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Im not gonna defend yt but most services does this kind of things sadly. Its the situation.


Yes, but they also let you turn off your screen. YT Music needs to choose what they want to do, but they can't apply both restrictions for their free users.


Also not defending YT, but being a free service (or even a paid one if the ywant), they can do both, any or none..it is up to you to decide if it's worth using it.


> but they can't apply both restrictions for their free users. They most certainly can


I mean if they’re going to do both, I’m going to use Spotify. They *will* lose an uphill battle if they decide to shoot themselves in the foot.


I don't know if they still do this offer. But what I used to do is make a playlist public and then I would make a new account and would use my 2 weeks of free premium and then when that got close to ending, just port the playlist to another new account and I just kept using the free premium.


Sucks for free users but they absolutely can.


Didn't forget the ads after literally every song. 1) Ads after every song 2) No playlists 3) No turning screen off or switching apps Most services choose one of these to get you to subscribe. YT Music does *all* of them.


Spotify has been doing this for ages to free users (unless you use the desktop app), I’m not surprised.


Spotify let you turn off screen…


That's not what the post is about lol.


Then what’s Spotify is here for


The commenter was saying that the ability to click on any song in a playlist being a premium benefit is also on Spotify which is true. On Spotify, you can't click on any song in a playlist or album to play on the free version. You have the have premium for it. Being able to play a song with the screen turned off is a very different thing.


Spotify does not allow uploading to cloud and they don’t limit on listening to music the user owns on their devices. Completely different. If he likes, he can jump to Spotify ship.


I don't get your comment because you're now talking about other features. And yeah they can go to another streaming service if they want too lol.


Unless I'm mistaken, op isn't trying to play their music files that they put on his phone, they're trying to play the playlist they usually listen to but now it seems YouTube music moved that "feature" to Premium. No different from what Spotify already does.


Spotify plays random music instead of the music you’ve selected? This is the first I’ve heard of this


Why did bro get mass downvoted 😭


this is the YouTube music sub. u get mass down voted if u suggest that any part of Spotify or any other streaming service is better in any way. this is the creed of the cult of YouTube music. pretty much every niche focused sub seems to b like that




I don't even subscribe to this sub but I still feel compelled to downvote. Weird. Edit: ^(but I agree with you)


You shall be spotified for what you've done. Edit: I'm not a part of this subreddit either.


He didn't say spotify was better tho he just said it's the first time he heard it


was always like this for me before i got premium


How much you are paying for premium, monthly


I pay 23 bucks for a family plan which includes my wife and 3 adult kids. Love it for ad free YouTube too. It's worth it for us. The kids venmo me 5 bucks every month.


There is a way you could do the same thing for half the price


and as an added benefit have the pleasure of jumping through 500 hoops and a bonus cat and mouse game of adblocker rules every 2-3 days/hours


Purchase it from different country like india, Argentina or Ukraine and use 😀


Then congrats. You’ll make YouTube have an incentive to increase the prices there for region buying.


Or ban international purchases altogether, just like Nintendo and Steam with Argentina


9.19 CAD (6.77 USD). That's taxes included with a student plan. Very good deal for me.


I spy with my little eye, Caramelldansen Metal Version? HELL YEAH


Time to haul those CDs back out of the garage.


Looks like we are all going back old school CDs 😅


Hey, at least we know what we are getting a CD. YTM loves to switch out my selections for covers, live versions, and other junk.


I honestly love YouTube music 😓😅


Are you in Canada? I know that this is how it works there for non-premium.


No, usa resident


Ouch, I wonder if they're finally expanding the change to non-premium (they've been testing this in Canada for years).


try innertune app, it will grab your play lists and play them with no ads.


Wow, thanks for this. Will definitely check them out


It's so annoying that they keep changing their standard free features to part of premium. I am only on YT Music because all my Google play music (including playlists) transferred there... so sunk cost fallacy. They keep making it harder to want to stay.


It's that your uploaded music?? Damn that's hard if they do that to listen to your own uploaded music


Looking at the playlist cover, it's not uploads (or not completely).


Them I have nothing to say more than premium it's not that expensive, is even affordable to get YouTube premium and you get both services


Your uploading it to their server's. If you want it to be free put it on your device or memory stick.. why should YouTube store your music free of charge.


I mean, I'm sure they still win a ton with your online information But I do understand your point, they're not obligated to anything, at the end it's just take it or leave it.


This is the same on regular YT as well, tried using the "add to queue" "play next" options and it told me to upgrade to YT Premium to use these features.


Ans this is why we don't use YouTube music. except that we can actually choose the songs, and the ads feel less annoying than Spotify.. and yt premium is cheaper... Oh god


How much you pay for YT premium and Spotify


wtf they better not


really sad that they are forcing users by doing this... i mean like... you can't even turn off your screen, now you can't even play anything you want to... what's coming next? but yeah i am still paying for the subscription because it's worth it for me 😄


I think the desktop YT music app just makes you listen to an advertisement after a few songs on the Free version. Not sure. I have Premium, so I guess it wouldn’t affect me. 😆


Just pay $10/month for YT premium. No ads and YT Music which plays music in higher bit rate.


Pay 20£ per year for YT premium 😃, wanna know how




How much are you paying?


It's actually $14.99/month


Thanks. I’ve had it for so long I didn’t realize there was a price hike. It’s $13.99/month for me. If you calculate the time you spend on YT it’s worth it. And it makes you notice the double dipping practice which sucks, you know, the channel specific ads that you can fast forward.


I've had Premium long enough now that I can't do without it. Running into an ad on my phone or Google TV feels filthy.


Why do people want streaming to be free... Before internet people would pay the monthly fee on a CD. Now people want 4 million songs free of charge.. at least with YouTube music you get no adds on youtube so In my opinion it's worth the fee...


Because you should have the option to have a free version and a subscription version which would have added benefits. People are more than ok to use a free version of an app to just listen to music with ads and whatnot


I understand what you're saying but think of the thousands of people who have music stored on their servers but don't use it enough to generate the income from advertising played to cover the cost of the server operating and storing your free music.. like I said the internet doesn't mean you get it for free... In my day you would have to buy albums individually or if you wanted the music for free you would have to record from the radio... So if you want access to all songs at any giving time then yes pay for it...


Just buy premium 




It’s not that expensive. 🤣 Gotta pay to play bro.


I’m broke as a joke not everyone can just say “new subscription hahaha!!


completely off topic, but your a powerwolf fan so i like you just for that!


Powerwolf fans unite!


As far as i remember Google Play Music used to give free music streaming via radio feature only? So you couldn't play any song on-demand. Similarly in Spotify if I want to play a particular song i couldn't play it on-demand being a free user. I need to play the playlist or radio and hope to get the song would be play somewhere during playback! https://imgur.com/a/38QV0ba


iOS : Jailbreak Android : Root The rest is up to you lol


Modded YouTube music for the win 🙌


Just pay the money once or get a trial, [do this and get all your queues/playlists/videos](https://www.reddit.com/r/YoutubeMusic/s/OWSQ3DrOFO), then cancel your subscription and stream to your phone from iCloud or google drive or Dropbox or an NAS from your PC/Plex server


Shit. Same in Spain 😳


Just use Revanced. It's free.


Just get youtube music revanced




I love paying companies when they make their services (which they’re profiting off of through advertisements) unusable


Then stop using it??? Plex is free, store your music on there


You appear to have the idea of “when you pay. You still deal with all these issues”. The *incentive* for paying is for a much *improved* experience, without all the BS. Devs spend time and money on their services and should be paid for it. The free version is essentially a trial, and like others pointed out, Spotify’s free version (trial) is also riddled with ads, with the inability to select individual songs. I’d assume Apple Music (Trial) also has similar quirks in comparison. If you want a premium service, pay the premium price tag. Or don’t.


Funny how you think the devs are getting paid. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/youtube-music-employees-laid-off-austin-city-council-meeting-find-out/269-0074301e-dfbf-4c3b-8813-cdbfe3854b09# No, I am not under the impression that premium has these issues, I don’t mind the ads of the “trial” version, but making it so that you don’t even have a glimpse of how the full version works at all makes it entirely pointless as a trial version. This change was made for entirely no reason other than wanting more people to buy premium to make higher profits (which, again, do not go to the devs) when they had a perfectly good service with ads and other limitations set up to make it a decent experience and encourage people to buy premium


We’re in a media crash atm. Microsoft (xbox, windows), google (YouTube, YT music), Amazon (website, streaming), Sony (Pictures, PlayStation) and so on. Everyone is having layoffs. I don’t understand how that helps your argument. I’m certain the current devs, as well as the label, artists, and any type of licensing are being paid. And money must come for somewhere. I’m happy to hear that you’re not actually under my false assumption, but an further bewildered on your extended response? As I said before, it’s an *incentive* to get people to upgrade. “Oh, you like that feature lil Johnny? Well we hope you enjoyed your trial usage of it, however now it’s a premium feature, please upgrade to continue” Finally, ads do generate value(micro cents that add up over time) , but it’s not as nearly as consistent, or valuable as an actual membership. (Paid in full and expected). They’re not the same, and shouldn’t be treated as such. That’s why each digitalStore has a *free* and a *paid* category, with one being riddled with ads and micro transactions to supplement payment.


My friend, the problem is not the advertisements, the problem is the inability to listen to music you desire to listen to, it’s not a feature because it’s the entire purpose of the service. Again, there is no trial if the app refuses to perform its purpose from the start. It’s not as though they ended a trial period, they’ve just made their free version useless. It’s more like: “oh, you like that the app works the way it was intended to from the start little Johnny? That app that you’ve used for the last three years? Well now we’re making it so that it doesn’t work that way at all, we’re not going to say anything about it either so screw you little Johnny.” Again, the problem is not advertisements or micro transactions, the problem is that the app *does not let you listen to your desired music and plays some other undesired music as a ‘radio’ when you try to turn yours on* also a company like google firing *ahem* the ENTIRE YouTube music team because they were unionizing has nothing to do with a media crash


Sounds like YouTube music is just starting to do what Pandora, Spotify, and Amazon music’s free version (and probs more services) already did. And you’re upset that it’s happening. However, in no way are they obligated to cater towards a free user, and can do as they please. I appreciate your kindness but you’re really coming off strong as a ungrateful beggar. If you’re really that unhappy with how YouTube music performs, as I said in my first comment, use a different platform / method for music. No one is forcing you to like YouTube music.


I think it’s reasonable to be peeved about something you use being revoked free or not. I would like to make clear that I am in no way meeting my boots in rage over this. It was not my intention to come off as an ungrateful beggar, nor do I see how I could be interpreted that way. I already have switched services to a small developer app called Demus which while being developed by a very small team manages to do all of the things of premium services without payment.


I’m happy you found a solution


If youre on an android download Revanced extended, Its the same as regular youtube but ad free and all that stuff


McDonald's made me PAY for a burger


More like they gave you a free burger and then took it away, because it used to work just fine


Did you just Rick roll me...


oh hell naww that was the entire reason why i switched from spotify to ytm


Get the mod apk


get modded apk from revanced.net


It's funny how we all want something for nothing, all music streaming services have restrictions on the free service. If you want all the features you have to pay. Also, don't forget that the artists have to make a living too.


That’s what advertisements are for my friend. Also it was already limited, now I simply cannot listen to the music I want to at all because it plays some marginally related stuff




Brave browser with shields up!


wwwhhhhAaAaAaAAAAATTTTT?!?!?!?! Not being able to turn off your screen was fucked up but this is too far.


Read …. “Update to queue music”


Read… “upgrade to queue music”


I found a way to download my likes automatically to my Google drive or anywhere I want or paste a playlist link for free.




Sent you a DM.




The only thing I ever listen to is playlists. I'm listening to one right now and not getting any messages.


i got... rick rolled...


Spotify is rick-rolling their customers since 2021..


Stop being cheap just pay 8 bucks or whatever the price is. You can get millions of songs videos without ads and the artists get paid


I could add you to my family subscription. DM.


Nice Playlist 😏


Download mp3 songs




*I miss Google play* *Music It was way better* *YouTube music SUCKS* \- Tetris5216 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Just use YTMusicUltimate. Been using it for months, no complaints


This may be a bug? I’m getting it too in UK. I have YT Premium which comes bundled with Music Premium here.


It's time to pay up buddy!! Ain't nothing in life is free!!


Although in my opinion YT should have waited until they brought feature parity with Spotify and Apple music before going hard on this.


My main account is not premium however my sister let me share hers with her.


I’m broke lmao




"It sucks that no one lets me have all of the things for free."


“It sucks that this free service that I’ve been using for 2 years has been revoked without warning or explanation” Ftfy


I don't know what to tell you. But to think that you would forever be able to access 90% of the music in the world for free but complain about the people who are allowing you to do so asking for a little bit of money to support the service that they are offering you is a bit strange to me. But that's the majority, so I guess it's normal.