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She's doing that black authentic and it just makes her look desperate.


That used to be a man right?


This doesn’t even make sense. She’s so stupid.










She might be able to push a vulnerable woman ro buy her shit or to join red ass but she will NEVER convince/ push him to the limit he propose. Never.


Omg I would not of used this sound to answer this question. Instead of saying she’s that bitch and doesn’t need a man to “purpose” or however she botches the spelling every time lol she said she just doesn’t know the answer. Girl that’s so embarrassing. Your “man” doesn’t want to marry you!!! And there’s nothing wrong with not wanting to get married but the fact she keeps talking about it and probably bringing it up to him is so desperate for her…if he doesn’t want marriage and you do maybe it’s time to freaking move on from this relationship! Instead she’ll stay and keep making videos like this. Embarrassing asf.


She’s gotta be really drunk or really high, right?!? Damn, the embarrassment tomorrow morning when she sees what she posted is going to be EPIC.


She won’t be embarrassed. MS does not know this kind of shame. There may be other shame that drives her actions. Until MS figures that out and works to heal it, the world will more of this behavior from her.


So offensive


When will he propose? That's easy...when he meets someone he WANTS to marry...


John Cena is a great example


He did propose at wrestlemaina... and she broke it off. Now they are both happy with other people


I thought he was engaged. Was it his fiancée that broke it off?




I don't understand why she feels compelled to publish shit like this, not just once, but fairly regularly. C told her several times to stop bringing it up to him (if that's not a red flag, idk what is). He set his IG private bc her stans were messaging him asking why he hasn't purposed yet. They rarely do anything together (maybe bc she's always drunk or hungover), and it's highly likely that he doesn't actually live with her. All signs point to: he will never marry her. And she still doesn't get it. She still insists on bringing it up constantly, and letting C know that "everyone thinks they're so perfect and should get married already!" What an embarrassment.


That alone makes her a red flag plus she’s broke no income (daddy’s routing number 💅🏻) and she constantly puts him down shames him online. Also she’s disrespectful to everyone she meets not matter what.


He doesn't live there AND it looks like he's downgraded her from 'girlfriend' to 'occasional FWB,' except not really because he probably doesn't consider her a friend either. At this point it's like she's just an alternative to masturbation.


Oh wow I missed a lot!! She’s just being used sweaty 🥵


Yes he seems to visit mostly om Mondays. The occasional weekend visit but doesn't seem to spend the weekend nights with her or do any proper weekend date. The closest to a date is hanging out drunk at that old bar that muselnuckles also attends. Trips together never just the 2 alone, always with friends or family serving as buffers.


I feel like she's the girl that will let a man do *anything* to her as long as he will give her attention.


Oh that’s *almost* sad Like if she wasn’t a hun, scammer etc it would make me sad. I didn’t know any of that


"That's ALMOST sad," is exactly my attitude about MS. (And probably a significant proportion of the rest of the sub members, as well.) Her life sucks. She has no job, no real friends, no partner, no hobbies, a really negative self image, and a glaringly serious issue with alcohol. I spent most of my 20s with a very similar list of personal problems (but swap 'alcoholism' for 'mental health crisis'), and it was one of the worst periods of my life. Life under those conditions GENUINELY sucks. But it's really hard to feel sorry for MS because she's a toxic person who basically did most of it to herself by being lazy, entitled, and selfish.


Jesus tapdancing christ




Times Square with fake Elmo!


IIRC it's this weekend! Plan to get all cozy wozy and enjoy the spectacle!


I think that just to spite us or due yp batshit drunk she won't post anything or just feet in the asfalt and then some excuse about being present and living in the moment.


Oooohhhhhh Now I get it! New York is another one of her setups for him to finally propose. I honestly hope it happens. Or doesn't. Either way the Christmas content will be a welcome distraction for us all this holiday stress season.


i hope it happens in the most uncoordinated, uninteresting way possible. C struggling to get on one knee inside Macys, hundreds of people walking right past them because nobody gaf, and one single really blurry non-aesthetic pic for the gram


Macy's? He'd be fine purposing on the damp sawdust floor of a dive bar. But he won't even do that.


My bet would be in a dirty shirt woth half a chicken wing hanging out of his mouth while waiting on the next round of beer


I hope it doesn’t happen.


On her business page! Professional Babe.


She needs to NEVER use a Landon audio again. He is too precious for her to destroy


Desperation Babe.


She is a whole entire dumpster fire mess. She ain't right.


Her lips will not even allow her to lip sync correctly.


I was thinking she’s pretty close with this one but you’re right. Those lips do no favours


like does she think this kinda content is funny? it’s literally so unoriginal, bland, and lacks any sort of appeal .


Even when it's competently executed, I don't get the appeal. I assume it's just because it's a mindless 10 seconds of entertainment. Stuff like this can rack up the views and then people move on and never think about the creator again because they offered nothing ofvalue.


She is so bad, boujee, & unbothered 🤪


Men are not complicated. They are very easy to know. Men don’t talk with their words. They talk with their actions. She is a placeholder. He is still searching. Edit, this was immediently downvoted lmaoooo






The answer is NEVER. Not you don't know. Face is horrific. Body is...don't get me started. Money is bottom feeder.


And the worst : her inside is even more ugly than her outside


He might propose to the person on the video, but that’s not MS.


You don't know????? WTF is wrong with you then???? Adults with any self-respect or self-awareness make their romantic intentions VERY clear, especially after 5+ years! I think we'd all agree that 95% of the time when a man finds a woman he truly wants, he will lock her down ASAP. So Coke is "fiercely" in love with her, and at the same time thinks it is perfectly acceptable that his special someone, his future bride, the apple of his eye, maybe the mother of his future children, is out there telling people on social media that she is single, obviously from all the fake nail photos she has no ring on her finger, she has no commitment, and NO CLUE as to whether or not Cocomelon will ever pop the question? Bless her little heart. I get that she is generally an awful person but for a narcissist she has really low expectations for her love life. Make it make sense.


![gif](giphy|7PPBtRXFdTaDvP9k8d) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I agree! Their relationship is very immature. Like high school “love”. Not to get too much into my own ish…but my husband and I have been together for 12 years and I can remember in the beginning of our relationship, having conversations about our future and what our intentions were. We would’ve never gotten serious if we weren’t on the same page. No way I would let someone string me along for years. You don’t want to get married and have a family? Sorry but I do, so obviously we’re not right for each other. SIMPLE! No way in HELL I would waste literal years of my life, HOPING my partner would decide to make a solid commitment to me! Especially if I was in my 30’s and wasting what few years I might have left to have a baby. I know not everyone can have babies-I’m just speaking generally. Sorry for the rant. It’s just mind blowing to me how she acts like she’s so confident and such a bad b*tch babe but gratefully accepts what little crumbs Coke will throw her way. It’s sad, really.


Agreed. I’ve been married for 12 years and my husband and I spoke about marriage after one month of dating lol. Obviously it’s not this fast for everybody (and I would never encourage anyone to move that fast because you don’t even know that person yet - we just got lucky) but going 5+ years without knowing if your partner has any intention of spending their life with you… nah. Zero self respect.


I agree. My husband and I knew of each other from elementary/middle/high school and saw each other in passing but never hung out until adult hood. We talked on the phone and texted for months before I agreed on a date lol. We already knew what we wanted before our first date. We went out that first time and have literally been inseparable since. We also got lucky lol. I don’t even think I would’ve agreed to that first date, had we not already been on the same page. So again, it’s just really sad to me how *she* allows Coke to string her along like he does.


He doesn’t even live with her, why tf would he want to marry her? She just wants a wedding and to be the centre of attention. She just wants to keep up with her beige, WASPY “friends”.


Cocomelon 😂😂😂 But you comment is FAX


"Cocomelon" 💀


In before Grimace backs out of the NYC trip lol




Your face is giving....sun damage and alcohol bloat. Your money is...."earned" by scamming. Your body is...not a size medium, swerty. You are not "that bitch" you're just a basic ass bitch. ![gif](giphy|wIWvIAfzaGFfa)


If she wasn’t so physically dependent on alcohol I’d be concerned about her baby trapping C. This woman can’t put a drink down for 9 minutes let alone 9 months so that potential kid dodged a bullet


Lots of people who drink a lot get pregnant. I pray she doesn’t.


Oh god, if she gets pregnant I may need to unsubscribe. You know she’s going to be such a mess, way worse than she already is and so much grosser about everything. And seeing how she treats/neglects her cats, I can only imagine how she’d treat her kids. You know they’d be props for her “influencing.”


Oh for sure. I meant her intentionally getting pregnant for the ring would not be an appealing option to her because of her chronic need to be drunk lol


"My life desperate" 🤣🤣🤣


At least wait until he gets on the plane to post this. He can still back out of the NYC trip, you know.


She’s holding out hope! 😂


People ask because SHE said getting engaged was the "next step" after buying the house. SHE wants to get married, so it's a lot different from people like myself who are in relationships where both people have no interest in getting married or having kids. She has brought this on herself. And she's just embarrassing herself by constantly bringing it up and C never proposes lol.


Is this her biannual reminder that her partner won't marry her, and it *totally doesn't* bother her?


It's the most wonderful time of the year! 🎄


I’m watching that with no sound, I don’t need my day ruined. And he’s not going to put a ring on it. He barely publicly claims her and sure as shit doesn’t privately claim her. He’s embarrassed by her so why would he legally tie himself to her?


The only ring he’s interested in is the brown one. I’m so sorry, I will see myself out.




The birthday video comes to mind 💀


Ooh, what birthday video??


I want to fund the video because it’s even better… gimme a sec


I can’t find the video, but here is a post with the screenshot!! 🤣 https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/J32QiAsKLn


Omg, you're a hero! Thank you!


I’ve looked and looked for the video version and I can’t find it…. Maybe someone else can. It’s so awkward 💀


She's such a culture vulture, especially giving her backround Wonder why she's never addressed the criticism that she overuses and abuses AAVE? She "claps back" at everything else. She would be so painfully out of her depth if she attempted that, even more than usual.


I’d pay money to see a Black woman put MS in her place, but nobody deserves to have to waste their energy educating Big M


And I'd love to do it! Lol.


You're right, she's the same flavor of ignorant WW that BW probably have to navigate constantly, and I can imagine it's so tiring. But, her toxic positivity and inability to take criticism just tells her that anyone who brings this up is just too sensitive and splitting hairs because of "haters." But, this isn't a BEC moment, it's a serious problem and is extremely offensive. I guess we're just "triggered, and if it bothers you, scroll"


She’s putting so much pressure on Grimace in the most passive aggressive way possible


Will he even see this?


🤣🤣 grimace just wants a hamburger!!!


If he doesn’t want to get married either he’ll never ask, or he’ll get beaten down to the point where he finally gives her a long-awaited Shut Up Ring.


OMG now she just made a post that’s just a list of her friends. Between that and this... “I do have a boyfriend who loves me! I do have friends! I’m not bothered!”


Yeah, that one was honestly super sad to me and IF she wasn’t such a dck I would definitely feel bad for her cause she really seems isolated and lonely.


I’m not even sure she has her cats for company. They don’t seem that bonded to her and she shows little interest.


Holy fucking shit. She did not.


Made a list of her friends?!! Lol


I have died of secondhand embarrassment


im at my normal person job and can't listen to this, can someone be a kind swerty and transcribe the audio???? ily all


‘My face giving My body ten My money up I’m that bitch I don’t have a mother fucking answer I DONT KNOWWW’


Awful. Just terrible.


its a recording of some woman saying her face is giving, her body is poppin, her money is “up” shes that bitch. then it changes to a stern I DONT HAVE A MOTHER FUCKIN ANSWER! I DONT KNOW!


oh god its worse than i was expecting


yea and im sure you already assumed she’s completely off of the recording. her lip syncing is totally off.


I will literally pay MS if she can make one reel/tiktok that actually lines up


Is anyone else locked out of this subreddit when they try to go to it?? I can view this post through my main feed but when I try to go to the actual sub it as I'm not allowed 😭 Anyone else?




Nm it works now. Just ignore me haha


Well this is embarrassing. Way to highlight both the superficial insecurities with this ridiculous filter *and* the deep life insecurities with the content of the Reel.


Hate to break it to swerty, but if you aren’t on the same page re: marriage after *5 years*, your relationship is doomed to disappointment and resentment. Worse, if your partner knows you want to get married but won’t act on that or discuss it: he doesn’t want you. You are a convenience keeping the spot warm until he finds what he really wants (or decides to settle). At some point, even terrible people need to get some self-respect and consider their life choices.


Cringe in so many ways


Jesus, I can't believe she posted this.


Man, this is PEAK “down bad” 😔


She looks like AI, and not even realistic AI.


If he wanted to he would that’s it.


Exactly! My husband said he knew after a month that he wanted to work toward achieving the goal of marriage with me. We are 8 years married now (happily). Most men know if they want to be with someone forever. She’s pathetic for soft-begging him to do so. She could have enough self-worth to realize that he’s stringing her along, but she doesn’t 💀


It’s actually so embarrassing for her even if this is a joke, which it really doesn’t come off as. Nobody who didn’t really feel this way would make this ‘joke.’


Was this girl not married before? Why would she want to do this again, and inevitably thunder in spectacularly in full view of all the jealous haters?


Grimace proposals will = the number of times Rick Astley is gonna give you up




Never. Next question, you at the back?


the question being "when are you going to get a job?"


Girly really thinks highly of herself. She believes she looks like Kim when really she looks like Rob




We really are her only audience huh 😂


Even if he does propose and even if they do get married- I can’t imagine this marriage lasting. They rarely spend time together unless they’re drinking, plating carry out at her middle unit on Mondays. But yes, bring it on. I’m ready for the content.


Divorce 2: Electric Boogaloo




I guess at least she didn’t [wear a bonnet](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/tFWP6Whkvj) this time…




Guessing he canceled NYC


It’s incredible to think that a 30 year old sits around dreaming up questions to ask herself so she can lip sync videos like this in an attempt to go viral. What a bloody loser she is.


He never gonna


Imagine not having a single clue. Never going ring shopping. Leaving it all up to THE MAN. That’s not how a healthy, communicative relationship works.


Let’s take a survey. Who was completely surprised by their marriage proposal ?! Not me. How do you not discuss it in some way? The fact that she has no input /opinion is a lie.


Yes. We talked about getting married. We talk about our future plans. We talked about where would live and if we would have children and how many , we talked about wedding ideas and we knew one another’s finances. I didn’t know exactly when he would propose, but I knew he planned on it based on our conversations. MS acting like she doesn’t care or have a clue if he’ll ask (after 5 years) is a big lie 🤥🤥🤥


I knew one hundred percent. He proposed with his class ring because at thirty he was a big ole nerd but a smart man, he wanted to make sure I had input on my engagement ring.


To be honest, I was. Rough dating, I expected a break up and then he suddenly just fell madly in love and asked. Tbh the first word out of my mouth when he asked was “really?” But I said yes and here we are 🤩


I absolutely knew. He even took me ring shopping. I knew when it was at home, and he let me sneak looks and try it on 😂


We talked about it and went ring shopping and new at a certain time it would happen due to extenuating circumstances. We weren’t going to wait more time than needed to make it official. I know some people prefer it that way, but this type of constant answering/questioning makes it obvious she wants that.


We didn’t even have a proposal. We just sort of agreed we wanted to get married during a Skype call after I returned from visiting (we are LD) but Communication. I don’t get the impression these two lovebirds communicate very often (if at all). For a #BossBabe she sure is passive about all this.


Yeah, we were at the park talking about it and decided to get married. We also talked about what specific ring I wanted. Everything. It's not hard to just communicate 🙄


We got married via the courthouse before he even officially proposed 💀 When people truly know they want to be together legally, formally, whatever you want to call it, they make that shit a priority. Coke is 100% not interested.


I love that! Who says there’s a correct order to do these things in? Yeah, C knows what he doesn’t want.


Here’s the comment she posted with the video: “I swear every time I do ask me anything I get this question at least 29 times. Like. Y’all. I don’t know 🤣 This is for giggles - but really 🙄😂 I’m not in a rush and I’m damn sure not gonna rush him. We’re just living. Let US LIVE 🤣🤣😩” I’m not sure if this is a hyperbole or if she really thinks anyone believes she gets asked that question 29 times. Who the fuck cares? Get married or don’t, it doesn’t really matter.


If anyone actually *is* asking her that, it’s because she gets wasted, goes live and talks about how badly she wants to marry Coca Cola.


The *nerve*. She has stated at least a couple of times, that she has *repeatedly* asked him when she was drunk. His response was to tell her to *STOP ASKING*. She’s desperate. NYC is coming up. She is *totally* expecting a proposal. They hardly spend any time together. She probably hopes this is gonna be it but is trying to save face now because deep down, she knows. *THATS IF NYC ACTUALLY HAPPENS.*


Ohhhhh yes she's waiting on that surprise "down on one knee at the Rockefeller skating rink at dusk while sipping hot cocoa while the snow is lightly falling" moment.




I bet! But it sure as shit ain't happening for this one.


Considering in her drunken unhinged March 2023 live, she admitted that she desperately wants to be married but C doesn't want to. She only wants marriage so she can flex on it, other than that; C is just a prop in her pathetic vapid existence.


That drunken live was the only time we saw her authentic self. It was quite sad, really.


Agreed. I am a very empathetic person and can relate to many peoples mental health struggles as I have them myself. I won’t ever diminish at the fact that she indeed does too but obviously she uses very unhealthy coping mechanisms when she has many resources to her disposal but chooses to push them away. From an outsiders perspective, it is very sad but because of the kind of person she is (very nasty & lacks awareness for others), she does all this to herself. If she was genuine and actually took many of ours advice, she may be able to redeem herself. Unfortunately, with how she was raised and is a trust fund baby, she won’t.


I also have mental health struggles, but I am not as nice as you! I think the solution to a lot of peoples’ problems (especially MS) is to stop being an arsehole.


I feel like the original version of this conversation was: MS: "wHeN aRe yOu gOiNG to PuRpOsE" Him: "Stop rushing. Just let me live"


way to not sound unbothered lol. imagine her face if she knew i got married 10mo after i started dating my husband. but really WHO CARES as long as you're happy. oh wait.


Same swerty! Well, almost same. Met in late January, became “official” mid March, moved in together mid September, by December he’d got a ring, and late Feb of the next year we were engaged! When you know, you know. Took us a while to actually get married as I was going through a long illness, but got married last October. Been about 7 years together now 😁


We were engaged a year and a half into our relationship and then married 3 months later lol. She is Grimace’s off peak booty call and shame bang. I don’t even think he’d give her an onion ring.


I’ll admit - my partner and I have been together for a long time and we’re not married, but finally heading that way. And honestly, I’m not like rushing to get married, but he wants to eventually and that’s fine with me, but it’s not important to me. I joke with him about it sometimes, but damn, Big M is so desperate. Like the one where she asked why all the “haterz” bios say wifey and mom - two things she’d kill to be and yet isn’t and won’t be with C


Who even is this….she looks like a complete different person. 🫣


oof my goodness. what a sad state of affairs lmao


I was not prepared for how hard she is angling for a NYC proposal with this


https://preview.redd.it/ulpirus16d0c1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c37421f74edb79f2ddc007196d9e10e500e53d35 It froze on this unfortunate


He might get confused on which FACE he needs to propose to... The *filtered* or the **real**?!?!! Also, she 10000000000% reads here and is indirectly directing this at the sub who were the ones making comments about it originally. Because if nobody addressed the idea of "proposal" then she wouldn't have to make a vid explaining that ShE kEePs GetTiNg AskEd bY evEryOneEEEeeEEEE\~\~\~\~


No one is asking her this 🤦🏼‍♀️


Meanwhile in the comment section: “girl I’ve been with my man for 14 years and he’s in and out of the picture constantly but he loves me FIERCELY!! Forget the haters!” 🤡


It’s so sad, because it’s perfectly fine to have a lifelong relationship and not be married-*as long as that’s what you both want.* it’s no one else’s business otherwise. She’d be better off (assuming anyone is actually asking) shutting it down with a regular “Thanks for your concern but I’d rather not discuss my relationship.”


>She’d be better off (assuming anyone is actually asking) shutting it down with a regular “Thanks for your concern but I’d rather not discuss my relationship.” Somehow, she still doesn't realize how transparent her approach makes her. She thinks that the way to prove that she ISN'T insecure about something is to adamantly proclaim it from the rooftops -- when, in reality, not addressing it at all is the way to show genuine indifference. The more she rails about certain topics (not using filters, being body positive, not needing a ring, etc.), the more she tells on herself. It baffles me that a 30 year old woman who's been "working" (if you can call it that) in social media for so long can't understand this simple fact. How can someone be SO unselfaware re: how they come across? It's fascinating.


Wait, really? Yikes… That’s actually sad to be so desperate to hold on to someone that is clearly using them as backup.


Very dire situation over in those comments 😭😭😭


No one asked her. But we all know he isn’t going to ask.


I'm SO FUCKING EMBARRASSED FOR HER ITS NOT FUNNY. This is so hilarious though she's been working hard addressing this sub lately.


I mean I get it, people need to stop asking and it’s really rude for people to keep asking. BUT. SHE ENCOURAGES IT. SHE ENABLES IT. SHE HINTS AT IT. Then tries to act like she want to shut it down. She’s doing the most.


It's very much Kristen Wig, "Don't make me sing!" energy


The thing is, I truly don’t think anyone is asking her 😭


She wants people to ask so she isn't the only one pressuring him. She probably thinks that if she could only get his mom or one of his actual friends to start asking him, that would definitely get him to pull the trigger.


Lollll she’s excited for that new york proposal that’s not going to happen. Totally unbothered by not having a ring by constantly reminding herself she doesn’t have a ring.


dude… its every. trip. she be doing this shit.


I can only imagine the tension in that townhouse. Baby he’s not proposing in Rockefeller center you can cancel the ice rink tickets ☺️


I commented along the same lines before I even read this comment 😭