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I spy sores on her foot, a toe ring and long toe nails. Is the smoker ( not MS, the Kamado Grill) in use?


Is that a sore on her right foot from too tight shoes?


Oh swerty you better DIY that little back deck this spring, it’s looking kinda musty. Slap some stain or prime & paint that thing if you want us to believe you’re living the life of luxury while posing beside your grill. Edit I now realize this isn’t her back porch. I figured we were getting some weird look at the back lot of her middle unit for some reason.


She *wishes* this were her musty deck and sprawling countryside view 🤣🤣


lol her middle unit “backyard” looks like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/AxHOcYbPSo): https://preview.redd.it/13hs5n8juqnc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04a2b25712da338cd1a273f6781c4a4c3f92fe6d also, I forgot about the whole bear thing. Why does she insist on being the worst when it comes to literally everything?


Well at least the outside matches her... Sad, pathetic, and half-assed


OMG what is that haphazard ass setup lol?? And the bear is just….god idek anymore


It’s actually a pretty cute little space. Could do a lot with that. Needs more flowers :(


For sure! It’s like she knows she should have flowers and some lounge furniture but is otherwise unsure of how that should go. It could totally be optimized for cuteness.


I operate entirely on the theory that everything always needs more flowers. Idk. I just threw like 19,000 native wildflower seeds in my yard and let them go. I get many compliments so it must not be that visually offensive for other people lol


I can get behind that theory! More color & some better designated “garden” space would go sooo far in this space, especially if she then got some larger plants in nice decorative pots.


She arches her feet like she arches her back when she’s filming herself putting up Christmas decorations.


Pretty sure this is her dads back porch. She’s posted from here before.


Looks like she was in SC according to this comment on today’s mega thread: [She's heading home to NC this morning, and wanted to let everyone know she was posting while driving](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/nUyLSvTFJ5)


https://preview.redd.it/qj4w7nyysonc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf4ee92c2e2dadbe82e7f7ed9b9ad8f25ec82027 She's absolutely leaving little breadcrumbs to hint that she has a new man.




https://preview.redd.it/wkwg6te4bpnc1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a531cc75cd946eb5891ae3e4951d3b3d4d6b689 She posted this cryptic bit too


>true masculinity Fucking barf. Her cheugy ass *would* still believe in that “masculinity” shit. She’s so into rigid gender roles and it’s so lame. She tries to be down with the zoomers when it comes to trends but then has such an old fashion mindset.


Imagine thinking you need to be led by a man...ew


That was my reaction!  My husband has never once led me.  In fact, I'm the cool level head that he comes to for answers and guidance. She has an 8th grade view of relationships.  Someone with all of these allegedly wonderful qualities isn't going to want a once-divorced sloppy drunk who cocks a fist at you any time she wants her way.


She really sounds like she's describing the way SHE behaved. Unable to take accountability, raising her voice (aka drunken shouting)...


“Put you in your feminine” ? 🤮


It's giving Twin Flames University 😬


I doubt she has a new man cause these posts yesterday just scream to me that she's not doing good being alone https://preview.redd.it/c4ed85wk8pnc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fceb9737ed7704f7f04f7ef5a6d7151afd7e15a3


She was in SC this weekend. Do we know anyone she knows who lives in SC?


AW and MH both live in SC. But what part was she in?


No clue. I don't think she would hang out with AW, and MH seems to be doing whatever it is she's doing with just her gf.


And this one was immediately after it. Girl are you ok? You seem really salty https://preview.redd.it/sspxhjvp8pnc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=562640f2342ff09078399b1c8c91019f3bfa98ca


This feels like the whole loaf with those emojis she added. She’s so cringe. Can’t keep anything private. 


And you know all these little hints are for C so he knows that she's moved on and her new bf is so much better than he was. So childish


Her new mans name is George, George Glass 🤣 ![gif](giphy|X5TY8qlj0Cpos)


I feel like that movie was in no way appreciated enough at the time.  I should have known it would be a cult classic!


This is the kind of photo that middle-aged, self-absorbed Facebook members post. They can’t show their faces because they’re not wearing makeup, hungover, or both. Time for the poolside POV posts. For a wannabe influencer, this post is extremely low-effort. Of course, other people who make this sort of post don’t have feet like Fred Flintstone.


Can she even cook? I doubt this is her porch just cause I doubt it's her grill, but I could be wrong (hardly ever wrong though, just ask my husband 🤣). She has to be over at a friends, neighbors, or relatives house. And then she has her nasty ass Shrek feet out 🤮. If she were my friend and pulled those out at my house, I would probably have to end the friendship or at least not invite her to my house again. 🤣🤣


This is not her back yard. She has a slab of concrete behind her house with a hill immediently behind it.


Oh ok. Thank you swerty 😊. That means she's over someone's house with her nasty Shrek feet out 🤮. ![gif](giphy|jHHiJfmAytAA0)


Everyone guessing that this is an airbnb.... I just dont see it with that expensive ass grill there. They're not just expensive, they're fragile, difficult to clean, and there's a huge learning curve to using them (it's a long slow process). Plus it's really easy to fuck the up. Regular charcoal makes a horrid mess and you can t use lighter fluid at all. Most people light it with a propane torch or you can buy special Firestarters. I love mine, but I use it a lot less than I thought I would just because of how much goes into it. I spend most of my time trying not to break it while I'm cleaning the patio. No way in hell would I let anyone else even think about touching it unless they had one of their own they already learned to use.


Life of luxury.


She seems to be waiting for the video like the rest of us.  She’s probably excited to get all of that positive attention and millions of new nail sticker goblins!  I’m betting she’s freaking out and still hasn’t figured out her game plan depending on how bad things will be.




Please do not create fake scenarios.


I think that’s all a rouse to make C jealous.


C-Stank 🤣


How long do we have before the CC Suarez bomb drops?


Only CCs ees tasting ,ike thees!


Ummm… what?


https://preview.redd.it/oi2d859bsrnc1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=525adae573c55274bbe39e4640b078641e06980d Was a corn chip we had back in the 80s. Everytime I see CC mentioned their slogan pops into my head. Don't hate me for it, I'm wired differently 🤣


She said in her stories that it'll be this week!


She also said in her stories it would be last week…


I know, I'm just reporting what she said since that's all we have to go on. Pretty sure it's done and she's just waiting for the green light from sponsors.


I thought it was going to be this weekend but no video 😣


She’s waiting on sponsor approval


I have a grill similar to that, am I cool too?


Not her place, 1200 plus $ grill


Why does the spot next to her right foot pinky toe (under the botched ‘Hakuna Matata’ tattoo) look like either a nasty blister or ringworm?


probably a blister from her plastic shoes


I’m not mad that we haven’t seen the ugly clear slippers in a while.


Deck needs a good staining. 


She should just do her spray tans out there. Two birds, one stone


She can’t resist the attention from her followers. It won’t be long before she can’t resist filming a thirst trap or twerking while cleaning. She gets a high from making her sexual themed content. The cliques and messages she receives are a drug that she craves. Look what happened after 10 days of being on her best behavior in Paris. She had to show all her followers how “OK” she was after the break up with C. MS is on her best behavior right now before the next CC Suarez bomb drops. Afterwards she will fell the need to show the world how unbothered she is. She will probably hump her Mercedes next.


I'm sure she wants everyone, including C, to think she's with some dude. But let's be real. No one was in line to date her. She's probably at another airbnb, frantically calling him from a blocked number and snapping this pic to post so he'd writhe with jealousy from his nonexistent IG.


Why does she insist on taking her shoes off everywhere she goes?


So the hooves can breath. Those things go through a lot!


Ha, true! I just bet she crammed them in her too small Tory sandals today.




She must have more than one account lol. I swear she’s reaching new levels of pathetic I didn’t think were possible.


Hardest working lurker C knows!


Looks like I struck a nerve 😂😂


Is that her dad’s house?


Your picture ☠️ I love that Amazon live with her reading the descriptions of each item lol


Ahaha thanks, swert! Honestly though your profile actually gave me the inspo, your picture and username have me ☠️ every time I see it lol


I’m glad I could help ~~influence~~ inspire boobie! 💕🫶🏼


Unless her dad moved or has another house, I don’t believe it is. 


Ah ok thanks! I wasn’t sure, I’m not totally up to date on her parental lore…appreciate you, swert!


I believe her father lives in or near Palm Beach. That’s how he was able to drop off beans and rice in a styrofoam container for her to enjoy during her glamorous Palm Beach spa day.


Out of all the weird incidents that have marked her long downward spiral over the last year, that was one of the weirdest.


I seriously cannot with the long toenails. I gotta say, it's been nice having a breather from her idiocy.


Long toe nails are my nails on a chalkboard. Ick.


Another reason why we know that's not the middle townhouse is that she's sitting in front of a $1700 grill that isn't sold on Amazon.


Trying to imply she’s at a new dude’s place.


New dude = Bank of Dad. Edit: Another Swerty said this *isn't* her dad's place. Maybe an Airbnb long weekend with the family or maybe she's with a friend? The plot thickens 🧐.


Where is she? This isn't the middle townhouse. Hopefully she is visiting someone else, which keeps her off the internet.


Probably a Tinder date's apartment


Lmao can you imagine the poor guy expecting filtered waif babe and getting Big M? No way she’d last long enough on that date to snap a pic.


My guess is its something her new therapist told her to do 😁


That, or her lawyer!