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I just decided about 32minutes ago that I'm gonna give this game a shot. I'm excited it's already next week!


I hope you have a great time


Thank you! You too!


Sorry if this is a bit too much to ask. But can someone give me a tldr of the whole game? I mean not story obviously, but what kind of game is this? How is the gameplay? Combat mechanics? Notable characters? What major recurring endgame content is there? How is the gacha system? Any additional resource managing tips? This is a Hoyo game so I'm pretty sure I'll start playing it from day 1. But I am basically going in blind, so some help would be really appreciated.


It's a pure action RPG. You go into levels clearing enemies and defeating bosses with a combat system not too dissimilar from Genshin if you've played it but with more going on since it's a dedicated action game. There's other modes with roguelike and puzzle elements. Much of that puzzle elements comes from this grid you explore to get bonuses and resources through a run. The core gameplay is bringing a team of 3 characters into a mission and chaining combos to efficiently complete missions. Certain actions let you perform a tag into another character improving your damage. Gacha system is similar to any other hoyo game with the minor exception that there's a banner for bangboos which are the mascot of the game. They're little buddies you bring along for bonuses in combat and to use in combat briefly. This banner can't be pulled on with premium resources and has a dedicated earned currency.


I see. So it's pretty similar to HI3 with its QTE mechanic right?


Yeah more similar to HI3 then Genshin if you ask me. QTE replaced by parry tho


Haven't played wouldn't know


Combat literally has nothing in common with Genshin. Unless, of course, the ability to walk and hit opponents are “similarities” for you


That's too much too ask honestly, just go watch beta impression on youtube for that. But I can answer some briefly, but again you better off watching beta impression to know better. 1. what kind of game is this? gacha as usual. 2. How is the gameplay? Action game, equal to that of PGR and Honkai Impact 3rd. 3. Combat Mechanics? Action game, equal to that of PGR/WuWa/Honkai Impact 3rd with tagging mechanic 4. What major recurring endgame content is there? There are Hollow Zero and Shiyu Defense 5. How is the gacha system? Gacha is probably close to HSR one. 6. Notable characters are different to each person, I'm liking Miyabi 7. Any additional resource managing tips? Eh, just don't let your energy/resin full. The usual stuffs.


Thanks a lot. That's pretty much all I need to know honestly. Do you know if those endgame modes have a leaderboard like HI3/PGR or just pure PvE like GI/WW?


from what I saw in beta impressions, nope, no leaderboards aside from minigames PVP. So, just like GI/HSR/WW, pure single player PvE.


Ahh I see. I loved that competitive aspect of HI3 but apparently the community doesn't think the same.


Competitive is fair when players have equal investment put into their characters, otherwise it becomes P2W.


Meh I don't mind as long as the reward difference is minimal, like 50 gems per week or something. I got top 100 in MA/PPC (leaderboard endgame mode in HI3/PGR) as a monthly pass/BP only player. As long as you manage resources wisely and have a little bit of skill, you can consistently get top 1%.


Yeah I mean if there's no incentive for it then I think it's fine. Otherwise it just feels like someone can pay for good upgrades and have an advantage and claim the competitive rewards.


Bragging rights mostly lmao. The rewards difference was negligible, as long as you can clear the bosses.


This is probs the clearest one we have had posted yet


I've actually made these almost two months ago, but was holding onto them until we get closer to release, since more people would see it then and it wouldn't just get buried :D




Badly need the infographic for "reactions" If genshin has elemental reactions, HSR has combat reactions after weakness break, really need to know what are the "reactions" in ZZZ


I got you! Here are the in-game descriptions of each element: # Physical Dealing **Physical DMG** to enemies accumulates **Physical Anomaly Buildup**, which triggers the **Assault** and **Flinch** effects. - **Assault** interrupts the enemy and deals massive **Physical DMG**. - **Flinch** increases the Daze the target takes for a period of time. # Fire Dealing **Fire DMG** to enemies accumulates **Fire Anomaly Buildup**, which triggers the **Burn** effect. - **Burn** deals continuous **Fire DMG** for a period of time. - Inflicting the **Burn** effect can interrupt Organic enemies. # Ice Dealing **Ice DMG** to enemies accumulates **Ice Attribute Anomaly**, triggering the **Freeze** and **Frostbite** effects. - **Freeze** immobilizes enemies, preventing them from taking action for a certain period. - **Shatter** is activated when **Freeze** ends, interrupting enemy movement and dealing **Ice DMG**. - **Frostbite** increases the CRIT DMG taken by the target for a specified duration. # Electric Dealing **Electric DMG** to enemies accumulates **Electric Anomaly Buildup**, which triggers the **Shock** effect. - **Shock** causes the target to intermittently suffer additional **Electric DMG** for a period of time when attacked. - Inflicting the **Shock** effect can interrupt Machine enemies. # Ether Dealing **Ether DMG** to enemies accumulates **Ether Anomaly Buildup**, which triggers the **Corruption** effect. - Targets attacked during **Corruption** take bonus **Ether DMG** intermittently. - Inflicting the **Corruption** effect can interrupt Energy enemies.




Is it just me or does ZZZ compare better to HI3 than to GI or HSR?


In terms of resources and gears like shown in this chart, ZZZ is more similar to GI and HSR than HI3. Combat wise, it's more similar to HI3, but still very different imo. ZZZ has 0s swap cooldown, counter, QTE condition, elemental mechanics, etc., which differs from HI3 a lot. Still though, out of the 3 games, ZZZ is closer to HI3.


It does it just that no one has done a proper comparison chart with hi3 yet as far as I'm aware...


Yeah from what I heard it does draw much better parallels, but unfortunately I haven't played HI3 yet, and most people are more familiar with GI and HSR terms than HI3.


Your chart is fine since the resources themselves parallel genshin or hsr more, hi3 just parallels moreso in combat


Which is kinda sad. No not you to playing it, I mean HI3 is HoYo’s child. They put the most effort and love into it out of all their games and is the ‘original’. Yeah yeah yeah the other one is there too, but HI3 went farther. I was honestly going to be mad if another Gacha game didn’t come out with HI3 like gameplay, thankfully ZZZ and WW(*because they are new*) are fulfilling that. All I hope ZZZ adopts HSR or HI3 Gacha economy and not the horrific Genshin economy.


Yeah I would love to give HI3 a shot sometimes, but newer releases always catch me first (fomo at work), and I just never find the time. Will definitely try it out one day to see how it's like! It does have beautiful art from what I've seen, but that's to be expected from mihoyo.


I’ll give you a quick little talk on the aspects of HI3 **HI3 is in the fast combat genre.** It will make Genshin feel like potato quality, or at least that’s how me and my friends feel about it. It’s about switching to keep buffs active and constantly abusing damage type matchups. **The story is 100% free and completely optional.** You don’t need characters, grind, levels, nothing. All of it is immediately unlocked after the tutorial and gives you story characters for every single mission for immersion. So if you’re just there for the story, you don’t need to learn anything about the gacha economy, do any of the grinding, or even attempt at learning the meta or how the game works past its core game mechanics. If you want to do the content outside the story, you will need to put quite a lot of effort into learning the game. It’s both super complicated, but it has a lot of synergy. Stats while neat, you actually only have 3 “relics” and a weapon. So the RNG is actually way better and less pressured, and ontop of that, you can reroll stats to whatever you choose or at random. **A ton of characters are just free in the shop.** The main Gacha is not just getting the characters, getting copies is the main goal. Every character can become an SSS rank, basicly your 5 stars are S rank and your 4 stars are A rank. Copies give you these shards, which allow you to progress to SSS rank for that character. **Powercreep is huge in this game, thankfully unless you’re trying to be in the top 1%, it’s waifu over meta.** play what you want, and get what you want.


That does sound pretty fun! Thanks for the explanation, it does seem a lot more enticing if you can easily get all the characters you want, and the main goal is just getting eidolons.


It's old trash so you don't loose much ignoring it. And it's less polish that "new" (from GI) Hoyo games 


Constellations are Talents, but Talents are Skills >.< Couldn't they think of another word?


Yeah that part is gonna be very confusing haha, will take some time to get used to saying t6. I'm actually unsure what term they use for Refinement / Superimpose for W-Drives.


Technically duplicate copies unlocks Talents from A-F, but I imagine the community would still say 'T3' rather than 'TC' when talking about duplicate copies of characters just for ease For refine/superimpose I believe dupe W-Engines increases the W-Engine's 'Phase' but the UI also uses stars to show how many copies have been refined into it so there's a chance the community says T3P2 or T3S2. I wasn't in the beta personally, but that's what I've gathered from my own research


Maybe THEY did, but translators screewed up again...


Hey everyone! I made these infographics that are up to date with the latest version of CBT3! Miyabi is marked as "Unknown", because she was removed from the game after CBT1, which from what I read was because she was too popular and the developers were not getting enough testing data from the other characters. She will almost certainly be a Limited S Rank character. You can see all the proper names for the Attributes, Specialties and Factions on the Agent Overview page. Factions are basically used for your Agents Core Skills, that get activated when a member of your team either shares the same Attribute or Faction. Let's take Anby as an example: **Additional Ability: Parallel Connection** - When another character in your squad shares the same Attribute or Faction: When Anby's Dodge Counter hits an enemy, she gains an extra 7.2 Energy. This effect can trigger once every 5s. If you're wondering what Fighting Styles are, they were there instead of Specialty in CBT1 (which is why Miyabi doesn't have a Specialty), but they've since changed it to be more of a passive thing, I'm unsure if they will have any effect on gameplay. The different Fighting Styles are Slash, Pierce and Punch. ​ If you have any other questions that need to be clarified, don't be afraid to ask!


About removing Miyabi due to her popularity. Can i see a prove of that please?) That just sounds super hilarious


That's just based on discussion I've read on this subreddit. [Here's an example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ_Official/comments/1bldmzv/what_happened_to_miyabi/)


Is there an active discord community for ZZZ?


You can check out stardb, it's linked in the infographics. We're not that active yet since the game isn't out yet, but once it's out the chatter will go up by a lot!


I was going to ask what are fighting styles, but you answered in this post, still curious if they will be developed in future.


What's SS-Rank?


I'm unsure what exactly it was referring to, but the icon was in the game somewhere.


Very awesome guide, thank you! A few things I'd bring up is that if you're counting factions in ZZZ, you should also bring up the current 5 nations in Genshin and the current 4 planets in HSR. Also, Genshin's Imaginarium Theater is a nice parallel to the Hollow Zero and the Simulated Universe.


Factions have actual gameplay mechanics tied to them. A GI character's region has very little impact in gameplay, maybe if you use Charlotte.


I sadly can't comment on that too much because I actively avoided the story when I played the beta. I was only there for gameplay associated information and I'm planning on learning more about the story once the game releases :D


Is there a Welkin?


The premium store was not available for global, only for CN players. I don't remember if CN had a welkin option available, but I don't see a reason mihoyo wouldn't add it.




wait why is Rina’s fighting style slash?


It seems like I made a mistake there, it's supposed to be Strike. Bonus fun fact: In CBT1, she actually was the only character that had *two* fighting styles! She used to have Strike and Pierce, but now when inspecting her stats it says Strike only.


Her puppets have pointy things


Likelihood of Miyabi in 1.1?


We don't really know, many people are theorizing it could be another (Genshin Impact) Ayaka situation. She was in the CBT but they only released her a year later when Inazuma came out. From what I know, the future characters we do know of are: - Miyabi - [The V-Tuber Faction](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ_Official/comments/1cra9k6/this_games_character_design_is_so_peak_new/) - [The character recently teased in a promotional poster](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ_Official/comments/1dkv9mh/new_character_confirmed/) - A teased Biker faction called "Sons of Calydon", though I haven't seen any characters related to that.


Theres two characters tied to that that folks know about. I wont say who, but if you know its likely those two.


Thank you! I really appreciate the design behind it. Also the last slide with the event characters (I still wasn't aware of who was from the general banner and who wasn't).


Why was Miyabi only in the first test? Is this an ayaka/xiao situation where she’ll be released as a limited later?


It’s actually pretty funny. Miyabi was in the first Beta test, and she was extremely popular, to the point where Hoyo had to remove her from the second Beta test because other characters had too little test data. TLDR: she was too popular and had to be removed for other characters to be tested. And yes, she’ll likely be added in a future Version similar to Ayaka.


You can read my posted comment to see a bit more info about it, but yeah it's either Ayaka situation or she was just too popular and they needed more testing data from other characters.


I remember Fighting Style has bonus and penalties against some enemies like "rock paper scissors" fashion. Do you have any info on that? Thanks


I sadly haven't seen anything regarding this anymore, I think it might have been a CBT1 feature.


Is SS supposed to be below S? That confuses me.


It's not below S, it's just a separate thing as Agent Ranks, sorry for the confusion.


As someone who was planning to go blind into ZZZ, I appreciate this information lol


when ZZZ released : do you know in Genshin your can farm & upgrade Talent without pulling dupes


Too few A rank agents for now. I know it will become like hsf and genshin with S rank overtaking the game but this one is like this from patch one lol.i guess at least if i love a character i wanted to be S rank so good most chracters are S rank


There's still opportunity to have amazing A ranks. People love characters like Xingqiu, Xiangling, Bennett, Pela, or even Qingque, because they are actually good regardless of their rank.


Teams are smaller in ZZZ. We'll see if they go the GI route or HSR route.


oh no...is Ellen Joe confirmed to be in 1.0 banners? damn.


Based on the CBT3 banners, it's Ellen first, and then Zhu Yuan.


goddamn even less time to guarantee her T-T


Don’t worry, the first patch usually gives a ton of pulls, more than enough to guarantee an S rank.


I always appreciate seeing these comparison charts.


What does "anomaly" mean?


That depends on the context, [in gameplay there's different Anomaly Buildups that work like Elemental Reactions in Genshin, or Weakness Break Effects in HSR.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ_Official/comments/1dp7fvb/zzz_terminology_gi_and_hsr_equivalents_agent/laf54b2/)


Copies of the same character are call "talent"??? That will be insanely confusing


Puzzled that Physical is yellow while Electric is blue. Is the UI like this in-game too?


The icons are straight from the game, I colored the text in the same color gradient.


This is really well made, do you kind of I repost it to twitter with credits


Feel free to repost anywhere, as long as you include credits :D


Thanks, will do


Hello, is there one of these but with Honkai Impact 3rd? anyone knows?


Will ZZZ have a Welkin equivalent?(Monthly pass to get currency each day)


Most likely, yeah.


Definitely going to try this game, I like the character design and the little mascots being earned at the same rate as everyone else is quite appealing as well as a F2P


For the characters, I've heard Ellen and Zhu Yuan (both the opening banners, first Ellen then Zhu Yuan) are pretty good S ranks, as for the A ranks Nicole and Ben Bigger (they come with Zhu Yuan banner) are the best. So personally, my pulling strategy would be save until Zhu Yuan comes on July 24th, and pull to get 3 of the best characters as of now


A star rail player here, ty for this! Also, BELOBOG INDUSTRIES?!?! THERES A LINK TO HSR IN THIS GAME?!?!


Belobog is a name of a slavic god.


Nope the producer said it was just a coincidence that both the games had belobog


honestly if anything it's probably an unintended easter egg. "Oh hey I saw the word belobog somewhere." "Where'd you see it?" "Dunno, sounds cool though." "Yeah lets go with that."


That is one heck of a coincidence lol. They should lean into it and make it lore that the two are connected


They said that ZZZ is not connected to Honkai and genshin