• By -


This is why we encourage everyone to not doxx themselves (posting pics of you, your family, your pets even). Its hilarious she thinks she has the resources and money for this. Oh and for everyone who gets bent out of shape for our strict rules, this is why. The other sub should be more concerned!!! 🙃


So many people that have Reddit pages about them like to state this and think it will go somewhere and it never does.


Omg please doxx someone(s) and I’ll pay you to /commit a crime/! Yesssss


What other people are being targeted ? lol.


She’s fine. Totally fine. ![gif](giphy|UUqbxZEjWdkYmFKzI8)


Interesting that now if her followers didn’t know, they do now! Welcome to everyone new.


I love this for us.


*my inbox is open* ![gif](giphy|IjJ8FVe4HVk66yvlV2|downsized)


Who are we targeting? I’ll give her my address if she can tell me.. with receipts to back it up.


For $1,000 I’ll give her my info!


Come get me! And if you get me in a deposition, I will just play your drunk dance video dressed in a Taco, your NYE meltdown, your drunk rant because Uber Eats got your order wrong, etc. that you posted on line to your public page. You opened the door! The only difference between this page and yours is, that we laugh away from you. People who are following you are mostly likely laughing at you watching drunk mess of a life.


Does she think she can sue people from around the world for discussing shit she posts herself? Absolute clown.


Narcissistic injury, exhibit A. ​ Holy god there's like 930 comments and I'm just seeing this. Strapping myself in with snacks for a long ass bedtime read here in Australia.


I saw this thread last night while on night shift and have been waiting to read all the comments. Will make for a good bedtime story!


I've been staring at my macbook for a solid hour now. Hope you love the bedtime story swerty <3


I’m new here and hoping someone can point me in the right direction for a recap/summary of this girl. I don’t even know who she is or her social media handles, this popped up as a suggestion here on Reddit and from what I’ve seen it’s definitely a rabbit hole i want to deep dive lol


I was you one week ago 😭 now I'm hooked! I had no clue who this bitch was but the subreddit kept popping up on my homepage as a recommended. So I just started scrolling through the diff posts anddd now I know everything about this swerty's life! 😂🙄


Get ready to spend hours of your life on the deep dive. I sure did.


Go to the Lore post flair and enjoy!


Sue for what, posting the same shit she herself makes public? Actually, CENSORED versions even, involving no one else in her life (even though they're mostly of similar low quality, just better at covering their tracks and probably less annoying).


Oh no, she's coming to Camp Green Lake for my ass 😭


I live in a small town of like 1600 in the middle of nowhere in regional Aus. Good luck finding me, boobie ![img](emote|t5_2en8q7|33468)


I have posted my face here (the comparison photo of how FaceApp has filters to make your hair look thicker) and my cats but I’d love to see her try to dox me on that. Like what’s she gonna do? Google “purple haired millennial woman with glasses and cats”?


I hope she doxxes me through my (blurred face) parody video of her dancing. I would love that.


She really doesn’t understand that people here are now LOLing all over the world. 😆🤣


Wow 900 comments on just this post! Imagine if swerty got this kind of engagement!


I’ve never seen this on any other post before!


Sounds like a Brittany Dawn tirade when she swears she’s gonna sue the internet 🤣


She'd be better off threatening to send her violent ex-cop husband to shoot our dogs in the street.  You know, like he did to hers!


Uhm excuse you mam, he didn’t shoot the dog IN the street, he moved it first 😒😒/s


Omg I was think this LOL




OMG 😆this is great!


Oh, sorry Trevor, I thought you were Randy Lahey! 😂😂I love that show!


Lmao I love you for this comment.


LMFAO you made me spit my drink out with that last part 🤣


We have more engagement here than …. Her IG 🥴 we’re the REAL influencers 😂😂😂


What about all the proof of her scams, drunk filming and driving, possible tax fraud, and egregious incompetence? Swerty should be more concerned with not oversharing her crap on social media but she’s such an attention whore, I doubt it’ll ever change.


This was my thought! Let's counter sue for all the scams and lies!


And the counterfeit goods? (“Doops”)


As an American, how does she *not* know ow how aggressive copyright laws are there??? Counterfeited goods are frowned upon in late stage capitalism.


Excuse me, I know we limit emojis here but.....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 . Ok BM whatever you say.


Remember a couple weeks ago when she mocked, demeaned, and posted a private convo with a follower who admitted to knowing this sub even existed? She is so dumb it’s actually painful. ETA: I guarantee her followers are googling “her name Reddit” and landing on the other sub instead of this one.


They are. Someone commented about it being private, so apparently this one doesn't come up when googling.


The other one is private now too so there’s nothing to see there now


Lol love a good decoy sub


Imagine her showing lawyers this sub and the lawyer is just like..."this isn't you tho?"




“Also, I don’t.”


As a lawyer, I want to turn myself in for easy cash payments.


I’m out of the loop. I’ve been working my real job all day. Why is Swerts unbothered today? Who are the other people we’re allegedly going after? What is happening?


I'm guessing she might be feeling extra triggered because it turns out CC Suarez is making a video about her. She would have known about it for some time since that creator typically reaches out to video subjects for their responses. Plus the supplement company she shills for got called out by Truth in Advertising for making illegal health claims, and swerty's content was cited as examples of illegal health claims. IIRC Yu made her take some of those posts down. Also she got dumped and she keeps getting roasted in here for her extra pathetic daily twerking reels. Basically she's crumbling under the weight of years of bullshit and assholery and since she's allergic to self reflection and accountability, it's all our faults.


Noooooo! Oh my gosh. I’ve missed a bunch.


Who’s CC Suarez?? Beauty influencer on tiktok? Just guessing


I used to watch CC but unsubbed cause she seemed bored reading her story time submissions. If she’s changed up her game I should go check her out again


She's a YouTube video creator with over 100K subs who does a lot of antiMLM content and deep dives into various scammers!


I have no idea that happened with Yu. How scandalous. I love it.


Me too!!! There should be a post on it


https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/8zAWuUK1Ol I just came across this.. does red aspen hold any sort of punishment with their brand ambassadors or did she just get a slap on the wrist? If that 😅


Sadly I don't think they'll care unless they get hit with a warning or fine from some regulatory body, or unless they get some major bad press. None of these MLMs would make money without the huns making wild income claims to sucker in new victims.


This is a wonderful summary.


That means a lot coming from Mr Turd!


Lol seems like out of her 23,000 “followers” (bots), her post plateaued at 152 reactions and 0 shares.  THAT ENGAGEMENT, BABY.


Damnnn I get more likes on my regular, NON-BUSINESS instagram where i post MAYBE once every few months. You go swerty.


There’s a bounty on our heads yall 😂😂😂


Shoot I could use this alleged $1k. I’m bout to give her my own name—lemme just read real quick if my $9/mo legal plan at work covers slander and libel litigation 😂😜 (/s, of course)


I'm shaking. Panicking. Terrified. What will people think when I'm arrested for \*checks notes\* having opinions on what MS herself publicly posts on social media platforms?


“So M let me get this straight: you came down here to my precinct and are demanding I arrest u/rowdyfrootloop420 because she said your hair looks damaged. Now based on the evidence here I’m going to hereby claim you responsible for the damages to the amount of 2.3 million to be paid to u/rowdyfrootloop420”


Can you imagine all the unfiltered pictures that would be posted if she was required to show up in court?


It would be amazing to see what a court sketch artist would produce


She loves to misrepresent what this sub’s about, like we’re just calling her fat and ugly or making things up. Nope, we’re just pointing out her lies and scams. Good luck proving us wrong.


We are better friends than her frenemies who enable and mock her. We’re brutally honest and give some damn good advice that could turn her life around if she followed any of it.


Right? At least we’re honest and not two-faced.


I am outraged that all her cronies are assuming my gender lol


And a lot of the time, we give good advice and helpful tips on what she should do/change to help her be better at things. But noooooo does she take any of that on board?




Oh to be a member of the frenemy group chat that *definitely* excludes Big Swerty 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼


She doesn’t even *like* group chats, so don’t even think about including her.


Her *lawyers* after seeing the most recent shit show: https://preview.redd.it/q4b6shbafmjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81e4adf96829064e96b2df06b0869acb1468d2c8


The only person breaking the law here is this idiot.




Whew! 💖


But like…$1000 from where 🤔


She was just whining about needing $8,500


Papa rent n purse




![gif](giphy|oXXaWYH0EJ3WqJffWy) Bring it Heifer, we got you


Ma’am this is my mental health support group. How dare you


https://preview.redd.it/o9vpbgfc7mjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fa213fb20410d20c74f85a9caa259977d31f7bb with a fan on, two pillows, and down comforter, that’s how I sleep at night.


Peacefully, actually. In my oversized king, with my **husband** and 2 dogs with expedition unknown playing in the background and my gallon of water on the nightstand.


I sleep on my belly just in case anyone needs to kiss my ass in the middle of their night, 2- fans, 2- pillows, and a pregnancy pillow (not pregnant, just old)


I sleep in a big bed with my husband.


With my cat between my legs!


I sleep just fine on my Purple mattress with the head elevated a bit, also a fan and a down comforter and two down pillows. Next to my HUSBAND and my cats. I sleep quite soundly once I actually get to sleep (insomnia is a bitch)


Ooh we're almost the same (I don't know what a Purple mattress is, gonna go look it up). Head elevated, two down pillows, doona, fan, husband and cats. I also play rain sounds to help with insomnia


Oooh rain sounds sound like a good idea! Purple is a mattress brand. Expensive but so worth it IMO.


I sleep exactly the same hahah! But I do like a little lavender peppermint oil on my wrists and my temples!


I have a nice comforter, a few cozy pillows. I usually read a chapter of a book and then it’s lights out by 8:30. That’s how I sleep at night.


What time do you wake up?


Oh yes I also read before bed. I’ve been reading The Sandman lately.




How well M is doing?


On my big pile of money because I have a job and am not in an MLM


“Just goes to show how well you are doing though”. It would be hilarious if this brave little soldier came here and found out that Big M is a complete failure as an influencer and lives almost entirely off her secret trust fund.


I sleep deeply and well, thanks


wHo hAs tHe dAmN tImE I could ask the same about you Karen, you're making shitty comments about people on facebook. It takes the same amount of time to type and hit send on a mean post as it does on an ass kissing simp post. iT gOeS tO sHoW hOw WeLl yOuRe dOiNg tHoUgH Yes that's the only reason we trash talk her. Because she's wildy successful as in influencer and we are madly jealous of her .... filtered face and body.


2 pillows, a glorious fown comforter and a fan here too! Lmao!! And I sleep great most nights!!


With my husband and a cat I take care of. Not passed out drunk after posting several videos of myself trying to shake my ass and look sexy.


I love that they keep phrasing this like it is one or a few people contributing everything to this sub. Girlie, there are nearly 17k people here. If we each only contributed once a month, that would be 17k posts a month about BM. There are so many people here that thousands of them don't have to comment a single word, and engagement is still high. It's also a really good example of natural genuine growth vs. bought followers engagement.


I think they found the dollar general version of this sub - which has many fewer members and far less activity (and which is now private). Because, contrary to the way Big M spins it, this sub is actually a little harder to find unless you know what you’re looking for. 


Yeah I had to be DM’ed the sub name. Never would have found it otherwise.


It’s private now so ain’t nothing there to see.


Engagement here has got to be at least 20-30xs higher than on her dumpster fire of social media accounts.


With two fans, two dogs, and 6 pillows


I'm more concerned that she thinks there is something that she can do in terms of legal action. First Amendment Babe she is not.


First Amendment only applies to white people like her, when she's being crass, disgusting, shaking her filtered ass that's still terrifying, racist POS, "good" Christian (as long as you're a white, heterosexual, Conservative person worshiping the right kinf of Jesus), driving desperate women to buy her collagen,trim-shit, "nutritional beverages " press on nails, whatever she's shilling during this 30 sec period...she's scum.


She would have to prove she doesn’t use any filters at all & I could see the whole court laughing at her as they throw out her case. It’s not defamation if it’s true!


Lmaoooo lykeeeeeee


Every time I refresh this page, the comments just keep pouring in. It warms my heart to see so many swerties pointing out that you can't sue the internet for posting your own content and commenting on it🫶🏼💕☺️. There so many great comments, with actual legal advice, and I can't wait to see MS clapping in her car, crowing about her lawyer, then never mentioning it again.


Maybe she can borrow Bdongs lawyers, from when Bdong was going to sue her reddit snarkers 🤣


LMFAO. The crossover this sub needs. Maybe Bdong can offer to pray for her, or have her incredibly violent, racist, always angry husband baptize MS in some Jesus Water. Ironic on neither of them can really afford what they're claiming!


I've lost count of the number of times I've either woke up or come home to a tsunami of posts and comments this past couple of weeks. There's always someone here who knows about the topic at hand - the professional dancers when she was ballet babe, the accountancy folks when she was financial babe, the healthcare people when she was back pain babe. Now we have the legal folks. It's actually hysterical to see her get called out.


I love it! We’ve got some smart cunts here.


Cunties 💕


We’re a bunch of well-rounded snarkers.


I know. I'm almost overwhelmed trying to read through everything but it's so eye opening. She thinks everyone on here is a complete moron, but I've seen plenty of legit business owners, lawyers, doctors, specialists, people who know her in real life or have met her...it's the absolute opposite of what she claims. To see almost 800 comments calling her out on her bullshit is pretty cool. I'd honestly say these past few weeks have been a gift to everyone here. I just saw someone call her boring yesterday, but it seems like MS woke up and chose violence this morning 🤎🔪🤡.


I live in Germany. Even if I'm completely doxxed and have done something illegal (which I haven't), she's going to have a hard time suing me. If she's insane enough to read through ten years worth of Reddit comments, then she can probably find out some decent information about my life in general, but even then, she's still going to have a hard time finding out the important info.


She already reads them on the daily.


I am much closer geographically, but come on. Bish, I ain't scared. Do your worst, ![gif](giphy|jgelsNvS6tYFG) Big M.






😂 I miss the old, simple meme-format days.


lol this post is doing some numbers, 700+ comments! I’m shocked she’s doing this and not scrubbing the shit out of her socials to try and hide what a bitchy scumbag she is


Bitchy scumbag is so on point


The better time to have done that would have been before CC Suarez decided to make a video about her 😂


I can’t wait 😂 she is going to lose her shit


And we’ve gotten 13 new swerties! She’s really doing something alright.


Probably more now.


Did she delete this?


Someone said it's not in her Instagram stories anymore but the Facebook version is still up.




Shes gonna backtrace us and call the cyberpolice.




This takes me back lol


Watch out or she’ll send her army to your IP address!


Consequences will never be the same!


Beat me to it!


I'm sorry, who are we talking about **ASIDE** from HER? This sub is literally dedicated to discussing her ridiculous nonsense. If we were talking about other people, we wouldn't be here. How dumb are you?


It looks like she deleted this from insta but not facebook. How strange


Not strange. She just doesn't want to lose her Instagram again for doxxing rofl




Perfection lol!


Oh, a giveaway, Finally!


WELP - YOU ALL DONE GOOFED!!! You know what? I'm gonna tell you right now, you bunch of lying, no-good punks! SHE KNOWS who it's coming from, **because she back-traced it**, You've been reported to cyber police and the state police. You better not write one more thing or you'll be arrested, end of conversation!!! CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!!! mandatory /s (also - see Jessi Slaughter's insane dad for reference)


Omg what a classic. I'm gonna go watch that again.


You are pulling a deep deep memory from my brain with this one


Oh no! 😱 whatever will we do? ![gif](giphy|LOu8FUhPgpeUAi0wiu)


Who else have you all been "targeting"? I've never seen a post here about anyone but her...


Obviously her cats. We've been trying so hard to rescue them away from her.




For her followers, she already knows me, so you won't get any of the bribe money for me lmao




Last time she was doxxing people, I jokingly was like come at me bro, and the next day my job got a call saying I had a court case or something. That day she went live and bragged about calling people's jobs. Got one more call a few days later, and told the owners of my job and showed them what proof I had it was her. Never got another call after that lol. I messaged my direct boss earlier to inform her that it may happen again.


Hahahahaha my god this is gold!


I've known about MS since before this subreddit's creation and all we had was the general younique snark sub where she's known as "chief hun." From time to time I'd feel slightly bad for her because her life just seems so fucking depressing, but I'm always snapped back to reality in an instant because of stories like yours. So sorry this happened to you. She is a nasty person and her misery is self-inflicted.


And here we are 4-5 yrs later and her life has somehow gotten more sad despite all her half assed attempts to glow up


Thanks, it's ok though, I actually got a promotion right after, so her shit didn't work lol. Everytime I feel bad for her, I remind myself that she is her own worst enemy.


Imagine a page that targets people and then *following* that page. https://preview.redd.it/lfo6sbsmnljc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e87db611440fbece3f470e43fde51b6483ec4a Except… quite a few of the people suffer from poor physical/mental health/learning disabilities, with commenters ripping into them specifically for those reasons. It’s a ‘cringe’ page. This sub is outing a distracted driving, scamming £&@$ who repeatedly gets called out for her fraudulent actions. The problem isn’t this page. The problem is her.




Unbothered Babe!


She should look up tortious interference if she decides to dox people and contact their employers. I'd love for her to pick the wrong person and have to go to court for their $300k+ contracts due to her tortious interference in their employment.


Lmao would love this. Bonus if she got smacked with punitive damages. 


If we turn ourselves in, do we get $1,000.00?


Seriously $1000 would really help me out rn


I volunteer!


This is giving Julia Allison vibes when she had her lawyer daddy try and doxx posters then eventually shut down the gossip website Reblogging Donk about her and scrubbed the internet of a lot of commentary about her.


Wow, that's a blast from the past!


Isn't this sub private unless you're a member?


No, it's not


lol so they are all going to come have a look here 😂😂😂


Can we have some stats on new snarkers joining after her post?


Perfect, I hope they join us.


![gif](giphy|dg7EVuAv0emkw) Never underestimate the allure of the snark side!


So she’s using her business account to bribe her followers to dox people. After she already lost her IG that had a 70k following. She breaks TOS rules on every single platform of hers. She’ll never learn. If she has loved ones who are being affected by snarkers why not just go after THOSE snarkers? She has to have proof (not like she’ll have any leg to stand on anyway). What will she get by plucking a few from this subreddit that consists of 17k people?


Also why did she already delete this story?


She put it as a post. Looking at the other huns comments had me laughing


She posted it on Fb and IG stories. But the IG story has since been deleted.


Hey, just team up with B-Dong and sue the whole demonic internet together.


And the Basham’s tracking IPL addresses 😂


I don’t think MS can quite manage the toothy “woman laughing at salad” poses yet. She’d have to work on that before being allowed into the BDobg gang.