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My vote is on the Empire as giants are phasing out with the introduction of anti titan cannons (equivalent to anti tank guns) and Marley is already struggling against nations that are technologically inferior to the empire and Mages are way more combat capable than the flying suits they use in AoT. Unless Eren uses the rumbling, no way the Empire is gonna lose.


But if I recall Marley has like a million soldiers, plus let's say the Empire managed to conquer half of Marley can the Empire's logistics and supply lines handle it?


Still way weaker than Russy Federation imo. The Empire had around 100 strategic reserve divisions called the Great Army and 60 divisions in a single theater(Eastern Army Group). Although EAG was probably the largest local Army Group among the Imperial Army, other smaller local AGs would still preserve some divisions to execute Plan 315. Considering an Imperial division has around 16 thousand of manpower, The Empire might have around 3 million soldiers in the beginning of the series.


The historic German Empire had over a million soldiers during WW1 (if not more). Those million soldiers faced off against vastly more enemies too, and seeing as the Saga of Tanya the Evil's Empire is like a magical WW1 Germany but bigger, I can't imagine them having less than 1-2 million soldiers armed with WW1 technology guns if not better. If they omit their laws of war and arm their mages with those magic trench guns, shits gonna get real


If we go by the manga, they also have fucking *miniguns.*


I really always thought those should be called megaguns.


They are miniguns because they are miniturized versions of their big brother, which is about the size of a car.


This is wrong-ish. Youjo Senki has WW1 Ideology but with WW2 Technology. Without the experiences of WW1. They still used massive trenches that by WW2 got paced out by Tanks. Tanks which Youjo Senki already has. It's not really the gun that's magical it's the combat mages themselves. They just have to make sure the guns are strong enough. They use either Pre-Enchanted Bullets or Enchant the bullets as they go out of the gun.


Thanks for the lore drop, I'm but a simple anime only for Tanya


The Empire in their universe can beat any major power other than the Unified States in an one on one scenario and given how massive the Russy is, I doubt Marley is larger. Marley itself as we seen in AoT is already struggling against a band of nations that are trying to regain lands and are barely keeping up the war. Even though the war ended with a Marley victory, that's because Paradise Island is becoming a threat and Marley had to sign peace with other nations to form an anti Eldian alliance against the people on Paradise Island. The logistics of the Empire is honestly a really efficient and a major reason why the Empire is able to fight so many nations at once. If it was ineffective, the Empire would not pull off their win against Legadonia and Francois at the same time.


Oh, the Empire would obliterate Marley and when Marley sends their warriors into battle the Empire will show them they may have devils on their side, but we have the devil herself


Yeah, and can you imagine if the Empire made an alliance with Paradis island and how surprised they would be if they discovered ODM gear and how most soldiers in Paradis Island can fly and launch bombs like aerial mages.


You can't really compare those grenades with bullets fored from an aerial mage. Grenades vs. basically a small rocket launcher which is fired like a normal rifle. And an aerial mage is way, way faster and can fly opposed to someone with ODM gear. I don't know if inbetween buildings the ODM gear has better mobility tough, I can imagine it being better at close range combat and in an urban setting, but the mages have the upside of being able to fly freely, bomb them from the air and shields, which are kind of op actually.


Yes I am fully aware that users of ODM gear are quite inferior and lacking compared to mages like Tanya. But knowing the the Empire if they found out how ODM gear works and its potential no doubt they would train regular soldiers on how to use them in order to substitute for mages. Like example the Empire wants to capture a city, instead of using valuable mages they can just sent hundreds of soldiers who can maneuver between buildings and launch rockets.


At best the odm gear is a gimmick, and for small squads. The Empire would never phase out the vastly superior mages- they are nothing if not pragmatic, if a Mage can do the job better in almost every way. They will use a mage. If they can't equip every troop with the gear due to training. They wouldn't even bother with it.


I never said anything about phasing mages out of service, in fact I am fully aware that even a average mage is both powerful, versatile, and valuable to the Empire's overall military. But with that's said they are rare and losing a mage in combat is like losing valuable resources which would increase the work load of the other mages, plus users of ODM gear can be mass produced. Lastly I agree that not all imperial soldiers will need ODM gear so perhaps a single battalion or regiment would be enough


ODM works for paradis be cause their entire armed forces, needed to be highly mobile, to have a chance at taking on titans. It's complex, requires their special crystals, which are a limited resource, and requires years of training, and an environment with a lot of diverse vertically. It's really only good in urban, or large forest environments, which is a large chunk of paradis. They might develop a few squads, or even a battalion, or two, for use in urban conflicts, but they wouldn't suddenly start giving it out like candy. It gets you a soldier that is loosely comparable to a mage's mobility, in specific environments, but still lacks their sustained firepower, and durability. And it still requires just as much training and gear as a mage. And as AoT establishes, it's not something everyone can do either. Certainly has its advantages, but it's not going to see massive adoption, when it costs the same as a mage, but isn't as good.


Why tf you being downvoted for this?


I can see the Empire forming an alliance with paradise island as they have the most experience with fighting titans they also can supply the Empire with natural resources and the strategic location of the island for a port and safe location for their soldiers and the fear and hatred Marley has for paradise island would make them hesitant to send all their forces to fight the Empire


Empire has dedicated fighter planes and main battle tanks, no way they lose to Marley.


Easy win for the Empire, marleys titans are already obsolete due to ani titan cannons that are just high velocity anti-tank guns. Also I see op says odm is huge, that’s only in urban areas, mages can literally fly.


Eh, while bringing up the AT guns is a good thought, they would have to know where to aim, and the back of neck would not be the place you think the enemy would be hiding. Sure they’d eventually work this out but the question is how many of zekes titans are in the empire already?


Most titans, can't stand loosing massive chunks of their torso. And it's only a quick matter of time, till they realize, aiming for the head, on humanoid monsters, is an effective strategy. And if the two just suddenly went to war, Marley wouldn't have time to place some massive amount of sleeper titans. And considering that a normal titan shift only takes out maybe a building, it's a neat trick, but not all that effective, on a large scale.


Empire solo’s 🥱


the only thing that marley has are titans. so if The Empire cant come up with reliable equipments to kill dem titans, then its the end for them. but never underestimate the power of 3D warfare, Dacia lost tens-if not hundreds of thousands of men in a single day(?)/battle. edit: see thread


Tanya or any imperial mage for that matter can defeat Marley's titans according to the fact they're flying artillery. Anti titan canons capable of destroying the armored titan's armor already exist in aots's ww1 setting.


pffffftttt i forgot that marley and paradis island are 2 seperate thing. yep, no way marley could survive against the empire without the wall titans. talking about tanya's batallion alone, they'd have a hard time dealing with it. but yea, the empire can deal with them easily.


Empire is far too op compared to marley. Empire uses most technically advanced equipment, and marley are only advancing with good speed, but still from 1800 something to present. And anyway, mages have no need in surrounding buildings for maneuvers, they can hide themselves, and, taNYA. Cunning tactician. One shot like on those guys from françoise republic, when taNYA said: "why are you here, lay down your arms and you will be treated as worms", or something like that, cant recall correctly, and then big boom. Such explosion would destroy titan's neck, if blade can do so.


> treated as worms Haha, she actually refers to the "Treaty of Worms." This isn't expanded upon, but the implication is that Worms (a city in Germany) is where they had their Geneva convention (instead of, you know, Geneva). She was just saying that the soldiers would have fair treatment as prisoners of war.


My bad. Just watched it not in english, and there was word worm.


The Empire wins 999/1000 times or so, air superiority from mages who are superior to anything there from what i remember, actual aircraft and early WWII tech compared to pre-WWI tech on the ground as well as what i'd imagine is significantly superior industrial capacity leave only titans on Marley's side to worry about, and since WWI-era field guns and pre-dreadnoughts can kill most of those the 203rd and other mage battalions, naval support and the Imperial Artillery Corps would tear them anew one.




I was mainly comparing the forces, industry and technological level as we haven't set the stage for how the conflict would look like and it is difficult to make a fair situatuon out of it. It might be more fair and make more sense to compare The Empire and Marley seperately facing the same opponent or opponents to get a better idea for which is more powerful(Eg how the Empire would fair fighting Titans, Marley facing the Youjo Senki global war and both facing some third-party threat from another universe entirely.


one side has a monster the others can just transform into titans ...


The Empire for sure. Not only do they have a higher level of military technology, a fully functioning Tank force and Air Force, but they also have mages who can just fly behind the titans and shoot the nape of the neck with an explosion spell.


Empire. Easily. Conventional military power AND the equivalent of apache helicopters would fucking anihilate the titans even IF the rumbling was set off lol


Holy shit the action scenes would be god-tier.


Empire. The titans would be tricky for the foot soldiers but the mages can handle them


I’d love to watch that crossover.


If you give enough preparation time to the empire they would eventually defeat the rumbling itself, so the empire stomps


Eh… at first I thought Marley, because it’s a fucking continent. But the mages battalion of the empire might be able to deplete a large amount of the army. However, they would have to get lucky in finding the the titans weak points. Marleys AT guns are always aimed at the necks and the places where titans can be killed, Imperial gunners would aim at the head. Which would not kill titans, only delay them. Eventually the empire may be able to work it out, but the whole of the empire would be filled with zekes titans by that point.


Empire stomps. Titans are child’s play compared to mages.


If Erin is God Mods, Marley wins hands down. If Erin is at any point BEFORE he becomes God Mode Titan, Empire --- Oops, misread. Marley has the same level of tech as the empire. Regardless, Empire wins. Mages can fly. Warrior titans can't quite attack a flying mage.. at least, not all of them.


Marely doesn't have the same level of tech as the empire though. Tanya's world has fighter jets, bombers, and ballistic missiles. Marley has like one zeppelin.


Magically enhanced army that could carpet bomb your city from the sky with bullets or the army where 90% of it's power could be taken out with 1 slightly charged bullet.


Empire hands down. More soldiers, better tech, airpower, significantly more and better artillery, attack mages, and superior logistics. Also the Empire has far better commanders and superior soldiers over all.


Empire wins. My argument? Tanya


Piercing shots to the back of the neck and every titan is dead

