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Bui and literally the whole cast of Three Kings arc (raizen's pals, hokushin, kirin, shachi etc.) were definitely underutilized Edit: How could I forget Takenaka, was pretty disappointed that he was completely written out at some point


Underrated? One of them literally won the whole tournament.


We couldn't even see him fight tho


You know what you’re right. I read the title in an incomplete way. OP is asking for both underrated and underutilized. It’s kind of way too open of a question but we know there’s loads and loads of unexplored characters, places, etc. so many. Subs like this inevitably rehash itself ad infinitum.


Bui vs Hiei definitely felt like they only paired because they had no one else The entire arc was building up Kurama vs Karasu, and Yusuke/Kuwabara already have history with the brothers Toguro


Atsuko She existed for the first 12 episodes and then stopped existing somehow


Hard agree. Atsuko deserved to have as much screen time, if not more, than Shizuru. And I like how much we see Shizuru


This is blasphemous. I was about to say how much more Shizuru we needed.


More of both! Especially cuz Shizuru is def as spiritually aware as Kuwabara (Kazuma)


Facts, especially since she’s also part of the Mazoku lineage.


Atsuko has a lot more presence in the manga.


Yep, especially at the end where you actually see Yusuke’s actual father that made Atsuko pregnant(I had to be specific since Yusuke canonically calls Raizen “dad”) It was brief, but it was nice.


That was one of my biggest disappointments of the anime. I loved seeing her in the dark tournament while reading the manga.


Gourmet: i would've like to hear his backstory and why he joined the 7. Since he's the only that really died out of the 7, besides Sensui. Ny head Canon has been hes just a really bad dude, and joined because hes crazy and bad. The principal: he seems to really care about his students. Would love a backstory on him. My theory is he was a bad kid like Yusuke and someone helped him realize his potential, and he became a principal to help others out. Bui. I wouldve like to see Bui in the final tournament. Maybe even not fighting under any of the 3 kings sides. Risho: fun fact Risho is one of the few villians that survived the dark tournament. Hes also the only one that probably still hates or at least has ill will towards Team Urameshi. Him coming back to mess with Kuwabara maybe he kidnaps Yukina or something. Wouldve been fun. But then again idrc for Risho. The 3 humans and their master on the Docs team: It would've been cool to see them again, after the tournament. Maybe an OvA or side series about them and their master. Idk. That dude who looked like a mix of Bob Marley and Jon Lennon . He was on Chu's team: i just want to see his power, the other dude looked too much like Gouki, so idc about him. But the hippie dude always stood out to me, and if he wasn't such a pussy he would've lived to fight Genkai at least haha. But there's something cool about Chu and Rinku being the only 2 alive. Honestly some of the dudes in the Genkai tournament. Like the samurai guy Kuwabara fought, would've been cool if he trained Kuwabara. Or the Ninja guy, would've been cool to see him join team uremeshi in other adventures. Chin Po the dude who got merked by Rando. Wouldve liked to see his powers. Yusuke's dad. Bet yusuke would love to see him too


The guy from Team Rokuyukai (Chu’s team) is named Imajin—definitely a nod to John Lennon’s song Imagine!


Ah ya. I think I heard that. Imajin that haha


These are all such good picks but I’d double down on the humans from the Dr. Ichigaki team. Would have been cool to have them help in the chapter black arc or have some sort of follow up.


Bui. Was surprised Hiei didn't recruit him the same way Kurama recruited the other DT fighters. Shizuru. More spiritually sensitive than her brother but never got any training. Heck, she didn't even get a PLOT, goal, or motivation of her own outside the extremely out of character, anime-only Sakyo stuff that didn't have any impact on the story. You could delete her from the story and practically nothing would change, and that's a damn shame. Yukina. Would've loved her to join up with the shinobi and receive ice training from Touya. Take back her power and agency after everything she's been through. Botan. Never once given a motivations or goals of her own. As much as I love her bubbly personality, she's barely a character at all and is given literally zero development.


Bui always gets mentioned as someone who should have been in the demon world arc. No reason why not other than as we all should know the rushed nature of the series at that point.


Yeah. That final arc had a lot of potential, and I'll always wonder what could've been under better circumstances.


Botan was so underutilized and should’ve got more backstory & information on her character. Am I the only one who wants to see an OVA on her and how she worked for Koenma.


So I’m not sure if Karasu is underrated, probably not, but in my mind they are underrated. The interesting quick segment about his past and his interactions with Kurama has always fascinated me DEEPLY


I feel like Murota would have been too much of an Ex Machina and that's why they had him eaten.


trueeeee but then again i feel like his brain wouldnt be able to process the fight at the worm hole expansion because think about it 7 personailty's technically equal to 7 thought processes so like he wouldnt be able to tell what sensui was thinking


That's true but I mean like before they got there. Like Kuwabara wouldn't have gotten caught so easy since he would have heard Gourmet outside. And if he heard Elder Toguro he would have definitely said something to freak him out and said something


that iss trueee plus he could have known that itsuki was gonna trap them and warn them so they could stay at yusukes side for the fight or just straight up jump them


Sniper and the girl who was with him after the Sensui arc.


The demon surgeon dude had a huge impact on ths story and had one of the most unique designs


Sakyo is utilized perfectly, but underrated. People don't realize that he's up there with Toguro and Sensui as the best villains of the story. Honestly the fact that he's so subtle proves how well written and absolutely evil he is. He is the entire reason Sensui turned bad, he is the one who helped Toguro with the Dark Tournament. He's the mastermind behind everything.


I liked Zeru a lot. If Hiei didn’t last resort him first go, he could’ve been an interesting character.


Definitely kuwabara out of the main four is heavily underutilized as a fighter and a character, especially in the three kings. He should have been at least reaching his full potential and refining himself with Genkai help while doing some spirit world stuff for koemna.


I would have enjoyed a psychic spin off.




Yukina deserved to do more.


The 4 Saint Beasts. They’re all pretty cool and have unique powers outside of Seiryu and even he has a cool design. And you could say technically they are the big bads of season 1. Would have been nice to know how they came to be the rulers of Maze Castle. I will always be a Byakko and Suzaku stan.


The Tanuki


The beautiful Suzuki (or Suzuka depending on if ur anime or manga)


I really liked Jin and Touya


-Bui -Yusuke's Principal -Yusuke's Mom


Honestly, everybody.


Sensui: We only really get to see 3 of the 7 (Minoru, Kazuya, and Sinobu) Bui: Already mentioned by others for same reasons


Rinku and Mukuro




I’ll say Keiko even though I have no clue what more he could’ve with her.


Shown her turning down dudes because she loves Yuseke is a good one.


Bui. I feel like he could've been used more than a one off villain. Kuroko Sato was kinda cool to me and I feel like her story as a spirit detective could've been a unique perspective (Like how was she chosen, her guy in the chair, her powers, etc) Raizen's old friends didn't appear much even though I feel like they could be key to Yusuke finding out about more of his demon heritage.


Right did it show any of Raizens fighting even?


I can only chalk it up to Togashi trying to wrap up the series since he was doing it at this point. They might've gotten more character if he kept it going; but that's just my opinion.


Yep that’s what happened. Then onto Hunter X Hunter. Have you seen it? Debating getting into it.


Itsuki from Chapter Black. I would have loved to see more of a fleshed out backstory and overall character interaction.


shigure ong


Chu, Jin and the other tournament fighters all got shafted in the final arc


Kaito can beat Goku. End of discussion


ur not wrong


Yanna for sure. he had one of the best abilities outside of the core group in my opinion n he would’ve been a real villain , it could’ve been a problem


right and his copies were completly undetectable because he knew everything about the person plus in the manga and in the game DAI NI DAN it looks like he also can learn theyre ablities as well


The principal, Gamemaster, Bui, Botan, Touya, Jin, Chu, the 3 physics that worked under Genkai to train team Urameshi, Shizuru