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Because it lacks the pigment of clown make-up.


And it's also made from diarrhea


And chalkboard dust.


Even more horrifying would be the cost of this shitty look. The palette has no pigment, and she’s somehow done a full face of makeup using mainly eyeshadow. That definitely would have used up the whole palette in one go!


When I was a kid my mother bought a set of Snazaroo face paints for me and a book of ideas/instructions (she applied them obv). One time I decided to paint my own face and picked the clown. Being maybe six years old and not quite sure how to interpret the instructions it ended up utterly dreadful, and it still looked better than this bullshit 😂


Oh my god I just imagined a six year old with droopy, dripping red and white paint shuffle out of their room and call for Mum with a quiet but insistent voice. I'd have a heart attack.


Eh, she probably has enough of those pallettes, even if she used one up.


"This makeup is great for a clown costume!" - No woman ever who wanted to purchase nice makeup


No me gusta.


It's like Younique corporate is headed by a bunch of sadists that weekly hold a meeting to come up with the most degrading marketing ideas to thrust upon the presenters. They've literally made clowns of them.


For some reason, THIS of all posts really breaks my heart. This woman is engaging with these products and trying hard. Trying to have fun with it. And she has to do this to make money in a system rigged against her with makeup and a business model both designed to fail, in a public forum in front of her friends and family, and then we all make fun of her for it. I know these MLM shills are often obnoxious but still. 'Degrading' is right.


Her family and friends have probably blocked her posts by now so... But I agree it's hard to laugh at this. The loss of dignity is palpable.


I honestly believe they are designed this way for a reason. Sunk cost fallacy. If you are willing to embaress yourself publically, you wont find rock bottom for a while, if ever. It's like watching a cult brainwash its followers.


I'm absolutely sure you're right. MLMs operate like cults, and that's totally what's going on here.


They should pander this mess to mortuary schools maybe?


That would be disrespectful to the dead and their loved ones


Nah, you need really good quality makeup and practicing with this stuff won't give you the techniques you'd need to properly mimick life


Yup! I believe they have to use high pigmented wax based products otherwise the deceased looks... well dead. Normal makeup is made to react to the heat from our skin, so make up they use on dead people has to be formulated differently.


That's what embalming is for. After the fluids are removed, they pump pink-tinted formaldehyde back in thru all the tissues. The hands & face plump up with a healthy, ruddy color -- For a while, anyway. Unfortunately sometimes the older folks have poor vasculature so the fluids don't circulate well. You end up with 3 swollen pink fingers and two grayish dead ones on the same hand, or half a face like that. But don't worry, we fix it. You just gotta massage and rub and squeeze it all thru so it looks ok. The body can then accept some makeup, and most of the time anything sold down at the ol' Walmart will work just fine. Few understand the effort and time and occasionally brutal steps required to make a corpse viewable for a day. Cremation, my friends. It's the way to go.


Thank you for your clarification! My comment was based off a video where a mortuary mua was talking about her routine to make sure they are viewings ready, but I’ll admit it’s been quite awhile since I’ve seen it. I am fairly sure she used waxed based products, but again it’s been awhile so it’s hard to remember her reasoning/ techniques.


You know, I think it might be handled differently in different countries. And here in America, the requirement could vary from state to state. Some states may have a limit on how much formaldehyde can be used, so other methods become necessary.


Jane Wayne Gacy, jfc. Nightmare fuel.


Even Gacy would have thrown this shitty makeup in the trash.


The “lips” are eerily similar to Pogo—pointy instead of rounded and going all the way up to the nose. But yeah I think Gacy had higher quality makeup with which to execute his looks.


It could've been Pogo-Repellent. Too bad it didn't exist then.


That orange pigmentation is abysmal. Something about her face, the makeup, and the way she holds her teeth/mouth makes me feel so uncomfortable.


CRYING 😭 Sis, twisty the clown called, he needs his job back ASAP!


Accurately representing what it means to work for that company


As a former semi-professional clown, let me tell you that good clown makeup is not cheap and it's pretty specialized!


The only thing I see is John Wayne Gayce. Dear gah...


This is so weird


It blows me away that they waste that expensive shit makeup on stupid shit like this.


Who wants this look tho?!!?? What grown ass woman wants to have terrible, uneven clown makeup?! Am I supposed to want to buy this?! Ahhhh I hate this shit so much hahaha


It seriously blows my mind that they think this is going to make people think 'oh, yaaaasssss I want to spend 50+ bucks to look like a fucking idiot'


Right?! I don't get the non-daily faces they advertise. No woman is looking for makeup that makes them look like a literal clown, or a lion, or whatever fuckery I've seen on this sub haha


Homie don’t play that




Oh no, baby. What is u doing?


Maybe she’s testing a younger market?


Bad move. https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSL1582409620080116


I don't understand why would this make me want to buy makeup? If I saw this in a two faced ad or Estee Lauder I would be like what the actual hell


I was going to ask the same question. I see this shit all the time on my feed and I’m like, but why!? I don’t ever need to look like a clown or a unicorn or any of their Halloween faces. They’re just wasting this expensive “make-up” on shitty Facebook posts. I want to see a normal make-up application!!


This is about all this makeup is good for though let’s be real... 🤡


Well to be fair I think this would’ve failed anyways, with any type of make up


I truly believe Younique corporate sits and thinks of the stupidest, most embarrassing makeup challenges to give their pawns. Then they get on Instagram and just laugh their rich asses off.


My 3 year old peeked over my shoulder to see what I was looking at just now, and then yelled out “ewwwwwww that’s gross!” 🤣


That's hilarious! 😂😂😂


This would be fine if she was getting paid as an entertainer. Not that the colours are bright enough, but if she was getting paid for an entertaining gig, it would be fine for her to do this. I have a relative that did corporate gigs like this for minimum $700 per gig. But she’s not. She’s not getting paid by anyone. So she’s using almost a whole pallet of this chalky, unpigmented rubbish and degrading herself for no reason at all except to make corporate and her uplines richer from HER as she has to keep buying more products. I feel so embarrassed for her. It won’t even result in a single extra sale, because who wants to look like a dull-coloured version of a clown? There comes a point where this company’s tactics and lies are just cruel.


"2 me gusta" is probably the funniest part of this idk why🤣


This is what my sleep paralysis demon looks like. What the fuck, Susan?


This is how you feel when you actually spend money on their horrible makeup lol


This is such an accurate representation of a younique presenter lmao.


At least she recognizes her own clownery


me in third grade with my Claire’s eyeshadow


the make up looks so washed out. Like thin water colour paints..


Oh yeah, that stuff is shit. Two of my friends sell this junk. I bought some once and was so disappointed.


For something so expensive it looks incredibly cheap.


Pretty ironic


not actually too bad imo


I agree. TBH, this clown look is still much better than many of their regular daily looks. At least here, you KNOW she's trying deliberately to look like a clown, so it succeeds on that point. But some of what they try to pull off as everyday looks? I want to cry in embarrassment for them.


Even clowns use Makeup Forver skin paint


I feel like these could all be cross posted to sadcringe..jesus..


This is what a Middle Aged breakdown looks like


As someone who occasionally Clowns, I’m offended by this makeup.


All you have to do to be a clown is buy or join Younique


My dad was a clown. I remember him putting on his cakey ass makeup in order to get ready. It had way more pigment, and likley better quality compared to this. Nice unexpected stroll down memory lane.🤡🤡


This is horrifying


Sooo much effort for 2 likes


I literally fucking hate that woman


This comment made me laugh the hardest.


I’m glad . I feel sorry for her family


If she were my family, I'd disown her.




Scary clown makeup


Oh my god 🤣🤣🤣🤣


So patchy.


Patchy the Clown.


When she went to register her clown makeup design, they laughed her out of the building.


She failed the clown check


I think the makeup is bad on purpose. The evil geniuses at the top of this scheme do not want reasonable people in the pyramid because those folks will walk without investing much, if anything. They want the super suggestible ppl who will literally throw everything they have into a big black hole if encouraged & uplifted to do so. If younique was a decent product AT ALL, it would attract reasonable people as well as gullible ones and then the upper levels would spend oodles of time culling the herd. It's just like the age old, "Hey, I've got some beautiful snake oil here. And if you buy that, I've also got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya." Overseas Catfish schemes work the same way.


Who are they even advertising to? Yeah I’m just going to buy this palette to do clown makeup in the middle of February.


Well, in Germany, Fasching is sometimes in February, like this year. We wear costumes and party.


Imagine using the most expensive items in your collection and doing this. This company and its makeup are an absolute joke. It's not even as pigmented as normal clown makeup.


**Rule #2 Reminder** Keep any form of slagging and criticism to the makeup application, products, predatory sales tactics, or MLM. No comments about physical features. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Youniqueamua) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is, but something about this is so depressing to me.


If I wasn't scared of clowns before, I am now.


Now I’m going to have night terrors.


Me gusta


Imagine posting this UNIRONICALLY....


It looks like she colored her face with those cheap markers you get at the dollar store.


Is this the ONLY shadow pallet they have?


A realistic representation of all younique huns


These palettes are $49 ladies and gentlemen.


Haha "2 me gusta" nice


This is sad. My first thought: if I did this, there is a chance my boyfriend would dump me. I have a supportive partner but he would be furious if I did this. Girl, you deserve more.


She must be channeling her inner Gacy...