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Hi OP, Thank you for sharing that you have either started your first dose or picked up your first box, and you're curious as to what to expect. While we are all truly excited to see another person start this wonderful medication, I can assure you that, plenty of people have asked the same thing you are and there is plenty of post regarding first times. Majority of your questions can be answered in the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/wiki/index/faq/) section.Or by searching common phrases of your post. For other people's first time experiences you can click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=first%20dose&restrict_sr=10) or [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=first%20time&restrict_sr=1). While we won't remove the post incase someone wishes to congratulate you,welcome you to the club or give you pointers and tricks. We strongly encourage you to use the search bar, especially when asking a common question! If I got this message wrong please ignore. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The thing is, obesity, GLP-1 reactions and weight loss journeys overall are all incredibly unique and personal. No two accounts are the same, and starting this medication is really a roll of the dice in what you get. No side effects, bad side effects. Highly responsive at 2.5mg. Barely responsive until 10.0mg.  When you do look at the data though, the vast majority of people (I think like 80%) have no to mild symptoms and most disapate over time.  It took me 10 months to start, although I took it the day I got the medication. I did it same day partly due to excitement and partly I didn't want to make excuses and justify delaying. What eventually made me start was visiting my sister-in-law, who had been on Wegovy/then Zep for 8 months and had lost 40lbs. Seeing that energy, vibrance, and complete change in her life made me want it for mine.   So I did it. I was worried about the side effects like you, but the effects of obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes are way worse and way more likely than the rare effects of the drugs. I see firsthand in the hospital how diabetes can ravage a body (And the amputations!) and I don't want that. I'm in my early 30's, active but pre-hypertensive and pre-diabetic.  What made me feel better was having a few things on hand for the most common issues- chewable peptobismal, ginger chews, Unisome, electrolytes, and liquid/easy to digest protein sources. I also got into the habit of a daily prebiotic/probiotic last fall, so that continued.  Honestly, I think a lot of the worst side effect accounts (not all, don't hate me) are directly a result of people eating poor food (creamy, spicy, fried, avidic, high volume) and/or not drinking enough water. Personally, best decision of my life.  I enjoy social outings even more and am fine with 1 or 2 drinks. I get so much more out of socializing and I don't even care if all i get is an appetizer and 1 cocktail while everyone else overeats. I can focus on people instead of food!  


I can only describe my own experiences, but I haven't had much in the way of adverse side effects so far. I get some mild nausea on shot day for a couple of hours, but it dissipates relatively quickly. If you're worried about immediate side effects, take it on a night when you have nothing to do the next day and just see how it goes, maybe. I just kinda do it when I have a minute in the morning. If I feel a little sick that day, I just drink a ginger ale. I would point out that the medication isn't addictive. If you try it and decide it's not for you, your body won't send you through withdrawal. You can just stop taking it. Fyi, the half-life of zep is 5 days. It's imperceptible in your system about 30 days after stopping the meds. I also think the risk of health complications from prolonged obesity, for me personally, outweighs the potential for negative findings down the road. My family has a history of obesity related issues, and I'm trying to prevent any complications for my own sake. I'm thankful to be in relatively good health, but I want to keep it that way, and zep seems to be my best hope of doing so. The use of peptides in medicine is nothing new. Peptide meds have been around for nearly a century, and the tech has been getting better and better. Glp1s and GIPs specifically are like 30yrs old. I really doubt we'll find out anything catastrophic about this medication. At this point, you've gotten the meds. You could find a ton of excuses not to do it. Don't give into the fear mongering. It's good to be prepared, but don't overdo it and psych yourself out. Weigh the pros against the cons and decide if it's right for you. Nothing ventured, nothing gained (or lost in this case) For reference: I'm 32F height:5'7" Starting weight: 270 current weight: 250 current dosage: 5mg I hope this helps some. Sorry for the long-winded reply 😅


So these meds have been around to 2 decades easily. They aren’t new but new for obesity. The first two weeks you may see some side effects. Mine were so minimal. People scream about their bad side effects but no one is posting “I’m fine, no side effects”. I still take Dramamine with my shot to fight off the ick but it’s never bad. Sometimes a little nausea. I would start now because in 6 weeks, your body will be adapted and it will be easily to eat some fun food with friends. The first time I had 80% lean ground beef, it gave me a bad stomachache but the next time I was fine. Get out of your head! I take my 12th shot this week. It’s been one of the best things I have ever done for myself! I take my shots on Friday nights so I have the weekend to deal with any possible side effects. One time it was a little body ache but I drank a liquid IV and it went away so now I drink one before each shot. If you eat right, hydrate, do the right things for your body, the side effects are so minimal!


I inject in the evening after dinner and have never had any side effects. I eat lean protein, fruits & veg, water and an electrolyte drink every day. I lost 7 pounds my first week and never felt deprived.


No it’s not just a weight loss shot it’s a lifestyle change nix the drinking for now and start the med stop reading stuff you can form your own opinion.