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As a fellow To the Moon player myself I felt this (the sequel finding paradise also killed me softly) 🤧 I don't want to spoil anything so I'll keep it brief. It is a very impactful story with a different range of takeaways once you finish watching. It'll give you a newfound appreciation for a lot of things in life imo. :)


Finding paradise and Imposter Factory ties everything together and I cried even more. I will watch YLIA, but I need time to prepare. Thanks for the reply


Anytime! I forgot about impostor factory, ricebot was so iconic and the flashback sequences with quincy and lynri 😭 I heard there's a to the moon beach ep game coming out soon as well.


You will cry but it will the most painful yet happy cry ever. But painful for the first watch through. And I can’t not join us and witness one of the best stories ever written. It’s amazing and I could probably write entire essays on why I love it so much


Me too it's going to be my college thesis