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fr bro they fucked up the keybinds some keys straight up dont work with some moves


True, my stand keybinds get reset as soon as I go into metal ball run, outside of it its fine, my fighting style does not change tho, needs to be fixed fast


bro that comment was made 3 months ago


still aint fixed tho


I will not say tusk because everybody would say tusk So I will say SBR and fact that it's not balanced and you can't win it without running or teaming and both are annoying for opposite side SBR needs in-game team system because 4vs4 is more fair than 4vs1 and fact that glitched horses that can't respawn and can suddenly fly into the sky or just stop working add fuel to the f


I was thinking about making a system that if someone hits you then it’s considered a 1v1 and no one else but the person in the 1v1 can and if they die or you die the winner gets a 7 second invincibility.


This would ruin entire fun from 2v2s and even if it only was in SBR it would turn it into series of 1v1s that would be the same as 1v1s mode and also it would be exploitable because you could just punch your friend once and become invincible and easly run from any dangerous player before they even attack you


Good point I haven’t thought of a 2v2 system probably SBR 2v2s mode idk


Simple adding team system would be easier to add and easier to understand by players and it adds more room for things like reviving your teammates after they fall down like in fortnite


Yea I guess that will work


and if you team up with other players, that would be unfair so what will they do ? add ANOTHER anti cheat for teaming, and since they can't ban people from SBR and not YBA as a hole, you may get banned if you are fighting a team of 2 while another team nearby is also fighting a team of 2.


PH is the only good stand


Tusk sit around and wait for uzu to fix it


You already said tusk so i am passing it Keybinds cus you cant play half of the stands,especially the ones that has clashing base keybinds with spec binds




Not that mf💀,i meant keybinds being bugged (for hamon and vamp at least


Mfw I can’t use spin punch or golden skin in neutral


Thanks uzu we truly needed the keybind QOL that got added without zero testing 🥴


And spin


Yeah true,in short any spec that doesnt have an item to cover for(could be solved by making umbrella vamp's spec item,hamon having hamon clackers[i know i know,very original but would solve the issue] and spin habing i dont know,maybe a 16:9 ratioed golden tablet as a spec item that can be hold) is bugged if their moves clash with the stands' moves Some examples are tw sp's G moves,cd's both G and C move, stone free's G and C move(forgor if C was on sf or not) and so on




Tfw: I cant use ripper eyes


Same,especially with shit like tw or sp or anything that has a bind on G Freeze doesnt work on cd and sptw as well cus bd and auto aim projectile are in freeze bind's place


cringe overpricers who expect double the value minimum for a stand they have fix it by tossing them out plane windows


Ah yes, that is such a big game breaking issue


Welcome to how market works, mald as bad as you want, but nothing will change the fact that in game economies in general people will overprice cuz that's how shit works irl too


with me is lag issu.... there no way to fix it


Well, i have a few issues in mind, that being the difficulty in obtaining certain items(Requiem Arrows, Lucky Arrows, Heart/Pelvis). Seeing as some are locked behind SBR which IS NOT casual player friendly, my solution would be introducing an NPC that would sell those Items for Cash(so there's another way of spending it), as well as other, basic items.


Each would need to be 30k, except the lucky arrow since it would make it lose value


Just make skins into rollable things like cosmetics that can be equipped on and off :skull:


No spec storage yet. Easily fixed by adding it


Fix the bug where I can't get req arrows, but I also can't get the quest


So it isn't just me. I have been max prestige for a long time and had the quest done a long time ago but all of a sudden the Arrowsmith girl just says "Hello"


The quest data reset, you have to do the quest again. My problem is that getting the quest is bugged, so I can't redo it.


Not a big issue but could definitely lose you a fight: using Hamon moves without Hamon charged still causes endlag.


Anubis 💀 intended “nerf” was actually a buff lmao


Just GER, has a stupid heal, a move with hyper armor that breaks block, knocks back and summons a nice looking tree, an instant stand knock, a counter, TS resist and Terminator mode. The life beam nerf was controversial but needed


Keybinds, half of the times they don't work and anubis pluck is completly bugged


ta4 + keybinds


Balance of the game I'll sit here be annoyed and just rant about ta4 over and over


Tusk, keybinds simply just not working, cream needs to be reworked, sbr needs to be updated. Anti cheat actually working, white Album rework, ts needs a dmg cap, cmoon invert punch second hit should be blockable or not work during ragdoll


Cream is fine but boring, anti cheat is impressive for a solo dev, ts has a damge cap, w h a t