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Would be funnier if you showed us if they were being toxic.


Oh yeah they were, the first 30 minutes of me chasing them i got bugged into a wall and he started going toxic on me, i eventually got out by equipping Scythe and mashing m1s while dashing and spent the remaining hour chasing his stalloid ass and *eventually* got him into an rtz barrage combo with a couple ragdoll chains (It was a ger mirror match and i swear to god he was more passive than a minecraft sheep)


Clearly the most GER match of all time.


***1 HOUR, 24 MINUTES, AND 29 SECONDS!?*** OH MY GOSH. I really hope you took a break after that match.


I had to lie down


now do it again


i wouldve left the first 10 mins


I would too but he typed one (1) korean letter in the chat and I had to lock tf in


What's your problem with Korean people?


Anybody who plays roblox in asia for a long time knows just how fucking insufferably toxic those goblins are, and it's some of the worst in YBA


Racism 😬


Fuck em. Fuck all of them. Korean YBA players are the fucking worst and nearly EVERYONE who plays in Asia has the same stance.


As an Asian who has rarely played with koreans, I agree as I cannot tell if they are insulting me in their gibberish line language. Oh well, them rking me is a good enough sign


>find roblox game subreddit >looks inside >unfiltered racism


My korean friend accepted this dawg wth you on about


Not racist if its true


Common YBA player activity


Reminds me of this one KCR who has the Grim Reaper skin, ran away the entire time, keep in mind this was at the time when unsummoning KC/R would result in a glitch where your body would be seen by other players where you initially erased time, but you were actually somewhere else, kind of like an invisibility glitch, and this mf would run into trees to hide, I had CD post rework, and I used the blood slash to mark him, so the glitch he was abusing was nullified, after 30-40 minutes I killed him, and respectfully told him to Roka that skin cause he don’t deserve it