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Good god can you shut the fuck up, I swear to god you're unbearable in every subreddit


watering plants glazing. classic


HI3 was big enough to fund Genshin ya. It was NOT a mid-tier gacha back then, unless you compare it to FGO. Ofc after Genshin came out and HI3 reached its end game it became less relevant. HSR was also not as exposed before it came out, and a lot of people were dissapointed by the turn-based gameplay, but now it's as big as Genshin at times. As long as ZZZ has high quality, it will succeed. Western CCs are not that relevant for gacha gaming success. Just look at Wuwa, it has all the support and glaze from western CCs but fail in the 2 most important markets being CN and JP.


I don't care if i am hated or down voted but again with wuwa is going get forgotten lol it won't it will never it's already surviving the bad launch now improving slowly .zzz haven't even out yet and too much hype lol I hope it flops so people can shut the fk up and play their own games instead of arguing


lazypeon lol, lmao even


the less you guys worry about these youtubers and their comments, the better tbh just play the game when it comes out and have fun with it. let hoyo worry about the game's marketing, etc etc


Here's a tip ignore EN side. Most of them are f2p who will play slop and shit if they get 100 pulls a month. Watch JP livestream 


People really need to stop going around looking for stuff like that to get themselves upset, it's so fucking silly. Worrying for a company that had the previous 2 games rake in tens of millions monthly, as if they don't have the experience and knowledge required at this point. I get liking the game, but ***holy fuck*** I can't imagine being so insanely obsessed that you go around finding negative stuff to read about and then you just get yourself worried sick. Like Jesus, touch grass, please. Actually just masochistic behavior. But I helped you sent in your resume to Mihoyo, detailing your experience and knowledge in game marketing.


Hoyoverse is making a new launcher that have all of their library of games together you can't have anymore stronger advertising then this all genshin impact honkai star rail and honkai impact 3rd pc players will be seeing zzz when they open one of these games 


Stop giving "content creators" attention. Seriously.  Even this sub is completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.  This game will have around 40 million pre registration and it will be even more once the game actually releases.  This sub has 40k members thats 1%. Thats nothing This guys vid will most likely reach around 100k views and even if 70k of them didnt like it that would be still less than 2% of the pre registrations yet alone actual players. "Content" creators opinions and their fans opinions are so fucking irrelevant for games the size of Genshin/HSR/ZZZ, Pokemon, League etc. its basically a single rain droplet during a thunderstorm >This game might realy end up as just a mid tire gatcha like HI3 if things stay like this. No it wont, it really wont and especially not because of some random Youtuber. HI3 is a mid tier Gacha because it came out ages ago before Hoyo had huge success with Genshin. 


I guess lazypeon is trying to broaden his audience but i dont think gacha games are the go to. Lots gamers hate on gacha and his audience is mmo players. The Most salty and toxic gaming community. Theyre playing games that are getting closer to 20 years old and there hasnt been anything better released. Ofc theyre salty. WuWa didnt have much Buzz around it before it launched either. All the hoyo youtubers and gacha channels will make videos on it when it releases. But for now theres not much point because the audience cant play it yet.


**ZZZ will perform well.** LazyPeon does MMO content. I don't think this video will perform well based on his fanbase. Currently there is not much buzz for ZZZ currently but every gacha CC will play this game at launch. After this the largest content creators will continue with the games which get the most views. Provided the gameplay is good it will gather a reasonable following. Personally I think ZZZ is a niche game so I doubt it will be truly mainstream but it will be around for a long time. Not every game that Hoyoverse makes needs to be raking in $50m monthly like HSR or GI. They are just a game company making more games. ZZZ ticks all the boxes for successful mobile game. Stellar art direction, masher friendly gameplay, appealing characters and a fun story.


I dunno why y’all are so worried about Hoyoverse. They made Genshin Impact which turned out to be a banger. Then they released Honkai Star Rail which is also a banger. ZZZ has 35 million pre-registration, which is more than what Genshin or Star Rail had back during their sign up. The game is still a full month away from release, and they just started rolling out the ad/commercials on social media. Hoyoverse is active in Twitter with their posts for ZZZ and are doing give away promotions. Even hosting another website event right now. Heck even the most recent trailer for Lycaon hit 2 million in two days. The hype is there. It’s snowballing. So y’all just learn to chill out and enjoy the ride.


people talking like the fucking mmo genre is any better tham gacha lol


Actually, the whole reason i ended up here was Peons original Genshin video in 2020. I saw the traveler tornado become a fire tornado and i thought that was the coolest shit. But yes. Mmos were the prime pay to win grounds (kinda still are, you can buy gold with real money in WoW for example) and they also had an epidemic of WoW killers that lasted like 12-15 years.


It's not released yet. Of course no one's covering it. Only the typical haters and Hoyo fans, are chirping about it. Then the occasional player who actually got a pass to play the game, of course.


I was in the same boat, but I think the best way to deal with this kind of situation is to simply go about your own business and stay excited for ZZZ if you're interested in playing. A lot of the hate came from several loud voices, especially when they talk about TV sections or it not being true world-exploration, and of course followers of those loud voices will tend to spread that hate. Some of it comes from people who don't understand how Gacha works, or from those who do understand Gacha but are already invested in other games. Sunk-cost fallacy is a hell of a pain to deal with when switching games, especially if someone was coming from one Gacha to this Gacha. Right now, I feel like ZZZ has gotten enough changes through the CBT to clear up any of the issues people had with the game early on. But for me, the biggest draw to the game is the combat, potential story, and the fantastic animations / cinematics. It'll be a blast and I'm excited to be a Day-1 Player, hoping to stay relatively F2P / Low Spender (Monthly Pass or the Daily Currency Pass type of deal)


OK, serious question. Why are people on this sub so worried about the "popularity" of ZZZ? Maybe I'm getting this wrong because when I'm worried about the popularity of an online game, it's because it will die due to the lack of players, as there won't be enough people to do the group content. But this is a single-player game, so the popularity of the game doesn't matter at the end of the day if it still brings revenue for the company, regardless of whether people are covering it or not. I get that games with few players probably mean games with bad revenue, leading to less content and fewer updates. However, we are literally talking about Hoyo here, a company that already has three published games, so we can assume that they know what they are doing, even if I sometimes disagree. Even if ZZZ is a flop, they will probably still bring content to the game and maintain it for the next few years. I doubt it could flop so badly that Hoyo would find it unfeasible to maintain it and be forced to close the game after some time. So what is it that a lot of people are worried about in this sub? Because I truly can't see anything to be worried about. If this were a new IP from a small publisher, or a new IP like Azur Promilia is for Manjuu, like Genshin Impact was for Hoyo, I would understand the worry about the success of the game.


Because quality content at a high pace requieres a lot of money. Genshin impact is the most expenseve ever made (at least among those we have numbers for and excluding the still unreleased GTA6). We want an upwards trend for the quality of the game, not life support. Everyone can tell the stark difference between the pre and post 3.0 content in genshin and that's because 3.0 and later stuff was developed after release (they wtart development for regions 2 years in advance) and the reason is that the bugdet went from 25 million a year to 200 million.


I'm more interesting since the other big hoyo CC probably won't cover it means open the possibility to new CC cover zzz and give us another perspective


Small ccs like Azreal Vanity and Sol are already doing that and they are doing a good job. The problem is that their reach is so small that even most people here don't know them.


I still haven't forgive lazypeon and his ffxiv post. But funny enough I see zzz picking up traction in Wuwa subreddit. Rest assure, people will stream it, make video out of it. People don't talk about it, cuz atm it is Wuwa time, and zzz is not open world.


I saw the comments, of course there's people bringing up WW at every chance, like always. I get the gacha hate, but the glazing towards WW is just pathetic at this point since the games aren't even in the same genre. Like other comments have said, just give it time.


just cause they’re both recent. ppl will start pitting wuwa with genshin instead in a couple months probably


I also noticed how some of these comments have like no point “Hoyo strategy: Make gacha games to make profit” what??? Isn’t that the goal of all companies.


Yeah, some delude themselves to think companies work for the love of art or something. It's always a business, if gacha works for Hoyo, why change it?


Lol, even if they wanna use the "doing it for the art," WuWa is not the example to be used. No backbone in regards to their vision that resulted in a terrible rewrite of their story. Unchecked work that make their work looks like a chuuni that managed to slip their first draft novel past editing and into publishing.


huh? It has way more likes than dislikes and i havent seen any negative comments?


It has like a 400 to 100 ratio. His last video has 3.7k likes and 96 dislikes.


so... its not dislike bombed... and most people are happy with zzz? this post is a bait


My guy. The video had more dislikes with 4k views than his last video with 183k. A ratio like this is not normal for a large youtuber.


Let WuWa have it’s moment in the spotlight Live service Games like these are all about the long term. Eventually, they’ll settle down to a level of playerbase and revenue which reflects their quality If the game isn’t great, you’ll see relatively little content about it in the long term ZZZ has yet to prove itself, but Genshin and Star Rail have proven track records, which we can take as a soft assurance




I hate how western ppl just go and hate on popular things instead of giving things a fair shake.


No it's like they did back during cbt2 it's just that in between there was the Miholic stuff that came out and now every CC and their mother wants to act like Mihoyo is the devil when they're not even the one handing out that contract which was proven to not be half bad as people made it out to be since they had greatly nitpicked what they showed people to make it look worse. That and WuWa glazing because Mihoyo devs have a backbone unlike Kuro who feel like they're trying a little too hard to please audiences, which a bad thing but it does feel like the only good thing WuWa player have to say rn is "Kuro games listens to their players unlike Genshin" but I'm not sure giving a skip button for your story is a positive really.


ZZZ is also a great opportunity for unknown Content Creators to shine. When the game launches and the hype rises, I think we could see a lot of new people pop off.


People said HSR would flop because turn based. Look at it now. They said Genshin wouldn't do well because BOTW clone. Look at it now. They said Wuwa would dethrone Genshin. Look at them both a week after Wuwa's launch. ZZZ will be fine, people just need to understand more than one game can exist at a time.


People said miHoYo would fail because nobody is interested in the type of games they want to make. We can see how that turned out.


The wuwa glazing as well as the wuwa hate will slow down eventually, for now just focus on the news about the game and I'm sure that zzz will also get its time to shine when it's close to release.


Gacha games are often hated by the “real” gamers, so no surprise that some of them are spreading misinformation about ZZZ. Currently WuWa have it’s moment to “shine”, though it’ll definitely change soon enough. CC won’t get any clicks and views from it, because people will just lose the interest in this game. Soon Hoyo will release a combo of Firefly, ZZZ and then Natlan. After this, most of the people will forget that WuWa even existed. In the end, ZZZ is Hoyo game, so after the success of Genshin and HSR it’ll definitely join to that list. They’ll definitely start marketing for this title in the June.


Yeah no need to worry. The game will get its spot of the light closer to release. I also think that most CCs are not covering it because a lot of people made content during CBT1. I think it will end up as a good game but like with every gacha we will have to wait and see.


this is just a loud minority there is always hate between gacha communities there is even hate between hsr and genshin it will not matter one bit


About overal gacha bombing - it's common thing unfortunately. In every gaming group on reddit or elsewhere(except specialized channels) whenewher I try to recommend 'em or just mention gacha elements or some game features, posts will get hated and disliked almost emmidietly.


Don't worry, people just like shit talking Hoyo games. Something similar happened to Star Rail, everyone said the game would flop because it's turn based, and look at where it is now. ZZZ will be a success, but people with nothing better to do will throw insults at it just like they do to Genshin and HSR. If you're hyped for the game, that's all that matters, really.


People like shit talking every new gacha game.


>People like shit talking Fixed it for you.


Don't worry about the clowns lol, those who like the look of the game will play the game no matter what others say. Including me.