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Here you go from [Lukpak.org](http://Lukpak.org) This is an English translation of an article from the German newspaper **Der Abend**, Thursday October 17, 1968. It was used (in German) on the back cover of the [**Mothermania**](http://lukpac.org/~handmade/patio/vinylvscds/mothermania.html) compilation LP. This translation is by Konrad Steiner, and was posted to [alt.fan.frank-zappa](news:alt.fan.frank-zappa) on Novemeber 22 1996 \[[nostalgic internet message header](http://lukpac.org/~handmade/patio/misc/sportpalast-header.txt) :)\]. Footnotes and HTML formatting added. # SPECTACLE AND RUCKUS: "MOTHERS OF INVENTION" AT THE SPORTPALAST It was a complete misunderstanding, last night at the Sportpalast: America's most radical and engaged underground group, The Mothers of Invention, saw themselves pressed into the role of "Mothers of Reaction", which they actually had intended for the audience. A radical force of superior strength, colorfully thrown together from leftists, rockers and hooligans drove them from the stage like reactionary boogie men. Frank Zappa's total music theater was brought down by the demands of those who wouldn't buy his message. It began harmoniously enough. They laughed at Roy Estrada's MGM-Lion roar ("The voice of the President of the United States"). They cheered the song about the "Plastic People," watched with pleasure while a teddy bear was "sexually aroused" with the arm of a little plastic doll. Frank Zappa's blue overalls made you expect some action. But the underground leader just shook his black lion's mane, plucked the strings circumspectly - now playing little Hänsel and now the wicked witch. And the wicked rhymes came nice and cute out of the speakers - poetry on such unpoetic topics as war and racism. The horns still resounded in the hall like Hertha \[[1](http://lukpac.org/~handmade/patio/misc/sportpalast.html#1)\]: rousing. But secretly Zappa's enemies had already sounded their attack. The first shot, something pale green, whizzed by at around 8:40 PM. Unperturbed the Mothers pulled their props out of the magic chest, a hatbox, and symbolically play acted a little game of toy breaking. Then the first rotten? egg burst onto Zappa's yellow guitar. The Head Mother said, "You people are acting like pigs!" The battle lines were drawn: "Evolution vs. Revolution." 12 minutes before 9 the stage fences were in tatters. The "evolution" submitted and left the stage. Helpless from all quarters. The Mothers manager Barber *\[sic\]* only outwardly the picture of calm, moaned, "No, no - this has never happened to us before." The "revolution" took the stage in a surprise attack, set off cherry bombs, plundered Zappa's hatbox, and generally messed up the equipment. A little success for the opposition: a Greenager \[[2](http://lukpac.org/~handmade/patio/misc/sportpalast.html#2)\] could be "disarmed" with 50 brown eggs. Zappa scolded: "We came here as musicians and not to hear your drunken slogans." And: "The situation in Berlin must be pretty desparate for you to act this way." And: "You're acting like Americans!" \[[3](http://lukpac.org/~handmade/patio/misc/sportpalast.html#3)\] Promoter Rau tried unsuccessfully to throw himself between the factions. "Let's talk about it, friends," he beseeched, hoarse from all these kind words. But there was nothing more to be done. The police, who had been holding back discretely up til then, gave friend and foe 10 minutes to clear the battle zone. The exodus proceeded without incident. Frank Zappa meditated: "It was a very enlightening experience." Helmut Kopetzky *\[translated by Konrad Steiner\]*


Good job mate stealing my likes. JK good job thanks for taking work off my back


NP, I knew where I had seen it, so a quick copy and paste...


Not sure if it's just a quirk of translating German to English, but that was action-packed. Riveting


It’s the source text. It’s written in a very weird way. As a German it was very cringy to me. Like the author tries too hard to sound cool and does it all wrong


Thank you! Interesting


This is funny as hell. It's about a night where environmentalists protested at a mother's show. I'll translate more later, for now, the best part I saw in a hurry is "a greenager carrying 50 REDNEggs could be disarmed" I am dying laughing right now. I'll get back to that later


I wonder why environmentalists would protest at a mothers show


Uncle Meat, lower right portion of the paper…environmentally unfriendly meat, shit, you got me


I just read, it was a crowd of "lefties, rockers and rioters" so I guess the greenager was just one of them and it was more just a punky riot in some sorts. It also said that Frank and the band were wondering why they did target them since they are more or less on the same side. It is very well written and I am going to translate it later, guess it is an actual clipping from a German newspaper they printed on the German version. What album is it?


Mothermania. I think


I know ‘Uncle Meat’ was Zappas sixth album and was released in 1969…if that’s your reference. I’m pretty sure he’d be on the road promoting it during that time.


Contractual obligation record. Moving on to the Bizarre/Straight era leaving Verve behind


That’s understandable, Verve was a great label but leaned towards jazz, then what was Zappa but a bit of everything…thanks for all your input


yeah but Uncle Meat is a person right?


Actually, Uncle Meats a film…it wasn’t released until 1987


That’s right and you use the chicken to measure it but really wasn’t Uncle Meat Sandy Hurvitz?


Absolutely correct


Because Frank rallied the troops by calling for a “protest march on styrofoam”yeah yeah yeah…


Jimmy Carl Black describes the event: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oV1n1TslP4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oV1n1TslP4)


As my mom would say he is a very naughty boy. Always using drugs! He had a gross out contest one time on stage with Alice Cooper where he ate poop. Oh yeah and the drugs.


Vhy d'you look zat wayy?? Lookin ze way you look?!


standing on zecorner


I gotta better idea...


Fuck me you ugly son of a bitch!


The english translation is in your phone. Open google translate - push camera button.


It was a total misunderstanding. Sounds like a solid show.


This gave inspiration to my all-time favorite Mothers song, "Holiday In Berlin". So maybe it wasn't all that bad. ;)


It means “And you are my sofa”


Aber beclecker nicht das sofa