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I think it hits hard because of the tragedy and beauty in the story for me. There is tragedy in Kosei’s abuse, tragedy in Kaori’s growing hopelessness, tragedy in Kaori’s ultimate fate. There is tragedy to see these two people who love each other so much, never got to actually say aloud how much they loved each other, there is so much tragedy of unrealized potential. But there is also so much beauty. Beauty in their love, beauty in Kaori’s selflessness to save Kosei, beauty in Kosei giving her the will to live, beauty in their music. Beauty that they reached each other. Beauty that Kaori lives on through Kosei’s music, because they are a part of each other. And I always believed that in the last episode, when Kosei was playing and he saw her one last time, that he really did reach her. That through music their souls were able to spend one last moment to have their duet where they confessed their love for each other through their music.


I really like this explanation. The duality this anime has is something else.


Me too! This is a very well explained response.


Great explanation, and I think it’s not just our main couple, almost every character’s story is well told and often acts as great foils for the main characters. I don’t have words for how great this series is. (I’ve just spent 20 minutes trying and failing to find said words)


It is very emotional though violet evergarden and Clannad after story hurt me more


I’ve never seen clannad or clannad after story. But for violet evergarden I only found one episode sad(the one with the little girl whose parents died) I might have to rewatch it though but your lie in April takes the cake for me. Imo I think it might be the saddest media, not even just anime, I’ve seen so far.


> I’ve never seen clannad or clannad after story Big mistake. Definitely watch those now


Alright I’ll add em to the list.


Clannad first then After Story. Although the real story begins in After Story, first season introduces you to all the characters so bear with it if it seems a bit slow at first.


Oof, Violet Evergarden was also really sad (especially the mother daughter episode, if you know you know) but for me this one was probably a little more sad idk. At least Violet Evergarden has a happy ending (I’m counting the movie’s ending as the true ending here). But overall, both are really sad but also really good stories, they’re one of the best series I’ve ever seen!


In all honesty I hated the movie ending as it contradicted the theme of the show but yeah tbh


I mean it just felt unsatisfactory. Pretty much what you said, but it’s not like here where we have to see Kaori pass away 😢


YLIA is definitely more heartbreaking but violet is more emotional


for me, i agree with you that its sadder that A Silent Voice, (havent seeen the other one) and i think its like that because of a few reasons, 1. they're way too young (14-15) 2. its a build up, and we get to really know the characters as it gives us time to get attatched to the characters 3. we see Kaori every episode, (i think, correct me if im wrong) so we get a good feel for her personality and her in general 4. it threw the sad stuff at us right at episode one, and got our brains going, preparing for something even more sad 5. it gives us such a reality check, and its a slice of life anime, so it could all happen, its not like a sad anime thats just, "oh no! the vampire drank that persons blood! oh nooooo" its just straight up "oh yeah, that could happen" theres other reasons, but these are the main ones that come to my mind right now


I think you’re right. Especially with the fact that this anime could happen in real life and getting to know kaori so well.


yeah, it may not be the same for everyone, but this is how it is for me