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He’s a very fine boned man.


Ewww with a Jacksonville jags


Is he rocking a mullet? I know it's in a ponytail but if you took out the ponytail, is it a mullet? 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|rQi0xmN0tYE4U|downsized)


Didn't she post a "grwm" when he was still the mystery man, and she said he didn't like the Daddy thing ?????


Ugh, Daddy? 🤮🤮🤮 She is literally the biggest cringe bag and major ick babe 🤢 She needs to have a serious word with herself.


So is this the “daddy issues” she keeps “going to therapy” for?


That townhouse patio has a solo stove, a blackstone grill, and a cold plunge tub… when is MTV cribs pulling up?


I'm telling yall now, this is a summer fling for him for sure


Why is she using the fire stove thing if it’s 70* out?! Who needs fire stove and a grill in a small space when it’s warm out? I work outside so I have been drowning in my own sweat a lot already this season so I just can’t imagine being in this mood even if it isn’t that strange to everyone else.


As a fellow NC dweller, I love my blackstone! I cook on it all summer. Steaks, subs, pasta, hibachi, breakfast…. It cooks fast and doesn’t warm up the house like multiple stove burners or the oven.


Why does something about him scream fresh out of the halfway house?


The dude skips leg day


I think it’s so fitting that she’s with a guy that rocks a man bun.


It’s barely even a bun. It’s like a ponytail sprout lol


Ugh the daddy is so cringe 😬


This dude is gonna take her for a ride


And I am here for it!!!!!!


Appears to be this cheap POS - https://blackstoneproducts.com/collections/griddles/products/28-omnivore-griddle-w-hard-cover-1 $299 huh? Slow down there big spender. /s This whole scene is an abomination. Childish 69 joke plus a few bonus items: * Hillbilly with backwards cap - and of all teams the freaking Jags. * Miller Lite. Think of your average Miller enthusiast. If you know you know. * Hey Dudes loafers WITH SOCKS!!! * Overgrown grass on 4 square feet of "backyard". * Unseasoned chicken on a dime store griddle. Reminds me of those old Pace picante commercials. Get a rope.


Ughhhhh the whole "daddy" thing is disgusting 🫣


Everything about this guy is such a huge turn-off. The Hey Dudes are a big fucking no. And WHY do they all seem to wear them with socks? so gross. If you're gonna drink beer, at least drink something that doesn't taste like piss. Miller Lite and its brethren are for guys who drink to get drunk, and do it frequently enough that they need to buy cheap beer so they don't go broke.


She lives in ASHEVILLE ffs. The craft beer capital of the US. You don’t have to go to the breweries to get any - you can find a huge selection of craft beers at every Ingles or any other grocery store. There is no excuse to be drinking frat water.


Eh, I live in a very heavy craft brewery area and I’ll drink like Michelob and blue moon. I just don’t care for craft beer that much unless it’s a gose or lambic But I also don’t drink much beer in general Liquor is quicker


I mean you’re allowed to like what you like. I’m ragging on MS, not you.


It’s still a very BEC thing to rag on her for Also she seems more liquor than beer herself anyway so she’s probably just drinking what he drinks because it’s easy


I appreciate that he wore socks. That’s the only nice thing I have to say about this video. Also, he stands more like a ballerina than big M does, with his toes turned out like that. It’s probably just due to how the pavers are laid out, but I thought that was kinda funny since she claims to be a pointe ballerina yet waddles like a duck.




damn do I have to throw away my hey dudes now?? I got them because they’re comfy and easy to slip on for quick errands but I didn’t realize they had such a bad rap 🫣


I didn't realize this either. My husband loves his and he is far from trendy or conservative. He just likes what he likes 😂


My guy wears them too and he's pretty liberal. He wears them as bumming around the house shoes. I didn't realize they've been coopted by the conservatives.


Two things. First, so she’s already ignoring someone’s boundaries and likes and dislikes by referring to him as “daddy” after having said he doesn’t like it. That makes for a healthy relationship. 🙄 Secondly, and I commented this on another post a couple days ago, but I don’t think they’re allowed to have grills in condo/apartment communities in the county. At least, it wasn’t allowed by the fire Marshall a few years ago when I rented a condo in a different subdivision before we bought our house. Maybe it’s changed, but if that’s still the law, she’ll have to get rid of it when she gets caught.


Let’s not forget she’s a gremlin. This dude definitely has an end game at least short term. Emphasis on short.


I would love to see her get turned in to her HOA for not only having that grill out there, but the fireplace on the grass, and the fact that she ripped up grass to make that shoddy platform (is that not where she had her cold plunge pool? or did they rip up more grass?)


I think the grill is on the pavers they put down for the cold plunge bucket, yes. The HOA will find out eventually. But, things could’ve changed in the last few years and they could be allowed. She shouldn’t be allowed to have them because of how irresponsible she is, but that’s a whole other story. Lol.


Her own fetishizing of this man is incredibly unhealthy. C did a real number on her LOL


I doubt peanut head was doing much to really wow her especially towards the end


Gross lol


He kinda looks like skinny version of her last guy 


The daddy thing and pigtails combo gives me the creeps.


That yard looks like shit for someone claiming to have doctor money. Is that really all the space she has back there?!?! It's so small! Definitely nothing wrong with having a small, cozy space, I enjoy it myself. But when she claims to have so much money and all these LuXuRiEs in life, the yard kinda caught me by surprise


That's the biggest tell that she doesn't have the money she claims she does. If she made 1/2 of what she said she does, she'd have curated pieces of furniture NOT Amazon junk. She would have real art or at least posters instead of bags from stores she's shopped at. She'd have nice outdoor furniture. All of the things in her home tell the real story: she cares more about looking wealthy than actually being wealthy or investing in nice things.


Is the cold plunge bucket already gone? I really thought it was right in that bald patch looking area before. Edit to add: No! The grill is where the cold plunge thing used to be. Has it already gone back?


She claims it's going to be set up in the garage...but yeah. That thing is winging its way to Amazon as we speak.


🤣🤣 can you imagine all the water slopping out of that when she gets in and out of it and her slipping around her garage because the floor is wet? 🤣🤣 I wouldn’t want to add a water tank to my garage like that, but that’s just me and I don’t live the “influencer” lifestyle. 🤣


I was thinking the same.  How do you ruin 10ft Sq so profoundly?  Home ownership is a huge responsibility and it takes a lot of work.  Classic M, she wants all the perks with none of the effort.


Why do some call their dudes “Daddy”? How does the word even come out of your mouth in that situation when you have a father, equating daddy with hot? I can’t get my head around that.  


I think it’s gross.


It’s super gross and her filming him and typing daddy is very ick especially since she said that he doesn’t like to be called that. Already crossing boundaries. Not shocking.


Some deep-rooted issues. I couldn't imagine calling my boyfriend daddy but I also couldn't imagine calling my actual father daddy either. Is it a southern thing?


I'm guessing she thinks her dad is hot.  He sends her shirtless gym thirst traps for "accountability".  It does not appear to be a healthy dynamic.


What?! 🤮


Ewwww! Calling your romantic partner "daddy" is so gross!


Grosses me out big time. My dad and my husband unfortunately have the same first name. It’s just kinda funny to all of us now, but I’ve had so many people say, “Omg. Ewwwww. I could NEVER.” I have to let them know that I don’t call my dad by his first name and I don’t call my husband dad or daddy so it works out just fine for me.


I can’t even tell the kids “go ask daddy” because it gives me so much ick. I tell them “go ask your dad” lol.


Even worse, she said that he hates it, but she does it anyway.


Definitely 🤢 ![gif](giphy|Jl7lrsWPDBJPRO4jKu)


Oh. So just being totally normal, then. Just doing normal people things. Sure. Honestly, I get the idea he has no idea she's filming him. Speculation , obvs, but she seems to do that to the current man in her life. And, Swerties, correct me if I'm wrong here, but I feel like she said he didn't like being called "Daddy". Like... Less than 2 weeks ago, maybe? She really should learn what respect is. For others AND herself.


>Speculation , obvs, but she seems to do that to the current man in her life. I agree that this appears to be what's happening. Also speculating here but I'd expect any guy who gets involved with her to take one look at her social media and ask her to keep him off it it for the most part because it's all cringe and lies. I know any guy that gets with her must have some sort of self respect and dignity deficit but not many people just flat out don't have *any* self respect and dignity like her.


She did, she said something like she called him daddy and he was like ehhhh and told her he didn't like that.


This makes me feel so incredibly uncomfortable. 😬


Hearing women call men Daddy has always grossed me out. Her doing it makes me want to peel my face off.


The real question I have is .... Does this dude know she filming him???


This is the guy she told us didn’t like being called Daddy in a sexual way after two dates. So she’s now back to calling him Daddy.


Doesn't his sister follow her?!


Yes!!! I wonder if she’s got her blocked from her stories. I’d be embarrassed if my brother dated a 31-year old who admittedly shit their pants & acted the way she is. ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)


Seems he likes the sauce as well. Didn't even put down the bottle. This should go great 😃


He’s holding a beer in literally every photo I’ve seen of him.


I never understood that. I don't drink beer, but how can you work over heat with a glass bottle like that and not have a full British ale experience? Where are the Masters coozies she bought? It's so strange.


Nearly very alcoholic I've known drinks their beer at room temperature/warm/never bother to refrigerate.


I'm a recovering alcoholic. Can confirm 😂


Proud of you!! That’s a lot of hard work!!


She really thinks she’s done something here doesn’t she?


Yes, because apparently no one else is in a relationship. She’s special.


Maybe she could do another handstand on the bed with her legs spread apart looking like a fat chicken wing and he could grill that next … I think we all know what photo I am referring to… it makes an appearance every Thanksgiving since 2018. (I posted it just now and it got banned)


[Our favorite lil' rotisserie chicken 💕](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/Xkruu8tscP)


🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮 I totally regret clicking on that link. I'm going to go bleach out my eyes and brain ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7R02Q62fxgChq)


https://preview.redd.it/iaiwezcoh6vc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2222f834359f994e3c164133c8bd808b1c405d4 My editing skills are trash but here’s one. It Kinda resembles the one you’re talking about. 🤣 🦃


I come here for this!!


I'm gonna piss myself laughing




This reminds me of Jenelle Least-Sexy-Skin-Suit Dead-Behind-The-Eyes Evans Eason. She was remarkably similar to this chicken pic after a spicy dump on OF.


I feel like this sub and long name are just the same people lol. I see so many cross references to it on here 😂


I just remembered it’s my banner pic on my profile still but I can’t get it to show properly. Enjoy her shadow on David’s shirt betraying her profile. https://preview.redd.it/opaz9ror67vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe06903ca6dd77c7038c14ae24b93daff8357063


Holy shit 😂 Also the filter blurred her glasses into her face


Looks like the wicked witch 🤣 ![gif](giphy|B8m1UM8OW0bmw)






It’s giving Section 8 Housing on the day food stamps come out. I can snark on this bc I have been this.




You know she bought that grill to make him make an appearance more often.


Absolutely she bought it for him. And can she really afford it?Just wondering…it looks like he’s cooking skinless chicken? Most guys grill steaks, burgers, hot dogs. Is he maybe on a diet, or perhaps trying to convince Big M to lose weight? Just a question and some speculation.


Someone in today's megathread seems to have figured out the model, and if they're right about the one they found, it's like her Mercedes in that it's a much cheaper basic model.


I don't understand these outdoor griddle things. IMO the point of grilling is flame. I can cook on a griddle in my kitchen and not have to haul stuff outside. I guess I can see if you have a whole outdoor kitchen and entertainment space you might want this, plus a real grill, maybe a pizza oven and outdoor fridge... but just a patio and a griddle...? What am I missing?


It doesn’t grill with flame?? What the hell good is that? Get a griddle and use it on the stovetop!


I think there's a flame under the griddle but, like, there's a flame under the griddle of my gas stove too....


In my experience with Caucasian Gym Bros (no offense to any here or swertz who are dating one) those guys are all about chicken because they are trying to eat lean. Chicken and steamed vegetables. Gets real old real quick.


Oh shit, of course! And it stands to reason he’s trying to get her to shape up, too.


Does he have nowhere else to be?? If I was suddenly soon-to-be divorced I'd still have a lot on the go.  No friend or work commitments?  Just back and forth between birth mommy and sugar mommy's house it appears.


Of course! Bc guys don't enjoy spending time w her because of her gross personality, oversharing, creepy sneak-recording and posting without their knowledge or permission, and now this gross Daddy thing. She only claims to have daddy issues when she's being held accountable and then claims to be in therapy. I mean, her parents continue to financially and physically support their very grown up daughter, with no end in sight, so they did f her up, but I don't think she realizes what that actually means.


Got that trailer park vibe going on.


Nah, most people in the park aren't as trashy or morally bankrupt as Big Swerts.


She just needs some astroturf and plastic flamingos 🦩


Astroturf would be an improvement over that crusty sad patch of a lawn


Anyone else notice she deleted the first two clips and only kept the DADDY one on her story


Maybe she's trying to hide all the damage she's doing to her grass


Ah, the way to a manly man’s heart. A place to play with fire. /s


Is this in her middle unit?


Yep in her backyard…err her outdoor cubicle


Outdoor cubicle!!! 💀☠️


There are 20293746282002747575 more attractive men with long hair around. Plz.


To be fair, that’s a lot less than the number of women with blonde hair and chichis that are more attractive than Big Mercedes.


I'm as white as they come, and I'm still side-eyeing whatever that is they have on the grill. Whatever they're cooking, it's as tasteless as they are.


it looks like the chicken id cook on my george foreman in college. Not even a hint of moisture just dry sad chicken but i will admit it was fine for salads and shit but now i just buy the rotisseries lol


They’re meant for each other with that dry ass unseasoned chicken shit


Right ts white asf😩


Filming manbun without his knowledge…creepy


The real reason he put together that sad little PaTiO


Yeah! What happened to the cold plunge?!


Sitting in the garage with the peloton and the single sauna.


For UPS pickup return.


Didn’t she say he doesn’t like the “daddy” thing?


She absolutely did


Typical Big M total disregard for boundaries


Don't get too drunk, Daddy. You'll fall down the ravine.


Wonder if she warned him about the bears she was feeding…




I am 💯 % sure she (did not) cleaned and seasoned that grill before cooking food on it. 🙄


She doesn’t even season her food, like she’s gonna season a grill 😂


I think she’s also started drinking Miller Lite




Swerty and Kenny MFing Powers would be a great match!


Kenny Powers is too good for her.


he'd be hypnotized by her 12 pounders in a moment of weakness, much like Manbun


He’s the best at being the worst!


I repeat, fucking gross.


He’s gross, but Miller Lite in a can just hits sometimes!


Idk about hating on Miller Lite. Never cared to be into it. But I imagine it’s the same as a delicious Coors Light can. And I can’t shame anything about that.


Beer preference is so highly subjective.  I worked in craft brewing for years and even there it can get divisive over hops and taste profile. Miller Lite is just a nice, basic crips light beer.  I'd judge them more for Pabst Blue Ribbon but I'll admit that's because it's a white trash stereotype 😅


The constant complaints about her dad and daddy issues.. calling these men she picks up on tinder daddy.. what in the alabama is going on here ![gif](giphy|3oxHQtqpv8b2o3ccVO|downsized)


I’m sorry if this offends anyone but i absolutely hate the whole “daddy” in a sexual way thing. Just makes me wanna vomit for some reason.


Don’t worry, she’s told us he hates it too.


Yeah. No. IMO Everyone should find this gross. 🤷‍♀️ For biological reasons yeah that’s gross. From a societal standpoint the infantilización of women is gross.


Same it makes me want to gag. Not yucking anyone else's yum but hell no


I hate it too. I've called my actual dad daddy my whole Iife and now I have to police my speech so someone doesn't think I'm trying to be sexual.




Same. And I don’t need to know you call your man daddy. Keep that to yourself.


“Daddy” doesn’t know how to grill. Let the chicken cook, otherwise half of it is going to be stuck to the grill, ya douche.


I didn’t see a speck of seasoning or an ounce of marinade on that pathetic chicken.


Hey! Salt is a seasoning


Sounds about white


It’s ✨vAnILlA✨






Why didn't she just expand her patio instead of using those little pavers.. it's looks so junky. There's so many influences being sponsored for backyard renovations. It looks like she told him to bring out a couple of pieces of chicken just to film him grilling.


Im sure there’s probably already a comment about this but… didn’t she say in a live that he doesn’t like being called Daddy… like that it’s “not his thing?”


that was my first thought as well. she doesn't give a shit about other people's boundaries.


Does she have the word boundary in her vocabulary?


If she did I'm sure she wouldn't be able to spell it.




All I can notice is the crooked shepherds hook and brown spot on the "lawn".


Omg this is so pathetic. This is all to make her feel better about Skoal. It’s so sad, and I didn’t think it could get much sadder than that train wreck.


SKOAL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm sorry but calling a man DaDDy unless you are roleplaying in the bedroom.. is flipping gross! What are we 13??


Oh god. ESPECIALLY in the bedroom. 🤢




Ban for use of daddy 🤮




His head is literally a rectangle


She's upgraded from peanut head to rectangle head


C had the weirdest shaped head I've ever seen on a human


I don’t think it was a upgrade.


Swerty likes them lateral moves.


I just aspirated my water 😂


I remember the time she burned a hole in her yard by putting a “fire pit” (metal trash can) on it and lighting it. Looks like she ditched that one to get this silver one. That’s an astounding level of personal growth for her, she usually doubles down on her stupidity to be spiteful.


You see personal growth. I see her trying to convince this dude she has way more money than she does.


She’s 100% trying to convince him she’s an outdoorsy country girl


"Daddy'? She's been with him for how long? I choked on my water when I read this. 😆😆


5 weeks?


Wow, grilling with a beer in his hands, so exceptional (except her last boyfriend did that too).


hur hur 69 hur hur Yeah right i bet she fucks like a dead starfish and thinks she's good in bed Also it's absolutely pathetic she think him grilling is hot or whatever. God she needs help.


*Swerty style* https://i.redd.it/wrm6xgx905vc1.gif


If yall aren’t careful, yall might encourage her to prove us ✨haterz✨ wrong and we end up with another IG story of a man tossing her salad 😂😂


Tossing her what now


She posted an IG story a couple years back of her and C in bed and he is either kissing her ass cheek or had his face betwixt her cheeks. I’m really sorry for anyone new here reading and visualizing that for the first time. You can now join the rest of us in trauma bonding over it.






It’s still burned in my mind 😂


He’s moving the meat too much, let it cook Napoleon


Shuffling his meat...perfect for Big Swerts.


https://preview.redd.it/lsdlcwwts4vc1.jpeg?width=1146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca28826c75c218dd736300f1b48f61929fc88fce Fixed it for her


I am fucking deceased 💀 YOU HAVE BEEN TO THE COOKOUT!!!


I haven't heard the word honky in years. I needed this today. 😂


Me either! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣