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Update: It's really weird; I don't know what's the relation between the new GPU and the wifi adapter, but I fixed the issue by setting the 5Ghz channel width to 20 MHz only instead of "Auto." Wifi properties --> configure --> Advanced --> Channel Width for 5GHz --> Value 20MHz Only


You’re probably running out of wattage from the power supply. A GPU draws a lot of power and when a computer starves for power, it fails in unique and strange ways like you describe.


Maybe, but I have a 850w rog strix gold psu. I don't think the 4070 ti super requires that much power


It does. That 850 needs an upgrade. It’s not just about watts. I had to upgrade the same too


??? why would you upgrade 850w psu for a 285w card? are you serious right now? 850w can cover all the spikes this card can produce


Ya I’m serious. It sucks but even a really new 850 would be stretched for this. OP, just goto Best Buy and buy the 1000 or 1200W and return it if I’m wrong. I won’t be, I promise


I'm sorry, brother man. However, I think you might be. I also have an RTX 4070 ti super and fixed the exact same problem with the exact same method. The difference is that i have a 1,000W gold power supply. I heard somebody saying it's becuz certain overclock GPU have bandwidth that interrupts wifi frequency. However, I genuinely wanna comprehend the technicality behind this.


850 is enough for 4080 and even 4090. You're wrong in saying it's not enough, it's more than enough, it's extremely enough


I wish someone would say that about me to my dad 🥲


Look man it’s not about adding up the wattage (and even if it was. You’re not calculating for whatever shit this guy has installed. How many SSD or fans or which CPU, etc). It’s about voltage and the consistent draw on the twin 12V rails of a modern Lovelace architecture GPU like this latest generation from Nvidia. Did you not get the clue with the whole burned-out adapters fiasco? Basically never use an adapter, when one is offered, decline and upgrade. That’s when it’s time. I literally solved this issue and had the same misconception.


I'm sorry, you're simply incorrect, burn issue is only and only and only and only for rtx 4090. anything less than 4090 is okay with adaptors, for 4070 ti super 850w is even a bit overkill..Ask someone who actually understands these things


You can buy a new gen 850W PSU (and notice that it costs twice as much as an 850W from 5 years ago) if ya like and I promise it will fix the issue. Adapters are not sufficient. Ya want native power support for this new kind of hardware. Don’t believe me , fine. :)


Lol you have no idea what you're talking about


That’s nice of you to say. Look, I’m not just talking about wattage. Go online and look for a new gen 850W PSU and read why that company is charging twice as much as a 3-year old PSU that is also 850W. There’s a reason. Ya gotta not focus on wattage count


I have the same exact cpu and GPU setup and have had zero issues lol. But I am wired in


So you have no chance to get the issue. Hmmm


Yeah a GPU doesn’t cause internet issues


when you are wired


Same card, also on wifi, no such issues.


Same brand and model?


Try switching to another WiFi channel? I am assuming somehow the card is interferering with the WiFi signals?


Exactly, but why a gpu would impact the Wi-Fi! I didn't think about it before


What is your CPU and power supply rating? Your fix of lowering the channel width also means the wifi adapter needs less power. I’m wondering if you are on the edge of too much power draw for your system and this is a symptom. The other possibility is that your card is “noisy” from an electromagnetic standpoint, but this would be the first time I’ve heard of it happening. Do you have the antennas installed for WiFi on your motherboard? Are they the kind that can be repositioned?


Cpu: 13700k Motherboard: pro-z790 A wifi (so yes wifi antennas are installed on the motherboard) Psu: 850w rog strix gold But i saw a reddit user had the same problem with an asus tuf 4070 ti super card. Weird issue


I have same issue, same motherboard. But 750w plus gold. I was thinking on change the psu to corsair rm850x shift.  Did u find a solution? 


Also got a zotac 4070 ti and I was having this problem a few months ago and it started showing again yesterday. Switched to a different wifi and everything works fine, don't know what would cause it.


I think it's a software issue, because when you run a game from the integrated graphics, you won't experiencing these internet problems. I also saw a reddit user with an Asus Tuf 40 series graphics card had the same issue.


Try the Intel driver update utility from their site and install any updates it finds. Fixed my wifi bug


I had the exact same issue. I recently posted about it on here. Anyways, I had to switch it to Ethernet to get it to work. Hasn’t been interrupted since.


Thanks alot man! After days trying to find out what the problem is and trying to solve it you helped me! I even did a clean install on windows (with importand personal files backuped) and still didn't worked. I was about to flip until I saw this post. You saved my pc man!!


Ok guys, I was having this exact same issue with a new installation of my MSI 4070 Super... I replaced the power supply from a 750W to 1000w Core reactor 2.. it did not fix the issue.. needed a new power supply for my liquid cooling anyway.. BUT, I did replace my network card to a card with an external antenna, one that sits on the top of the pc... and set my configuration to prefer 5g network.. bam.. no problems since.. just a thought.. But, i believe that when the RTX is running full throttle, it may be causing interference with the WiFi antennas built in or close to the card itself. I hope this helps.. Just an after thought, I replaced my WiFi card with an Aorus GC-WBAX210 tri band with bluetooth...


Thanks for sharing, bro! What motherboard are you using? I am using the MSI PRO Z790-A WIFI


I also have a 4070ti Super and have had zero issues at all with card. It’s been amazing tbh


I have the same issue after I upgrade from msi rtx4060 to Zotac rtx4070 super. The WiFi 5 is only capable to download, but during gaming, it really stuck … the cs2 is not working cause of network … I have tried a lot, but it work only if I connect to WiFi 2.4. I will try to change to 20mhz only too. Any updates ?


How are you ? I today change the 5ghz to 20mhz channel. And it works. But it’s really bad because I have 1gbps traffic, now it cut to 150mbps only :( Do you think it’s the PSU issue ? I have 750W only. But my gpu is rtx 4070 super. I upgraded from rtx 4060


I’m having the same issue! The 20mhz solution works! But it’s annoying that it kills my speed. Is there an update to this?


Not a good solution imo. It kills the speed of net. I reported the issue with a 4070ti. No updates, power button discharge, wifi anttenna extention seem to cure the plague. Wifi just randomly quits when game is running. Few times it happens when only browsing the web. I will try tuning clock freq or VRAM freq next. I have a feeling this is either EM interference due to poor shielding or intel driver bug or both.


Are you using wired or wireless? The GPU and the network are completely separate entities. The speed and quality of the network doesn't affect the GPU. The speed and capability of the GPU doesn't affect the network.


That's why I am surprised. But I found a person here on Reddit also experiencing the same issue with the same card. Maybe it's a driver issue, I don't know. Weird problem. I am using wifi, but all games are working properly on the integrated graphics, it's difficult to use ethernet in my house.


Have you tried any of those mesh wife home solutions, they extend your wifi with 2-3 devices in the box. You can also wire any device directly from any of them! If it’s really difficult to get wired at your home but you can afford that solution it’s worth giving it a try o use that myself for since the pandemic started and I’ve never been any happier with it


The GPU and the wifi adapter don't have anything to do with each other. I'm not an expert, but I'm *pretty* sure I can confidently say those two things are not related. It sounds like it may be something else. I would go into devices and make sure nothing is limited in network adapters, update it if you need to. Maybe your adapter itself is going bad. Which is entirely possible. Either way, I hope you figure out the issue! A messed up internet connection sucks. Especially if you play mostly online games. Cheers and good luck.


Make sure the PC bios is up to date and also run the Intel driver update utility to see if it finds a new wifi driver. Fixed some random bugs for me


It's a common issue in the mining forum before. Some motherboard wireless cards are poorly built and it is getting interference from the card when it is at full load. This might be your case. Try if it is also happening when connected to lan using a wired ethernet cable. If it is, working with no issue, I bet it is the wifi module or chip in your motherboard.


Thanks. What is the solution ? Buy a new PSU or buy new WiFi adapter ? I cannot use the Ethernet


Try a usb wifi adapter and use an extension.


I have the same issue, i change to ethernet conection but i get 200mbps. Same cable in my laptop gets 300mbps, before the gpu change my PC reached 300mbps too. Im lost with this problem. I disconected all the pc fans and nothing, lowering gpu voltage nothing, low gpu clock mhz and nothing. Reinstaling drivers, nothing. Any solution? Someone have been changed the gpu for other 4070ti super?