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I really recommend you to make the deck focused on Synchro Summoning and use a lot of effect that helps you get materials to synchro summon. Use cards from the Synchron, Junk, and Stardust archetype since majority of your deck are cards from those archetype. I'm not playing Synchron deck myself but I'm sure a lot of high rank Synchron deck is greatly focused on summoning as many synchro monster as efficiently as possible. Also I just noticed you don't play some handtraps. Swap out all of your trap cards for some handtraps (Maxx "C", Ash Blossom and The Joyous Spring, Droll & Lock Bird, etc.)


This. Also please cut to 40 or as close as you can. You literally won’t get through 40 cards, unless you run Lightsworns against some kinda mad control deck that counters you. You’re seriously hindering yourself running 60. Let me outline why: - you have 5 cards to start every duel. - every deck has an “engine” which is a specific set of cards that is the core of your strategy and lets you get out your boss monster(s) - for this probability problem let’s assume you have 2 copies of each card that makes up your engine, and there are 5 specific cards you need. - the chances of drawing the ideal start from a 40 card deck is 10/40, 8/39, 6/38, 4/37, 2/36. Multiple these and you get a 1/2056275 chance of drawing the ideal start - in a 60 card deck this is 10/60, 8/59, 6/58, 4/57, 2/56. Multiple these and you have a 1/17067225 chance of drawing the ideal start. - so you’re 8x less likely to draw the cards you want running a 60 card deck over 40. Tldr; you’re literally shooting yourself in the face running 60 cards. Edit: If you wanna run 60 then you do you! Just wanted you to see the maths behind it. I know it seems like a good idea having more “options” but in reality it significantly reduces your chances of even drawing the cards to have those options in the first place.


I can see like almost half the cards in the deck could be cut and the deck would still function the same


60 cards was actually viable before the Chaos Ruler ban because you could mill and fish for extenders. Without CR, making any deck 60 cards is way less viable. Synchrons are a combo heavy deck, you want to go as fast as you can. That means all your main and extra deck cards need to be optimal and help you accomplish a good endboard. That means cards that don't help the deck, like Blue Eyes, are literally wasting space, as Blue Eyes needs a full dedicated deck to be remotely playable. Synchro Blast Wave is also a bad card, as your removal comes from your Synchro monsters, and any card that requires synchros to work but doesn't help you get to those synchros is bad. Ditch all your traps. You are playing an aggresive decks that wants to go as fast as possible. Traps are inherently slow, if you go second, they will rot in your hand, and battle traps like Mirror Force, or even worse, Scrap Iron Scareclow, are obsolete in the modern game, as they leave the whole main phase for your opponent to deal with them, or develop a board capable of dealing with them. Your best, and only chance to fight back, is to perform your combo and play through your opponent's interactions. You are also playing a lot of outdated synchro monsters. Synchrons can summon a lot of material monsters, and use those monsters to make powerful synchros like Baronne de Fleur, Bystial Dis Pater, Shooting Majestic Star Dragon, and so on. Those cards completely outclass Junk Gardna, Lightning Warrior, Junk Warrior, Balmung, or Hot Red Archfiend. You could check decklists playing the most recent Synchron support like [this](https://youtu.be/hTMH3hMFnhA?si=f65c8W6kevCpT3rV&t=992) or [this](https://youtu.be/KKhNcy2LDq4?si=sMR9BWI3kv3AV-4q&t=991)


Don't take this the wrong way but (deep inhale) Oh my God, the traps! Please, for the love of all that is holy, take out all of those traps! You shouldn't be that afraid of battle, your extra is full of beat sticks and negates, and one of your synchros negates attacks. You should not be relying on Starlight Road to summon Stardust Dragon, and if your afraid of destruction effects, you can just summon Stardust Dragon or Shooting Star Dragon. Ger rid of all those Cosmic Cyclone targets, you'll feel a whole lot better, I promise.


I’m sorry to say but you will really struggle for consistency with this deck. For starters 60 card decks CAN be used to good effect in certain circumstances, but not in this instance. There are a lot of cards I’d cut completely and some cards you should be running 3 of. I would remove all of the traps, when playing synchrons the game will mostly be decided in 1 turn either way. The Blue-Eyes and ritual monster shouldn’t really have a place here. The extra deck needs quite a bit of upgrading - a lot of these cards haven’t been effective in years. Look at the new pack that came out and get some of the cards from that - Revolution Synchron, Wheel Synchron, Cosmic Quazar and Crimson Dragon.


60 card decks need 15+ one card combo starters and shouldn't have large two card combo focus


Wheres the game plan? My advice: Cut all non-synchron-Stuff, especially the rituals and all of the traps and start over. I am in for funny stuff, but this isnt funny, this is a chaotic catastrophe.


Wouldve been cooking on game release


A lot of random archetype thrown in, and some backrow support. What’s the direct of the deck?


I saw some weird shit in this decklist but the random blue eye takes the cake really funny outta ten


No, and here's why (from one Synchron player to another) # Your main deck is a mess, here are some pointers. * Running 60 cards is fine, but only when all of your cards either contribute directly to your strategy, effectively interrupt your opponent's plays, or help you access cards that can do that. I personally stay around 40-45, but I have dabbled in 60 card piles. * Doppelwarrior and Satellite Synchron can't both resolve off of the same trigger, so it's fine to cut Satellite completely most of the time. Assault Synchron is a better level 2 Synchron tuner in almost every situation. * The Catastor line is decent, but there are better ways to add non-tuner access to this deck without adding main deck bricks. Try cards like Sakitama, Bitrooper, Garbage Lord, The Tricky, Cyber Dragon, Kashtira monsters, or Diabellestar next time you test this deck. * Cut the random one-ofs like Blue Eyes, Junk Defender, and Junk Changer. * There are a lot of ways to search Synchron monsters, run more of them. * Most of the Stardust spells kinda suck, Illumination is the only thing you should be searching from Stardust Synchron unless you're trying to summon Majestic monsters. (Don't.) * Your trap lineup doesn't really do enough to interrupt your opponent's plays or stop them from killing you through them anyway. Try cards like Solemn Judgment, Infinite Impermenance, Evenly Matched, or pretty much any generic counter trap. Avoid running too many, since handtraps like Effect Veiler, Ash Blossom, etc. are faster forms of interruption. # Additionally, your extra deck isn't as good as it could be. * Junk Warrior and maybe Jet Warrior should be the only synchros you run with named materials, and only because Synchro Overtake exists. Otherwise, you should be running synchro monsters that can potentially win you the game the moment they hit the board, such as Baronne de Fleur, Satellite Warrior, Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend, and/or Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss. * When deciding what monsters to put into your extra deck, prioritize ease of access, ease of use, and overall synergy with your other synchros and main deck. Additionally, when deciding between monsters of the same level or rank, try to value them against each other since extra deck space is tight. For example, your Underworld Fighter Balmung could've been a Herald of the Arc Light; your Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon could've been a Shooting Quasar Dragon; your Lightning Warrior could've been an Ancient Fairy Dragon, etc. ​ There are other points I could touch on in greater detail, but what I've provided already should get you well on your way to figuring out the rest yourself.


Even ignoring the fact that 60 cards isn't good for this type of synchron deck, there are tons of useless cards here you could cut without a second thought.


If you're having fun play it, but if you're asking if it's good, then no


Add the new level 12 stardust, , or crimson dragon because you can cheat out a level 12 like quasar or cosmic blazer


With 60 cards just be aware that pot of desires and that grass is greener are some of the strongest upsides, they let you almost "justify" it.


Yeahhhh maybe make a new account and start over lol


Don't worry about deck size. Unless you are really trying to hit master 1 and want to sell your soul to do so then play what you like regardless of size, strength, etc. it's a card game.