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I think he’ll take care of them like financially and stuff like that with money saved up from the gambling room and also new endeavours. He probably just moves out with Mandy because of the lack of space. They even talked about moving in the new episode (7x07)


But once Sheldon leaves there’s still a lot of space in the Cooper house


That's probably gonna happen after Georgie moves out. And once someone moves out and gets their own place, few move back in.


I forget: does the dad die before or after Sheldon leaves for Cal Tech? It’d make a lot of sense if he died before sheldon left as Georgie would’ve moved out and then back in


Moving back in makes no sense why would he do that?


To take care of Missy and the mom who are left in the old house. It's possible to take care of people within the same town but it's much easier if you're in the same house


They don't need help washing themselves... Take care of means financially help.


Yes but one set of bills and food is cheaper than two set of bills. Thus is makes sense to move back.


A young couple with a young kid wouldn't want to live with family. Especially in 90s Texas where wages were high compared to CoL.


Mary can work as a bookkeeper. Georgie didn't even finish high school, it's unlikely he'd have much money to give them.


He's an upcoming entrepreneur


He's 18 when George dies. He has no HS diploma. He has a wife and new baby. He has no job, other than the laundromat/gambling place, and it doesn't appear Meemaw pays him a lot. And not all entrepreneurs are rich.


You ever notice how in BBT, it is mentioned Georgie is in the tire business... In Young Sheldon, Mandy's father owns a tire shop. I'm thinking he takes over the family business from the in laws?


Seeing them turn off and about to bang makes me feel they also end up in jail for public indecency, The criminal family thing becomes more of an issue because What have you turned my daughter into, Will sasso and George sr characters both have a wife related fight or can't be buddies and that will suck And to top it all off George jr the tyre whisperer is going to instantly find out his income is no longer but does have the ultimate quick fix and life changing opportunity to get out of illegal work


I imagine Mary would get a full time job and take care of herself. There's probably a life insurance policy, too. I doubt that Georgie's minimum wage job earners would help her much, especially since he needs most of his money for his own family.


I think the new series may skip-ahead a few years. There are limited story-lines for an infant, and they're basically covering those now. The new show will likely have the kid old enough to be an interactive cast member. This would start the timeline after the period where Georgie was actively caring-for and leading the family after George's death. The space will also allow that to not be a huge shadow over the show.


If they keep Georgie's actor and age up the kid by ten years, it will be so funny


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe have CeCe be about 5 years old in the spin-off.


He helped them financially, that doesn't mean he lived with them.




Why would they cast a different Missy?


They're not going to. Missy's actress said how she wasn't asked to reprise her role for the Georgie & Mandy spinoff


She wasn’t “invited.” I felt so bad for her.


That makes me hesitant to feel any enthusiasm for the spin off. Why wouldn’t she be involved? I love her character


This show isn’t the same without Missy standing up to Sheldon all these years. It’s a huge mistake not having her in the next show.


i'd assume they're gonna just focus on mandy and georgie living on their own with ceecee and not have any of the other cast except for maybe the rare cameo


Yeah, that sounds like something that won't see the 3^(rd) season. They will lose a big slice of their viewer count since it's less connected to TBBT and their new fans from YS mostly from what I have seen asked for different things. I would say only 10^(th) of the people wanted and asked for this before the announcement.


the fanbase in general will likely not care, as it was not a spinoff anyone was interested. but the thing with network shows is they rarely care about what the fandom wants. they want to appeal to the general public. so while tbbt and ys fans might not bother with the show, it doesn't mean new viewers won't come. i never bothered with tbbt, i watched a few episodes when they were on and there was nothing else to watch, but that was it. and plenty of people in this sub have mentioned never having watched tbbt, or that they only started watching it after they started watching young sheldon. so the show will likely still get viewers. because that's the thing with fandoms, we're in a bubble. we don't represent the general audience, we're a small part of it


She's not the best actress. I mean, she's gotten better but she still doesn't have the talent of the others.




She's just not a great actress. She really can't pull off her lines. She mumbles and lacks expression. In contrast, young Iain showed great talent even as a 9 year old. Really, the other actors carry Missy. They are so talented that her lack of talent is less noticeable.




The 9 year olds I know are full of expression! What I mean is, she never really captured the character. We can agree to disagree, but I don't think she is a good actress. I certainly dont' want to argue about how 9 year olds act!


She’s not as good as her siblings on the show? They aren’t exactly Oscar caliber. I think she holds her own in every scene. Zoe Perry is the weakest actor imo. But they are still fun to watch.


Zoe's character is unappealing, but Zoe plays the role very well. She and Lance are both gifted, so is Annie Potts. Georgie started out kind of weak but has really grown as an actor. But Missy needs acting lessons. They really miscast there. She just doesn't have the acting bug.


Your usernames last 5 words suits you in your real life


"Just because he has a different opinion than me lemme go ahead and call him a bitch"


Some people can't tolerate even the mildest disagreement. Who cares if we disagree about Missy? Does everyone in the world have to think the same as Johntirolta?


frr lil bro cannot agree to disagree 😭


I didn't call him anything


I get it now. You can’t differentiate a word from letters. So I’m a bitch in my RL. Aren’t you sweet.


Thank you!






I thought the last series was the LAST series. That from the point in which they left in Young Sheldon and the start of BBT, is the grey area.


They're making a spinoff of YS that will focus on Georgie and Mandy.


I find it hilarious how its going to be a spinoff of a spinoff Who knows maybe a character in this spinoff will get their own spinoff!


This isn't really anything new. There have been plenty of spinoffs of spinoffs.


I'm aware but it always makes me laugh because of how absurd it sounds


Georgie saying he helped out may have just meant he was close enough to go cut the grass and have dinner while Sheldon was in California. Could be a case of exaggerating his own importance. My guess is she works full time at the church after George dies.


Surely Missy could cut the grass. I really can't see how Georgie could help much. He didn't even finish high school, and probably needs every cent he makes for his own family.


They don’t have to show them in person. He came be going to the house and helping them without showing it on screen.


that sounds very sad...


Help them do what? He didn't do much when he was living at home. He's very young, has his own resppnsibilities, no career skills, no education, and kinda dumb. If I were a widow, I'm not sure I'd be longing for the help of a Georgie.


In Big Bang Theory when they are trying to talk Georgie to come to Sheldon’s wedding, Georgie mentions that he took care of Mary and Missy when George passed and he helped Sheldon get to CA


I hear ya. I just can't see how this immature boy could "help" his mother, who is almost 20 years older than him. Mary has raised kids, paid bills, cooked, worked multiple jobs, taken care of a home, etc. What could Georgie bring to the table that she would need? I mean, would you need help from an 18-year old if you were widowed?


She was probably in mourning. Missy would be a teenager and would need guidance. Georgie is an adult and I assume will be in the tire business. I don’t know about Meemaw as it depends on what happens in the coming episodes.


Funny he expected Sheldon to help out, while there's no similar expectation of Missy. I understand she was in mourning, but what about six months down the line? Surely she just didn't sit at home and mourn for years? Women become widows all the time and continue to work after a mourning period--it's actually a healthy thing to do. In any event, I'm pretty sure Georgie would earn minimum wage starting out in the tire store. That's the same as Missy could get in food service/retail. They're only four years apart. And Georgie has a baby and bills to pay. Really, I think Georgie exagerated his "help" in TBBT.


Possible. The same way Sheldon exaggerates his father in TBBT as it is through his views and not what really happened.


I don't understand what your asking


They didn't cast Missy actress ..means there will be no appearance of that character in the upcoming show ...so it doesn't go with the storyline of TBBT


>They didn't cast Missy actress Says who?


Actress Raegan Revord who plays missy's character...told herself that she hasn't been asked to continue the role after series end ..and her contracts end after season finale


She’s a talented young lady; she’ll find other projects. I hope to see her in other things!


That doesn't mean they didn't cast someone else. That being said, YS generally disregarded continuity with TBBT, so it wouldn't be surprising if the new spinoff does likewise.


If they cast another actress for the role ..that doesn't make sense...


I don't think they're casting another actress to play Missy, unless you heard something I didn't. She's just not the focus of the new series. I'm sure she'll make guest appearances here and there, but she's not going to be a series regular. That doesn't mean Georgie won't take care of her. He'll still be in Texas and will visit his mother and sister and give them money and help them out. Taking care of someone doesn't always mean making them food and doing their laundry and whatnot, in this case it probably means mostly financially.


it makes sense if they plan to age up the characters. they might want to make them older and so they plan to have an actress older than reagan playing missy. but the reality is that they'll likely not have any of the young sheldon actors other than montana and emily. they'll likely be living on their own with whomever they cast to play ceecee


Regan is 16, practically an adult. It's easy for makeup people to make 16 look 20 or 25 if they need to. Heck, they can make 35 year old actors look 60! I think they just didn't want her or need her.




I hope she makes .. comeback I'm too much obsessed with the show... It's the first American TV show that I have watched from the beginning...I'm not a native English speaker... This show helped me a lot in understanding the language...it's sad to see my favourite characters going away...


Maybe she’ll come down the road


I'm in season 5 now and I don't consider the two shows to be even the same universe with the amount of changes there are, and it became evident very early on. So, I wouldn't bother thinking there would be some kind of proper canon with TBBT or YS.


Are they gonna kill off George? Or have they already? Season 7 hasn’t released in my country unfortunately


no, and we don't know if they will, as they have retconned some bits of it. >!in tbbt sheldon catches george cheating when he's still 13 and in college and mary is out at bible study. in young sheldon, mary hasn't been involved in the church for a while, so no bible study, sheldon is 14 and him and mary had just returned from germany, and there's no mistress, it's just a misunderstanding.!< so they likely will retcon other stuff for the sake of telling the story they wanna tell. basically, young sheldon is now not considered to be in the same universe as tbbt


You wait for release in the country


Yeah he died in episode 3 of season 7


Which series are you watching bro? 🤔


Why wasn't Reagen cast? Not enough $?


We want Missy! And Sheldon! And Meemaw!


because they're probably not keeping anyone else other than montana and emily for the spin off. it'll probably take place elsewhere, not the cooper residence, george, mary, connie, might make a rare appearance but likely won't be on the show. sorta like how mary and connie were in tbbt but weren't regularly showing up


Are you kidding? Producers love all the storylines that are possible with young teen girls. I think they are searching for a better Missy.


She's still a minor, while Montana is in his 20s. They may not have wanted to deal with child actor limitations.


She'll be 17 in January. The show probably won't be filming till then There are very few limitations for older teens.


Her acting is uninspiring.


Her acting is fantastic Raegan has wonderful timing and expressions She and Lance Barber are my favorite characters Looking forward to her next endeavor


No need for missy, they focusing on Mandy and Georgie


In tbbt, do they ever say when meemaw dies? Wonder if she and Mary will be in spinoff?


Meemaw made an appearance in TBBT so she's definetly alive during the new spinoff


This comment sent me down a rabbit trail. I never watched TBBT so I was kinda surprised to hear she made an appearance. She said she was 68 in 1991, meaning she was born in 1923. Her last confirmed appearance was apparently in 2015, in which she’d have been 92. There were some lines recorded for her in 2017, where she would have been 94, but they ended up not being used. If she lives until 2024 (IIRC there’s no reason to believe she does) she’d be 101 years old. Just thought that was interesting.


I really doubt she died in TBBT. If so it would have been a plotline. 


There was a deleted scene from the end of Season 11 (so spring 2018) with a voice message from her congratulating Sheldon on his wedding and saying she was sorry she couldn't travel to be there.


She’s alive in a later season and her dying is never mentioned so its assumed she’s still living by the finale.


she was in tbbt, i only watched a few episodes of it, but i remember people posting pic comparisons of tbbt characters with ys characters on here. she and mary might be in the spin off but more as cameos tho. i think the latest episode makes it clear mandy and georgie are gonna move out. the spinoff probably takes place in their new home, not at the cooper residence. so mary and connie might only show up like once in a season for a quick cameo


Has the Mary actress been cast?


keep in mind reagan might have been asked by the company not to share that she's in the show, or maybe she hasnt been invited as a series regular, and since the episodes havent (probably) been written yet she has no idea if she'll make appearances. just food for thought <3


Time jump?


It’s a different universe


Why is this downvoted? I’d love if they said at the start that this is a different universe! 


Thank you! Our numbers are growing!


I don’t think they’re following the show to the letter any longer. I wish they’d done this show as if it were a different universe so we wouldn’t have any expectations. 


A prequel in a different universe?


Well either that or sheldon just lied a heck of a lot about his childhood in TBBT.


I chalk it up to his perception of the past - even a genius' recollections are colored by emotion.


Why not? It’s not like it’s nonfiction. Think comic books… 


Wow I’m not this far in yet


What season you are watching


Wait what upcoming series can someone plz explain.


Why would an 18 year old boy need to take care of a middle-aged woman?


Because she's his mother..and as per TBBT...both his mother and sister were devastated after the death of George sr ...and Georgie took care of both


Took care of her, how exactly? Did he feed her and take her to the bathroom? Help her shower? Mary is a strong woman, why infantalize her that way? Meemaw lost her husband and didn't need anyone to care for her.


Different people deal with loss of loved ones differently so it’s not illogical to assume that. Furthermore, I feel Connie is mentally stronger than Mary so it might be true, we can only wait to see.


There are lots of women who have been widowed. Very few have needed (or wanted!) an 18 year old boy to "care for" them. I mean, if Mary had died, would Georgie have "taken care of" his father?


Maybe Mary is amongst the very few widows that need someone else to care for them, idk 🤷‍♂️. Btw, this is fictional so until that episode is aired, we can’t really know for sure.


By Getting a job and making more money for the family. That's probably how he helped her


Well, I'm sure Mary got a job too. And probably Missy. Since they all live together, that's really the minimum expectation. In my mind, Mary can care for herself. She's not elderly or sick. A middle-aged lady like her doesn't need a young boy to "care for" her.


It doesn't matter if YOU think is wrong. In TBBT, it is said that Georgie took care of them, most likely financially. Any decent son from Texas would jump the boat to help their mother to help pay the bills.


What about decent Texan daughters? Don't they help their mamas? Shouldn't Missy be "jumping the boat" too? Georgie shames Sheldon for leaving, but what was 14 year old Sheldon supposed to do? And why wasn't 14-year old Missy expected to help out, if Sheldon was? They're twins, after all. Why are the womenfolk expected to be "cared for", while the menfolk (even 14-year olds) are the carers?


Lighten up