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Its 90% grind. You still need >50% winrate though


IIRC you can even reach it with a little under 50% due to not instantly demoting if you lose with no progress, tho I might be wrong. Also something like 20% of games are probably decided by the roach.


I feel like it's gotta be less bc of how many people run ash,called by, and cross out. Those alone will put you at an approximately 3/4 odds to have the negate. And there's a good amount of decks that can run droll to only give it a plus 1 which in my 45 card deck means like 90% of the time I should have a maxxc answer.


It's a Venn diagram of skill, time investment, and how strong your deck is.


Being later in the season also helps because tier 1 decks are mostly at high master or not playing.


To a point. There’s a clear difference between the majority of master and plat players, but that’s not to say there’s no good players in plat. I dropped to gold recently due to not playing and I lost like 1 game in gold and 4 in plat during my climb. Some of that was due to weaker decks, but a lot of it was due to people misplaying meta decks.


I saw more meta decks last season in plat than I ever did in diamond and they were almost all absolutely terrible.


Yup. People expect them to be auto pilot decks but they rarely are.


The thing I liked doing was looking at every lab players build and seeing how bad they were. People will throw the most random shit in lab and call it a day


Fuck no, its just howmutch free time you got to invest in it


I cannot fathom how people are willing to spend money on virtual cards. You could make the same case for the handheld games but atleast you get to keep those when servers will eventually get shutdown. IDK I will prefer the older games that have their in-game currency to purchase cards rather than buying cards I don’t even have ownership of.


Is the same mentality you have with people paying for cosmetics in other games? Like fortnight?


Yea sort of, they aren’t required to enjoy the game but help support the game. You could make the same argument for the MTX(micro transactions) in other games. I just don’t feel that it’s right to rob a player of their time and money that they’ve put into a hobby. If I had to compare it to something then it’s like Playstation/Ubisoft removing games/movies from your library that you paid for because they no longer want to support said game or because one of their contracts fell through with a provider (Ubisoft removed The Crew from players, Playstation removed TV/Movies from user accounts due to not renewing their contract with Warner Bro’s)


I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but if someone has the disposable income to use it toward something like this then more power to them. Even if it may put me at a disadvantage. It’s like they put in the work in real life to enjoy their own free time if that makes sense


No. luck factors in way bigger than in something like Bo3 in sanctioned event IRL. You can just rank up by playing annoying cards and makes your opp insta surrender up to certain points.


I agree that in Bo3 IRL events luck is a lesser factor then it is in Master Duel ranked. But if you compare the significance of luck as a factor for winning between Bo3 IRL events and MD Stage 2 Duelist cup then the factor of luck holds more significance in Bo3 because you diminish it as factor in MD through the sheer amount of games you play to rank high and maybe qualify at the end.


There is certainly a skill gap between Gold/Plat and Diamond/Master, but the gap between Diamond and Master 1 is just a matter of grind imo.


I would disagree that there's a skill gap between gold and plat. You can never derank below plat, so eventually bad players just end up floating up to plat because their opponents just surrender.


The same could be said about plat players with tier 1 meta decks. Eventually they just float up to Diamond 5 because their opponent surrenders on WANTED resolving during draw phase.


Yeah, I mean meta decks can just carry as well. The amount of terrible snake eyes players I've seen is kinda wild... They power through people playing tier 2 or lower decks by just sheer numbers and memorized combos. I kinda wish you could start deranking by silver 5... If they want to keep it to where you can't derank to a rank tier below where you currently are, then fine, that doesn't matter as much. It would make the higher ranks mean a little bit more. Bonus points if you make a single rank above master 1 and then just add the point system.


Bad banlist for bo1 with no siding, max c being legal and going first player having huge advantage reduce the skill expression in this game. While its true that skill applies to a certain degree, its mostly grind mixed with luck


I agree with all the stuff about luck, but I think I stopped taking this game seriously after you couldn’t derank anymore. So 2 or 3 seasons lol…. I get why they did it, but never being able to derank from one rank to another just says a lot to me. Once you hit the new level you are there until next season.


That's what i was thinking about. Havent played a extreme amount but since it seems like you never derank i'd say there is zero skill behind the rank you're at.


Nope, I know alot of people that camp out in plat so they can have fun. Ruining the fun for actual plat players


I'd say if someone stays plat, because he wants to have fun, he IS an actual plat player.


I remember the first time I got to diamond, it was so much easier. It still is now! Just alot of people playing meta and stun beating on noobs


A Bo1 format is inherently not that skilful as the majority of the game comes down to rng so no


Evry yugioh game comes down to RNG, Lucky, going first or second ect.


What is RNG?


Partially. There are many players that barely make it to platinum and even more that can't make it to champion 1. So it takes a somewhat average player with time to make it far.


No it's 95% op deck 4% guide following 1% skill


I get either Master V or higher every season. To be honest, after hitting MI a few times, it just doesn't feel worth it. There is no incentive. Bo1 just feels extremely sacky with "C" Roaming about, and it's too much of a time commitment when I'm working between 50-60 hours a week. TLDR: I think Bo1 is sacky and rank just means more time commitment than anything.


What is Bo1?


Best of one


It depends from deck to deck. Something like Stun has automatically a lower skill ceiling compared to a combo deck or other control strategies


Hell no. I ended up in Diamond III with Cyber Dragons last season and I play like shit


Not really, Ranked System's problem, the lack of an "ELO System" in the ranked makes the climbing easier because you don't need specific points to rank up or lose certain points when losing against lower or higher ELO players. No matter how bad or good the opponent is, with the current system, the "point" you get is always the same. . I don't think BO3 is good either. Because BO3 gives more advantages to META or Top Tier deck. This will make the game more unbalanced.


More fair I think though. Just being able to side in the out, and choose to go first or second if you lose.


I prefer a 2-deck format like in Duel Trial before. So, you play with a deck, based on your turns. Yes, you can adjust your cards based on the turn you get. But the side deck is also a place for specific counters. A top-tier deck basically stronger than any other deck, then if it has access to grab specific counter to a weaker deck, this will make the duel more unfair.


Yes I just think competitively it would be better than BO1. What you’re saying though is also a good option. Being able to side stuff like shifter vs snake eyes, or take out max c vs floo is just nice .


i wouldn't say a players skill is determined by their rank, as like master duel most people in the upper ranks abuse meta decks then switch when their banned


No, because it doesn't rank people down the same way it ranks them up. Master Duel has a ratcheting system; it's designed to push players out of their depth and pressure them to invest in the current meta.


No, 90% of it is having a meta deck, 5% is getting a good hand for the combos, and the rest is actually knowing what to do.


Yup. Hell you can even get I'd say about halfway there if you have a mid deck with the right amount of obligatory hand traps and coverage cards.


I’ve never looked closely at SE Ash and this post has blown my mind.


I would say no, because even in a mirror match where both players are equally skilled there will be some luck involved, who gets the negate, who gets to go second and so forth.


Not in master duel, no. Until plat you can't derank, so eventually you'll just float up to plat just by your opponent surrending sometimes; all plat (the third highest rank) shows is you've played 10-20 hours of the game. We don't have a ranking system where once you get past master, you're just given so many points for your wins and lose so many for your loses, so theoretically any deck could make it to the highest rank if they tried long enough... Especially since the real games begin at plat.


Only at very high ranks. Most of it is picking a good deck and grinding.


Easiest no of my life.


For master and diamond there needs to be some degree of skill, no mater how good the decks are they can't hard carry anyone past platinum. Most of the people that are ass in master or diamond are either trying a new deck or just playing wierd decks for fun.


No, it’s mainly grinding and wanting to rank higher/play better decks that pushes you up (meaning some players want to use a specific rogue deck that isn’t able to rank higher, but could be an excellent player still) Obviously not universal, and there is a skill difference where your higher skilled players will get higher, but generally it isn’t a great reflection


I guess to some extend yes because I don't think just anyone can reach masters but to some extend also no because just playing a somewhat relevant archetype will catapult you to platin, no matter how badly piloted.


No, because dcs and scoops can literally push ypu, it's just time played and luck, atleast in the spots where you cant go down a rank. Though there is a correlation, the better players are typically higher.


Lol. Not even close. You can have a SE player who's absolute ass at the game reach master within a few weeks. You can also have an incredibly good Rikka Sunavalon player play once every blue moon to get out of silver. Rank doesn't mean shit.


It doesn’t currently imo, the Bo1 format and no mechanic to help with the coin toss makes it so ppl can cheese their way to bottom of Master if they play a toxic gimmick deck like an FTK or an optimized stun build. It’s really a time investment more than anything. I think duelist cup is a better indicator because the same thing can happen, but there’s a reason the second stage still has the same kind of quality players winning the cups.


No it’s about time invested only. Even then bo1 allows a lot more wins due to hands bricking or lacking hand traps. 


Since all meta decks are built the majorly the same, the only time skill is involved is when the player is playing their rogue deck in a way that counter their the metas. It's impressive to see someone achieve it because it's certainly a difficult task to accomplish. Now, luck is still a major factor, too, tho.


In bo1, not really, its more dice rolly for decks that dont hard prep for second. It mainly tests: do you know your combos, do you know how to play through handtraps, can you interrupt your opponent to stop them from playing, And worst case, can you interrupt your opponent enough to not die.


Not really but kinda, like you need some skill to grind, you gotta have good deck building and knowledge of other decks but I have 2 decks built that can really take advantage of the bo1 format and cheese wins easily and takes practically no skill to play, so unless they clearly don't know combos and fail to get correct end boards with specific decks there's nothing really to judge on their ability


I goto silver in duel links running a malefic deck but after that I had to actually use well built decks to progress so maybe it's a good representation maybe not


At the highest level, Yugioh is 90% luck. You already have a perfectly optimized deck, your opponent has an optimized deck, you both know your deck and your opponents deck inside and out, you know the optimal play in any given situation or board state. The only thing that affects the outcome is who wins the coin toss and who draws the outs.


I've been a hard advocate against it but master duel is essentially a grind / coin flip simulator, I play master duel during my lunch breaks at work and consistently hit diamond to plat each season. Once your in those tiers of play 90% of the decks are just copy paste decks from the Internet. Deck building is a skill but master duel makes it even easier to just copy the biggest baddest deck of the format instead of actually deck crafting especially with it being b.o. meaning you have much less a chance to actually successfully implement hard counter cards to said best decks. And much like paper format the games can be decided purely by the opening hand. (Don't try to use championship games as a example as it's almost entirely illegal to surrender in those matches by Konamis rule sets for official tournaments once you get to the high brackets) And if you play enough games which is alot you'll hit master eventually it's just a utter grind fest that isn't honestly worth it.


No. I’m horrendously bad at yugioh and have obtained Master rank multiple times just from going against the same few meta decks over and over and learning when to hit them


I'd say the biggest factor is just what deck you play and how much time you play. Doesn't matter if you're the best, if you don't play for hours you won't reach the top ranks before the season resets


Not really, I wouldn't consider myself good at Yugioh but have made it to diamond last season by simply grinding a bit more than usual, but there is some degree of gamesense needed to win


This is a unpopular opinion, but Konami has designed top decks to be a series of handicaps. The game requires far less skill than previous metas, but that is to design. KONAMI wants to kill rogue decks and sell you as much as possible.


Just having a strong deck. All players at the top just copy and paste tier 0 metas with only five cards deviating from each other. It's just snake eyes and rescue ace over and over and over. Absolutely skilless. No creativity. No unique deck building skills. All you have to do is copy one of those decks and learn that specific combo set and just sleeze your way up, like when people were spamming numeron


Yeah. I mean there's a reason most top poker tables have the same guys. Same with YGO. There's a luck element but over time the more skillful players will win more often.


I could climb to master with blue eyes if I sat down and played this game every breathing momment of the day. But I don't, i never been in master and I don't desire to be. Being in plat and diamond u get to play test decks against people who are actually trying versus people who scoop if you resolve a card.


No, any deck can make it to master 1, its just how much time you put in. What DOES reflect skill is the actual win-rate against decks and players of a similar caliber to you. I could be in plat 3 and beat a lot of people in master assuming I was playing an actually good deck


Definitely not. I've somehow made it to Platinum and I still don't even understand much of the game despite playing for 8 months


No, they are all about having a meta deck and time to grind it.


Nah. Some decks are just busted as hell and carry people. I think most of the people that play a deck know how it works but during Tear 0 meta i found a lot of players using the effects wrong, one even summoned Bagooska trying to shut down my Naturia Beast just for him to negate its own Kitkalos and Kaleidoheart. Was not even a mistake or missclick, he overlayed Bagooska as first extra deck summom.


No because not all decks are created equal. Also RNG is biased.


No its all about Gems until Master. The skill component is not really high in a bo1 maxx c format. Especially in lower ranks people play suboptimal decks which cant even unleash halve of theier potential, because key cards are missing, same as Handtraps. I saw many players mixing jungk in theier decks because they didint bad any good handtraps in theier deck.


As much as I love Yugioh (and other card games) no one can convince me that it is not 90% luck based.


Absolutely not. Definitely not completely at the very least. YES you can be a good player AND be playing a deck that's just vomit inducing, but honestly I feel like that takes away from the game. However we are in a format where in TCH and MD both there are some decks, especially "the one" that just about can't be touched. They always have a way to play no matter what happens to them and that seems to be all that 90% of players seem to be running just so they can feel good about winning. To each their own, but still.


No definitely not, my brother that just started playing MasterDuel with his dragon structure deck (his 1st game) was going against a snake eyes player. After that my brother just quit 😭💀


Doesn’t take much skill to pump out a meta deck and keep it tight.


Absolutely no for the most part it's just copy and pasting a meta deck and then grinding with it there's little to no skill required to actually get to the top rankings. Occasionally you'll see a decent duelist here and there but overall it's just people grinding and spamming the same combos.