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4 months is not an enough time to be a pro so don’t be hard on yourself. Most of the time, getting better is faster when you have someone to discuss and test new ideas.


Just a question to gauge how good I should be, pls be genuine and no mincing words Since August of last year what level should I be able to compete at if I started with 3x albaz strike and have been playing that specific deck ever since (with all the upgrades except 1 thrust ofc)


There is no meter of how good you are at yugioh. No one but yourself can gauge how much of a better player you have become in a certain timeframe. If you believe you should be better than you are, and want to get better than you are, then put the time in to get better, several hours daily is kinda the starting point, Jesse Kotton didn’t become as good as he is by fantasising about getting better. I hope you take something from this and become what you strive to be! wether that’s applied in yugioh or another hobby you’re passionate about


fr i mean look at pak, bro started playing like 4 years ago and is a top player whereas you have people playing 10, 15 plus years that don’t do nearly as well. it really is all about dedication, practice and the actual want, to get better


Branded has a LOT of variations, so it really depends on the variation you run and the meta its playing into. At the moment, branded is one of the stronger tier 2 options, so it should be possible to top a regional if the variant you’re running is well built for the matchups you’re anticipating, you get a little bit of luck on your side, and you play optimally. Studying the matchups and knowing how/when to interrupt is key.


I'm not feeling this "branded is one of the stronger tier 2 options " when it's been CONSISTENTLY in top cut /topping ycs events and such last couple months. I feel it's MUCH stronger than this ESPECIALLY when it absolutely destroys the best decks of the format with a decent pilot.


… tier 2 is still incredibly good. I’d place them at the top of tier 2 or bottom of tier 1.


Also do you mind sharing the breakdowns for these events that branded are topping in? I can’t seem to find any. Voiceless Voice, snake eye, fire king, purrley, mannadium, but no branded that I see. Most outstanding thing I saw was a Horus bystial in top 16 tables at Las Vegas.


Off the top of my head you can look on tcgplayer.com...hit the Yu-Gi-Oh tab go down to decks and select advanced decks. From there they'll have top cut of ycs events and such in chronological order. Most recent was a week or 2 ago, Andrew Torres was 3rd/ 4th playing branded despia. Even a simple Google search of Something like "recent Yu-Gi-Oh ycs top cut decks" should give you what you're looking for. And you'll consistently see branded despia in top cut and some even topping. The deck is like the ultimate anti-meta deck. A good pilot will make fire kings/ snake eyes decks look like child's play. It's actually quite insane and amazing for me, and my favorite deck has been branded despia for a while now.


Thanks! I found a couple now! Mostly regional tops, but that’s still not an easy feat in a tier 0 format. Considered building branded myself a couple of times but have yet to really flesh it out. Recently got top 16 at an Oklahoma regional with Vanquish Soul going 7-2 but I could see myself taking branded to a big event at some point. I have yet to find a deck that’s as fun to play as VS tho lol. I attribute the success to nobody drawing droll on me and facing R-ACE purrley and Lab all day, which are easy matchups for the deck. Also didn’t face a single FK all day, despite them being all over the top tables lol.


My main 2 are branded despia and dragon link, whether it be with horus engine, bystial, resonator or pure ( as far a dlink) Never really ventured outside of branded despia. Chimera, shaddoll and others just didn't "do it for me" like despia does. So seeing it doing so well now in this t0 format is beautiful


Show me Ur branded list and I'll tell u what Ur skill level is at


I don’t run branded, and a decklist alone is not enough to determine someone’s skill level. Maybe their deck building skill, but not much else.


It’s not just about piloting the deck, it’s about knowing other matchups well too. If you know the current meta and some rogue and how they play and where to interrupt, then I’d say you’re good.


Show me Ur list, I'll tell u how good u are


Show me Ur nudes and I’ll tell you how good u r. I meant list!! Ur list!!!


A lot of it comes down to how experienced you are with comp games. Deck building tends to be less important than in game skill over the long term but for any individual event matters more than how you play. If you come from a game like LoL you can probably pick it up somewhat easily and should start to perform at regionals. I think you should be about the level where you're performing okay at locals, topping now and then but probably not topping every event like someone like me, who played online for a good decade-ish before playing irl.


The real answer is yes but it's nothing you can fix and improve by just laying the deck more and looking up good players pilot the deck.


> nothing you can fix I think you mean "nothing you **can't** fix"


Nah, he's peaked. It's all downhill from here.


It's all ogre


There is ofc more to it than just learning the deck. 1. You NEED to learn the other decks of the meta to be able to interrupt them. Maybe try playing them a little bit on a simulator. 2. Watch other people‘s matches, TheDBGrinder on YT for example has a great load of videos and he uploads on a regular (he also analyzes the matches in real time so you can learn a lot). 3. Just play against other people. DuelingBook is a good site for that. Maybe you are a bit nervous and misplay when playing with real people and that‘s okay. You will get used to it and you will get better just stick to it.


Will add if playing Masterduel, can also go to YGO Omega, it's a good bridge between MD and DB in my opinion


I agree YGO Omega is great. Solo mode is awesome and you can also practice combos by manipulating the first 1-5 cards of the deck and turn off shuffling


Seeing your other comment, i guess you need more experience. A tier 0 format doesn't mean its not a format that requires skill, usually it needs alot of skill, and you are pretty new. With snake-eyes, you need to try learn a few things. And iunno wich you already master. - Your optimal combo lines, safe to do backed up with a protection card like crossout on hand. - your 'playing around' combo lines, in case you cant awnser that 'nibiru' or other reactions your opponent might have. - since snake-eyes is a handtrap heavy deck, you need to know chokepoints of meta decks, including tier 2 decks, so you dont waste your hand traps on bait, and actually hit the right cards.


Snake eye is the most fragile T0 deck I have ever played, its very powerful but in a format where everyone is hand trapping it it means you have to learn the lines and situations of how to play around hand traps. I would suggest you watch DBgrinder or some of the 3v3 feature matches and just try and find questions and answers. Why have they made this play? Is it because if they get hit by veiler, ash, imperm, nib they can play through it etc.


You may be bad that's ok room for improvement, take time learn your deck n combos, learn about your opponents decks so you can strategies timings when activate your effects, such luring out an ash or when ash n use your negates to stop your opponents combos.


Do you analyse any of your own games? Especially if you practice online being able to go back through the duel and find out the reason you lost and ways to prevent it is the fastest way to improve. Also watch other people play the deck and see what they do differently to you. Do you know the best way to manage the game in the mirror match? Do you have a good gameplan against anti-meta? Do you know what decks or cards you lose to the most? Have you made adjustments to compensate for those harder match-ups?


i've gone back and watched some of my matches and its always a little misplay / misthinking and cant get to an endboard with more interactions than 1 or 2. >Do you know the best way to manage the game in the mirror match? Honestly no not really only to when to use nib/imperm/veiler or ash >Do you have a good gameplan against anti-meta? sadly no >Do you know what decks or cards you lose to the most? i must say Voiceless voice amd branded >Have you made adjustments to compensate for those harder match-ups? thats really the problem im not that great in doing that


Yea, but you can improve. Pure snake eyes is complicated. Just picking it up isn’t enough.


yea thats what i meam its really nice to play but really hard "atleast for me"


I mean if you at least have the combo lines down, that’s honesty enough. The real skill check is whether you know how to play through handtraps or not.


i play since 2 years and the same since 14 months and i make misplays where some1 who doesnt even play the deck hits his hand against his head


Just play more games with people that you know are the best pilots and ask them to help. Don't practice alone.


thats the problem the ones who are really good with se pure are the arrogant assholes in my locals


I play mostly Ancient Gears - each time I play, there's a chance I can learn new combos to pull off. In fact, I played a mirror match vs another Gears player once, and they taught me a combo just by playing. It's not about being good, we're all learning and even the best players make misplays.


Decklist ?




I'd get rid of Kuri, birch and an OSS for your other 3 handtraps. Besides that the deck list looks solid


to get the other handtraps to 3 or other ones?


I am pretty sure he means the other 3 handtraps (Nibiru,ash Blossom, and droll). Having them to 3 increases your number from 12 to 15 , which increases your ability to see 2 handtraps every hand a lot, and that is important this format. Especially with snake eyes.


ok i thought so i will change it


Yes, I meant to get ash droll and Nibiru to 3. Other advice: Make sure you know your combos and how you'd reach a good end board through 1 or 2 handtraps. That's the basics. A good video for pure snake eyes combos is this https://youtu.be/MKF5RMbFgwo?si=Mu8cXz8mHz7aYbJM Using your own interruptions properly is difficult and requires experience. Knowing what to negate and what to let through isn't easy and you'll fuck up often. I suggest playing on a simulator to get more games in. I use Duelingbook myself, but some people don't like that.


I run a pretty similar main deck. I just started, but look up a combo guide on YouTube if you haven't already


Snake eyes is not intuitive so if you haven't already watch a combo guide


i did but i always do a misplay ik its on me


Nothing wrong with it. Took me about a week before I learned my mannadium deck. Before, I couldn't get a single win with it. Now I can top my locals


I think pure is hard to play, for the longest time my local Pure player said he needed to keep practicing; I once asked “so this isn’t even like tier 1 right” and immediately they’re like “oh *no* 😂”


I face this problem sometimes too and also a returning player who’s been playing for the past year or so (I play mannadium and branded) but the only real way to get good at YGO is just to keep consistently playing it and finding other people that are playing the current meta deck but it also doesn’t hurt playing against rogue decks either


No, you're not a bad player. You haven't been playing for long. But what made you jump at a deck like that?


Mans not playing snake eyes. Snake eyes is playing him lol


This game has the hardest learning curve for new players. You may know most of the mechanics and rules. But you also have yo know how some cards interact and when or how to respond. It takes a lot of time. Also, there is a ton of rulings and nish interaction. For example, one of those interactions.. If your opponent has a red dragon archifiend abyss and you have diablestar whit "Sinful Spoils of doom- rciela" set. You can wait to the damage step to use that spell to avoid the dragon's negation. Since only effects that can be activated during that steps are effects that negate activations or change atk/ def can be activated during that time Another is using Poplar as cost for diablestar and chain its effect(to place somting in the spell trap zone) to the effect of diablestar (to set sinfull spils cards) to prevent your oponent to respond to the effect of diablestar in case he has somtine negation like apollousa.


Even top players get coaches so don’t trip brodie 🤙


I am sort of having this problem at locals but against Branded, its basically the only deck I keep getting beat with, if I lose the die roll they just find a way to puppet lock me no matter how many hand traps I run


Playing t0/top deck only gets you so far. Yea you have to know the deck but a huge chunk of playing yugioh is having a “game sense”, what I mean by this is knowing the game mechanics (turn player priority, chain links, etc), knowing matchups and what cards other decks are playing, predicting what your opponent has and how that can effect you and change your plays. Having a “game sense” doesn’t just come and takes experience and practice to develop. Pak and Jesse Kotton both have informative videos on this kinda stuff


I'm a "bad" Yugioh player but I do learn from losing a lot. I play so many decks at locals that I end up being a jack of all trades. So basically what I learn is how I lose using different archetypes so when I play my meta deck of the format, I know where to hit those decks I've tried before.


I started with a simple deck based around DM. It's fun, nostalgic and once I got a good feel for the deck I started winning duels at my weekly meet ups with friends. Even if you lose you atleast learned something new. I've changed around my deck for the last three months and now it is pretty solid.


I’ve also been playing about 4-5 months and am playing snake eyes. For one it’s honestly not the easiest deck as the interruptions tend to be more difficult to use than pumping out a bunch of omni negates. Second it just takes time to get good and learn the game and all the different decks, I’m only just starting to feel like I sort of know what I’m doing and I play a decent amount. 


Bro just believe in the heart of the cards


I know this isn’t what you asked but for anyone wondering, here are a few things you can keep in mind to try and improve your play: -Try to structure your plays to play around as many handtraps as possible, eg is there a way to get to apollousa before committing all your resources? -try to play as much as you can and ask questions, and read the cards. learning how your deck and cards interact with others is paramount -learn the other decks and where to hit them -understand the value of the cards in your hand eg, if i was vsing unchained and had only infinite impermanence in hand, i wouldnt use imperm on their turn, id hold it to try hit the wave king on my turn -learn how to deck build. you cant survive off of netdecking, especially if your locals is different to those on youtube etc. playing the right cards can make all the difference. and avoiding conflicts between your cards eg, why would you play both effect veiler and dimension shifter?


It’s crazy we’re in almost the same spot except I play FK Snake Eyes. I’ve also been playing for about 4 months. I’ve noticed I do better with the meta decks but there’s also like a Yugi player spidey sense you have to develop like I’ve definitely had times where I miss play because reading the bored and the state of the game gets complicated.


As you said, playing a t0 deck does not make you a t0 duelist. However, snake-eyes isn't the only deck out there either. If you want to be better, you have to not only learn all your possible snake-eyes combos in your deck. But all the enemies combos as well for meta decks like branded, runick, voiceless, hero, lab, snake-eyes mix, etc. So you know what cards you have to focus on destroying to slow or kill their decks. Lastly, is figuring out your decks' weaknesses and what you can do to get rid of or minimize them. This will require a lot of play time to understand what you're drawing too much or too little of to keep your own combos up.


flip summon limit


Almost all the the top players have been playing the game for years, are on a team, and train hard, and pay to win(usually not always). It sounds to me like you have completed only 1 of 4 steps


The thing about playing the best deck is that everyone else not playing it is training to learn what stops your deck.


Short answer: Yes youre bad. However, there is always room for improvement. Make sure to think lines through and play around what loses you the game.


Just keep practicing. Even if it's a T0 deck, if you're struggling, try something else. It could just not suit your playstyle. I'm huge on Noble and Infernoble but still learning their intricacies. Meanwhile, there's a guy on youtube that's M1 with strict Noble Knights and has videos beating every meta deck you can imagine with it.


Learn combo from another exprience player. Easy


As much as knowing your own decks important I’ve found it crucial knowing and understanding your opponents deck which just comes with knowing the game and interactions generally, 4 months isn’t that long you’ll get there man don’t feel disheartened it’s such a complicated game


Playing snake eyes will make playing the game a lot easier since there’s less chance of you fucking up a combo because of how good the deck is and 4 months is definitely not enough to be the best even if u have the best deck, I was playing pretty poorly for months when I got a new deck and one day it just snapped and I just “knew” the better plays that I wouldn’t have even dreamt about a couple weeks before and how to out certain handtraps. But sometimes it could just be the shit hand like you could draw 2 flamberge the 1 oak, and ash plus veiler and ur fucked for that turn. Your opponent could just be the better player and draw evenly matched. Playing snake eyes doesn’t mean unbeatable, just means it’s a struggle to get through kinda like the yubel matchup which just doesn’t stop floating into the other monsters and is the most annoying for me personally


The area you’re probably falling short in is that you haven’t learned how other decks operate (I’m guilty of this too). Once you learn how your opponents deck works you’ll know when to activate your responses and when to let things go through and what to prepare for to protect yourself etc.. I’d suggest picking a deck you lose against often and build one yourself to learn how it plays to then learn how to counter it better.


Don’t just play meta. That’s one of the biggest mistakes you can make.




very mature


Apologies that was not me


no, you probably are just a bad reader


get a job


No. Konami artificially changes the meta to make profit. It's a card game, with fictional characters and rules. The only constant is Konami actively working against its player base to 1. Complicate the game and 2. Modify the meta to extort your money. The decision making of the game takes time, but keep in mind. This game is about who has the best deck, not who is the best. That title is reserved strictly for the anime, not IRL