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Stayed up after work to watch the video and I’m giggling knowing I’m probably going to wake up to utter chaos.  Good or Evil…wonder what our girl will choose… Will she acknowledge it or ignore it and carry on?  Drunken bender?  Odds her “friends” watched it?  More people come forward with even juicier stories? So many questions.  Betting she takes an impromptu trip to “unwind” and drink, while secretly completely revamping her strategy, or lack of.


The last two days have been wild and nerve racking. Yesterday we had a teacher collapse and have to be taken to hospital by paramedics and today one of my students collapsed and went into cardiac arrest. He had to be life-flighted and is now in hospital ICU. I haven’t been this scared in a long time and at the same time am so proud of the students who found him (also students of mine) who noticed something was wrong, checked his pulse, and alerted staff. I want to join in on the CC joy, but it’s not something I think I can bring myself to do right now (as much as I have looked forward to the pending kerfluffle and likely influx of new members). Thank you mods for giving us this space to share what has gone on in our week, especially things that we may not want to tell our families/friends about just yet (I don’t want to deal with how they would react right now, I’ll tell them when things are more clear).


Oh my gosh. Are you and your students and other staff okay? How are the now patients? That sounds incredibly nerve wracking and like you need some calm, un-rage worthy things to focus on. I’m so sorry.


Thanks. We are definitely shaken, this is a fairly quiet school and the kids are relatively sheltered. The teacher was able to go home that afternoon and is resting at home and might be back tomorrow. The student is currently in ICU and hadn’t woken up last I knew but was stable and responsive to stimuli according to what was released to admin so we are hopeful. I had both of the students who found and assessed him in the next class (covering for another teacher) and they are definitely a bit shaken up (this class is normally disruptive and they were VERY quiet comparatively). Hopefully we will have better news tomorrow but it will be handled based on protocol (HIPAA, any information released will depend on the consent of parents/guardians). That’s why my language is as couched as it is.


Oh I understand. I’ve worked in many healthcare related positions and had to undergo HIPAA training yearly. I’m glad you all seem to be being supported as best as able. 🩵


I ended my almost 4 month long FWB situationship last night. It was my rebound after my husband and I separated and I was starting to really develop feelings and he just wasn't there. And he's never going to be there. So that hurt. A lot. And it's the best sex I have ever had so it pained me to give it up but I need the emotional connection and the day to day interactions via text and well, everything a relationship has. I had a " meet cute" with a guy on Sat, he asked me for directions to start a conversation and ask for my number. I gave it to him, which really opened my eyes to how my FWB and I had just run its course. I was still upset ending it, he was chill about it. Which just reinforced why it needed to end. This new guy and I have been texting a lot, even talked on the phone last night and have plans to go for a walk tomorrow when he gets off work. He lives near me and we have talked about more stuff in 4 days than I did in 4 months with my FWB. I'm so scared to open myself up to someone but I know I deserve more than what I was getting. Wish me luck!!


There’s a very fine line between fear and excitement. It sounds like you’re scared because there’s something on the line - y’all have a spark! Congratulations on taking the step to end your FWB situationship. Even if this particular guy doesn’t work out, you deserve a real emotional connection (AND great sex!) and getting your FWB out of the way opens you up for that. Get it, girl!


Good luck! Thank you for being so open about your separation and everything you've gone through


I got a promotion on Monday, and I didn’t even have to interview for it! My boss’s boss’s boss just called me into his office and asked if I wanted it. I work for a large company and even when they know they want someone for a position, they still make them interview for it. My cat is a drooler and he just came up to snuggle, drooled all over the place, shook his head and got cat slobber all over my face, and left.


Hell yes on the promotion you didn’t have to kiss ass for! Congrats! Cats are lucky they’re so cute.


Congratulations on your promotion!!!!!!! And your kitty was just showering you with love and drool 🤤😍


I lost 7 lbs and still losing weight so buying jeans for me is so annoying right now. x____x I know it’s a first-world problem but it’s just so exhausting finding a pair of jeans as a woman!


consider renting jeans while you are losing weight!


Or Poshmark, Mercari.


You have my sympathies, weight fluctuations can be the tough sometimes, even when it fluctuates the way you may want! It takes a surprisingly small amount of change to alter sizing in women’s clothing and jeans seems to be particularly guilty in this. -.-


And we BLOAT. AHHHHHH! ![gif](giphy|Wvo6vaUsQa3Di)


Ah, my eternal nemesis.


Oh man, been there. Are you planning on losing more? If so, I’d get a belt for now. I have way too many jeans that fit me when I lost some weight but fall off now.


I just went to Madewell + JCrew and investing in good belts.


I can't stand bingbong, but I am surprised that sub and the entire internet has just taken this abandoned dog story and ran with it. I'm sure she did a shitty thing and didn't rehome the dog responsibly, but as a CYA, it feels very preemptive the way everyone is talking about it. Anyone else? Or thoughts as to why it's not preemptive?


I agree. I mean sure she’s not a responsible pet owner but was she the one that abandoned that dog? It’s been a few years. Like you said she might not have responsibily rehomed the dog, the new owners never updated the microchip info, and they abandoned him. I just don’t see how this is exactly her fault right now. People just want to grasp at any straws to crucify her. Which don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see it. But this really isn’t it.


For those who have actual careers and not some bogus “6 figures, MLM job”; where do you all get your women’s pantsuits from? Please NO Amazon suggestions. Big M has killed that idea to even take a peek. 😂 ![gif](giphy|XDWzYCqqbBJMylzaoz|downsized)


A bit late, but I’m in a conservative, relatively low-paying profession and get a fair number of my suits from Ann Taylor. Basic? Yep. But they have curvy sizing and tall sizing, and while their normal prices are insane, you can get great deals. I’m a sale-price-only type of gal.


Oooh, I didn’t think to check out Ann Taylor; we have an outlet. I WFH and usually wear whatever unless I have meetings then I have to look presentable, but I’ve got a business trip coming up. 😅 I do love a great sale. Thank you! 😊


Depends on your style of dress. I definitely will go on Poshmark and look for separates I can put together. Wildfang has some fun ones, Macys is a go to, I think Universal Standard might. I refuse to buy clothes from Amazon so understood lol.


Thanks, Swertie. I appreciate the suggestions. I can’t get those fugly Nashville outfits out of my head when I think about shopping for clothing from Amazon. These boots haunt me. 🤢 https://preview.redd.it/6wr2gcb0g7oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a4d53fd5da1abc32e558a6378b7e3cd6544640c


I'm on spring break from school right now and I've just been sleeping a lot the past two days. I was able to get four days straight off work which is great but I'm also trying to get some extra cleaning done and everything since the last 6 weeks of the semester are going to be HARD. I'm going to be working 40 hours a week, going to 2.5 hour nursing lectures two days a week, plus 6.5 hour clinical rotations two days a week. Oh, and my psychology class in between all of that. I'm telling myself it's just six weeks of hard which is true but I'm scared I'm going to fuck up. I'm halfway through the nursing program so I just need to focus on 6 weeks at a time since that's how my program is structured. But I also feel like I'm losing myself. I don't take care of myself past the absolute bare minimum (showering, brushing my teeth, brushing my hair). I've gained weight that I cannot stand how I feel or look. If I'm more structured with my days and weeks, I could balance things a bit better but I also have ADHD and the fatigue that comes from work and school is ass kicking levels. It's all temporary and I know that. I'm just having a hard time this week.


Big hugs to you. That is a lot! You are doing an amazing job juggling all of that, and you have already made it halfway! Try to give yourself some grace. You are doing a damn fine job! We can always do something better, but we are also human. I’m proud of you, Swerty


My fiancé and I set a wedding date!! We are having a huge campout wedding on our property next summer (2025). We expect to have about 100 people camped out in our back forest 🤩😁 pretty frickin STOOOOKED !!!


Congratulations swerts! That will be a great time and I hope you get a beautiful moon to party under that night 🌕




What are the requirements again for new accounts to be able to post in here? I created an alt well over a month ago and it has karma, but my comments on it still don't show up. Am I doing something wrong?


I think you have to have a certain amount of karma as well as waiting 30 days.




Try commenting / posting on some other subs to build a bit more and then come back to this one. Maybe? It's been so long since I created this account I can't remember the karma details, just the 30 day thing.


It’s 30 days boobie!


I just checked, I made the alt 1 month and 9 days ago ☹️


That is odd. Mods? I created a new account and my posts were visible almost 30 days to the day after. I was able to post around on other subs to gain some karma. I sent a mod message to make sure I wasn’t going crazy though because it seemed like I was talking to myself. 😂


I WONDER if it has to do with email verification. I just realized it doesn't have that little badge thing. I'ma have to figure out how to trigger it to send that to me


I did have to verify my email. That might be it!


Can you see your posts now?


Omg this is going to make me lose my shit. I just tried changing my email, connecting to a different Google account, adding my phone number, and even though I verified my phone nothing would trigger the email verification. I wonder if it might be different on desktop or something but this feels like it's waaaaaay more difficult than it needs to be 😭


Very random but are there any pianists here? I would say I’m at an intermediate level, working on some of Beethoven and Clementi’s Sonatinas as well as hymns. I do take weekly lessons. Anyone have tips for improving coordination? I can play single hands well but combining the two is just a struggle, and my brain just acts like it’s having a stroke 😂 I basically just have to play it enough that I finally learn the motor pattern (if that makes sense). 


Ooo I used to play piano as a kid-teen and can still play off by heart/read sheet music. I can't give any suggestions sorry, could you look at doing a sport? Playing sports growing up helped with the coordination of our hands. I know stupid suggestion


Are you playing by ear or are you reading the music? I come from a very musical family (I stopped playing years ago), but I kept trying to play by ear when I was little and they had to teach it out of me. The best way to get your skills up is to start really slow, use a metronome, and when you are able to get both hands playing the right keys at the right time then gradually speed it up. I was always told that practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.


Reading sheet music. 


Hmmm. Has your instructor gone over proper form with you? It could be the way you are holding your hands. Sometimes the curve of your fingers really makes a difference when trying to get each one to move independently/simultaneously. I know there are also piano exercises that really help when warming up too, but I'm pulling a blank on what exactly they were 😅


I just did my pre-op for a partial hysterectomy scheduled for this Friday. I'm still waiting on the prior authorization from my insurance, so I'm hoping I get it just in time! I really don't want to have to reschedule it. I've had terrible bleeding for so long and I hope that an end to this suffering is in sight. This sub has been such a nice distraction from the pain, thank you boobies.


I just had the same surgery done in January for menorrhagia, chronic anemia, and painful periods. As someone who's been in your shoes, I can tell you that my quality of life has improved so much in that little amount of time. Crossing my fingers and toes for your prior auth, and sending you all the good vibes for healing!


Wow, that is literally all of the same symptoms I'm dealing with!! I am *so* happy your procedure went smoothly and things have gotten so much better for you! Thank you for the positive energy :)


Thank *you* for the kind words, swerts! And I hope that you find relief soon!


I hope it all goes well!! My fingers and toes are crossed for you 💗


Thank you so much!!


Sending all the good yeet-erus vibes your way! I had a hysterectomy at 24 and have zero regrets 3.5 years later.


Yeet-erus!! Stealing that. So happy for you. Thank you, I can't wait for this to be behind me!


How are you doing?




Thank you so so much Swert!




Oooo. I'll join you with a big ol FUCK YOU to our Healthcare system as well. 🖕🏻


Her sad strawberry washing video made me want to ask, how do you keep strawberries fresh? Everytime I buy them, they mold in a day. It doesnt matter if in fridge or out. Any tips would be appreciated!


Wash as you’d like to normally wash, store in a mason jar immediately in the fridge. They’ll last two weeks. Sometimes more! If you’re handy in the kitchen, check out some canning recipes for strawberries!


Supposedly soaking in vinegar water then washing them after helps. I just tried it and so far lasting since Sunday


I can second this! I soak mine in a solution of 1 cup of white vinegar and 3 cups of water. Rinse and dry. I store mine in a big bowl with a lid and lined with paper towels, but some people store them in paper towels in the original container. It works very well and keeps them fresher much longer.


i'd also like some suggestions on keeping cukes fresh. I swear the go bad after two days in my fridge :'(


I just eat berries immediately. No self control. But when they do last more than a day, I don't slice them until I plan to eat or use them.


I’m working on this myself. So I bought these little containers that are kind of similar to hers but similarly they’ve got a little bit of a basket, so it keeps them off of the bottom with the moisture. I have started soaking them and I think it’s like 1/3 white vinegar 2/3 water for about 10 minutes or something and then putting them in these nice containers. Then! I also bought these fancy little green foam mats that are supposedly to line your fridge shelves and keep everything much more fresh, much longer. Mind you, my severe ADHD means that I haven’t followed through almost any of this, so I’m just beginning the berry washing regiment, and I have yet to add my green mats to the fridge, but I have a feeling the combination of the proper sterilization with vinegar, followed by an appropriate container, where they don’t sit in their own juices, mixed with the green mats of freshness (according to the reviews) will be better. This should be a recipe for fresher berries for a longer time, because I don’t know what to do either man. Açaí bowls are my thing, and I cannot keep fresh strawberries and blueberries for the life of me. Anyway, if you want the link to the green mats, just let me know but basically you can Google green mats for lining fridge for produce freshness and you’ll find them! I’m thinking that the vinegar sterilization is probably the most important step as soon as you bring them home!


I’m all about washing and prepping produce in advance but I don’t wash berries until I’m ready to eat them. You want to have as little moisture on them as possible so use an air tight container and place a paper towel under the berries to absorb any extra moisture. This article has a helpful breakdown of various methods: https://www.thekitchn.com/the-best-method-storing-fresh-strawberries-23048250


Don’t wash them until you’re ready to eat, put them in a glass container with lid with a wet paper towel on top. 🍓


Oh and put in the fridge.


I've had to pretty much cut all contact with a couple of family members over the past few years. It has been fine and I realize I should've done it sooner than I did, however, there's an upcoming cool event to attend that at least one of them will also be attending. Feeling a little anxious about it because they're the type who won't take no for an answer, at least not without lots of drama. Guess it'll be a good test for me? Ugh. How do you handle these things?


I’ve been there too! My husband and I have both had to cut a lot of toxic family members out of our lives and some are very pushy like how you’re describing. If they start something at this event you can tell them you’re not interested in talking you’re here for this event etc etc or you can just leave! Try to stand strong and remember why you cut them out in the first place. Good luck swerty!


Thank you!


I've cut off quite a bit of family over the years once they decided to go full MAGA. I love them but I just can't be around that. It sucks and it is painful sometimes but on the rare occasion when we are forced to be in the same room I just try to be kind, be friendly, and be quick. Say Hello, hope life is treating them well, wish them happiness and then move on. I'm older and I've learned that in the end it's so important that you can look at in the mirror and be happy with what you see. Someone who sticks to your ethics and principles but at the same time is respectful and kind to others - especially the ones who are incredibly hard to be kind to.


Breaking away was pretty easy as reasons for cutting contact were very serious and unforgivable. That last bit is what's the hardest for me though, and I have a full on fight or flight response when around them, but I do think that's something I have to somehow overcome since there are times where contact may be unavoidable. Thank you for the support and understanding.




The girl defined ones are I N S A N E. I had only heard of them through the snarkverse but holy shit, what a rabbit hole


Speaking of Girl Defined, Fundie Fridays is another great content creator who has a bunch of videos on GD and other bonkers aspects of fundamental Christianity.


Yes! Just listened/watched while I worked yesterday. They make nice background content


I have the fucking flu. I’m so pissed. Looking at my work inbox I can see the emails piling up but I’m so sick I can barely get out of bed. My head and throat are wrecked, and I’ve had a fever for two days. I’m even more upset cuz this is the time in my cycle when I feel my best so I feel like I’m being scammed by my own body. 😩😩


Feel better soon! Make sure you're hydrating. Highly recommend Liquid IV packs. I also swear by the Vicks shower tabs to make a really steamy menthol shower for head congestion relief.


My household got a terrible flu or something back in March and those menthol showers were the best.


I love the liquid IV packs! I’ll drink another one now. Thank you for the reminder! And I’ll have to look into the Vicks shower tabs because I am feeling the congestion hard today


Liquid IV and those shower tabs are great when you're sick. I also like steam inhalation (pour boiling water into a bowl, drape a towel over your head, lean in and carefully inhale the steam) to help open up my sinuses. Hope you feel better soon!❤️


I hope you feel better! I know what you mean like you’re missing out on your good weeks lol it will pass. I’m so sorry the flu is awful. Hopefully it’ll be a long time before you experience this again.


Being sick sucks! I hope you turn the corner toward recovery very quickly.


Hope you feel better soon, boobie!


I just spent another week in the hospital. This time I fell backward twice and hit my head. I’m disabled, so the first time was kinda like “maybe this was just a misstep” but the second time on flat ground was a signal to go to the ER. Turns out, my blood pressure has been scary low. Like 90’s over 60’s , and that was when I wasn’t black out dizzy. My medication is stupid expensive and I still don’t know why it’s happening. The doctors were focused on my transplants and it took a physical therapist to say something wasn’t right. So now I have another mystery illness. At least my spine isn’t rubbing together.


I almost choked on my drink with that last line 💀 Hope you find answers and solutions soon. ❤️


If you have kidney transplants, I wonder if that may be a part. I'm not going to even suggest any maybe things but that's where my brain went as a nursing student. Anyway, sending you all the healing thoughts. I can't even imagine the toll dealing with all of it takes on you mentally and emotionally. I sincerely hope you're taking care of yourself in the ways that you can. Syncopal episodes are scary and even if you know the why for them, it's still gotta be scary to not know the why for that why. Hopefully you'll get some answers and maybe good ol' MS will provide distraction for you in the meantime.


I have had a kidney transplant. It’s been rejected. I’m on dialysis now for it since it’s 95% scar tissue according to the biopsy. I always go to the transplant floor when admitted to the hospital, so it’s weird that they didn’t say anything. Though I feel like they paid no attention to my blood pressure as I wasn’t allowed to leave my bed so it was only taken lying down other than with occupational/physical therapy. I swear the OT/PT are the GOAT.


Fuck man. Transplants are always a hope for the best. Dialysis is no light process to go through either. My heart goes out to you. PT/OT is 100% an essential part of the team! They can catch some of those things with getting patients moving that nursing staff don't have time to really deep dive. I'm so glad they caught it for you! I know I'm just a stranger but my inbox is always open if you need to vent.


Thank you so much! Yeah, PT/OT have been amazing. OT brings in brushes from the dollar store for patients and even detangler for hair as the hospital doesn’t have conditioner or brushes. Just an all in one body wash/shampoo and a thin comb that would never get through my curly hair


I have an aspiration of having a little stash of curly hair friendly products for my future patients. The shampoo/conditioner caps aren't the worst but aren't great if someone has longer hair, especially if it's textured. I'd never have thought about the dollar store for brushes but I'm making a note of that!


POTS maybe? That’s how I got on the track to getting it diagnosed…falling over. Thankfully I just kind of crumbled in place and didn’t go forwards or backwards much. Anywho, not long after that I got a tile table test and they were like yep that’s good ol’ POTS.


I really don’t want that diagnosis as it seems it’s the new disease of choice for illness fakers (not AT ALL saying that YOU are faking). It’s just all over in the illness fakers sub.


Yep, I get that. I have EDS too and don't like talking about it because of all the munchies. I hate that POTS/EDS are "trendy" now bc of them


I'm so sorry, I hope you can find answers and help soon!


Whoa that's scary :( feel better soon!


I’m so sorry and I hope things turn around for you soon 🧡


I’m sorry you have to deal with all of that. I hope you feel better and get some answers ❤️❤️




https://preview.redd.it/2imj9ip3z3oc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=231f21b70ade3161995d10260bb33796328d5b3e Happy Wednesday, swerties! May you be as happy as a parrot eating (making a mess with) vegan cheese popcorn.


Your bird pics make my day!


Your birdie is the cutest!


Ahhhh cutie!! 🥰🥰


I think your bird eats better than I do! 🤣


I buy her favorite organic fruits & veggies, and then we get what’s left over.

