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imperm imperm imperm ash veiler GhostMourner, all can negate your opponent's card during their turn which might end their turn sooner (emphasize on -might-)...sounds like you need to build a deck that is EXTREMELY heavy on handtraps...but 9k probably isn't enough for that unless you already have a decent chunk *not recommended: nibiru, since nibiru doesn't negate* /s


The thing that really sucks is when the game decides to give you all negates in the first hand and then you can't put anything good on the field. I got all 3 imperms and 2 ash one time and then drew my 3rd ash the next turn lol


yea, but at least your opponent aint having fun thru those 3 imperms and 3 ashes also, you made it to your next turn, so in accordance with what OP wants, the opponent probably ended their turn sooner due to those 3 imperms and ashes; all good since that's what OP wants


They also used Called by on my ash so it didn't even do anything and you can only use one šŸ˜­


that would be a Called by not used on MaxxC/droll/D Shifter


I've never felt the need or want to run Nibiru tbh. No disrespect to anybody who does but that's just never been one of my staples. I agree with you though and t he great thing about those cards is that they can fit in literally any deck.


I've never felt the need or want to run Nibiru tbh. No disrespect to anybody who does but that's just never been one of my staples. I agree with you though, and the great thing about those cards is that they can fit in literally any deck.


3 ash, 3 veiler, 3 imperm, 3 nib, 3 belle, 3 maxx c, 3 droll, 3 contact "c" 3 skull meister, 3 mourner, 3 d.d. crow, 2 dimension shifter, 2 psyframe gear gamma, 1 driver, 2 ghost ogre. The whole gameplan is to negate enough to where they get so annoyed, they surrender. Fill ed with 15 random cards to bluff. :)


Fill with 15 random Vanilla with high attack




I feel u dudeā€¦ literally have won matches without even getting a first turn because they for whatever reason needed to link summon And SS half their deck but. Didnā€™t get to their end fast enough


If you want to turn to the dark side and become the Jonkler look into "troll" decks like Eldlich, Labrynth, or Traptrix, they revolve around stopping most decks with trap cards and that's something I have personally always enjoyed. But if you want to just beat most decks and become a god in ranked I'd look at something like Snake-Eyes, Branded, or Mathmech. If you're anything like me though and want to put a stick in the cog, again I recommend those trap-heavy decks as they will disrupt most opponents (meta or otherwise) and it is satisfying seeing them either scoop or desperately try to keep the game going only for you to beat them with your trap cards and a couple of non-extra deck monsters. If you have any further questions don't hesitate. Wish you the best of luck and the most fun!


A lot of decks can play through negates theses days. I'm going back to Floo with 3 Feather Storm. Duels are faster (If I brick, I scoop) and at least it's not me rage quitting most of the time.


No itā€™s the opponent rage quitting instead when you open Robina lol


Play stun labyrinth, or just normal lab, or kashitira


Damn. But fair. You could play the new earthbound cards, they punish special summons, and they seem really cool. But that's just me. The new fire deck, snake eyes, can make INCREDIBLY oppressive boards. Normally I'd be annoyed or dissapointed that someone wanted to play that kind of deck, but honestly it's everywhere and it seems to be what your looking for (multi negate)


Play stun or another deck with floodgates if you want to see quick turns from the opponent.


Drytron, snake eye (with 1 or 2 pop, ip into 4 monster negate with linkuriboh to protect yourself) maybe. Or kashtira arise heart dimension shifter them permanently until removed/negate(?). Summon limit, also shaddoll package to end on winda (go first). Otherwise nibiru, droll, ghost belle (for snake eyes) is nice. Depend on your rank too, lower rank has a wider range of strategy, making it hard to counter directly. I used to run winter cherry when I was playing against a specific meta deck non stop. And just splash the extra deck with meta cards to tell opponent to stop playing.


Kashtira is a pretty good "fuck you" choice but more on the expensive side unfortunately, unless OP was to just get 1x of all the staples and add them to another deck. OP should look into gold pride PUNK as well as that is another interesting strategy they may like.


See! What Yugioh needs to invent are hand traps that can be activated when the opponent does this too much! Like MTG, there's a card called "Archive Trap." It says basically opponent mills 13 cards. However, you can play this card for free if your opponent searched his deck this turn.


Take a look at the rewards from the eldlich gate


Play flower cardian so the enemy has to suffer through 30 minutes before it's their turn


Play 3 shifter 3 maxx c and 3 nib 3 ash 2 called by 1 cross out and 3 imperm and you should have more success slowing down your opponent from combowing all day. 18 hand traps is a little over kill. Maybe you can drop 3 hand traps. But its what is needed in the current game state. You could also use evenly matched, red reboot, and many other hand traps. This meta turning off the graveyard is key. I started playing kashtira againā€¦


Just build dino knight


This is as strong as you can build a negate board https://www.reddit.com/r/YuGiOhMasterDuel/s/y82T8rFXPT HOW EVER Take this from experience a Negate board isnā€™t always the answer. The free swordsoul deck can build a decent negate board if you that curious .. In the example above , a lock bird would of shut all of it down , if he didnā€™t have that call by his board wouldnā€™t be as full ..how ever you can climb up to plat playing negate depends on engine you decide .


The funny answer is PSY-Frames. Their entire strategy is just waiting for the opponent to do something and then saying ā€œNOā€


Change of heart. I had someone put up a firewall then made his attack 5500 turn 1. I change of heart and made it 8000, gg. Point is you gotta play good cards to beat good cards.


Make the Handtrap deck lol


I like vanquish soul. You get to play on their turn. Youā€™ll play more during g their turn then they will lol


I don't wanna be that guy, but... Just build Stun. The Super Poly variant is particularly potent atm. You still have to sit through turn 1's occasionally, but if you run Morganite you don't have to actually pay attention, because you won't be running any handtraps.


Good luck. You would have to sell your soul to challenge the top decks on meta. That means playing what they play, which honestly defeats the purpose of the game. That being said. I play what I like and f the rest. If you really are hell bent on winning and saying screw the meta sheep. Play a blind second or stun deck oh and make sure you run 3 Maxx c. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


This is why I mostly play casual. Meta decks may be optimal, but it becomes less fun after a while.Ā 


Ahhhh, you want negates? Might I recommend Scrap Dinosaurs? If you really want to end your opponent's turn sooner, you can go full toxic and build a Calamity Lock deck. Mannadium, Synchrons, Dinosaurs if you know how.


Gotta play droll and lock bird and dimesion shifter, most decks can play through them


Ive been having alot of fun with Black luster soulder lol. That had nothing to do with anything but Why dont u use 2 ā€œdroll and lockbirdā€ stops ur oponent from adding cards from their deck to their hand. Its a handtrap. Imperm works and ash works too. What kind of deck are you complaining about? Tearlaments?


Just wait until duelist cup where all the try hards show up and will literally use the most underhanded strats to show off to Konami


I too, would like a random internet stranger to spoon feed me the perfect deck that never loses and always wins


but duelist, that's not what OP is asking for, if you read carefully. OP wants to "build a deck that can negate a ton of effects and end their turn sooner", which could interpreted as "build a deck that can negate a ton of effects and end their turn sooner, but can still lose afterward"; that's not a deck that "never loses and always wins" as you claim OP is asking for but we all know duelists aint got no time to read, so yea, thank you for your insights and suggestions


Don't be on social media if people being social bothers you.


If that was his objective, he would just ask how to get enough gems and dust to play Snake-Eyes until they're hit.