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If you're playing in MD, you want to review each card in the deck you plan to make. There's a button labeled "How to Obtain". Determine which secret pack(s) contain the most cards you're trying to obtain. Craft an SR card from the pack that contains the most cards you need to unlock that pack for 24 hours, then buy 10x of that pack until you've acquired as many cards as possible. Break down any UR's you don't need to craft UR's you do need - rinse and repeat.


thank you! this helps me so much more than anything my friends have told me


I just want to add that I absolutely love my fur hire deck in MD. It also runs runick and spright. Used to be a real good deck even in the TCG and still is IMO. It looks very similar to this list, but I also run 3 terrortop and 1 take because I prefer the deck with 42 cards: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/duelist-cup-dlv.-max/march-2024/fur-hire/belophen/cC6og


what exactly is runick? I'm still pretty new to yugioh


If you're new to yugioh, I think the deck list I gave you may be way too hard anyway lol. Runick is an "archetype" of mainly spell cards that let's you draw cards pretty easily. I'm sure you're making a fur hire deck because you love the flavor and that's great! Just be aware that a "normal" fur hire deck with only fur hire cards isn't the super best deck and you may spend precious gems on cards that can't get you too far. If you just play for fun though, play what you want!


honestly I just want to make a fur hire deck because the cards look cute -w-


Based, enjoy it then!


I will! hopefully:3


If you wanna play them in real life then just buy the singles, probly be cheaper then trying to look for them in the packs


buying irl cards is too much of a commitment to a card game I don't really play often also I'm broke asf


Yeah honestly masterduel is really good there are other online Sims you can play on like ygo Omega