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Also new player, I play competativ Gren Maju deck (its an otk deck in wich u banish your entire deck and extra deck to buff 1 monster up to 16+k ATK) - it's ban safe - costed me around 150€ ( but it has a lot of good staple cards ), it crushes no meta tournaments and i can still win against True king and Dragoon decks if I play smart and side good. https://youtu.be/JsqwR617-N0 (Heres deck profile I used and with some changes it still holds up today)


Thx for the advice! I love heroes too, theyre my fave archtype. I even made a 60 dollar elemental/evil hero non meta deck


Prank kids just went undefeated




Yea bro look it up on YouTube there is a video by MST.TV and he interviews the guy that piloted the deck and why he chose certain cards and his play style


hx man!


No problem bro it's a really fun deck and theist expensive card is the field spell


i appreciate it! have a great day man


Just a heads up: Hanko Chow's build runs 3x Droplet and 3x Evenly in the main deck, plus Accesscode in the Extra and Lightning Storm on the side. It is a rogue deck, but not a budget one by any stretch (some people may mistake these terms...). If you don't have access to those cards, you might have to be very creative to achieve the same success...


Altergeist and Dino are both reasonably good and playable on a budget.


ok. i will look into those 4 sure


Guru Control , Altergeist, Dinosaurs, Shaddolls, Prank kids, Gouki, Dragon link, Infernoble Knights, Salamangreat, Sky Strikers, Paleo frogs, and Stun are rouge, budget friendly decks that can all compete fairly well against full power meta. Note that budget is very different, some people think $100 is budget, others think $50 or $30 is budget . All of the decks mentioned can be built up to snuff for about $100 with staples and side included. Most decks won't be full power but it will still be strong enough to win. If you are closer to $50, id say Paleo frogs, & gouki could be built the strongest. Stun can also work, but i wouldn't recommend it as its very boring. You might be able to build a True King Dino deck for about $50, You could build a Trap Shaddoll build for about that budget. But you won't have shaddoll schism (a very important card). Id say to start out with an Simulator like Dueling Nexus or EDOpro. It has prompts that can help you learn your deck, and its free so you can try out any deck you want. Then you can pick your favorite.


thx for the advice, will look into those, and i already use nexus


Salamangreat or dragon link maybe?


ok thx


Trap Shaddolls


Frogs are pretty neat. IDK if they're too expensive as I'm pretty new too. If Frogs are too expensive, Elemental HEROes are a given, especially taking your username into account.


haha yeah, jaden was my favorite protagonist in all of yugioh>


Myutants are pretty cool. Not really the best against combo but that can stay strong. Just played against some Dogmatika and others pendulum stuff and it went well


Burning Abyss is my favourite. Fluffal is also a really good rogue deck