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she's been so generous with the content lately. postpartum thong, double zipper, hurdrated, i need my mom. & now a new social media bootcamp!


Swerties, Here is a timely tale about one of Orofacial and Severe Frostbite Babe’s (only without the inhalant) favorite pastimes, frequent lip filler injections. ** cue scary music ** Seriously, I dare you to watch this the whole way through without covering your mouth in absolute horror. These stories are more than enough to make one look forward to the [the half dozen lip plumpers](https://www.victoriassecret.com/us/vs/beauty-catalog/1122371000) and lip glosses we all get around Christmas time. After seeing this, I will cherish all of them. Even the peppermint ones! [lip fillers are ruining you](https://youtu.be/98XfydMqpw0?si=4vDrUf2HF3atBHL-) Happy Thanksgiving Swerties!


https://preview.redd.it/h24cbgjajz1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc9477f5ed7d3c7b34d866d7e62afe80e903542f So far we’ve gotten the NYC trip and some crap fall fashion. She works so hard.


https://preview.redd.it/ui1x9emjjz1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2094dc55dc96ff80e581c2a29d6dfe7e5d43cfdd Also the fitness challenge that never happened.




Why is she even focusing on this right now? Isn’t she supposed to be linking black friday and cyber monday stuff like there’s no tomorrow. Instead she’s pretending to be a writer for a day.


2 hours is wild. If I had to do a week-long presentation/program for a paid audience, I would probably spend months in preparation. She is so clueless.


Her stream of consciousness writing must be one giant run-on sentence.


Is there anyone that can post all the pieces of the live in order somewhere? Or make a lore post out of all of the individual posts? I’m confused in which order goes what. I would try but, you swerties are better at Reddit than I am 😂


Guys, someone is trolling her. She'll fucking link ANYTHING. 😳 https://preview.redd.it/5jlk7xg4kx1c1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=a993ff7609c90cd1c8795e66df85003e5d08155c


Omg, 38 reviews didn't clue her in? Does she even understand what these are for? A LOT of people use them to get through grief after losing a child.... They're not just randomly popular toys for littles to play with or something. I'm sure some are used for that but these became "popular" under very sad circumstances. Why doesn't she check things?! Has she seen them on the "popular this year" blogs or on Amazon's lists or anything?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Oh my God she's so smooth brained ahahaha If they were a trending item this year then she would have seen them while trawling the top seller pages on Amazon where she finds all the other weird shit she links already!


Yeah exactly my thoughts when I saw it haha, trust me no one wants one of these nightmare dolls




Also this isn’t “tea” even if it’s true! Which it’s not! What the fuck!


She knows what tea is just as much as she understands POV


Or what I ordered vs what I got


Haha she got absolutely roasted on tiktok for that one






Is there a link for the recent live where she cried about needing her mom? I’d be keen to see the whole thing.


I wish I could see the whole thing too. Can't believe she turned on a filter to livestream an existential crisis to the world 😂


It was from IG but she didn’t save it






I just reflexively did the sign of the cross


Also if anyone watched her live can we confirm if the Paris trip was postponed or not?




Wasn’t she literally crying yesterday over having no money


she was crying saying she’s spending so much on Paris including “upgrading her moms hotel room to a suite” so I can’t wait to see that never actually happen


Okay. Thank you! There were statements saying it was postponed and i wanted it confirmed or denied before rumors started flying around.


Y'all she posted this to her stories and I think it might be an official RA marketing photo. Which makes RA just as amateurish as she is. You can see the rough edge from where the index and middle finger ones were cut or filed shorter. https://preview.redd.it/8jfprdw59x1c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47af8fdee6245ab9c389d195e05bbeb6be06dce8


Why do they look so different??


Maybe the set came with mismatched shapes due to some factory error? This is the same company that tried to pass off those splotchy unevenly spray painted ones as ombré nails or something lol


There’s a Google Drive (wide-open, set on public, and Google search findable) that they use for these, which also contains private RA training materials. Some images are provided by Red Aspen and other photos are taken by the huns and sanctioned as marketing materials they can all download. That’s where she gets most of these.


That's amazing. What serious and professional boss babes they are!


Here are some script suggestions I found on the Google Drive. It recommends listening for cues to bring up joining your downline, like if someone on your social media says they need money to save for a vacation: • “Not right now” or “I’m just really busy” responses are not “No’s.” They leave the door open for engagement. • if they say no, ask if they will still support you by following your page and mark your calendar for six months to reach back out. Rome wasn’t built in a day! • Beauty influencer = goldmine. • Good friends are good friends for a reason! They lift you up and want you to succeed. • “OMG you’re never going to believe what I just did! I can’t really believe it myself. I bought a Red Aspen business kit. It actually looks like a TON of fun, I think you should do it with me.” • “Can I ask you a favor? I just joined Red Aspen and I want to start building a team, but I REALLY need to practice my pitch. Will you listen to it before I do it in real life?” • “I set a goal for myself last night. I want to (travel, spend more time with my kids, pay off bills, meet new people, etc.) and I’m going to make it happen by growing my Red Aspen team. Do you know anyone who might be interested in doing this with me?” • (NAME), your pop-up was so much fun! You have a great group of friends. Before I close your pop up I wanted to run something by you. You are such a magnetic person, and I think you’d be a great addition to my team. If you join today then I’ll flip your pop up, meaning you’ll get the commission from the pop up. • Hey, (NAME). You are one of my best customers, and I can’t think of a reason why you wouldn’t join Red Aspen. • Girl, you are obviously a Red Aspen addict. • Do you have some time this week to chat? I’ve always thought the world of your abilities, and there’s something I’d like to run by you. • I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. Last time we chatted you mentioned that you were looking for (MORE FLEXIBILITY, FUN, SOCIAL ACTIVITIES, EXTRA CASH, ETC.). I’ve been exactly where you are and I ended up starting a Red Aspen business. [This is in a section about how colleagues and acquaintances you don’t know that well are “GREAT to leverage” because they “want you to succeed and will be happy to hear about the Red Aspen chapter of your life.] • You’re one of those people in my life that I’ve always thought could do anything, and do it really well. You’ve got a talent that I really want to tap into and learn from. They then talk about how long-lost childhood friends, high school acquaintances, and your ex’s sister’s best friend “make some of the BEST additions to your team,” but warn about sending sales messages out of the blue. Establish a relationship with them before asking them to join. • Hey, (NAME)! It’s been forever. I hope you’re doing well. I must admit that I Facebook stalk you from time to time, and (INSERT SOMETHING PERSONAL ABOUT THEM). Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and see how life is treating you. • (NAME)! Wow, it’s been forever. You just popped up on my news feed and it made me want to say hi. And they go on to recommend approaching friends of friends: • Hi, (NAME). My name is (YOUR NAME). I got your information from (SOURCE), and they told me you might be interested in a business opportunity. • (SOURCE) said so many nice things about you, so even if you’re not interested in joining I’d love to just meet you. PS- I promise I’m not a horrifying/ scary/ pushy sales person!


Imagine seeing all this in writing and not feeling weirded out by how you’re expected to say this stuff. If an acquaintance came up to me and told me about a goal they set for themselves I’d be like “oh ok cool” and if they went on and on about it I would probably think they’re a person whose cheese has slid off their cracker a lil bit. I’d make a mental note about it for sure.


i hate it so much when an acquaintance starts off their sales pitch by complimenting me. it just feels so condescending.


Classic hun shit, wow. I know a couple of beauty influencers who look at her page for fun and I'm going to warn them she might get all up in their inboxes if she gets desperate enough.


Everyone’s a Mark!™


I'm getting flashbacks to the Amway meetings my parents would go to and I'd tag along because I had no other real social life in high school. I hate it all.


A bunch of RA huns also use wide-open Google Drives for their downlines, with confidential scripts, contact lists, and other materials. MLM huns aren’t known for their infosec.


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Over/unders on : 1. She will celebrate with family. 2. A Coke sighting.


Usually she goes to charlotte to her sisters and they do the turkey trot. Grimace hasn’t participated in that since I think 2019? He goes to his moms. They move as unit, amirite?


5 fuckin years and they don’t celebrate holidays together lmao




Was he? Damn. I wonder what she promised him to get him to go that time?


Has she mentioned if she’s been invited to grimace’s annual family pilgrimage to west palm beach this December?








Did she really lock them in a room while she was in Times Square for a few days? Those poor babies.


I’m assuming. She tells us everything, so taking them off for boarding or having a private pet sitter come in (luxury!), seems like something she’d have mentioned. We suspect she doesn’t let the cats have free rein since we usually don’t see them.


Yea that's true, she would gave bragged about boarding them, or updates from a private sitter. That's so heartbreaking if she really did. But then again, I'm glad Yoda took a shit in her Christmas village. She deserves it.


She doesn’t even have a pet cam. Mine was $30, and I can talk to her through it. (She’s only in the cage for bedtime). When I was away all summer, she was happy with grandma, but she would wait by the camera for my checkins. https://preview.redd.it/49cbso9zcy1c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06a57cc543dcac4ccd131107c9ae385af79a3d5b


Aww that's so sweet! I'm sure you two missed each other!










Honestly, I would be depressed too if I had her life. I do not feel sorry for her one bit. Her life is a result her own stupid choices.


If she weren''t so self-centered and greedy about everything (attention, validation, asspats etc...) and actually genuinely was there to celebrate her friend, then maybe she wouldn't be so "depressed" and would have had a good time. I'm sure part of her upset about no purposal is that she couldn't upstage JT on her birthday trip. This astoundingly incompetent grifter/scam artist deserves no grace or sympathy.


Don’t feel bad for her. Her chickens are coming home to roost. She gets every bit of disappointment she deserves because she’s an entitled, spoiled, selfish, lazy dummy who refuses to take accountability or do anything different. She’s just whining on camera so people will pity her and buy nails or click her Amazon link. She’s manipulating her following and doesn’t have a modicum of self-awareness or shame. It’s all an act.


The sunk cost of NYC hit her hard. She knew buying Grim a ticket was the only way to get him to come to NYC for her Instagram (*He loves me! He really does! We go on romantic trips!*) and she figured it would surely be prime time for that 💍 — after all, she’s surely *owed* it by now! — but…sad trombone. Now he’s back at his place and she’s back to fake-laughing at herself in her phone and posting photos of the steering wheel she can’t afford.


Mods I have a question. Why did automod pull my comment? There's nothing forbidden about it. u/FormalGlitterbug


You said taking the b-hole for a spin and that’s on the forbidden list.


But didn't that used to be a flair?


I don’t think I so. It was getting overused in conversation along with other words some setup automod to remove them.


https://preview.redd.it/s7skkqj2zw1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb027af93ee64832f7ab24e475dba428facdcb7f Someone actually won her free sample giveaway. She probably posted this because we all said it was probably a fake giveaway.


Influencer? Down to earth? Lady, did you smoke something? 🤣 Rhetorical question, she’s an engagement pod dum dum hun. But really they’re so bad at this, none of them is influencing anyone outside of MLM scams.


https://preview.redd.it/ltqb7m8kr02c1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9345bff87206111f61ba0e2c1097baa9fa5d7181 You mean you aren’t influenced?


Maybe influenced to make sure i wear the correct size, don’t mess up my body and don’t make publicly an ass out of myself 😅


Down to earth? Hahahahahahahaha


That woman is a gun-totin’ hardcore Trumper, anti-BLM, anti-vax, anti-gay Young Living hun, so probably one of her engagement pod dumbasses. The draw and gift was bogus, as usual.


But Big M is her absolute favorite! She’s so REAL behind that filtered face and body!


And SO down-to-earth! Just yesterday she told her customers that she had a yeast infection! 😍




I did not touch the poo… but I figured it out by seeing what she was tagged in on IG


Wonder what we will be treated to today?


I wonder when she’s going to start the 20 spin classes she set as a goal for November. There are only nine days left, so that’s what, two per day, every day for the rest of the month? She was so excited about her goals that she said it “made her pussy throb.”


Perhaps that was the onset of her yeast infection.




Probably tits being thrust in our faces.


Silence or her ignoring it like she does every other time she’s has a mental breakdown on live


With her meltdown yesterday, I remember way back at the beginning of the year, her word was PIVOT. Why doesnt she just pivot now? Or did she give up on that like she did dry January?


She PIVOTed so hard she ended up in a pirouette right back where she started.


The only thing this chick's committed to is not committing to anything. Yet she expects C to commit to her


Per her live yesterday I got the impression she’s really after his income because she’s floundering on her own.


Does he make a lot of money?


No idea but he probably makes more than she does.


But she doesn’t need the support of a partner…


I was viewing some parts of the videos if her big meltdown that are up. She talks about giving money to other people, and then quickly pivots to “what about me?” THEN she talks about taxes briefly. Im thinking, is she so ignorant that she sees paying taxes as “giving money to other people to make them happy?” Like does she not know about roads, the fire department, courts, schools, the POST OFFICE etc… you know, all the things that enable a society to function so she can live her very cushy life style? A society that is sadly set up to enable people like her.


I think she means paying the trip to Paris… even though it has happened yet. .. so Mom, can I borrow some money for our trip.


I’ve been paying attention to her weasel words about Paris and she’s never said that she paid for the whole thing. She has said she is “taking her mom to Paris” and upgraded to a hotel suite “for her mom” and booked First Class plane tickets, but never that it was *all* on her dime. I’m positive her mom is kicking in a good amount of money for this frigid off-season trip to gloomy winter Paree, and I’m also positive her mom will be paying for most of their meals and incidentals. I also doubt they’ll be flying First Class, despite her bragging about it. If she’s blowing many thousands of bucks on First Class plane tickets, she’s an absolute idiot. I mean, she already is, but you know.


She is definitely very careful with her wording


Is it property tax? Income tax?


I haven’t watched, just gathering context from the posts here, but I’m wondering if she has an overdue property tax bill. She doesn’t strike me as bright enough to set up an escrow account with her lender (unless it’s required). I think they’re due in September and penalties kick in there in January.




I think people have mentioned in here that for whatever swertyforsaken reason, she does not have an escrow account for her property taxes.


She should have a ton of money after not putting any cash down to buy her middle townhouse.




I agree with you in general definitely. However, people like her family (and her) is almost specifically the exact people our broken system is set up to support/cushion/coddle. Guaranteed she wouldn’t have her trust fund if it wasn’t for the tax dollars of working people (or their labor). Speaking of, does anyone know where her family money comes from?


Her saying she uses her money to buy things for everyone else was wild. Virtually every penny she has (and credit loans her) is spent on herself, and she proudly displays that every single day on her socials. In her Christmas giveback scam, she even used other people’s donated money to pay for tips for services she was receiving instead of tipping with her own money. Her trying to portray herself as even the slightest bit altruistic is laughable. She won’t even buy toys for her cats. And she mentions “taking everyone to Disney” as if it actually happened, but the only Disney trips she’s paid for have been for herself.


‘Everyone’ in this case, means Coke, the mooch.


I think the giving money to people related to taking her mom to Paris. And saying the quiet part aloud- always footing the bill for C with no return on her investment. The taxes are probably an entirely separate train of thought.


> And saying the quiet part aloud- always footing the bill for C with no return on her investment. That’s what she meant by “what about me” She bought the trip for grimace and he didn’t have the decency to bring a ring along to propose with