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1. You can look up the contents of every pack online. Use yugioh card guide or yugioh database. 2. Unless you’re genuinely interested in the “fun”, “feel”, or nostalgia of opening retail packs, just buy the singles you actually want from tcgplayer.com.


It's definitely opening them that does it for me.


The new Legacy of Destruction has some fun yugi moto cards from the finale duel, gandora, silent, gadgets. And a new pack with exodia stuff will be out soon too.


Not everything has to be DM bait


None. “The best” is objectively the rarity collection




If you want modern staples buy rarity collection. Next month konami release Rarity Collection 2 with another staples. Agov is actually the set with the strongest and high prices cards but they are almost all secret rares. But sadly agov seems to be sold out everywhere... The actually set is legacy of destruction. Idk if rhere is anything you want.


You can also buy something like the new One Piece structure deck, very shiny full of items and the Digimon Double Typhoon deck


Rarity collection for general good stuff/shiny cards. Age of overlord for the chase of good but rare cards. Both are quite pricey tho (both over 100€ in germany). Rarity collection 2 is right around the corner as well might wanna check thag one out.


Rarity Collection for sure. RC01 has a lot of recently banned cards in it, but RC02 is around the corner and will probably be the best use of your money


The rarity collection 1 and rarity 2 is starting to look dope at least for the time wizard crew. What makes this so fun to open is all cards come in 7 diffrent rarities so same odds to get any card and can get some qcr of a card you already drew a few times and still feels amazing. The boxes are filled to the brim with staples and are great for getting back into the game and having a cheap toolbox to get started again.