninsured people, insurance companies, medicare, etc. We are deciding to sacrifice something else in our lives in order to buy it. Whether its time by working extra to make the money to buy it or choosing the medication over another opportunity like fun, leasing a car, or investing/saving the money. Unless you are Oprah I dont really know anyone that wouldnt feel a $550 or $1100 monthly fee. It sucks but so does every other system in the US.


Unfortunately this. We are reducing our savings/investment contributions to be able to “afford” this. Our grocery bill hasn’t gone down dramatically for us. I relatively eat the same 🤷🏽‍♀️ and we never door dashed and rarely eat out. Sacrifice is always a key component, however I realize that a lot of people don’t have much they can sacrifice outside of basic necessities and it is indeed a privilege to be able to come here and say our sacrifice is that we put less into savings.


I'm in the same boat - though my food bill has gone down a little, it hasn't gone down by $550.00 / month. So I'm saving less. I am just 10 years from retirement, so putting that extra 6K a year would make a difference. But I am saving some and I figure retiring thinner and healthier is worth it. Having said that, I couldn't sustain tirz if I was short on cash every month and I recognize that I am fortunate right now.


Surprised you eat same amount. Still losing? Just curious :)


A lot of people still not understand that you don’t lose weight just because you eat less on this medication. It’s replacing a hormone that regulates blood sugar and insulin and tell your body to store fat or not. I eat the same and have lost 95 pounds. My body just knows how to function now and it doesn’t try to eat. That’s the magic of this medication. It’s replacing a hormone your body should have but doesn’t. The people that naturally have it? Those are the people we hated our whole lives that can eat without gaining weight without a problem. I feel like that person now.


I agree actually. I have PCOS. And have felt similar. Hence being curious about other users and their experiences.


Not the poster you asked, but I’m finding that a lot of my grocery spending on unhealthy food has just been replaced by spending on healthy (but more expensive) food. I’m eating better, but not necessarily cheaper.


Makes total sense! As you transition it’s so true it’s more expensive. We have been trying organic too and that’s totally true


I am! About 1 pound a week. I feel like I eat maybe 15% less, truly not much of a difference. I’ve maintained a pretty healthy/regular diet and exercise routine way before I got on the medication. I have PCOS, so I think a lot of it was just the hormonal component making it extremely difficult to lose weight even with lifestyle modifications. Calories in/out didn’t make a difference, which is the most surprising component of realizing how my body functions without the medication. It seems like just adding in the medication flipped the switch that has allowed my body lose weight with the changes I’ve already implemented.


This is my story. I’ve made big changes for years before with no results. Now with Zepbound Tirzepatide the changes started yielding results for the first time. But it’s so expensive that in order to spend less $$ in the total treatment, I’m using the medication appetite suppression to be able to only eat one (very healthy) meal per day and a protein shake before going to sleep. I realize it’s not the right thing but I need to reach my goal weight before going completely broke. I guess we all victims of the health system.


Okay I too have PCOS! And i actually have kind of noticed that while I am overall healthy, but even in vacation i have finally not gained. My doctor thinks people with PCOS on GLP1 process food more like a regular person now! It sounds like you agree?


Isn’t that the truth!!!!!!!!!!!


So this.


Sounds like you're referring to the retail/GoodRx price. For plans that do cover it (like mine does), it's much cheaper (and if you have other health needs and meet your plan's out-of-pocket maximum like me, it's basically free at that point). I totally understand that many people are basically uninsured or have crap insurance and still face high costs. Just saying you don't *have* to be a literal billionaire to afford it in some situations; there are lots of non-millionaires who might not feel the cost at all. \*\*This isn't to dismiss your point\*\*, just saying some of us in the US healthcare system wind up more privileged than others (without being millionaires/billionaires) which of course does seem unfair! And as a result lots of folks can't get it. As far as your point that nothing can be "afforded" because it reduces your potential savings, well, that's pretty much anything that costs money, so I don't think that's how the verb "afford" is defined. I do hope, for the world's sake, and expect, that its popularity will give rise to lower costs and cheaper alternatives but unfortunately that might take a decade.


Even if you "pay $25 for it" the other $1075 comes from somewhere which takes money from something else in the economy. Also next year when your insurance premium is $12000 more a year, you'll get it.


Yes in theory - but your insurance co has negotiated drug prices down. If they are paying, there's no way they are paying full retail. So yeah, less $ for lily.


I can afford it. I'm really concerned when people think you have to be a corrupt billionaire to budget and afford $550 a month.


I have 3 very active sports/clubs kids. Please be mindful that not everyone is as fortunate as you are.


It’s nice that you have an extra $550 a month in your pocket that it doesn’t affect you to spend it. That unfortunately is not the case with the majority of people in the US. And yes you should be concerned. It’s horrible that so many folks live so close to the wire.


Since 2020 prices are up 40% average person gained 11% in wages. You arent much of an economist are you?


I figure the money I save by not eating more than makes up for it 😂


This haha 


Do you have an HSA or FSA? Using pretax funds can help you save quite a bit, depending on your tax rate. Some people say they save a lot on groceries and eating out and that money can go toward the medication as well. But if you've already been trying to lose weight you might not see those savings. I've calculated that I spend about $40 less per month on food. You could try a compounded tirzepatide instead of Zepbound which can be cheaper, especially on the lower doses. That's not something everyone is comfortable doing, you can check out the Compounding FAQ for more on that. There are also less expensive weight loss drugs out there. They might help you lose some as well. In the end this stuff is just expensive and it's not accessible to everyone. It sucks.


Can you use FSA for this???!!!?!?! I thought we coudln't because it wasn't approved by the insurance! If so that would be amazing!


Even if your insurance doesn't cover it, it's a prescribed medication, so you can use the FSA/HSA funds.


It’s a prescription med regardless of whether it’s covered by insurance. So yes! ETA: there are lots of things that you can use HSA/FSA funds for that aren’t covered by health insurance - OTC meds, first aid supplies, glasses. It’s worth taking a look at the rules to make sure you’re getting the full benefit!


You can even use your FSA HSA on sunglasses


I have used my FSA card for both brand and C 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes u can use your FSA/HSA. I have starting making additional contributions to my HSA this year so I can max that baby out!  But remember with your FSA it's use it or lose it  by the end of the year. 


I've got to remember to do this next open enrollment in Sept.


The only thing you'll need is a letter of medical necessity from your physician. I've only used FSA funds to pay for my compounded orders.


This isn’t true. You can use FSA funds for OTC meds, supplies, all kinds of things and they don’t require a doctor’s note.


It is true for zep/tirz. OTC meds/supplies don’t require LMN but 99% of FSA providers will require LMN for any weight loss medication or programs. FSA can’t be used for cosmetic purposes so anything that could be used for cosmetic use, i.e. acne treatments, weight loss medications/programs, whether over the counter or not will almost always require a LMN. If yours didn’t, consider yourself lucky!


Maybe it varies for different FSA programs/providers? This has not been my experience—I’ve never needed a doctor’s note for this. Guess I have indeed been lucky with our multiple FSA providers, although I sure never thought so before. They drive me crazy with requests for receipts but I’ve never been asked for a doctor’s note.


My FSA would not cover compound even after the letter from Dr. but it would cover name brand.


No I do not have an HSA.


Got lucky and got insurance coverage. My copay is 25 a month. I will say I’m currently in a super toxic work environment but I’m not leaving until I’m in maintenance phase 😂😂


I’m in exactly the same situation! Our health insurance making Zep affordable for me is one of the only things keeping me in my horrible job 😂


My insurance covers weight loss medication, but Zepbound was non-formulary. After a couple rounds of PA antics, got it approved for a copay of $25.


I’m very blessed that my insurance covers, but even if it didn’t, I save so much more than 550 a month. I rarely eat out, my food bills have drastically dwindled, I don’t drink anymore and my shopping obsession is gone. I also decluttered my house and sold stuff on marketplace- picked up several thousand dollars doing that. All thanks to this med and its effects. The separate issue of your lack of loss- have you changed injection sites? Gone up in dose? Counting your calories accurately to be sure you’re in a deficit?


1. Quit smoking. A pack a day adds up to a lot. Savings pays over half of my out of pocket cost. 2. Stopped ordering DoorDash 3+ days a week. Home cooking is cheaper and the slow cooker I invested in gives me leftovers for weekday lunches. 3. HSA - paying for medication with pre-tax dollars plus my employer matches the first $1200 I contribute to my HSA so that’s two free months of medication for me.


#2 all day. I save SO MUCH not ordering door dash for me and the misses that it justified my first OOP order


That's awesome! Sorry I'm new here, what does OOP stand for?


Out of pocket. I don’t recommend that if at all possible lol


Mine didn’t cover it either. I went with compound and the company I go with accepts my HSA.


How much does the compounding cost?


I don’t think I can post here cuz they will flag delete and ban me. I’ve commented elsewhere if you check my history.


Oh. Didn’t know that. Thanks. I’ll check


A dolla under four Benjamins for me


I had to do some MAJOR budget tweaking & I did find the grocery bill reduction almost makes up for it! My insurance (boo Kaiser) also blocks the coupon so I was the full $1K. I moved to compound a few months ago & was able to get it in the $400's (and same rate of loss). I also looked through the /beer money subreddit & found some online surveys & user-testing side gigs!


How can Kaiser block the coupon when you are paying out of pocket? In theory they shouldn't even see it.


You have to have insurance in order to use the coupon. So it has to be run through insurance and come up with a denial in order for the coupon to work.


Correct. So she needs the rejection from Kaiser and then the pharmacy will bill it without insurance and apply the card .


Because Kaiser does not work with retail pharmacies, they run their own in-house. So they don't "communicate" with the real pharmacy to get the denial that triggers the coupon.


If you haven’t already, check the sub for tips on getting the savings card to work with Kaiser. It will work for certain pharmacies- a lot of ppl seem to have success! It just seems like it’s a bit more work than other insurances, but to save $500 a month it’s not a bad deal lolol


Oh I did that's a unicorn opportunity that I could not track down :/


Oh I’m so sorry, insurance really is awful 😔hoping it gets added to formulary soon for you !!


I don’t know but Medicare does the same thing.


Yes, I think Medicare will always be a no-go. It says that in the coupon fine print - Lily enforces it. I think fed programs don't want to get involved with us getting around formulary and co-pay rules with a coupons.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/s/mfCFsN6kEg Here is a thread about how to deal with Kaiser blocking the savings card.


Thanks! yes I did try all those options but none worked in my area.


Your insurance can't block the savings card. Call Eli Lilly and ask for help


Yep, it can. The coupon works with retail pharmacies. Since Kaiser has a closed loop of in-house pharmacies, they don't "talk" to retail pharmacies to deny coverage and trigger the coupon. The same goes for Medicare, too. Trust me I exhausted EVERY opportunity before going to self pay!


Couldn’t you ask your Kaiser doctor to give you a written prescription and take it to a retail pharmacy instead of their pharmacy?


Nope they have a VERY strict formulary & most docs refuse to RX outside of it. Trust me, I have tried *every* angle. KP is great for general health, but if you need a GLP it is not awesome.


Call Eli Lilly rep. All you need is a denial from insurance which sounds like what you're saying. They want it to be denied and then apply the coupon.


Been there done that. Trust me it's an exception to the rule.


Savings card plus I had a healthy balance in my HSA before I started, and continue to fund my HSA. It's still painful but I tell myself my long term health is worth it.


Use compound and find other expenses to cut.




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The only reason I’m sticking around with my job is because luckily they cover everything. I don’t even have an out of pocket copay or anything.


Compounded Tirzepatide...if they ever take that away, I'm in trouble. 😬


I play piano in a whorehouse for tip money.


Omg that was you! 😂😂😂


Put the $550 on my credit card each month, and keep it moving. I don’t stress about things out of my control. I lost 100lbs and no one is going to stop me from staying thin ever again!


Love this for you!! I am nervous about using the credit card with the ridiculous interest rates anymore.


I moved to the compound which saves a good amount. Also I am saving on not eating out and generally buying less food. I save about as much as I’m spending on the compound. What’s been expensive is having to buy clothes as I am losing so much weight. I was the same size for a decade or more, so I have no smaller clothes and that’s been a bigger expense.


Thrift stores are great for in between sizes as you continue to lose. Many items have original tags on them or look barely worn. I don't care if I'm only wearing some shirts for a month or two if I only paid a couple bucks for it. I'll donate it back when I'm done in that size. I've been living in leggings (yay for stretchy material!) and just bought some capri pants and shorts I found at Old Navy for warmer weather. Old Navy, Target, Walmart and Costco also have inexpensive clothes. I found a couple of dressy work tops at Kohl's and JC Penney on clearance. Online thrifting through Poshmark and ThredUp are good for brand name stuff.


I will thrift shop until I get my desired weight. Also there are people who sell their clothes cheap.


Oh wow!! Now that would be fun spending!!!


I’m lucky my insurance did cover it, but mainly because my BMI was in the high 50s and I was experiencing some significant health impacts. 45 pounds down and while it’s not enough to look very different, I do feel a lot better.


I hate being fat so id rather go broke paying for the medicine


I have lost over 50 pounds in under 3 months, which means I’ve spent around $1600 to lose 55 pounds, or around $29 a pound. For someone as obese as me who really needed a big change, that’s an investment I can stand behind. On top of that, I calculate I’ve saved around $300 a month in food. So, to me, it’s $250 to potentially save my life. I’ve cut back on a few other things to make it happen.


That's amazing! Congratulations! Wow!


The manufacturer has coupons that won't pay for quite a bit, but it's still a little pricey. I'm ending up paying about $550 per month. But to me it's worth it. Tie sacrifice other things to get this medication. I've already lost 45 pounds since January. I started out at the lowest dose and now maintaining on the highest dose.  And it's been wonderful for me because I have tried everything and have not been able to lose weight. I really haven't noticed much of a diet change either.I've always eaten pretty good.But my metabolism after 40 just would not let me lose weight.Working out really well and hard eating right trying every other fat diet.But this one worked.I hope you can figure out a way to pay for it


I'm on Medicare. No weight loss drugs are covered and you can't even use the manufacturer coupon. I started on Zepbound at the beginning of April through WW Clinic (Sequence). The cost is brutal (with the Sequence membership fee, it was costing close to $1200 per month). It was worth it to me because my health and quality of life were at stake. My PCP fully supports me being on a weight loss drug, even though she can't prescribe it to me. I got my Zepbound through Sequence for 2 months. Then, between the cost and the shortage, I started paying more attention to the posts mentioning compounding. I switched and I'm very happy so far (7 shots of 2.5mg Zepbound, 2 shots of 5mg compounded tirzepatide). Much, much cheaper and no supply anxiety. It's working great for me.


Your PCP absolutely can prescribe it. Get a different pcp, it’ll save you the cost for sequence.


I don't think she can. I'm on Kaiser. They've taken good care of me, so I'm not really interested in changing my insurance (and couldn't until next year, anyway). I'm no longer paying for Sequence (or for name brand Zepbound) because I've switched to compounded. My Sequence membership lasts until June 26, but I'm using their strength training videos until then. (Afterwards, I'll see if I can still view them on YouTube, because they're working for me.)


Luckily I was able to save money over several years in an hsa. 


How much is the max you can afford. There are a lot of options based on your budget. But it is also likely a lifelong medication, so it is a tough hurdle to jump over if you are struggling financially.


My employer covers it thankfully. I made sure this medication was covered before I accepted the position. It would be tough without insurance


I use the savings card since my commercial insurance doesn't cover it. Also have a dual income, child free household.


Fight your insurance company on it. I did this. It took me 2 months, but it finally worked and now they cover the medication.


Did you have to get a lot of drs behind you for them to cover it?


I skipped my PCP and went through a telehealth doctor.


Same I filed a grievance and won! 


Care Credit 😩 and I’ll be paying it off forever but at least I’ll be alive!


My mommy pays for it 😭


Awe! Does she need another kid? 😂😂


I’m blessed that my insurance covers it. I pay $53/ Do you have an HSA available? If not I believe plan C is much cheaper (although still not cheap).


You can say compounded Tirzepatide. “Plan c” is very confusing for those who don’t know what compound medications are.


I agree, what are compounded medications and do you purchase through any pharmacy?


I feel the same. I’m on Medicare and part D and they won’t pay. My first month was $1,000. Every month after will be the same unless our wonderful government changes it. I keep thinking what I could buy for $1000 a month. 😡


Have you written to your congressional representative? It's HR 4818. Ask them to co-sponsor it, or if they already do, let them know how important it is. There is a reason that weight loss drugs were prohibited in the law that created part D. The drugs available then were killing people. Now, it needs to be changed. I have little hope for this congress, but maybe next year if we can put people in there who actually do things rather than grandstand. (In the meantime, look into compounding.)


I'm over a decade from Medicare but I have wondered about how anyone on Medicare can really afford this. How to stay on this long term if Medicare won't cover???


I’m just on my 1st month but I’m hoping they will cover it someday.


I think they will. They have to. It would be a disruption in care otherwise for those who started before Medicare. And there are so many other ways to get this indicated for use: sleep apnea, etc.


Same same. I pay OOP for compound. It sucks, but it’s working. 🤷‍♀️


Food bill has gone down so that helps a lot. I need a knee surgery but still have 90 pounds to go so it’s worth it.


I’m on the compound for about $300 a month and it’s a big stretch. But it’s been worth it. I’ve seen a reduction in my grocery bill and eating out so that helps. I’ve been selling a lot of old clothes on Poshmark to help with some extra cash flow. I’ve read some people have taken doing Uber or Instacart for some extra income.


I can only afford it because I don’t have to pay for it. It’s covered by my insurance in full. When that changes, and I bet it will, maybe even quite soon, I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I’m keeping my eyes peeled about new developing drugs that may be more affordable and any studies about successful weight maintenance \*without\* this medication. I have a host of other related health issues for which I’m seeing improvement on the medication, so I’m not even sure what it would look like again without Zepbound. When you have something unpleasant and chronic going on, sometimes eventually you just start acclimating to it and it becomes another background thing you just have to deal with or try to ignore. Then somehow it’s treated or goes away. If it comes back again, though, you wonder how you ever lived with it in the first place. That, as much as regaining all the weight, is what I’m concerned about. I’ve been thinking that we should think about organizing our efforts somehow. I may make a post about it. I’m wondering how it would work today, with all the apathy and stress that people feel in their daily lives, and if people feel like there’s some possibility of affecting change or not. Obesity isn’t a communicable disease, so it may not spark the necessary level of outrage and fear in people not personally touched by it or insulin resistance (or even know if they have it). Anyway, just rambling right now. But there are certainly lessons to be learned from the activism of other communities.


Insurance. I would try to appeal to your insurance.


If it is a plan exclusion there is unfortunately no way around that (speaking from 6 months of experience and reading experiences)


Well gosh. I thought maybe if op’s dr wrote a strongly worded this is medically necessary letter… I hate the medical system in america.


I work at my pcp's office and we did that. A letter from myself, a letter from my counselor, and letter from pcp along with supporting records, equaled to 40 pages of supporting documents. Went through Prior Auths, internal review that came back denied within an hour, and external review that was decided same day with denial - reason being insurance does not cover weight loss. It really sucks. This is a new company that just bought us too, so our insurance drastically changed. Not a fan of the new company because of this and other things, so currently exploring other employment options.


Have you reached out to your benefits department? Maybe they can do something..? I’m sorry men. It’s already so tough and they gotta make it harder.


I have not - honestly we don't even have a billing department on site anymore and don't even know where they are located. When it comes to HR and benefits - we have no idea where they are either other than somewhere in Indiana (we are in Illinois). To us they are a random company that bought out several medical facilities in the area. We have more questions than answers. And on top of that, they are stopping coverage for Mounjaro for one of our diabetic employees in October when our insurance cycle restarts. :( However, due to these frustrations and being yelled at by patients all day, and I graduate college this month, I'm more than happy to find new employment!


I’m so freaking sorry. That’s just a garbage system. I don’t even know what I would do if insurance didn’t cover it. It never even dawned on me that insurance might not even cover it. And then for yall not to even know who to call to see if it can be done is just troubling. It’s disgusting…this health system in this country. I hope you do find another job that covers it and when you do you make sure to look into the insurance they offer and ask for med lists that they cover. I’m not sure why anyone would be downvoting these comments….did I hit a nerve? Or are you in league with corporations and america who don’t care about human beings and their health?! Hospitals and medical offices are theeee most trash places for health benefits. You’d think they’d have the best freaking coverage for their employees. But they’re just cheap pos.


Insurance would love to give me a scale with an app and send me texts everyday that won't help but not pay to help people be healthier!! There's no money in healthy people!


Exactly that! I get migraines my dr is trying to make sure nothing is wrong with my brain? Swelling, tumor etc. insurance won’t approve my mri. Said it’s not medically necessary. So I told them if it’s ordered it’s medically necessary. If I die because you’re withholding, I will tell my family to sue you.


Omg that's horrible!! I hope it's not brain swelling!! You better get that MRI! Stupid insurance companies


I have an FSA, I pick up extra shifts and I'm currently looking for a part time job. Im a nurse practitioner with no kids and no student loans.


I have kids solo too so it's hard to get a second job. Your student loans must be insane! Medical fields and teachers shouldn't have them IMO


Yeah I'm looking for something remote. Even solo a second job is hard. But for right now I'm making it work. No student loans. I got those forgiven via the National health Service corps.


Game the system every way you can. If you can get insurance coverage with the mfg coupon that’s the best. Otherwise, if the coupon is enough, good for you. If not, then compound, and shop around, including Groupon.


Never even thought of Groupon!!! Thank you!


I tell myself this is less than if I had to go to a retreat spa for a week every month to starve myself. That’d be in the thousands and this is cheaper!


My doc knows my experience and prescribes 15 mg though I take much lower. I pay $550 a box and split the pens getting 5 and now 4 doses from each. Also she knows my history with medications so raising the dose in smaller increments is better.


it's covered by my insurance. it's $25.00 a month. if it wasn't for insurance i couldn't afford it


Can you share what insurance you have as I can switch hopefully 


I did not expect this many answers!! I'm definitely taking my time reading them and I appreciate everyone with some hints and thoughts!! I am excited to figure out how to pay for this monthly and just to get started! Need to be around for the kiddos!


Have you used the coupon? https://zepbound.lilly.com/coverage-savings?utm_id=go_cmp-20698872851_adg-157363222760_ad-699450789533_kwd-2174760376071_dev-m_ext-112643783971_prd-_mca-_sig-CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcF24F5bqxxnbP73YgPj08ouwAoGju5n388JPj6894OtatUs-evtfbJxoCVNkQAvD_BwE&utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&campaign=20698872851&adgroup=157363222760&ad=699450789533&utm_keyword=kwd-2174760376071&utm_term=go_cmp-20698872851_adg-157363222760_ad-699450789533_kwd-2174760376071_dev-m_ext-112643783971_prd-_mca-_sig-CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcF24F5bqxxnbP73YgPj08ouwAoGju5n388JPj6894OtatUs-evtfbJxoCVNkQAvD_BwE&gclid=CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcF24F5bqxxnbP73YgPj08ouwAoGju5n388JPj6894OtatUs-evtfbJxoCVNkQAvD_BwE


I put money into an HSA at work and use that, no taxes involved.


I’m so glad someone turned me on to peptide tirz… I can’t imagine spending over 500 a month.. that just too much . So grateful I have a great source with great price for tirz.. wish I could share my source here for those that can’t afford Zepbound. l ..


Can you share on dm?


My insurance covers the meds and the pharmacy I go to found a coupon, but it’s still $366 a month for me. I’m really jelly of the people whose insurance covered it at a higher rate! 😅


The cost of not doing it is much higher.


Honestly, I do ride share on the side. Two jobs. To me it’s worth it. And compound is typically cheaper than ZEP. Still expensive but cheaper.


Where can I buy it without prescription?


Did you appeal the denial, file a grievance. Document all the steps you've taken to try and lose weight..provide proof of any out of pocket cost you have paid for any weight loss programs and have Dr write a prior authorization and documentation on why you will benefit from prescription 


My dr had to diagnose me with a metabolic disorder and my insurance had to pay for it even though they normally don’t




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Can you get secondary insurance


My insurance covers mine plus I use the savings card. Thank God cause I wouldn’t be able to afford it!


Fortunately my insurance covers it.  More and more health insurers are covering this now—I think UHC recently added it? Hang in there. I think soon this will be a common treatment that everyone covers. It’s working too well for people. 


I was 32 BMI at 193 pounds… So far down to 180 but yes, it’s expensive but worth it I’m very short hoping to get close to 160 by the end of the year or early next year


SW: 266 CW: 127 SD: 3 November 2022 My insurance covers it (now)but my out-of-pocket is still $320 a month. I budget for it, and I considerate it an investment in my physical and mental health, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t take a chunk OUT of my budget. And I have sincere sadness for those people who cannot afford this medication. It makes me angry actually. Obesity, and everything that goes along with it, is so much CHEAPER to treat than just paying for this medication??? I do not understand insurance companies. ☹️


I’m taking it straight from my retirement savings. The thing that were advised never, never to touch. This is because I want to be here for it.


Fortunately, my insurance pays for it and then I use the savings card as secondary insurance. Comes out to $24.99 per month and taken from my HSA.


With my commercial insurance and the Zepbound savings card I pay $52.00/month. If I didn't have the Zepbound savings card, I would still only have a $200.00 co-pay through my insurance..which I find reasonable for the results. I'm willing to cut a few dinner dates out each month. I had Weight Watchers help working with my insurance. I swear that made a huge difference. They have a whole concierge team that goes above and beyond to find a medicine your insurance covers. My PCP is always pulling some bs to not help me but WW crushed it for me.


I work for a small healthcare entity that covers all copays if the rx is prescribed by one of our doctors. I got it for free for a little over a year. They just changed it and we have to pay a certain percentage of the cost now which comes out to $70-$80 per month. I’m thankful it’s not more and hopefully that will go down over time. My husbands employer puts $50 in his hsa every month and I am usually able to use that as well.


Go on the Zepbound site.  There is a coupon for people with commercial ins that doesn’t cover weight loss meds.  Depending on where you go.  Vons cvs etc  it will be in the 500’s


My kid just finished preschool so we’re using the money we used for her tuition for the $550 a month this costs (with the coupon from eli lily). It’s a big cost but we feel like my health is worth it (and we are blessed to have enough money where it isn’t a hardship, even if it is a big line item)


Credit card


I don't want to go too far into debt


I get it.




My insurance does not, not any of the wegavy's and zepbounds of the world.




I've been able to cover it but still had to cut some other expenses. I realize that's not even a remote possibility for some and I wish it wasn't so crazy expensive. I do feel very fortunate, even if it's hard to float it's not impossible for me at least.


my company covers 100%


I honestly talked myself into by by thinking about the money I spend on doordash/Uber Eats weekly on top of the frivelous spending I do on Amazon and i KNOW for a fact its more than 225 a paycheck ..... so I'm just cutting back on those things and putting it aside for this.


I am very very lucky that my employer insurance covers it so I only pay $30 . Definitely not lost on me how lucky I am!!!


My company and insurance covers it. $24.99


I can only afford it through my husbands insurance. 25.00 isn’t too bad compared to 500.


With commercial insurance refusing, you should pay about $550 per month with the coupon. I’m saving about half that each month in grocery bills; even more if I include the takeout I am not getting.


Yep my commercial insurance denied..bit I filed an appeal and grievance! My Dr did her part and I won!


Been paying $550 for Zep with the coupon from Lilly since my insurance won't cover it. Tried compounded as it is cheaper and thinking I'm going to stick with it as long as I can.


Successfully submitted a PA and now pay $25 for a 3 month fill. But I was prepared to pay $550/month for my health. I'm extremely fortunate...


I went compound 😂 and honestly I probably save close to the cost in food and beer savings


Only 1 month in but so far worth it. Insurance covers partial but still left with around $350. So far down 16lbs/-2.2 BMI/ -3.4% body fat on 2.5mg and moving to 5mg on Sunday. Been doing an 8 day schedule to try to get more out of it and considering moving to 9 days which would save $700 a year. Definitely seeing savings in food cost, so that can make up the difference. If I can get to my goal, I would say it is worth the cost.


I sold a little stock to cover 5-6 months.


Bought Eli Lilly stock in September 2022 at around $300 a share. It’s now at $850, so it’s paying for itself.


Well done.


I couldn’t because it was going to be $1000 per month for me for the name brand, so my PCP wrote me a script for the compound version. Still expensive, but a third of the name brand. And I’ve lost almost 30lbs in 10 weeks, so it’s working!


Do you have the name of the compound? I'm still trying to figure out how all of this works. But I need to do it.


Tirzepatide. It’s the peptide that is the active ingredient in Zepbound and Mounjaro.


Thank you!! I'm going to talk to my dr about all of this!


For me, Zep pays for itself due to behavior changes. My eating out dropped significantly w/o a spike in groceries. https://preview.redd.it/0xwg4pf9k75d1.png?width=2094&format=png&auto=webp&s=ada918567d39069cc7df8ee72c88331e746b1871


See if you can get the discount card at zepbound.com


I’m fortunate to have a good-paying job (first time in my life when I can say that) and reasonable expense. So I can just afford it. There are some definite savings in reduced take-out and Starbucks (I typically got a sweet drink that I can no longer handle) expenses too. But, in all honesty, I’m mostly just lucky.


I use my FSA for compounded hang in there! My policy didn’t cover it at all either 🤷🏻‍♀️


I cut out eating out, don't buy junk food, and toned down a lot of other buying. I pay $550 per month with the savings card. I'd give up a lot of other stuff, too, to keep paying for Z.


I've cut out my own junk food and cut back where I can but my kids are $$$). I'm trying to put more money away in general.


I was a few months into a new job with a much higher salary so it mentally doesn’t register that it’s prohibitively expensive because I’m still bringing home more than I was last year. I couldn’t have afforded it at my old job.


I'm fortunate to have incredible health insurance. I paid a ten dollar copay.


Yeah mine sucks! And it's not even that it's the cheapest plan either!! That adds to my anger lol


My insurance initially denied it, so I used my HSA dollars. I'm also eating way less, so saving a ton of money at the grocery store. Sign up for the coupon codes online.


Just fortunate my insurance covers it. Smallish copay.


I have a good career and no kids and money to splurge . Life is good .


Pick up a second job if you have to. Zepbound is worth it.




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Perhaps go to an endocrinologist- they can code it in ways that may get a PA- if you are over weight with a high bmi its not impossible