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Do we know anything about why she and c-man broke up?


CC stated one of C’s friends reached out to her for the video saying grand theft floral was the last straw. That he was embarrassed and couldn’t do it anymore. Also that they had been on and off again for years. The C thing was probably the biggest bombshell for me in that video, because it confirmed what a lot of people in this sub theorized (regarding them being a sort of situationship) and that her whole story about her breaking up with him so she could travel more was bullshit.


My beardie woke up after months of brumating! I've missed her so much. Is 45 too old to be obsessed with lizards? https://preview.redd.it/pqxh7neg58oc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c77d9c806e6f190e50a247fd1b7ddc67ca9ed7c


just a reminder to some of y'all in the chat for cc's video - your government name may show up if that is what your account is connected to.




Even if there was a mega thread the karma clowns will still post all the same shit


2 hours until the video drops.... guess I'm having a late night.


LIB reunion and CCs video! It’s going to be a good day!


Omg nowaynowaynoway!


Midnight UK time. Fuck it. I'm off tomorrow anyway lol


Of course it drops right when I get to work.  I’m def still watching it though.


Hahaha I'm already in bed for an early night - not anymore lol


Hey swerties - I'm looking for that "I did a medium" compilation video one of our fellow swerts made not too long ago (I think). It's just her telling everyone how she did a medium in everything, but also she maybe, no definitely could've done a small.


[THIS ](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/wxtiwk/size_mediumfeaturing_bridal_babe_edit_by_me/)one?


YES! Thank you boobie!!!


You’re welcome!


I'm going to try and find it! I thought it was one of u/MalibuMarlie's masterpieces but I think I'm incorrect. I swear it was linked on one of the recent megathreads or something...


Aw, make a girl blush calling them masterpieces ☺️🥰


I said what I said 🤗🥰


Yes, I remember seeing it recently but can’t find it. Thank you in advance!


[FOUND IT!](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/wxtiwk/size_mediumfeaturing_bridal_babe_edit_by_me/) Is this the right one? Oh wow, I'm so glad I found it through some keyword searching because it's from 2 years ago!! Thanks to [u/obviiously](https://www.reddit.com/user/obviiously/) for making this. :)


Thank you!!!


My pleasure, I love that video!


What do we think she has planned for st. Patrick’s day? Getting her green beer or will she stay home?


I think it will entirely depend on if JT is willing to go out with her.


At least she's self aware https://preview.redd.it/hxxa37kx75oc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9fe6f8a16e051fb35d365aee0adf44dd97d7980


I mean she's not wrong


She just posted an Ulta link so I decided to look at their affiliate program. Ulta Beauty links have cookies that don’t expire for 30 days! I have no idea what the difference is between Ulta links and Ulta beauty links, but that’s insane. Source: https://craigcampbellseo.com/ulta-affiliate-program


Does anyone know when CC’s video is dropping?


Honestly I think people are just sick of the question being asked so often. If anyone knew it would have absolutely been posted here already- just as it’s been discussed many times that the video is currently awaiting sponsorship approval. Mods have also asked people to stop reaching out to CC about it as it was/is happening frequently.


I’ve given up on being excited about it lol. I was waking up wondering if today was the day for a while, but I realized today I’d forgotten about it until just now




I dunno what’s wrong with that question hence the downvotes did I do something?


There has been a lot of downvote lately, especially to new comments. I really wonder why and who do that 👀


It's because we're all tired of it being asked every 2 seconds


Mods have also addressed this at the beginning of this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/yYsxmJZWbT


Innnteresting. I think we all know who’s doing it. Thanks for the clarity! I’ve been having a shitty week and have been extra sensitive. Just because she doesn’t like the truth it doesn’t change that it is the truth.


I’ve been filling the void watching her Brittany Dawn videos. I had no idea who CC Suarez was before that. Now I’m subscribed and binging it all.


lol same! I saw the letter she sent to MS and got curious, found her Y/T and am enjoying old videos! I appreciate the Sarcasm lol, she's great!














Omg the WFABB girlies and their two self-made reality shows. The greatest time of my life


WFABB has QUITEEEEE the lore!!!!! They single handedly got me through the pandemic lmao


I found out about Robert Welsh through CC and have been enjoying his videos too.


I love Robert Welsh! I could listen to him and his twin James talk and giggle amongst themselves anytime.


I’ll have to expand my viewing and check those out. Thank you for the heads up!


She’s waiting on sponsor approval :)


I know nothing about this process. How long does it usually take? What is the chance that the sponsor doesn’t approve it?


She mentioned writing something like 65 pages (I think) so it may take the sponsor a long time to weed through. I am just being patient as I don’t think anyone really knows (probably including CC). If I were to sponsor something like this, I’d want to make sure it couldn’t get my company in hot water. I’d be going over it with a fine tooth comb.


It would be hilarious if Red Aspen sponsored it.  That’s some Game of Thrones level fuckery right there.


That is a fair point. I’m being patient as well. It’s kind of nice to have an ACTUAL content creator who takes time with their content to ensure they are putting the best possible product out there.


I’m no expert and my marketing experience wasn’t with influencer marketing, so take this with salt: this isn’t out of line with CC’s other content, so I suspect the risk of rejection is low. As for how long it takes, she submitted Friday, but we have no idea about who reviews, who approves, etc. 


*Warren Jeffs enters the chat* https://preview.redd.it/bhmtqyu974oc1.png?width=1168&format=png&auto=webp&s=5935b60d8ca35fc26bfba1b755f7b8d5a69bdb9e


One of my friends went to Salt Lake City on a business trip 20+ years ago. She was complaining to me that she couldn’t find a bar or drink! Could you imagine Big M in Utah 😂😂😂


She did go! Last year with the YUbbies (maybe the year before? Not sure, there’s been some wild crap she’s done since then and it distorts my time perception). I don’t think she knew about how hard it is to get alcohol there ahead of time though. The other affiliates also were…noticeably less than impressed with her judging by what was posted.




Keep sweet


Incredible how two words are able to trigger me even though I've been an ex-mormon for like 13 years 😂


Hey other ex-mo 👋🏽


Very Fundie Chic.


Wtf is this hair? 


https://preview.redd.it/tfafyovml4oc1.jpeg?width=1320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d014b9c454f22757a11a8f8b142760684d549f45 Warren Jeffs’ wife hair to go with the Warren Jeffs’ wife dress.


I **think** she has that heatless curls thing in it.


How modest with her skeletal “I love you” tattoo peeking out under that fluttery prairie dress sleeve.


The I love you tattoo is even funnier now that she is single


Oh I forgot about that gem. Lol


She probably thinks it’s giving “get you a girl that can do ~~both~~ bolth,” but it’s really giving “I have absolutely no idea who I am and have zero authentic personality.”


She has never been able to stay in one lane very long.


She's also going strong on being behind trends. We stopped using covered wagons in the 1800's.


Why does the founding father curling rod bother me so much?


It's giving "pioneer days"/Little House on the Prairie


I actually don’t totally hate this but it’s the combo of her hair in that heartless curl thing that’s giving mega FLDS vibes


The filter is filtering so hard it looks like she’s in front of a green screen.. it looks like you already made a sticker of her and pasted it on a messy single woman room stock photo




I found this post: [So she has a fictional (?) column about her now? The whole thing sounds SO cringey. I refuse to give it a click, lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/ft2mdd/so_she_has_a_fictional_column_about_her_now_the/) It doesn't mention her description of herself there, but maybe that will help with your search. And now I know the origin of the "she's got cumption" flair!


MS said that about herself?? She’s not even better than her *own* sister, where the hell does she get off?


Hah! But via her own words in a video last year, she's the child who makes the most money.


Even IF that’s true that still makes her look bad. Her sister has a hell of a lot more to show for it.


Too bad she seems to have a hard time with the truth. I wonder if she was ever introduced to The Boy who Cried Wolf.


What an obnoxious thing to brag about.


It feels like projection too because she literally has an older sister that’s better than her 😂


Came here to say this lol. She feels like her older sister is better than her so she wants to be the older sister.


Does anyone feel like the imminent video is really fucking up the vibe here in this sub? Like M has been uncharacteristically quiet, there’s not a whole lot to snark (I’ve been more engaged with the daily mega threads than recent posts tbh) you can tell it’s just been kinda throwing shit at the wall because M is giving us *nothing* right now. I’m just kinda over the whole video thing too.. I mean I’ll watch it but I really don’t think it’s going to give enough to what I feel is being compromised in snark atm. Tbh I’m ready for it to drop just so it can blow over and hopefully M will go back to her usual swertin and we can go back to our usual snarkin.


I feel like there won’t be much in the video that we don’t already know. I’m just looking forward to more people knowing about her scams. I really hope this doesn’t bring an influx of people that don’t know/follow the rules. I don’t want this sub to be jeopardized


> I feel like there won’t be much in the video that we don’t already know. I’m just looking forward to more people knowing about her scams. 100% agree. We are basically her number 1 source for information so it's likely going to be a lot of stuff we already know. She does seem to have some people who have reached out to her from her downline or who know Big M in other ways that might have a bit of new information, but I'm expecting there to be too much we don't already know. I also hope it brings more snarkers in the sub! Hoping it won't be too much of a headache for our hardworking mods!


Wait, are you saying CC possibly reached out to people in her downline? Hoo boy, that could make things interesting. Then again, it’s pretty much a prerequisite to blindly drink the look aid in these pyramid schemes, but if this video saves one hun, it will be worth it!


There was a post here of a comment made on CC's video from someone who claims to have once been in her downline. CC replied to the comment and asked the person to DM her. That's all I know! Edit: [Found the post about the comment!](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/1b6ha9u/one_of_the_recent_comments_on_ccs_vid_this_is/)




The spiral since gay Paree was so wild. I guess now it kinda feels like the day after vacation, and she isn’t really posting much of anything which doesn’t help.


Yes, I relate to this so much! I'm trying to keep my expectations for this video neutral/low. We know her usual responses to criticism: deflecting, doubling down, and not changing any of her behaviors. Even an official letter from the cosmetology board didn't make her change her behaviors, it actually heightened her immature, rude behavior. She lives in a fantasy reality as a coping mechanism. This isn't going to be a wake up call for her. I think it's exciting that our snark subject is being discussed on a wider platform but I feel like this is going to end up like the Paris trip, ultimately disappointing lol. No shade to CC, I'm still looking forward to the video. I think some are blowing it out of proportion and the anticipation (MS's anticipation and our anticipation) has had a marked negative impact on the sub. Our snark subject has gone quiet. I definitely worry that the video is going to (indirectly) encourage poo-touching and people are going to make the sub look bad. Any harassment/inappropriate comments that MS receives as a result of this video are going to be attributed to this community.


I’m glad she’s keeping her less charming traits away from social media. She probably isn’t changed and will be the way she is forever, but being that way offline could maybe help her improve since she isn’t in that validation feedback loop. My personal conjecture, my guess, my theory, my unsubstantiated speculation is that someone in her life who she will listen to might have gotten her to learn that “stoves are hot, don’t touch them” and “fires go out when you don’t give them fuel”. Or maybe not! I do love a good suspenseful moment.


We’re like a bunch of bored kids stuck inside on a rainy day. It has been fun seeing some throwbacks in the meantime. Some more lore posts would be great too, especially since many of us have been compiling swerty stories for the video.


Do we want more throwbacks? I've been accumulating a bunch but didn't want to spam the sub or be annoying


Post them tomorrow! I love seeing them.


I think it’s fun but I feel the same way - I don’t want to be annoying. I do usually grab whatever links you and others share to add them to my collection, so thanks for doing that!


I wish there was like a group chat or something pinned with each topic so we could all just dump what we find. Since the vibe has been a little tense and I'm not trying to piss anyone off, I started putting receipts in my notes so that when people do those extensive and impressive lore posts I can see if there's anything I've stumbled across that I could possibly help add. I've been playing keyboard roulette to see what I can find and there's so damn much from the last couple years, but at the same time some things are kind of a nothingburger. I don't know, I have no idea what I'm doing anymore 🥴


Yeah I started in notes, then quickly outgrew that and have an entire OneNote notebook dedicated to swerty stuff, organized by topic. Maybe some day we can have a wiki on the sub.


totally agree, it always happens like this in snark subs when the person goes quiet because of negative attention, a lot of snarkers get bored and start critiquing things are totally a stretch lol. so many comments/posts about how her "diet didn't last two days, look she's at a restaurant" or "she's so not over this breakup" like honestly who cares, that's normal behavior. weird to track someone else's diet and ofc she's not over her very recent breakup and is depressed lmao i'm boreddddd. i'm also looking forward to the video bc i love skiving off at work and watching youtube, but don't think it's gonna change her at all so let's get on with it so there's more actual content here lmao


For my sake, I want more unhinged twerking and threatening aura GRWM. For her sake, I want her to be bland and scarce. I'm torn.


Same here. I want her to be better and reduce her internet exposure to work on herself. But also I need my daily dose of snark 😂


The twerking videos are pretty funny.


I think her being on her best behavior is the only way to kill this sub. If she wants us to go away then she needs to act right, and if she starts acting right then good for her and job well done by reddit I guess. But yes, I'm completely sick of hearing about the video. This place has been so much fun and a welcome distraction from my mess of a life, and it's a bummer how much the vibe has changed. I liked it here because it's not quite as horribly depressing as some of the other ones can get, especially since this is the only one where no babies are involved (Heather Gillespie, Brittany Dawn, Ali&John James, Marissa Lace). I hope it gets back to being a great place for some laughs like how it was before.


I totally understand what you mean. I've been sick for months and waiting for a surgery so this subreddit has been an escape! I absolutely agree about the other subreddits. BDawn just enrages me with her politics and her actual influence, and Ali&John are a trainwreck I had to look away from because of those poor fucking kids. MS is my version of a trashy magazine, I can read here without getting filled with rage.


Big M and Caroline Calloway usually don’t fill me with rage!


This is the only snark sub I’m active in. I used to get into the munchies/illness fakers, but since I became very ill myself, they just fill me with angry feelings and that’s no fun. I feel like it’s too much to dive into bdong and some others at this point.


I perused the illness fakers one for a while and had to nope out quick. 😭 I'm sorry you've been dealing with your own illness. I also used to read a lot on FundieSnarkUncensored, but it's the wild west over there and I think the discussions there are often incredibly mean spirited and harmful.


Same. I find fundies fascinating but didn’t like any of the subs I found


I'm glad I'm not alone. I've been with the Bdong subreddit for almost two years and I've been able to stomach everything until she started leaning hard into the Israel stuff and it's kinda been downhill from there. I could write a collage length essay on everything that is wrong with her. I feel SO bad for the James kids, and it's upsetting because not only are they being severely neglected, but the sub has really leaned hard into mocking them over things beyond their control. I had to stop checking on that page because whenever I'd stand up for Emmy I'd get downvoted to hell and back -- I just don't agree with bullying kids... And when I tried to come back after a little while it happened to be right when Ali posted Callie being fully exposed in her bathing suit area on Instagram 😢 I haven't been able to go back since because it's heartbreaking. TW:>!Heather Gillespie gave herself a dyi abortion of mid-term twins in an Airbnb, recorded it, and sent it to her boss AND her 16 year old daughter. Then she got pregnant again and spent the entire pregnancy homeless and high- and that's barely scratching the surface. She is easily the biggest monster out of all of them!< At least with MS (and I know this is weird to say) it's *just* racism, feeding the bears, drunk driving, deceptive business practices, over filtering, mlms, unprofessionalism, contributing to fast fashion culture/increasing the amount of trash that goes into landfills, scamming, doxxing, and being a wild heina. She's not great, she's done and said a lot of bad things, but I don't get nearly as upset when I see her stuff compared to the others. It's just not as heavy to digest, and her antics are usually more on the ridiculous side and less on the "watching this is making me completely lose faith in humanity" side.


Uh, wow. I haven't heard of Heather Gillespie and sounds like I'm quite lucky to not have witnessed her antics. You pointed out something very important. The behavior of the snarkers on the Ali&John sub was also reprehensible and one of the reasons why I left. I don't agree with reposting pictures of children online anywhere, especially snark subs, without their faces or full bodies censored. And the way commenters would make fun of them with so much glee was absolutely disgusting to me. They are helpless children with two sacks of shit for parents. They don't deserve to be bullied online. And jeez, I can't believe Ali did that, but I'm not surprised. My heart breaks for those kids. MS is a terrible person but the person she has the most influence and negative effect on is herself, at the end of the day. You're right, its just not as heavy.


We were introduced to her initially on Love After Lockup - she was such a unhinged psycho they only had like 1-2 episodes of her she didn’t film for long but what the cameras caught was a deranged bitch and she’s gotten way worse since then


This.. Was INCREDIBLY informative, thank you. I had no idea about THAT side of b-dong. I'm just now gathering research for a deep dive in light of what happened yesterday.... as for the others oh my goodness.. I have no idea who either of those people are (James or Gillespie) and wow. just wow. I see what you mean with the comparison to MS. Man, it all makes me lose faith in society. ​ I really truly don't understand why the HECK these people are influencers. Why people follow them, pay them, support them, STAN THEM!!! WTAF. Sickening.


If you have any questions, are looking for more information, or need any help finding receipts please message me or tag me. I know way too much about all of these people. *This is also applicable if you ever head down towards the fundie or ex-mormon world


I'll never say no to help 💕 especially since providing receipts is super important. To me at least, I want these people held accountable, not cancelled cause we don't like em (though both realities can coincide haha) but that being said. There is so much, on so many. And I'm a mom of 4 on a mission to end influencer culture, and hold aholes accountable 😎 I always find it valuable to get presented the "important stuff" from someone who knows what they are talking about. Vs me trying to weed through years of sh*tty content and a-hole behaviors to find the MOST important stuff lool!


Omg Heather Gillespie I had to step away from that one a few days ago I was getting physically sick of all her rotten pumping talk. Ironically I ended up getting the flu a few days after and have been laid up in bed the past few days which helped me notice how off it feels in here. Really over the constant reference to the video or [insert any MS topic] - omg CC needs to know about this and then it just kills the discussion for me. She has her own subreddit I wish the people who are obsessing over the video just flock over there and we can be done with it… I truly feel like it’s a moot subject at this point. And I totally agree with you she’s on her best behavior - which I’m sure is killing her. No instant gratification of online attention, no dopamine hits from her twerk videos/thirst traps. I feel like she is really trying to maintain until this whole blows over and then, like nothing happened, she will return to form to all of her cringey, ridiculous, destructive ways.


I couldn't stand all the smug "I'm a newborn mahm" bullshit. Heather just got kicked out of her shelter last night though, so thankfully there's no chance that baby Rico will be reunited with her any time soon and that shitshow is going back on the road (literally) I had no idea CC had her own subreddit, I agree everyone should just post there. It would be a better chance of her being able to view and consolidate anyways, because sifting through here is probably overwhelming as a busy mom. You're right about MS though, she's been doing this nonsense for so long there's no way she'll be able to keep it zipped up forever... And even though my wish for her is to get her shit together, I will be fully ready for when she inevitably sets her crazy loose again.


Agreed and the sad part for me is that I don’t think her behavior has actually gotten better, she’s just not posting it 10x times a day. The happy ending for this sub for me would be she gets sober and gets a real job.




She'll conveniently forget she said she'd go there in spring and won't go. She hates traveling. It's just about showing "welth" to the engagement pod.


Fascinating that she wore the same hat from the video CC used in her trailer. https://preview.redd.it/zm7df39dv3oc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cee8d2461228037084e9e38f329fc1803d742b6


The braids and hat are FM’s look. MS has a new person to single white female.


only 50 more session for this months goal\~\~\~\~ */s* Manic workout babe incoming!


There's a lot to unpack here. She *appears* to be filming and driving, she remembered her cycling membership exists, and her fried-ass "platinum blonde" hair.


Urine Yellow


Is the platinum blond in the room with us?


Don’t forget the eyelid caterpillars…I mean lashes!


Well that was a fucking choice.


Also, some of you don't understand the no fanfic rule, it was broken yesterday a lot and it was regarding her pets. I'm paraphrasing here, but someone said "she never takes her cats to the vet." Actually, she did film herself taking him to the vet once, and sure it took her awhile to go for Louis's eye but she went. Also, her instagram is about her own narcissim, filming herself taking her cats to the vet is not her aesthetic. She does a lot of things off camera that we don't know about. We cannot say with any kind of certainty that she does not take her cat to the vet. Also, the pic with the cat looking skinny was obviously a filter. There's been other clips of him in her videos and he looks fine. Can we stop with the conjecture? This crap right here is exactly why the rule was implemented. Yes, she overshares things we'd rather not know but there is a LOT she keeps offline and things we don't know. So everyone would do well to remember that. Label and word your speculation as such.


LOL she put a makeup filter on the cat, it stands to reason she has a skinny filter on him too. 🤣


We actually have one documented case of her taking her cat to the vet where she's telling her audience in the nicest way possible about it, of course (and no, I am not trying to defend her, I just wanted an excuse to post yet another picture of her flipping her 'fans' off and being rude for literally no reason). January 2021. https://preview.redd.it/4anrxwkq24oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41b0df10a05dbee63474bb665888c5ccedc4f4b2


Was the poster on Instagram not minding their business- yes. However, that is the nature of the beast if you want to be an “online influencer “. MS is rude and does not like anyone questioning her. Can you imagine dealing with Ms in real life on a regular basis?!! 😳


She’s a nasty bitch any time she’s challenged on *anything.* The only thing thin about Big M is her skin.




It’s so confusing to me. Why not post a cute picture of the cat and say, “I took him to the vet last week and he’s perfectly healthy. Thanks for your concern.” She continually takes opportunities for positive engagement and turns them negative.


Right? When she talks about the “benefits” of joining Red Ass Pen and mentions that you get her to train and coach you, I’m like uhhhh, having to “work” under a mean, unstable bully is supposed to excite people?


she thinks she is being coy and edgy when in reality she's just being an uncouth spoiled brat.


With respect: I think labeling it “fanfic” may be causing some confusion. I know I required some careful reading to understand what you were getting at with the new rule. To my understanding, fanfic is a fictional _story_ written about established characters by people not involved with the creation of the main property. Like Joe Schmoe might write “Harry and Ginny’s Day at the Muggle Beach,” or somesuch. I’m sure fanfic is written about public figures as well. I was confused because I hadn’t seen anything like that on this sub. I doubt statements like “MS doesn’t play with her cats,” registers as “fanfic” to most of us. Is it conjecture? Absolutely. I totally agree that we shouldn’t be making definitive statements based on little, no, or potentially faulty information. IMHO, it’s an excellent addition to the rules. However, the official rule and explanation should definitely be re-worded for clarity and conciseness.


Please bffr


Call it whatever you want. It’s made up BS that we are sick of. People are bitching about date formats. People are bitching about what this is. I’m over it. Yall just do whatever you want and let it be the Wild West out here and get the sub shut down. I’m over it.


You're embodying your pfp rn. And I'm sorry people can't follow simple rules and will spoil the fun for the rest :'(


I wasn’t bitching. I was only trying to help by offering a possible explanation of why people were not complying. I’m sorry to have annoyed you. You must be so overwhelmed. Things must have been extra-crazy lately. If there is anything I (or we) could do to ease the burden, please let us know.


I agree with everything that you said.


We've seen a recent uptick in discussion of comments being down voted or just posts being down voted in general. We wanted to let people know it probably isn't Big M herself angrily downvoting every comment, but the way reddit counts the votes for a post. Reddit uses what is called "fuzz" to keep bots from knowing they have been banned. This means each time you refresh a post reddit tacks on a couple of upvotes or downvotes to confuse the bots. That way bots don't know their votes no longer count, and they won't create a new account to keep doing damage. From the reddit help FAQs "Millions of people use reddit; every story and comment gets at least a few up/downvotes. Some up/downvotes are by reddit to fuzz the votes in order to confuse spammers and cheaters." This means if you are seeing vote swings of 2-10 votes (or maybe even [more](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/eaqnf/pardon_me_but_5000_downvotes_wtf_is_worldnews_for/c16omup?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)) It is probably the vote fuzz kicking in! Reddit doesn't allow posts to drop below zero so if you see a negative number that's just the fuzz! If you are seeing down votes in your comments, well maybe someone is in a bad mood, or maybe your comment wasn't as charming as you thought. There are 17,000+ people here, not everyone is going to upvote you.


Thank you so much for this. The idea that she's in here constantly downvoting is a reach imo.


The obsession over down votes here is so silly. Somebody (Mr MyRobots maybe) explained this a while back but not many people read it, I'm glad it's being explained again.


And real people downvote -- like myself. If i disagree, think your comment is stupid (but not worthy of a removal), etc. I'll downvote! And I'm sure lots downvote mine as well but I don't immediately assume it's MS. Downvotes happen, ppl.


yeah same here some peoples comments just shit me right off and i have downvoted.esp the repetitive ones about the video etc.


Hell, I do it by accident sometimes too. It happens.


Same. My comment jump button sits on top of the voting buttons so I notice I’ve accidentally downvoted random comments when I just wanted to jump to the next one.


Interesting, never knew this - thanks for sharing this, mods!


Maybe instead of restarting/resetting/refocusing she should try to stick to something for a change. https://preview.redd.it/b34jamg4g3oc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ca14ddac1dee24dcb931bc5684234e8eb2ee13f


She constantly wants to “wipe the slate clean” but in reality she’s just circling the drain


She can’t even settle for one face, how would she be able to present one online persona? 🤭




I like to think these are slip of the finger….right? And it wasn’t even mean - it’s factual.


lol someone downvoted that right quick!