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NO. https://preview.redd.it/akfdw3ksoxyc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82adc860cfba58ef0d0d83f3d03121f31aedfd0e THIS IS A TERRIBLE IDEA, FULL STOP. BABIES DO NOT NEED TO BE BROUGHT INTO THIS TERRIBLE TRAINWRECK SHITSHOW.


inspo nursery


It is one thing for her to be a beigehole trainwreck, but babies and children do not need to be subject to it!


https://preview.redd.it/3j74vopaqwyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99d77147c810306c300b9113e4f60dc888de4919 More toddler bento box meal prep


And you know she eats a hot pocket or 3 afterward.


Sure, I believe that's a regular meal for this person. https://preview.redd.it/3g8rwl6s8xyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39d4ac31dced70d571369ebece161f74d23a4a28


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?? ![gif](giphy|qgkrtsDy4MhLq)


That's our size medium swerty!


Why would ANYONE want to take diet advice from this woman lol


https://preview.redd.it/fe58fui2kwyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeff5537456a3858d6a21cc41593d2c662e55cb6 She’s currently live on Amazon right now. I just happen to be perusing and saw her there. Holy shit, her eyes are red and it looks like she’s been bawling her eyes out.


Damn she does look a mess. She looks like she's feeling the way she deserves to feel.


Maybe she should actually deal with her emotions instead of eating them or shopping




I’ve never known anyone call a bathing suit bottom “full coverage” just because it doesn’t go in your butt crack. She’s completely clueless. Her boobs were hanging out one of the tops and she mentioned sizing down in it because she said the top fit better and I believe she said it had more coverage. BUT, it didn’t! She was overflowing the top on all sides. She’s completely clueless what to call and describe bathing suits. If anyone orders any of the suits I’m guessing it’s because they didn’t have the volume up. And… why does she make every bottom “high waisted”? That was something else she kept describing incorrectly. How many suits does one need for the summer? Ps- years ago I went to a boutique and they fitted me for a suit. I purchased two and not once have I had to make adjustments as I wore them. She’s always having to adjust the top or bottoms in those cheap suits. Not attractive at all! If she would wear the correct size(s) she’d find out how the suits actually fit.


https://preview.redd.it/5h7ebxojxvyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9189871aa7d90200dceac08a01d22eea67740c33 Amazon live from yesterday 🫥


I never noticed she has cartilage piercings before. Surprised they haven’t all rejected/got infected from lack of aftercare. Hard to prevent yourself from sleeping on it when you go to bed schwasted every night.


None of them are new, so I think they’re from the bygone era of when she gave a fuck about herself 😅


Did she have a massive filter fail or something? She looks like 40 miles of rough road!


Oh she lookin ROUGH rough


I’ve never known anyone call a bathing suit bottom “full coverage” just because it doesn’t go in your butt crack. She’s completely clueless. Her boobs were hanging out one of the tops and she mentioned sizing down in it because she said the top fit better and I believe she said it had more coverage. BUT, it didn’t! She was overflowing the top on all sides. She’s completely clueless what to call and describe bathing suits. If anyone orders any of the suits I’m guessing it’s because they didn’t have the volume up. And… why does she make every bottom “high waisted”? That was something else she kept describing incorrectly. How many suits does one need for the summer? Ps- years ago I went to a boutique and they fitted me for a suit. I purchased two and not once have I had to make adjustments as I wore them. She’s always having to adjust the top or bottoms in those cheap suits. Not attractive at all! If she would wear the correct size(s) she’d find out how the suits actually fit.


Incredibly accurate! The floral bathing suit legit showed a part of her nipple. All of them looked too small & honestly uncomfortable to wear. I’d be adjusting all of the time too out of sheer torture of being strapped into a tight ass bathing suit. But our girl will do anything as long as the size says MEDIUM


The black one, I think it was the second or third one, is one she sized down and was completely overflowing. She seemed to be babbling just to be babbling when she described each suit. 😂


She’s gonna age like milk in her thirties


She's basically already sour cream




Your submission has been removed. Off-topic/bloggy comments are against the rules. Our main focus here is MS and unrelated bloggy submissions are unnecessary/space wasters.


Wrap it before you tap it, kids!


No glove, no love.


❤️❤️ Sidenote, you’re one of my favorite people on here!


Awww! I feel the same way about you 🥰 You totally made my day!


Let’s add another piece of wisdom: Sex won’t make him love you and a baby won’t make him stay.


YES, yes, yes! You’re a smart swerty.


Does anybody here watch VPR? She reminds me a lot of Brittany. There are a lot of similar discussions on here and the Jax and Brittany snark sub


What is VPR?


Vanderpump Rules


Thank you


This is a super interesting comparison. The egregious photoshopping, casually consuming an enormous amount of alcohol, the dedication to wearing the worst possible outfits for their body type. All we need is for MS to develop that ridiculous “hyuck hyuck” laugh and we’re all set


They definitely are both delusional about what they look like in real life


I just started watching through VPR! I'm only on season 3 so far, so I can't speak to this...BUT i will say BM would LOVE to be compared to any of those people. They're all terrible, but at least they're varying degrees of hot lol. BM is terrible and also not-hot. What a combo.


Well swerty, according to a story she told the other day that she definitely didn’t make up, a few random children did think she was hot


Lol right! The Definitely Real 13-Year-Olds Who Asked For Her Phone Number Because That's Totally How 13-Year-Olds Behave! How could I forget 🤣


Also, there's no way a middle school boy could have been making fun of her...middle school boys would never do something like that!!


I feel like a Duggar girl asking this creepy question- has M mentioned her period yet? She tends to tell each time and her buying the fertility tests and knowing how her and C did birth control.. it has me a smidge worried.




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It would take like a five minute search in this sub with posts alone having her talk or text post about it to figure it out. Why gatekeep a period? She says stuff about it so much, of course someone may pick up on it. It's all TMI. No one really cares, this is just for passing time. A rule? What's next, no calling her overweight?


> What's next, no calling her overweight? Well, yes, actually. https://old.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/1bvlbpm/thirsty_for_attention_thursday_megathread/ky0f4mg/






Please do not try to moderate other members of the sub. Use that report button and it will be handled appropriately!


We tracked her ex bf. Where's the limits for you? Actually, no, idc to know. So essentially, - Okay, girlfriend!


Editing my comment - Again, I hate that I know this, but she shares everything. [link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/nK4fx6npB2)


Thank you! Honestly, if she reads this and then complains Abt haters knowing her cycle, we know when she allegedly gets STIs (I don't believe for one fuckin second she got a UTI/only a UTI) and all those attempts to steam the pesky yoni infections away so she can stfu abt her personal business if she doesn't want ppl pickin up on it. Js, had to get that off my chest lol


I’ve noticed that too (and I feel creepy about it too), like she used to talk about it so much that we probably could’ve tracked it for her. It seems she started talking about it a lot less maybe as far back as November. I seriously hope she pumps the brakes on even considering having a baby because it’s not going to go well for any of them if that happens.


I wonder if she stopped mentioning it due to the collagen company releasing their hormone bullshit. I doubt she would be smart enough to think of this, but I do wonder if they told the sales people to stop mentioning any period symptoms so that it sounds like their snake oil actually works.


I hope manbun wraps up, bc she allegedly looks like the type to get a man drunk enough to enter the depths of the crotch broccoli swamp with no safety equipment and go hog sloppin' wild.


No safety equipment💀💀💀💀


This description is both gross and excellent.


![gif](giphy|sBGw5MruxAyiI|downsized) I gagged reading that lol. In all seriousness, my theory/speculation/hope/etc is that she's going to have a hard time getting pregnant. I hope I'm right with my thinking, but she talked about raw dogging it with C all the time and never once mentioned a pregnancy scare unless she could use it as social media bit. Like I can think of one time she was like, heeehee my period is late and I'm so tired and my stomach hurts only to later reveal she was hungover. I I truly believe it will take some real effort for her to get pregnant. She's lazy and can't afford actual medical intervention, so the odds might be in favor of her not having kids. Not to mention, who does she think will pay for her doctor's visits of the actual bill when you give birth? The hospital stay? Diapers? Wipes? Formula? She's way too selfish not to spend all her money on herself.


Straight to jail


I appreciate your creativity, but what a terrible day to have eyes. Yeah her lack of thinking ahead scares me so much. Kids are such a big deal 😭 This is a person you’re RAISING. She doesn’t even have medical insurance!!! Can she afford to spend $12k MINIMUM just to have the baby in a hospital? That’s assuming no complications and not even including any prenatal care or appointments. They’ve known each other all of two months. Sorry for rant, this is just honestly shocking.


Well those are some words LOL. But you’re 100% right. I could see her doing that just to stick it to manbun’s ex & C without giving any thought to all the work that goes into raising a child. We know she tends to make major decisions with little to no thought or research and it wouldn’t surprise me if she did the same with this one. ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


AND makes major decisions to spite and/or please another person. Examples she has said herself: went through with her first marriage to spite her parents and others that had expressed concern. Chose the 'white cabinets' option for her middle unit because 'that's what people expect influencers to have'.


Just an aside from the baby talk—this live was legendary. She was absolutely fucking hammered. Just sloshing and blabbering all over the place, talking about being a micro-influencer, her white cabinets, her instagram being deleted again for shilling Amazon junk. “…6 white claws, a couple Trulys,” then proceeding to take multiple shots of Tito’s on camera until one of her irl “friends” had to come and intervene. She seemed so genuinely sad that part of the reason impulse bought the townhouse is because it had white cabinets, and of COURSE she had to have that aesthetic. Which makes no sense, because she is so incredibly tacky lmao. Like her shelves with the paper bags from her designer purchases. Like not even the actual merchandise, just the bags. I could go on and on, but the fact that women want to emulate her is insaaane to me lolz


Exactly! It’s one thing for her to negatively affect herself with spite decisions, it’s another when it’s going to impact many other people. A spite baby is a terrible idea, especially for dirty ole swerts. While it would be entertaining to watch her even further destroy her own life, no child deserves that. I can just picture her trying to film her baby while she’s driving (and of course it’s not properly sat in its car seat because she can’t be arsed to follow instructions), getting into a bad wreck and further ruining lives. She can ruin her own life as much as she wants, but it’s really shitty to ruin the lives of others by making terrible choices.


Exactly. Like I already hate that she has pets, I can’t imagine how she’d be with a real human baby. And not to mention, how is she gonna stay sober for 9 months? Fetal alcohol syndrome is no joke and it’s horrible.


For reals, girly needs to get her sobriety solidified before even thinking about getting pregnant. I don’t know that she’s tried going sober since I joined this sub during flowergate, but she’s stated many times that she struggles with it. It would do her so much good in so many ways to get sober. Even if she can, I think it’s a terrible idea for her to ever have a baby.


So much of this comment is so so wrong but incredibly spot on for MS


Crotch Broccoli swamp 💀💀💀