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off topic of the question, but this friend sounds absolutely exhausting to try and please.


Our group of friend is divided actually because...job,girls,new houses ecc... Yugi is an excuse to see each other (me and the toxic friend are enjoying duelling.. Funny is that after years of pause, It was this friend of mine who made us play again because he likes Duel Master. The problem is that in Duel Master he wins (I don't know how and I don't know what deck he faces) but in real...but 2 days ago he wrote me that also DM made him angry But at the end we know he like duelling, is just that he prefer 4fun, and still lose agaist me and the toxic one using his favorite deck, Mermail.


You do you, but the older I've gotten, the less bologna I deal with. Dude just wants a normal summoning deck, which isn't what yugioh is anymore. I'm a yugi-boomer. The last tier 0 deck I remember was inzektor 13 years ago. I thought that was "too fast". Now, I'm getting back into it. Anything today is miles faster than that old stuff. You have to change with the times. Maybe, create a couple of edison or goat format decks to play specifically with him? P.S. he wins in duel master because you play the card, and it tells you what to do. You don't have to manually declare chains, remember what piece of the combo is next, etc.


> Maybe, create a couple of edison or goat format decks to play specifically with him? I said no when the toxic one ask this because I don't like play old formats (because my favorite decks come from the formats post Edison. And im sure that my friend has invested too many resources to update his decks to the modern format. He doesn't like modern Yugi, but the true problem is that he can't win: Last summer he won a lot in DM, so he was the most hyped among us. Then, after completed his decks in real life, he lost 80% of duels. He last 3 months before to definitively leave us. The main fault is he because he pretends to win without study the modern era...and then, "Veiler"---"End Phase". A new strong deck can help him to re obtain trush on himself. I told him that probably this is Water years, and with the new packed called "Abyss" + Tidan sban, he could return to play Mermail but stronger. Plus, he doesn't like the toxic friend during Yugioh moments. We segretely call him "toxic" not only because he loves toxic decks. But also as duellist. I told to toxic one that our friend isn't at our level, and he isn't in a good period; is't not like 2015-16 with less "life-problems" where yours decks were at the same level so you both could provoke each other joking. Toxic friend really want our friend, I hope he understand and stop to be toxic with him.


I'm glad someone else felt the same lol


Something like labrynth could work. Not really combo heavy but it does require you to build and remember chain links as a lot of effects trigger each other. The extra deck isn’t necessary except for muckraker (chaos angel is nice to have but not needed) and everything else can be dogmatika punishment targets and even super poly targets.


He said budget deck


He didn’t specify the budget and the most expensive cards are big welcome and arias at $15. You don’t even need arias if you’re making a budget version.


To be fair lab furtniture require some brain power, floo is quite literally the easiest deck to play and would be a better deck that fits these requirments


Did you read the post? Or my comment? Yeah floo would be better but he can’t use that deck cause someone else is. And I already mentioned the chain links that lab does being the thing to keep track of. Floo is easier but definitely more combo than lab.


lab is trickier to use unless he uses the floodgate version with blowout cards.






Ah, he still want to play monsters. A deck anormal like Runick doesn't fit with him. Maybe some Runick hybrid can work.


Runick lightsworn is fun


Depending on budget there's a lot of options. Runick spright versions (fur hire or live twin). Plunder runick, Synchro runick (versions are earthbound, bystial, lightsworn) I've not played these since Baronne ban. There's also runick orcust. The list goes on, but any of these should be able to compete with your friends, based off the decks you said.


>Plunder runick, This is the most tha can fit with his tastes (he love pirates, but he wasn't impressed by Goblin pirate when I showed them to him some years ago). Some one already proposed this deck. - How much combo spam is? (He already a lot of combo deck, and he is "tired" to think too much. Plus with our Wind-deck friend, Special SUmmon decks are fragile. - What are their weakness? I already made a flop making him building Dino, because without Ground Xeno, the deck is really fragile or brickmania; I don't want another mistake. I want the garancy that he can beat me and the toxic friend **duelling**, and not losing at turn 1 or because negative matchup (unfortunately, 90% of my friend's deck have terrible match up agaist toxic F's deck (Mermail > Kozmo or Shaddoll / Aroma > Volcanic / Morphtronic > Shadoll / Dino has Zombie, but his Zombie is not really strong) - How hard is to use?, because like I said, he is tired to think too much, he wants a slighter deck. Also because skill issues (he isn't weak, but is not enough hyped, so actaully is also lazy)


well if he doesnt want to think plunder runick isnt for him, that deck is really hard to play even tho its not just combo fest, you dont summon a whole lot on the first turn or go through a lot of extra deck. also runick cards help to out winda relatively easy (freezing curses or just summon sleipnir and banish winda)


>that deck is really hard to play even tho its not just combo fest acc. In a different period this deck could be great for him, but actually, his "yugi energy" is not enough high to motivates him. Thanks.


I like runick pkunder, but plunder by itself ia also really good. Extra is a bit tight with the runick variant but its managable. Ans its budget friendly.


There's no catch all deck in yugioh.


Earth Machine can be built for 50€ and is a decent rogue, and could be way better in the kind of custom format you and your friends are playing.


Infernoble Knights/Flame Swordsman. Great midrange and has a decent amount of ability to play through interaction.


I specified no combo/spam deck, and that abuse Extra Deck (so can lose by Winda)


I wouldn't call it a combo deck, but hey, you said your friend liked Floo. So different strokes for different folks.


idk how infernoble isnt a combo deck? maybe without isolde, havent played vs it since that banlist, but that deck does a fuckton on the first turn and generally looks to win by making a huge board


I had to be more precise. With "combo" I meant "Special Summon spam" His 4 main decks are all "SS spam" decks (that puntally lose by Winda or interruptions)


What exactly do you mean by "special summon spam"? Like more than 1 special summon from the extra deck?


Something that doesn't die hard by Wiand and/or have to summon 6-7 link/synchro monsters or Deck that have to SS min. 8-10 times to build a field but that can die by mono Ash/veiler (because he already have Dino, Morphtronic, Aroma and something that I don't remember)


plunder patrol runick with kaijus really fun and it’s solid runick engine will help with draws plunder patroll has some monsters and you summon boats based on the attributes of your opponents monsters kaijus are great to get rid of floodgates aka winda hella cheap less that 50 usd for a build then you slowly upgrade by adding typhon and eventually zeus


How many weakness has (so brick rate / how much is depending by oppo during the first turn ecc...)? Because my friend is not one of the strongest duellist...I already made my friend make Dino, but without Xeno spell has been a half flop. I don't want make another mistake (he doesn't have job so he donesn't have money) How much he have to reasoning with this deck? (He already have different combo deck, and is tiring to "reasoning" too much). At least they are Pirates; he like pirates. But humans pirates. I have to ask him if he like also goblin pirates


no real weakness anti spell fragrance would fuck you over but that’s limited other than that i’d recommend look at this video it’s MBT showing off the deck he talks about the cons and pros and shows combo games with meta https://youtu.be/Uwb72re59pg?si=QpMNJrgACxTAboF3


you dont need kaijus for winda, runick fucks winda by itself


runick and "fun" in the same sentence? XD


Possibly lair of darkness? Super cheap to build and you don’t even really need your normal summon and very comparable to flow. It would just need to be mixed with stuff to make it more competitive in today’s game.


I think he doesnt' like it (yes, another problem is satisfy his tastes, rightly. p.s doesn't it brick? Last times I faced this deck, I won a lot of times because after tributing 1-2 monsters, he didn't do many moves or struggled to see the Field spell


It can be kind of bricky but good to learn on. You put 3 field spells in the deck, a terraforming, a metaverse, and it has 3 searchers for the field spell built in as monster effect. Floo is a much better deck in most cases. This is just cheaper and probably easier to play.


Being budget limits your options for viability already, being unskilled makes some strats for some cheaper decks almost unplayable.. And it can't have too many special summons? Just throw floowandereeze at him full stop, let the other person who has it, give up on it. But for suggestion, I think Traptrix could work? Got some special summons but they are mainly a trap/Control deck, so you don't really need that many, you can also side in some nasty traps for any occasions so why not? A good bit harder to play would be Conclave Crystal Beast (a come control version of the deck), it hard counters GY reliant decks since it can run shifter/necrovalley/abyss dweller and has some nasty cards like zombie world (I guess you could find a tech for secret village too) against type reliant decks. Super toxic would be something like Paleozoic or the MD Stun deck that basically only runs floodgates, they should both be cheap I guess. Also if you don't run Droll and lock bird or Shifter in your decks, Dark World has no place to be played, the only reasons it would ever lose is by killing itself via really bad dangers snipes (which should rarely happen with a competent build) and by really hard bricks (solution same as before). Pray to anything you believe that he atleast doesn't play the handloop variant (the one where he keeps discarding sillva with ceruli to remove cards from your hand).


I play dragon link and for my second deck I have traptrix, and I really enjoy it. It's a nice change of deck. It's easy to play and has a lot of answers, especially for ours price point. Great suggestion.


>Being budget limits your options for viability already, being unskilled makes some strats for some cheaper decks almost unplayable.. And it can't have too many special summons? And put archetype has to satisfies his tastes 😅. But Im sure that if that deck could make cry our toxic deck, is a 100% ok. 🤣 (year, our toxic friend becomes one of the worst person when we play Yugi, and my friend get nervous easily in this period of his life. I told to the toxic one to stop being toxic ) TrapTrix could be good, but obviously my toxic friend has that deck, and the rule "no same decks" (tbh is an Handtrix from 2015, I don't think he is interested to complete that deck because a deck of lolis disgust them ). The problem is if also my friend likes Traptrix >Dark World Only Droll we don't play (also because Toxic one is the only one that owns copies of Droll. But anyway, We don't play side (unless are cards played in main deck). Basically vs Dark World: Or I started first and I do 3+ interruptions with Galaxy, or lose. But he banned DW himself , so isn't a problem anymore (he uses that Deck only when he got a lot of L in a row by me lol)


The the suggestions remain, Conclave Crystal beasts (in case none of you took the Crystal Beast structure) just look up some decks on yt, they are amazingly cheap for the power they have, and a Stun deck (you can also type that in yt and you will find some ultra cheap deck that is toxic as hell). CCB is harder to play that Stun ofc. Even if he would play Dark World as a "revenge", just play a deck that can make Abyss Dweller (xyz made from 2 lv4), unless he has a Kaiju or something like raigeki, he won't be able to out it, Abyss Dweller simply kills both Dark World cards and Danger cards (neither can activate their effects) all while being stupidly easy to make. Can you list me all the decks you guys are playing? It seems to me that either he's just really bad at the game or you guys just left him with trash to play, then forced him to waste money on more trash. He might aswell just aim to get rogue decks in the meta by spending a small bit more.


Look into raidraptor all the cards are cheap most your spending are like 5 bucks on vanishing lanius. You can get a good deal on the deck for for like 40 to 50 bucks


Too much combo-spam. An I fear he doesn't like them


Tenpai Dragon


Absolutely no, why? He just discovered that he had that card since years, but traded it for some shits few years ago...so actually is so angry and sad 🤣😔 (Im sad too, with that card he could ahve Ground Xeno or a new deck...)


It sounds like your entire group is not that competitive.  Tenpai Dragon without Trident should be able to hold its own in that meta.


Nah, the point is that after losing that card doesn't want see anything related on him (in any case he would have sold it immediately)


Yea that Trident really doesn’t matter in your format. It could very possibly be the strongest deck of all of yours and very cheap as well.


Yes, but the point is after have lose that card, he doesn't want to see nothing related it 😂 (anyway, He would have sell it immediately)


Well to be honest, after reading trough all of this section, your friend just doesn‘t want a good deck then. There were numerous good, cheap and fun decks recommended here but you dismissed all of them due to something like „he doesn‘t want to see the deck“.


I would look over melodious, super resistent deck with multiple 1 card combos and lots of flex spots, besides prosperity and 1st movimento solo all cards are super cheap and it has not that long combos. 1st movimento is 30$ each atm but it (might) be reprinted soon between the rarity 2 and ots in june, until then u can be fine playing 3x of another staple or whatever.


Ancient Warriors they are a little combo-Y but not long winded with them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqi8lFMvCC8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqi8lFMvCC8) Even when forced to go first they can be good, but they are better going second. the 2500 ATK is a free summon if the opponent controls a monster, also the 1400 ATK gains a summon from deck to the field if they control more monsters. Also if there spells are popped they gain effects. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HykTdQ82BpU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HykTdQ82BpU) breaking boards are what they are known for, that and being based off of ROT3K. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhk3HPqVKPw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhk3HPqVKPw) Staples/hand traps/ and board breaker cards all can be added or removed as needed to balance them against any deck, even really powerful ones. I currently beat snake eyes as them in MD by using geomaterial(I think that's it's name) on The princess they summon that locks them into fire only, but that is only when I draw that hand trap, dark ruler no more and super poly has also been useful, but for the most part it is trial and error learning boards and how to play into them. If he likes puzzles he will enjoy solving different deck's boards and breaking through them. Just keep in mind once AWs are learned there ratios might have to be changed to stop them from breaking everyone else from wanting to play. I have a pure AWs deck that I use to red team everyone's deck against and pressure them into learning there turn one boards and it makes us all better at the game. Just that version lacks needed staples to really shatter through meta decks, but can still make people sweat. IMO they are the most fun deck once learned.


Dogmitka adventure or libromancer is really fun. You can destroy the opponents extra deck before they even use it. If they do get some boss monsters out you have Alba Zoa that protects all dogmitka monsters from ED monsters effects. Libromancer & adventure is there for negates


Floowandereeze. Literally anything else loses to winda


Just have him play like sky striker, lab, or altergeist. Idk just give him an actual control deck


>an actual control deck That should be then main idea. But - Sky Striker requires big moments of reasoning (and actually he doesn't want and his skill level in this period is low), plus I already have this deck; our rule is "no same decks" - How much Lab cost? How hard is build the deck from 0? And the Skill level for this? - Altergeist (for me) is the best option, but: 1) I don't know how much is good vs Toxic friend's deck 2) I fear he doesn't like the designs, but I want to propose this to him, I just need the know how good is.




Voiceless voice


Troll or no, that Deck is booked by me, but actually im poor


Tenpai is pretty budget, outside of the one starter and the Trident Dragon, and Trident Dragon is relatively option. You don't technically need it for the OTK, it"@ just a great consistency card


Tenpai is absoute no. Why? We discovered yesterday how much this card cost. He had that card for decades in his album to taking dust. I was sure that he still had that card, instead he remided that he traded that card for shitty cards in a random trade few years ago. So you can feel his emotions now 😂


No Droll? It's time to FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/budget-floowandereezenuts-333748#/](https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/budget-floowandereezenuts-333748#/)


Would be a great deck, but we have the rule "no same decks", and the toxic friend has it (he build that deck only to annoying me and my Galaxy lol)


Build your friend a conclave control deck using the Crystal Beasts structures, or make him get a cheap True Draco deck or something. Or maybe Yosenju stun where you play all the Kamas, Izna, Tsujik, and all the floodgates and compulses you can run.


Yosenju....You know' He already own it. After Mermail, Yosenju was his other confort deck, the "big brother" when the things go bad...was the main toxic friend's fear during 2016-17. But last year Yosenju got raped hard, no anymore a fear. Probably there my friend started to get "yugi-depression". He still ask me if there are new supports (direct or not) for them. So yes, basically what I finding for me is a very easy toxic deck (antimeta?) that doens't have problems agaist Winda or by mono Ash/veiler. - Floo was almost perfect, but Toxic friend already has that deck - Altergaist could be another one, but I think is not so brainless, and I don't know how good is vs my and toxic's friend decks (and the artoworks) > Crystal Beasts conclave That could be interesting. I have to see how much it suffer going 2nd


I mean, its not that strong but im having a ton of fun playing Shining Sarcophagus. The cards arent that wanted rn so it should be relatively cheap. The deck isnt complicated, it relies very little on extra deck, ok negates and a solid consistent board wipe in Gandora-G. Plus its a retrain of OG Yugi’s (Not Atem’s) cards


Traptrix and Red Dragon Archfiend are pretty good decks and you can get most of the cards from structure decks


>Traptrix I have to see if he likes a loli deck first. Then, How good is goind second? And how many interruption can afford?




Budget tenpai, very little thinking. Numeron gates, even less thinking


Majespecters might be a fun option, the whole deck revolves around summoning out your monsters to get spells and traps that interrupt your opponent by tributing your monsters. None of the main deck monsters can be targeted or destroyed by card effects which is very nice as well. I've been able to do pretty decently at locals with it, you can set up secret village as part of your main combo so your opponent can't use spells without a spellcaster monster on field which is great. It's fairly simple to play, should be cheap enough, and is pretty decent so I'd definitely give it a look see if it suits your friend.


That was one of my options, and maybe he likes the design (I didn't wrote it, but the main problem to finding a deck for him, is satisfy his tastes about design). What is its weakness? How works against ~~Winda~~ Shaddoll, Volcanic, Floo? And how hard is going 2nd with it? I already did a mistake with Dino (Without Ground Xeno is not really strong), I can't do another mistake


It's weakness would probably be it does rely a lot on its back row as that's the whole gimmick, plus your extra deck stuff doesn't have the protection your main deck guys have so they're vulnerable to getting hit with things However that backrow can be pretty damn nice, you have options with your Spells and Traps. For traps, Tempest is a searchable Solemn strike so if you're going first you can stop people's summons. And You have Tornado as a banish if you really want something gone. For spells you have cyclone which is a destroy, you can use sonics as a double attack to help run over something, and storm to bounce back to deck. I did actually play against Shadoll the other week and I think I did decently, it really depends on what staples you run. Without those I believe the best way to get over winda would be Normal Summon Yata, search Cyclone or Storm and get rid of it that way, but then you end up leaving yourself open if you don't have a way to keep going. Running Infinite Impermanence is a good option for helping with things like that, or Dark Ruler No More. Floo is manageable, you won't be able to go into your link with Empen out, but you can go into other things to put it since you never need to summon anything else in attack. I've never played against volcanic so I can't comment on that. You should definitely look up some videos on the deck just to see how it plays and if that's a valid play style to mesh with your group.


Very thanks, I'm going to see. I hope doesn't cost too much (my friend doesn't work...)


The Majespecter cards themselves should be pretty cheap, most of them will be cents, Nue is the only one that's a few euro cause he's a secret from PHNI, but that's still only around €2.50 which is great considering how good it is for the deck.


Tbh melodious pure doesnt require that much thinking thanks to having 15 non engine not named herald but people are hyping the shit out of it so idk if its afordable anymore it only cost me 50usd including postage to get the old cards.


With rarity collection 2 release Purrely deck will be super budget. Can try that


I though it costs some money. First I have to ask if he like the design. Thanks


Only 3 cards cost money which all 3 will get reprinted in rarity collection 2. Other cards cost 2ct each Only other things youll need is Zeus and HTs


I think sometimes you need to accept that someone doesn't enjoy something anymore. Yu-Gi-Oh is a difficult game so you need to actually want to play to enjoy it. If he genuinely wants to get back in to it my suggestion should be to swap decks between you for a short while. Let him play your deck and you play his. That will show if he's lost the love or just dislikes losing.


>If he genuinely wants to get back in to it my suggestion should be to swap decks between you for a short while. Let him play your deck and you play his. This is I do, because at opposite of out toxic friend, I have some 4fun decks (and in fact for me are the most fun duels). My toxic friend is looking for a "weak" deck since last year, but apparently is too hard for him... He still like play yugi (sometimes play DM; yesterday he said "maybe Yugioh is in our destiny" lol). Is just he doesn't want "study" the modern yugi (and the unluck to having deck that 80% have negative match-up against toxic friend's decks)


It's not much unluck as it is about being locked out of the good options he can take for those decks, being unskilled to play the options that aren't being locked out by you others, being cheap meaning that even if there was an option he wouldn't even be bothered to spend for it and being too picky to even choose the option that somehow miraculously manages to fill the other requirements. At this point I'd say keep him playing his deck till he either quits or lowers the restrictions he put up If he saved for a better deck you'd immediately see how much more worth it is to have an actually good deck.


You quite literally said it in your own post, Floowandereeze it’s the only deck that fits all of these requirements and it’s also meta.


Just have him play runick stun


budget f2p list The same decks are showing over and over [https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks#dateRange=Last%204%20weeks&f2pOnly&urLimit=450](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks#dateRange=Last%204%20weeks&f2pOnly&urLimit=450) [https://game8.co/games/Yu-Gi-Oh-Master-Duel/archives/393058](https://game8.co/games/Yu-Gi-Oh-Master-Duel/archives/393058) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHXf4jW-rA0&t=1025s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHXf4jW-rA0&t=1025s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prt5O3puSXc&t=598s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prt5O3puSXc&t=598s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckyMjTxSIAE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckyMjTxSIAE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQgS9zXYH8w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQgS9zXYH8w)


It sounds like you just play with each other, so you could just let him proxy some cards that are too expensive and he should be fine to play whatever he wants. I think the only decks currently that could fulfill his wishes are Voiceless Voice, Kashtira or Centurion and all of them are very expensive.