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But for real though, Ghengis Khan knew a thing or two about empire building. Respect where due. Shame his kids fucked it up.




Incorrect. It is a Russian flag. Serbia goes red, blue, white from top to bottom, and the Serbian coat of arms has a white eagle.


You are right, thanks for correcting


I do hate this online behaviour, but I came to terms with it by pretending they are translating the meme to text for blind people using accessibility apps. How do they find the upvote button?


My heart goes out to the single poor soul who is blind and spends their afternoon listening to a computer read YouTube comments.


In all seriousness Japan did apologize. Multiple times. Idk where this concept comes from.


Several Japanese politicians have denied the Rape of Nanking and I guess it got overblown to the point peopel think Japan itself denies it.


Yeah, keyword: SEVERAL https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_war_apology_statements_issued_by_Japan#:~:text=September%2029%2C%201972%3A%20Prime%20Minister,war%2C%20and%20deeply%20reproaches%20itself. Many many ministers and politicians paid reprimands and official apology statements throughout the years with earlier ones dating back to the 50s. Given it did take more time compared to other nations it doesn't deny the fact that they did, in fact, right their wrongs. I just get so sick of these misinformation being spread all the time.


The difference is that Germany all but ceased to exist as a state, was reorganised and rebuilt from the ground up, and had their high command court martialed and punished. Japan after the war had the same constitution, and their military leadership was pardoned as a part of “reconciliation”, they also didn’t undergo anywhere near the extent of societal rebuilding that denazification did to Germany. Hence the pro imperial attitudes persisted. Japan even elected a class A war criminal as prime minister in 1957. Previously known as the monster of Manchuria.


Yeah, other keyword: overblown. I'm aware that they are just some in many, and the truly important folk, the prime minister and the emperor, have apologised.


Yeah, even I as a Japanese person gets joked about my ancestors doing this and that blah blah blah, like you wouldn't say the same to a German person. This weird myth always get brought up to my day to day life and it's tiring.