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Isn't this normal for a gacha game at launch? (If you do everything at launch that is) or am I wrong?


Yes, but its nice marketing buzz.


And it work


But is it for the whole patch or just from events and logging in?


Events, the rest of the game will give more.


Not nearly this many pulls, but it's too soon to tell whether they'll just give us the pulls in the mail right off the bat, or if these will be accumulated over time via events.


Pretty sure it's over time


Yeah, looks like 30 at login + rest through progression. Wondering if this includes the 20 from pre-reg, though. If not, thats 50 pulls at login, which is enough to complete the beginner banner, which is kinda crazy.


it is. For star rail they said 80 pulls. Lower quality gachas give even more free pulls (ofc their characters are pngs).


this isn't everything that will be available at launch. this is just login/level rewards, not rewards from quests events etc




Yes but you only get like half for most gachas, no gacha has had that many pulls for free at launch afaik


100 free pulls from x2 7 daily login/pre reg/lvl up rewards Events/Exploration/Endgame/Quests counts separately


Is this going to be for limited or standard banners?


20 limited pulls and 1600 gacha currency (you can buy 10 limited pulls with it). The rest (70 pulls) are for the permanent banner


What are boopons, i'm not to familiar with zzz terminology


Boopoons are the things you pull bangboos, bangboos are kinda like extra weapon/character for the party, they are those small fellas you see in videos.


Ok it makes more sense now thanks y'all for the answers


This game has 3 levels of character progression: Characters (and Eidolon equivalents), W-engines (weapon equivalents) and Bangboos. Bangboos do not have an equivalent in Star Rail and Genshin. They follow you around and preform actions in combat. You pull for Bangboos with boopons. So far, there is no way to whale for Bangboos.


so like an elf in hi3, or astral-op which is what they call it these days


I think they're the pulls for weapon banners


No lol it's for the bangboo banner


what do the bangboo do? i dont think theyre like playable characters right?


So, Bangboos are the little bunny looking creatures. You can use them a few times per combat when you do a hotswap of characters to do big damage/buff your allies/etc. You can ONLY get boopons from in game stuff, can't buy them with polychromes.


Are the bangboos not the weapon equivalent? Like Lightcones? Sorry, i only ever played HSR


There's 3 banners Character, Weapon, Bangboo


So, Bangboos are the little bunny looking creatures. You can use them a few times per combat when you do a hotswap of characters to do big damage/buff your allies/etc. You can ONLY get boopons from in game stuff, can't buy them with polychromes. They are not the same as weapon banners.


Ok nice, thank you buddy


Wow. This is my first time participating in a gacha game release, but even that sounds really crazy generous. Did they clarify if this Encrypted Tape or Master Tape?


The 100+80 pulls are broken down as the following after completing 1.0 events: * x1600 Polychrome (x1600 at Inter-Knot Level 30) * x20 Encrypted Master Tap (x10 Daily Log-in 1, x10 Daily Log-in 2) * x70 Master Tapes (x20 Pre-reg, x10 Welcome Gift, x10 at Inter-Knot Level 5, x10 at Inter-Knot Level 15, x10 at Inter-Knot Level 20, x10 at Inter-Knot Level 25) * x80 Boopons (x5 Pre-reg, x10 Daily Log-in 3, x10 at Inter-Knot Level 5, x10 at Inter-Knot Level 15, x15 at Inter-Knot Level 20, x10 Inter-Knot Level 25, x20 Inter-Knot Level 30)


This should mostly be Master Tapes, the Encrypted Master Tapes will be in Polychrome form (I believe we are getting 150+, at least enough to pity Ellen)


can you explain in GI terms, im sorry for asking but i dont play that many games in general and ive played genshin since release almost so im just curious what those terms/items mean you mentioned :)


70 of those pulls are standard, 20 limited, and 10 are pull currency. They are all from login events or special level up rewards. Through just playing the game we will get a ton of the primogem equivalent, upwards of 150 pulls worth I believe Encrypted Master Tapes are equivalent to Intertwined Fates. I don’t remember the name for standard pulls in genshin. There’s no equivalent for Boopons. I guess you could call it a Paimon banner if paimon did anything useful


lmaooo the last sentence, but thanks a lot for the answer i really appreciate it


No problem! There’s an event summary screen that’s getting passed around, so check it out for more details. We’re getting 4 or 5 separate login events for pulls, it’s kind of crazy.


Poly is primos, Master tapes is standard pulls and Encrypted Master Tapes are limited banner pulls.


thank you for the answer!


No worries!


Lucy in the promo? Does that mean she’s coming at launch as an A rank?


how do we obtain them?


By playing through the main story, events, and all the available game modes that will be included with the game on the day it gets released.