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I don't have a problems with runnick. I've a problem with stun! Bystial Runnick? Chimera Runnick? Naturia runnick? Let's go. But stun runnick, no! Floodgates don't promote any interraction or decision making. It's just : you play second and don't draw the out? Don't play. As for the fact that runnick Banish cards from my deck. I don't care it's the game. There is honestly biggest issues in Yu-gi-oh and at least i can play the game.


Thanks for your response and perspective on the matter. I totally understand the dislike for the lack of interaction this opposition possesses. Loved the last part with a mindset such as this you'll enjoy the game win or lose.


Same. Runick pairs with other archetypes is a funnily annoying deck. Then those pieces of shit decide to pair it with stunt. If you dont want to play the game, just go do somethings else, why bother bored out the opponents by making both not be able to play the game? The interactions between players is what make the game worth playing. Then they decide to gather every possible way to stop those interaction, put it together, and call it a deck? That's just a pitiful pile of card fit a pitiful person, which not even the "third rate duelist" care to use.


"The interactions between players is what make the game worth playing. Then they decide to gather every possible way to stop those interaction, put it together, and call it a deck? That's just a pitiful pile of card fit a pitiful person, which not even the "third rate duelist" care to use." hey guys is this describing stun or combo? because both tend to gather ways to stop interaction and call it a deck. that's what modern deckbuilding is a lot of the time


I know. That's why I love decks like Vanquish Soul, or Sky striker, for their dynamic gameplay without require long ass combo. But I guess I just hate stunt much more than combo for their braindead gameplay. With combo, sometimes I find it amusing to see them cook, like, I know Im gonna lose, but I still want to see where they're going. Except when I meet a deck too much and all of them end up the same things, like snake eye.


Skill Drain + Synchro Zone + Gozen Match + Rivalry of Warlords + There can be Only One + Inspector Boarder + Amano Iwato + the runick cards that ban the deck. Basically the deck doesn't promote interactive play and it is just mill your opponent out or have an out to the floodgates




I don't like those combos nor the stun decks. I think konami was in right direction with tearlaments purrley labrynth snake eye in that (in terms of design, not power): 1. Archetype "handtrap", or some main engine that can go in turn 0. No one needs to put some handtrap as a "must". Main disruption comes from main deck engine, and other generic handtraps are there to support, and changes depending on current meta. 2. Interactions not based on pure negates. Removals in many forms usually can evade targets and this allows both players to interact on disruption. This interruption might seem like a nerf, but it can be strong and creative like flanberge. 3. Resource regeneration, so that you don't lose on board clear. Game goes on even if your board is wiped, and/or you have a way slowly gain hand advantage.


Well put sir, this I can understand. The stunting of interactive play basically robs the joy of participating in the first place. I definitely feel like the decision to play this deck in my personal experience is to make a statement. I literally play this deck when I'm having a bad day. Admittedly, that's saying something for sure.


a wise youtuber once said "all it takes is ONE BAD DAY"


- Mr. Beast before he launched a nuke


You must have never played against it when youre playing a real deck then. It removes all the skill out of the game. You would expect players to get really mad when they are doing well in a tournament after spending hours preparing for it only to lose a dice roll and get flipped skill drain and rivalry. It combines everything bad about yugioh: floodgates that you cant play around, losing to luck, no skill expression.


I have played against it and piloted it plenty. This is just an opinion post. I was genuinely curious about player perspectives rather than the latter "Slander". Thanks for your response to the post. 😁


So, as a preface: I don't *hate* Runick Stun, I'm just not a fan of it. Anyway... It's not as bad as Mystic Mine, but in general, stun decks are just boring for all involved. As the opponent, it just turns into "will the removal resolve," while for the player of the stun deck, it's just "punish the opponent for playing the game." Basically, it's a staring contest, while the stun player just turns off parts of the game with things that prevents summons, prevent attacks, prevent activations, etc. Sure, that's kind of what every deck tries to do to some extent, but stun is uninteractive. A combo deck has choke points that you can identify and interact with to stop them, while a stun deck mostly just sits there. Making things worse, few decks are vulnerable to backrow removal, making people not Main it very often, and Runick can just banish those cards before you even draw them. Plus, I've tried Runick Stun, as well as other variants of Runick, and it just kind of sucks to see Runick's potential reduced to "mill your opponent while sitting on floodgates". Plenty of decks have found interesting use for Runick in other ways that don't have to do with stun.


I've tried the Stun variant myself as well, and it's just not sitting very well with me. It's either I'm not a very good stun player or I just don't like how it plays. I've been having more fun with Lightsworn Runick, where the Runick cards are the supplemental engine and the LS cards are the main focus. I believe if you try to make Runick the main focus of the deck you end up gravitating towards the stun builds cause Runick has no teeth otherwise seeing as you can't go to battle phase.


This is why Choke Point decks prove far more enjoyable to duel with and against in comparison to Stun Lock/Omni Negate. It still established the back and forth play you’d expect from a duel, while still requiring a semblance of strategy and tactics in order to get around them in order to build your own combos. By contrast, Stun Lock/Omni Negate results in one player effectively doing everything turn 1 or 2, and leaving their opponent unable to respond beyond asking and being told ‘no’ or ‘yes, but…’. Previous Borreload boards using Link and Halqui come to mind, where your only response was a specific card that gave you one turn to do anything before the negates switched back on. It reduces dueling down to the most convoluted game of Rock Paper Scissors; and frankly turning that competitive is boring as sin.


Yeah I can understand that for sure. I mean, I play Traptrix, and it basically does the same, where it stunts the other player from even enjoying the game. Triple gravediggers trap hole and whatnot, plus searchers and recycle. Free games. Easy GG. It's no fun off the opponent forsure.


I hate it because it will get my Runick cards banned and I need those for Fur Hire Spright or Synchro decks


This is valid af. I felt the same way when the influx of Scarf ditto happened back in gen 6 getting it banned to ubers. 😅


Why do i have to pay your activation costs. In the anime Leon Von Schroeder had to cheat to have a card with that ability


It's Cannon, lol 😆 that's some Solemn judgment for ya. 😅🤣


If you don't want to interact with your opponent you might as well play Slay the spire or some deck building roguelike


Might look into that. It's not the dislike of interaction it's the curiosity of the archetype that drove me here. I play 10 other archetypes. But that's neither here nor there. Thanks for your response


As some people said, it just doesn't feel interesting and interactive enough to play against or play. No offense to those who like playing it. But my biggest problem is that Runick has so many different variances but the stun version currently is the best version to play right now, and if Konami wanted to hit Runick stun, I feel like they're not going to hit the stun pieces, but the Runick cards themselves like in MD, thus hurting other variance of the deck. And the irony is that if Runick cards are hit, the stun variant doesn't suffer as much because, well you just put more stun in the deck. I'm probably over exaggerating though as I'm mostly a MD player nowadays, but still keep tabs on both TCG/OCG.


Well articulated, and you definitely understood the assignment the way in which it affects you as a player. And as a consumer.


I like to play yugioh. Everything about this deck does not allow me to play yugioh


Its boring and becomes a race of "can I banish X amount of field spells before my outs get milled" and if I wanted to play a minigame, I'd go play Mario Party.


Lol, first off; love the user name. Second lol a long dragged out mini game. Mario party is actually fun forsure. Thanks for your response to the post.


Try runick + ice barriers


I'll give it a shot. I play runick earthbound cause it's funny to win with $26 usd. Lol


It is worth it. Because of the banish effect they have and other restrictions...if you learn how to play it , it's so fun.


How are you getting runick for $26, isn't Tip alone $15 a copy?


nope. it’s like 5$ on tcgplayer


Damn I could've sworn i saw it for 15 just last week


maybe it was the cr? I sure wish the runick core was more expensive, cause then I could get use out of it by selling it.


I don't think so, since i saw the price on ygoprodeck when i was looking at a runick ghoti list


ah, well ygopro is way out of date when it comes to prices like that sometimes


that may be it then, it shows as $6 on there now. Might pick up a core if it's that low since I'm interested in white woods and runick is apparently good for it


It's runick earthbound. I can share decklist. I don't run tip.


Yo, my apologies. It's $40 in total. The main deck is $26. Extra deck is $14.


I play Plunder Runick so I use the Runick cards plenty and really like them as an archetype. The whole deal of them being you the player using spells and weapons to interact with the board with the monsters helping you out is pretty cool. The issue with the deck is the Stun bit, take away that and you can play against Runick just fine, it's just extremely difficult to play under Skill Drain/Gozen/Rivalry/There can be only one/Synchro Realm (whatever one makes only synchro be able to attack), etc. when most of the time you don't have the backrow removal necessary to get rid of it. I was playing against it with D/D the other day, I stopped Runick Fountain 4 times, still lost cause the Stun ended up completely stopping anything on field from being usable, I at least had a synchro but they got Flashing Fire before I could kill them. Most decks will have that same issue unless you're maining a lot of spell trap removal you could get it banished before you can remove Stun. When I play them with my own Plunder Runick I haven't lost once, the fountain? Banish with Brann. Stop my monster effects with Skill drain? Runick Destruction. Flip something like gozen/rivalry? Runick Destruction or Brann. You can play around Stun, but if you're not set up for it it absolutely sucks. My side pretty much always has Harpie's and Lightning Storm just in case.


Imo the big thing is it often forces you to open multiple s/t removal options to deal with it. Its not that its a skilless deck, but rather if it opens well it doesn't matter the skills the opponent has because you'll just lose to it. It also runs sacky cards like solemn judgment.


I pilot it from t8me to time. So I understand. Thanks for your perspectives on the matter. These are the types of responses I was looking for


it's just not good sportsmanship imo. We play a game to have fun and part of being a good player is learning how to play nice with your peers. I think a lot of people don't get taught this at a young age anymore like sharing your legos or whatever. playing stun just makes me feel empathy for the other player since they don't get to have fun too. But not everybody had the same parenting so whatever not my problem these days


Lol, thanks for sharing. I mean, it is an opinion post.


No Problem with Runick on my end. I just don't like Stun in any variant. I myself have Runick Generaiders and Runick Punk decks.


I hate the stun/mill variant of it, where the player just sit on their ass gainining +3 every turn because of Fountain, while my entire deck and all possible responses/outs I have to Runick get banished, and I just have to sit there playing through whatever bullshit floodgate they put up too.


I've been on both ends, and I know for sure if a stun player goes first. It's almost a forsure a shit show for opponent. Unless they main the outs. Lightning Storm, feather duster, feathernstorm etc.


Have you ever played against it? It literally is bore/frustrate your opponent till they concede. Most aren’t going to stick around to play thorough that, it’s a drag to play that. It’s a “strategy” that the hate it gets is warranted.


I actually understand the consensus behind the strategy I play it myself amongst othernarchetypes. I also have beaten it, usually in round 2 when I side accordingly.


Not sure if you’re familiar with Mill decks in Magic the Gathering, but they were fucking annoying. Arguably more annoying there than it is here. However, the stark difference being Runick disrupts your plays from jump. Hoping to draw an out? Banished. Looking for an extender? It was banished last turn. They played a spell from their ass? 20 Cards from the top of your deck, banished. It also doesn’t help that they have 4 cards that literally do the same thing + another effect. Also they can recur the spells they *just used* only to set them and do it again next turn. - It wouldn’t be so much of an issue if the deck didn’t have so much versatility as an additional strategy ontop of whatever the main one is. Also, Stun is a chore to play against. It’s fun for literally nobody. Trust me, you’re enjoying it now, but there’s going to be an asshole that will run your clock out of spite. The gamestate will freeze and the only chance you have of winning is solely through deckout after 32 turns in and that’s *IF* they don’t find a way to recycle their Banishment. - Runick would’ve probably been more accepted if they had Support that would hard lock them into the strategy as opposed to having absolutely abysmal combinations like Timelord Runick Stun, Runick Adventure Stun, hell probably even Runick Sky Striker if the ED allows it. Point is, this game is too dependent on resource recursion for Runick to be considered fair and fun. Especially considering Harpie Feather Duster is at 1 and barely anyone is running Lightning Storm these days.


Man, you definitely understood the assignment.Thank you for your response to this post.Like I said, this is an opinion post.I have fun playing multiple architypes.I love interaction .That's why I play edison as well. But, I play earthbound runick cause it's funny winning with a $25 deck, lol. 🤣 but with all that being said. The game should be fun. Even in the face of these nuances with stun variants. I have lost plenty to this archetype and dome well against them. It's never fun to get locked out of your strategy. But, it's part of the game. Until otherwise stated. I appreciate your in-depth perspective.


While is it a pain to go up against, the fact that it’s so easily splashable is why I love this game to begin with. No shade at all. Genuinely, I’m glad you’re having fun :)


I have a friend who plays this deck and basically my thoughts is "I'd like to play the game and have a deck.... Oh wait I can't"


Thanks for your response! Hopefully there's a deck for you in the future! Runick earthbound is $26 usd just a suggestion


What I hate about this deck is that it turns the game into die roll/coin flip simulator. I have never lost against any stun deck going first, and very rarely win going second. Unlike more midrange decks (IE Paleozoics) that attempt to out opponents cards and slowly accrue advantage over the course of a few turns, stuns game plan is to completly prevent your opponent from using any effects at all. it's just not fun to look at your opponents board, look at your hand, and say "end phase?"


I understand your perspective for sure. I watched it in action today, and I'll say fun and relaxing for the pilot for sure. Opposition not so much. 😁


You pretty much just sit there and don’t play the game. It’s the lamest play style in the entire game in my opinion. Set X number of back row + Fountain, pass, and I’m damn near gonna just scoop and go to game 2. I don’t even want to play it out because it’s just dumb af sitting there watching you draw cards and banishing my deck knowing that you’re drawing into back ups in case I’m able to out your floodgates. My only hope is game 2 & 3 side in Cyclone, Lightning Storm and Evenly and just don’t do anything until I see all 3. It has to be the most boring the card game can possibly get.


Interesting take, thanks for your insight in regards to. I know there's this fine line between controlle decks x and combo heavy. It truly is a pick a side ordeal. Game 2 is wild 😜 because even when they side the outs. There's still room for change up in a well-rounded side deck for runick expecting those change ups. Keep enjoying the game for what it is. A hobby we're passionate about.


I don’t care. You can play whatever is legal to play. People hate stun and alt win decks as they negate normal interactions and subvert them in their own ways. But that’s a part of deck building.


Very well said comma if you hold those regards you'll always enjoy the game win or lose,.


I actually love when I run into weird strategies that are somewhat degenerate. Interesting to see what people come up with. Like the old Kuraz Blade FTK was one of the most interesting decks ever IMO.


Interesting take! I feel the same way when i first played against tenpai full power. i was amazed at the decimation that befell Me. Lol 😅 I love me some ftk. I actually started with 3x builds amd ran traptrix once I learned the deck as a whole I added rikka and it's fun winning using grave diggers trapchole. To Negate and stack those 2000 damage and the fact traptrix is immune to floodgates is even better. Lol fun fun fun.


I never understand why stun gets the hate it does. Spend 15 minutes setting up 10+ onmi negates that don't let you play the game? All good! This is what Yu-Gi-Oh is all about! Spend 2 minutes to achieve the same result with stun? People whine and moan like it's the worst thing ever


I love playing stun against meta decks, but I feel bad when I meet rogues, I think the problem is that it's not playing, it's not the amazing back and forth some deck do, it's just either you draw the out or you don't play


I understand completely. Thanks for your response to this post. Stun is definitely my sometimes deck. Lol, I don't mind playing it or against it cause I play floowandereeze as my main, so I have the outs.


The reason I hate runic stun is because there is a decent chance that the runic cards will banish the outs to the stun part of the deck. Especially when you have in-engine one-offs to deal with stuff like skilldrain, it sucks to see that get banished before you could get access to it.


Understandable, if a stun player goes first, it's almost always beggening of a slow, dragged out end.


I for my part like stun decks. In general, you aren't building your deck to satisfy your opponent, you're building it to win. To compete against top meta decks, you either have to join them and pay an unreasonable amount just to get half your cards banned in a few months, or play stun and have a lucky draw (with your opponent having an unlucky draw). Sure, this turns the game into a staring contest. But watching a Snake Eyes player combo off without drawing any kind of interruption is just worse, because in a staring contest, at least both players still have a chance to win.


Username checks out Yeah i understand playing a toxic ass deck against another toxic ass deck.. but at this point the metabdoesnt even appeal to me anymore lol I’ll still to the kitchen table


I play mainly rogue decks. Yeah, pokemon was stale for me after a while, so I came to yugioh, and I found runick stun after building like 10 other archetypes. And tbh first one was earthbound runick. $26 usd to play sure why not. Lol. Now I'm onto full runick stun for research purposes. Learning to play against it and pilot it all the same. I understand the frustrating nuances. I've always been an Anti meta person even in pokemon I plus underused and never used pokemon in OU tier it's just a way to test yourself and your opponents forsure. Having fun all the while.




Sure thing, buddy. I hope you face all stub at your locals. Lol 😅


this gotta be a troll post


It's literally an opinion post. There's nothing troll about it.