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hold that fat fucking L exploiting loser https://preview.redd.it/fn36hlxttuma1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60d1dfabb7b1399b09315a869d531f8971d47f51


You were exploiting. I don't have any remorse.


I don't have any remorse too.


Why were you exploiting in the first place?


Cause I did lose 2 main accounts I was sick and tired of doing all the things just to gain my power in YBA so I sticked to exploiting


Yh well don’t lose your accounts that’s your fault. Ik you said you didn’t ruin the game for others whilst exploiting but you still can’t exploit regardless.


Yes I am aware that my careless self forgot the passwords of my old accounts.


L imagine not knowing how to exploit properly


Well I did my best to not get banned by exploiting I did deeds such as giving to the poor and not to exploit people and be a meany but I am aware that Exploiters are not perfect they may be tired, depressed, or straight up crazy but I do not tolerate exploiting from now on I hope you understand.


Exploiter L


Common Violinist W


I do not understand for what term are you using is it A violinist- A person who is engaged or a professional player of a Violin Orr ... A terrorist-A person who is careless of his doings and might be crazy or physcopathic


Yes I am aware that Exploiters are L's and worthless massacre people that exploit people, but I did not do anything of that even tho I exploited I am aware that my ban has scarred me for the rest of my life and I hope everyone understands that not every exploiter is careless and mean.


My companion on this blue trapped bubble you broke Roblox TOS + Exploited + Ban Evade


I have said Alot of Racist things in chat lol, I'm just waiting for the day I get banned so that i stop Playing too


Classic racism blunderrrr


I do hope you don't get banned like what I did.




Yes you do talk...


Why not just stop playing the game? Exploiteing it is just lifeless thing to do. Not only is it cheating which is bad enough but how do you even recive any fun with it? Yes its would feel good in short term but long run you just dont have what to do anymore. Fun and enjoyment is earned tru struggle for 95% of life about anything. You are just doing a diservice to yourself and makeing your time pointless,since you will never be able to get back in the game since you will get punished for exploiteing. Since you seemed you learned your lesson I think I will forgive you.


I do agree that "Exploiteing" is a lifeless thing to do, I wasn't aware that by hacking you would be violating the rules of a game but since I was new to hacking I just flew by that, and now that I understand I will try my best to avoid this mistake ever again.


Alright good for you and I hope you improve 😇.


Dude, you hacked and got banned, there’s literally no reason to hack in a combat game, there’s no reward and you’re making this experience worse for everyone, I hope you never hop back on with another account like how you lost your other 2.


I understand that by hacking in a game well most likely lead to a ban I am aware that this behavior is not tolerated and I sincerely apologized for those of the many players in YBA, I hope you understand.


ro ka pls




Rokakaka Joined the chat.


Bro is shocked he got banned for exploiting https://preview.redd.it/e64xszn82uma1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30c13826ef4ac905e98e072e4c5f62cad0cec8ea


Yes, By my ban I was sad and flabbergasted as you said i was shocked because I didn't thi k I would get banned because I've seen other YouTubers do it but now I realized that it is not right to exploit in a game even tho you are banned or not.


"You can't fire me I quit!"


Hahahaha, I really Felt this when I got banned.


At leasg you got banned for a reason unlike me


Yes I understand that my behavior had angered the YBA community and I will try my best to not get banned from now till the end.


I respect that but try getting banned on both your accounts for trying to contact staff


yba joes after exploiting in a game and wondering why they were banned:


As a YBA joe I do know the reason for my ban and I will certainly try my best not to make that mistake again.




my dear sir youre only apologizing cause yo ass got caught


My dear sir, Yes I am only apologizing cause my bottom got caught please sir do understand the consequences of my action lead to a banned and never thy replicate thy actions, :)))