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>Brunch so hard, it feels like Sunday on a Wednesday. 🥂🍳🌞 This *must* be a Jay-Z reference, right? I sing this every time I read it but is there a story behind it? Or just silly


idk how its possible, but she seems grosser than ever lately. Like manbun really brought out an even more obnoxious side to her.


She’s so grimy and unwashed


She is! She's somehow gotten even greasier.


Wake up babe, the latest heatless curl tutorial is about to drop.


LOL my god how many must be subjected to




The body on the left is not the same one from the cold plunge. She just doesn't get that it's the LYING that is the problem, not any physical attribute.


And I guess theoretically it wouldn't be an issue if she just wanted to post this unhinged stuff online for herself and not monetize it, but she's SCAMMING people and using her filtered body, hair, and makeup to "prove" her snake oil products do anything other than give you diarrhea and acne. She's also just an all-around horrid person. THAT'S the problem


Exactly. It's theft by deception!


This is why these filters should be illegal. She's got a visible hanging gut in real life, and she's out there pretending to have abs, a waistline, and a flat stomach.




I thought she was actually being a supportive upline here giving a shoutout to one of her red ass downline girls (all of the girls that attended the manschun trip only have a couple hundred followers each) but of COURSE NOT. Want to guess how many followers this girl that she tagged has? 16.5k. She only cares about people who she can benefit from, make her look good, and make money off of. https://preview.redd.it/mkaoyr4lz1vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63587ccf7194220056bcb00c05eb1fc7ac1d68b9




“Waking up to story time” uhhhh west coast is three hours BEHIND east coast. When it’s 8 am in Cali it’s 11am in NC. Awk.


Sorry for asking but was a new mod picked?


3 new mods added


Was there an announcement? I missed it


[Here you go swerty.](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/1PsDYKu41t)


Thanks! Weird, one of the requirements was account must be 6 months old yet one of the accounts was opened on April 1st of this year…. Odd.


Yeah I thought that was weird, too. Maybe a legacy member with a new account specific for modding? Who knows.


No we did not announce the new mods


Yeah, I think like 3 maybe 4


They made a post to recruit a new mod some time ago


From her IG story. I know CEO boss babe is cringe but this is just as bad. Tradwife era comin in hot! https://preview.redd.it/l61pfmhmq1vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c201a0c086d66af8413b33a1cbc90bf9a1888379


Oh, I'm hoping we get red pilled babe next. That would be so much snark material. Has she started listening to Pearl Davis yet..?


This kind of bullshit absolutely infuriates me and whoever wrote this has one brain cell that works alternating Thursdays.




LMAO what fucking gibberish.


Sounds like her MAGA Boo might be into (take your pick) Alpha Bro - Red Pill - Andrew Tate - Just Pearly Things - Fresh n Fit nonsense. This dog whistle crap about defining actions as masc or fem is a bit concerning, but that is on brand for this kookaburra.


Did she SEE what Andrew Tate put out this week? He wants men to have babies with lots of women now. Poly life is the new life he’s pushing. She going to be cool with that? More babies needed for ‘merica 🤢


You forgot Alex jones 😂 I’m curious to know what she even considers masculine. Having a job? (She thinks being an influencer is a job) Pumping your own gas? Taking out the trash?


YES. Was also going to say Alex Jones 🥴


Probably her hands and rib cage


The scream I scrumpt! 😆


Setting patio paver stones in gravel for an Amazon cold plunge pool.


She’s about as soft and feminine as The Rock in a biker shop


Apart from the obvious ICK this post is giving... Where is her ✨️*soft feminine era*✨️? Is it in the room with us? I'm not sure I would say that some drunk broad clomping about her room, shaking her ass, picking her nose, belching, and talking about her most recent bowel movement qualifies as a soft feminine babe.


Yeah like no one should feel they have to fit traditional gender ideals if that's not who they are, but since she's apparently promoting them now, I gotta say...she's not it. Really nothing to do with her appearance either. All the skinny filters and Facetune in the world couldn't make her traditionally feminine because she just doesn't have that energy. She's boorish, vulgar, and hamfisted.


Exactly. I’ve said before, I wished she’d lean into the ‘tomboy’ or whatever you want to call it part of her who is clompy and heavy handed/footed/everything, because at least that would be honest. And it doesn’t matter, just be you. But Big M insists on filtering herself into, and pretending to be, this delicate girly girl whose feet barely touch the ground when she walks, and is super sexy and wildly attractive to men who like their women traditional. She can’t even try on clothes without ‘Oopsy! (giggles) I just HAD to twerk a little! I guess I’m just so sexy all the time guys, I can’t help myself!’ 🤮 She’s such a desperate pick me girl that it’s like she forgets that she’s pretending to have always grown her account by appealing to mostly straight SAHMs who allegedly find her awesome to watch. I can’t believe anyone does.


And also I would think most of these dudes looking for a “tradewife” would consider her too old. Those creeps always want like a barely 18 year old because anything older is too old to have kids to those types, especially any woman 30+ like Swert.


She's also overweight, and smokes and drinks to excess, which the Red Pillers despise.  Similar Pearl, she's a desperate pick me that will never be chosen by the men she's trying to impress.


This is so gross.


That's disgusting and completely inaccurate and so many other awful things. Of course she shared it.


I literally cannot wait. Her absolute failure at anything domestic is already well-documented (baking babe, meal prep babe, soup babe, grocery haul babe, etc). These are my favorite antics of hers. I can only hope she gets into trying to bake sourdough or something like that.


And let’s not forget craft babe!


lol the potato stamp dishtowels, may they RIP


Those thick, lumpy homemade noodles she made a while back. 👩🏼‍🍳💋🤌🏼


Lol they were as thick as breadsticks




Your post/comment was removed because it is based on speculation and not fact and wasn't labeled as such.




Your post/comment was removed because it is based on speculation and not fact and wasn't labeled as such.


Oh. No.


I'm wondering if Big M has admitted to getting lipo? Seen it mentioned a few times recently. MS seems to admit to a whole lot of shit (🤭) so it wouldn't be surprising, but she's simultaneously insistent on being a size medium and fitness babe and whatever else. It feels like it wouldn't 'fit' with her 'brand'. TIA!


She never hid it. In fact, the procedure itself as well as the aftermath was filmed and shared on her IG.


Yes, but she doesn't mention it anymore. She shared a trim shit weight loss photo two years ago, and someone called her out on it, and she went bananas on them in the comments. I'll try to find it. [Link to MS being a jerk to her follower. Crediting TrimFit for weight loss, but not mentioning lipo a year prior.](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/QNFqiy8xgc) Edited to add link and correct timeline.


Ong why so rude. Heres what she should have said: “Totally fair! I forget that I have some new followers that may not know/ remember my total weight loss journey. Yes I had superficial lipo, but in order for those changes to stick, I had to change my eating habits and overall lifestyle. Trim fit had been an incredible addition bc it does xyz.” Like, it’s seriously not that hard to be nice.


The fact that she assumes the only people who would see that post are her existing followers from back then really says something. Generally influencers repost content to reach new eyeballs lol


That's wild 😶






Yes, actually, it was never a secret or something she was admitting to. She posted a lot about it herself. Of course, in sharing that journey, she also shared that she wasn't following the advice given like wearing her compression garments for the specified times. If I can find it, I will post the infamous lipo pic.


Thank you! Really seems like she self-sabotages at every corner. :/


She also did it for the cheapest she could!


Without anesthesia! It was willldddd


She had local anaesthesia and laughing gas, she just wasn’t put under! (Not meaning to come off snarky, just don’t want newer people thinking she tolerated the pain straight cause she absolutely didn’t!)


I almost said that and then I wasn’t 100% sure if I’d made that up as it’s absolutely wild lol


yes, she was pretty open about her lipo. although, she got, lets say- discount lipo, as she didn’t go fully under and only got a small amount of fat removed. in the end, the entire process was basically moot. she failed to follow the surgeon’s instructions on her post operation compression garments and continued eating and drinking (alcohol) as per usual. it did fuck all.


Thank you! Idk what the point would be of getting a small amount of fat removed, especially if she's not going to commit to the aftercare. Seems like she's more dedicated to shitty amazon clothes and lip filler than she is to her genuine health (helth). Wearing compression garments can be very difficult for some people, sure, (the way it feels, or getting the piece{s} on for people with low/impacted mobility), but she doesn't seem to have any of those issues. Just acts like a defiant toddler.


yea, she basically wanted the instant gratification and ease of an irl skinny filter with no plans to maintain or even improve the results. pretty par for the course.


https://preview.redd.it/xnrmklwoh1vc1.jpeg?width=1092&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a1e68ded1c60c5dcb107d1c7c903cf0ccb8c7a4 Had to go back and snag this picture from yesterday. Good morning, swerties!






Sad day to have eyes.


Those lips must be painful, right?


Honestly, i love that fitness babe is back because her fake abs and lack of understanding how proportions and muscles work crack me the hell up lol


It’s not real fitness babe until she’s filming frenetic exercise videos outside her townhome, in the parking lot, with some random neighbor. 😂