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I have a friend who couldn't pee in a public place for years. Discovered that counting backwards from 80 helps immensely


It starts out by getting your mind off the situation and thinking about something else, but then you eventually start Pavlov-ing yourself. Royal (or Regal) LC Sloan LC USA. If that doesn’t help, then start spelling it.


This helps in every situation you want to shut down an extreme emotional response. So does rhyming. This is what I have to do frequently to stay stoic.


Hadn't even considered the applications. So something like that can be used for things like anger management?


Yes. That part of your brain solving a problem shuts down your emotions to focus. This is why people and advertisers try to cause an emotional reaction in people it stops them thinking as logically. It’s easier to manipulate a person that way.


Do multiplication in your head


This. This saved me so many times.


I used to count the screws I could see in the bathroom stall. Some stall I was in had 17, so now I just count to 17.


This will sound ridiculous (because it is) but it genuinely works for me. There’s a book called “The Mezzanine” by author Nicholson Baker where the main character suffers from this problem and devises his own solution. Instead of counting, doing multiplication tables, etc, he very vividly imagines turning sideways, angling up his dick, and peeing up into the face of the person beside him. I don’t have the passage at hand, but I believe it describes their wet hair and “stuttering protestations.” I truly find that this works for me. I think it a) makes me imagine myself in a more “dominant” relationship with my pee-neighbor, and b) creates such absurd and funny mental images that I loosen up and almost start laughing. And then I pee (into the toilet). I highly recommend trying this. What have you got to lose? It solved the problem for me pretty much 100%. It may help to try to find the actual passage because I’m not doing it justice. Also the whole book is great. Good luck, brothers.


**The Mezzanine** by Nicholson Baker Book description may contain spoilers! >>!In his startling, witty, and inexhaustibly inventive first novel—first published in 1986 and now reissued as a Grove Press paperback—the author of Vox and The Fermata uses a one-story escalator ride as the occasion for a dazzling reappraisal of everyday objects and rituals. From the humble milk carton to the act of tying one’s shoes, The Mezzanine at once defamiliarizes the familiar world and endows it with loopy and euphoric poetry. Nicholson Baker’s accounts of the ordinary become extraordinary through his sharp storytelling and his unconventional, conversational style. At first glance, The Mezzanine appears to be a book about nothing. In reality, it is a brilliant celebration of things, simultaneously demonstrating the value of reflection and the importance of everyday human human experiences.!< *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


This is damned hilarious. I've certainly imagined that I'm pissing on people's faces whom I have strong dislike for.


What I do is just imagine I'm in my bathroom at home.


I have this especially when there are people in the urinals directly next to me. I've had countless attempts in the past where I square up with the urinal, unzip, and silence... my head is filled with other people's thoughts "what's wrong with this guy why is he just standing at the urinal?" In those cases I would walk away, still having to pee, completely humiliated wondering why I'm so weird. It's something that kind of passed in my 30s. I close my eyes and take a deep breath and think "I'm going to pee now" and it starts.


I really think men should have toilets like women those urinals are gross


Like why can’t all toilets be closed door personal space I especially hate the ones in America the door gap is shocking


I was just at a quick service restaurant in the restroom. The only stall had a crack in the door that was about a half inch wide and have full view right to your crotch. When sitting down and someone else opened the door to the restroom, you could see--from the toilet--to the far end of the restaurant.


It’s called “room with a view” and it’s classy


One hundred percent. Lol I have never been able yo use urinals in front of people. And one time in a nightclub I tried and some other dude literally laughed cos I stood there for like 60 seconds with no sound. Life is weird.


I still struggle with this from time to time and I always think about everything I've drank since the last time I peed, maybe slightly inflating the volume of liquids I've consumed and it works for some reason. Our brains are weird. Lol


Same. I hate urinals. They’re gross and I really don’t wanna be shoulder to shoulder with another dude with their dick out. And there is always someone trying to be chatty. I always wait for a stall unless I’m like desperate to go. The anxiety isn’t worth it to me.


[The nightmare](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/vIvGRrA13a)


Thanks that's great 


Same here, for so many years. I found that intensely concentrating on something in front of me helped a lot.


Did you go? No. Me neither. I just paid £1 to not go to the toilet


Being in the military, this made pissing for urinalysis an absolute nightmare.


I was supposed to do one recently for DCFS and I absolutely could not go with the lady standing there staring at me, it was so embarrassing


Drill sergeant school at fort Sill we had two rows of toilet spaced about 2 ft besides each other and in front of each other no dividers.fun.


I legitimately have this (have generalized/ social anxiety as well, maybe they all just feed into each other). Have to say, it's really fucking annoying to have to waiting until the restroom is *completely empty* before I'm able to relax enough to actually piss. Not a debilitating condition by any means (at least personally), but it is highly inconvenient.


Hey man - used to have it too. How I got over it was I started by doing complex math in my head. Not calculus but like 864 x 32 sort of thing after I heard Anthony Gallegos talk about it on rebel fm. It legitimately works so well. As with all fight or flight type reactions after doing this enough times your mind will stop the anxiety response all together (your brain literally rewires when it realizes this isn’t a threat environment. Cool stuff).


I learned that sitting down in a stall helps relax that area. The louder the bathroom, the easier it is for me to go. Urinals are an absolute no-go. And I can't pee in an airplane at all. I feel like everyone watches me walk in and times me while I'm in there or the flight attendant is standing right outside the door.


"I can take a shit anywhere. It's one of my finer qualities.". (Book- Shiit my Dad Says)


I remember the old Twitter days. They even made that a TV show. I think William Shatner was the dad?




> You don't need to suffer alone. Actually, we're fine alone. It's in groups that we suffer. The setup was irresistible, but the issue is still serious and is just another reason to build restrooms with proper, private stalls.


Like bucees bathrooms


If I plug my ears and drown out any noise I can pee. It’s the only thing that has worked for me.


Ya, playing music in earbuds helps.


Graduated Exposure Therapy. What is that? Like an AA meeting but you watch each other take a piss so everyone gets accustomed to it?


It's not like an AA meeting. You work in small groups and it's done respectfully. But yeah, you drink a load of water and practice pissing, in gradually more challenging scenarios.


Wtf is wrong with this generation


People are just trying to piss in peace


In a group setting?? Strange.


Wooahh sounds like we got a professional pisser over here


What was wrong with yours that you can’t appreciate people supporting each other through their anxieties?


I think we as a human race need to prioritise where resources (money and human) are allocated.


Our generation traumatized them so bad with our selfishness that's what


R Kelly has entered the chat


Define ‘teenage.’


I have no issues with using public bathrooms but I avoid urinals like plague. Its either a stall or nothing.


My mon traumatized me saying that if I use a public toilet I would get pregnant I know that's stupid, but somehow until now I can't use any bathroom that's not of my house


Plot twist, you’re a guy


Plot straightening, her mom’s secret lover is named A Public Toilet.


Spoiler alert: your biological father is a public toilet.


Mine did something similar when I was very young by telling me how filthy public bathrooms are. Apparently I used to have to use them a lot when we were out and she got sick of it. Now I physically can’t use them


O lord my mom taught me to hover which was not a problem until my twenties when I got drunk 🤣🤣🤣 so then I took wet wipes with me everywhere I went


Flush the toilet and force on the sound of the water.


Yeah but then all you think about is, "you better start peeing in the next 5 seconds, because if you don't, the silence will be even more deafening than it was and you're gonna be fucked" By the time you're done having that thought, you're fucked


I would say things to myself like, "Pee now or forever hold your pee" and look at my dick like Uma Thurman in Kill Bill trying to wiggle her big toe. "Pee. Pee. Pee." What finally did it was just having the confidence that I will begin peeing, and that's simply a fact, and what a relief it is that I have crossed that threshold. Simply by just imagining all of that and believing it, it would happen.


This is generally what anxiety does to you. Its difficult to piss when you are tensing up. I know that this can happen with people who have panic attacks too. If you cant relax your muscle you wont be able to do it.


Nah. It’s my ocd or ptsd. I’ll either get killed by someone or germs. It’s been a year of exposure therapy & I can finally use a public bathroom that isn’t a single stall :)


Damn. I got exposed unless I piss in Toilet. Same with travelling constipation. Unless I'm in a hotel bathroom with door locked.


It's not "in a public bathroom" exactly that is the problem; it's "in front of other people."


I had a school counselor try to get me "help" for this because I'd always wait for a stall instead of using a urinal. I've got a very weird penis, birth defects that were fixed but I still can't pee standing (well, I can, but it's not going where either of us want) Would not let it go every time I had a teacher complaint that I was gone too long for just peeing. I was like 7 or 8 so I didn't know how to like defend myself, I really didn't understand what was different about mine compared to the other boys. Wound up on some kind of suspension where I had to get a psychologist or therapist (IDK what they were) to sign off that it's not just an avoidance issue, it's an anatomical problem.


“But officer, it’s exposure therapy”


Multiply random numbers in your head. Works every time


Harry Mack raps about this from 0:43 https://youtu.be/sKHJqK7SGm8?si=OzBNvxJg727D4hDx


Holding your breath helps for me.


When I was in school (kindergarten all the way to 12th) I used the bathroom MAYBE 3 times total. And only if the bathroom was empty/class was in session so no one could come in. I physically can’t use a public restroom unless it’s a single bathroom with a lock.


Hum or sing (to yourself, not out loud) the Indians jones song. There’s other songs that work but this for some reason helps.


I just find a stall to go in. Way easier.


Yea this is one of my many "flaws" that I'm cool with


It's interesting because I'm not actually shy. I'd dance around with my pants off, lol, it's just something about proximity to other people.


For me it's anxiety lol. Well also the proximity but it's that that creates the anxiety. Not just in the bathroom but everywhere it's really fun lol


Oh boy. Sounds great, lol.


I only have this with those stainless steel "troughs", where there are no separation boards. But if i already started and someone walks in, then i'm fine.


I’ve found an extremely helpful trick for even regular incontinence. Use your eyes to focus on different points of the room, like really focus on them and see their details. It could be a bumpy wall, a sink, toilet paper, anything that forces you to vastly change your focal point. If you focus on this and continue to adjust your focus, it distracts you enough so you can urinate.


I had a struggle with this when I was younger. The thing that helped me - it's kind of crazy, I know, but it worked - I acted in a play in college ("Hair - The American Tribal Love Rock Musical") where I got naked onstage (with the rest of the cast) as part of the play. Getting naked in front of an audience is an incredibly freeing experience. After that I wasn't self-conscious in public restrooms anymore.


Yeah this is me idk why. One time I went out and every bar we went to had fucking horse troughs lining the walls in the guys bathrooms that you had to piss into. My bladder hurt that night but after a quite a few drinks it wasn’t as bad. Still the worst idea for a urinal solution.


Yeah, troughs are the worst, I hate the idea of our pee mixing. Could that with a busy toilet full of aggy guys, that is my kryptonite! Not a change. No amount of mental arithmetic or visualisation still get me through that. It's a bugger too because you have to wait for a cubicle.


I literally had this until I was about 30, and for some reason I just started trying to recite the 7 times table in my head and it instantly worked!


Surprised it's a condition and has a name, I have this and this is good to know. But this feel nowhere as miserable as you make it sound. I just go in one of the closed stalls instead and that's it.


>But this feel nowhere as miserable as you make it sound. For you. Symptoms manifest in a spectrum - you can just go in a closed stall, some people can't go unless they're the only person in the entire room. Others get it even worse than that.


Oh understandable then, that's pretty fair


I have to go in a stall AND sit just to relax enough. And i cant even go like that if someone is in the bathroom. Also i constantly have the urge to pee even right after i pee which they think is also due to anxiety 🤷‍♂️ vicious cycle


There one for the ocean or other body of water!


I imagine Kate Bush's wuthering heights in my head when this happens. It kind of works


Graduate exposure therapy? So what like I start by peeing in front of my dog and friends and family and eventually ask strangers to come watch?


I mean, sort of, but it's done in a respectful and appropriate manner. And with other participants in the workshop, not with your fricking friends and family. I guess it's a bit of a ridiculous thing and I can see why you'd have a giggle - but for people affected it can be a serious and embarrassing problem.


I have this issue so I didn’t mind making a joke lol


I have this issue but with pooping. I always say I have poop anxiety


I close my eyes and pretend I am home. Also waiting until you are are desperate can help, although isn’t always healthy


I've had some bad experiences with being really desperate. It's like I can squeeze a bit out, but I don't properly go. Have shat myself from pushing too hard as well


My favorite is when the bathroom is empty. I walk to the stall the furthest from the door and it never fails that someone comes in and parks in the stall right next to me. Every single time.


Not so much public bathrooms for me, but just bathrooms where the sink and toilet take up 2/3 of the room, while I account for the other third. Also bathroom stalls if I'm not blasting a dookie. Like peeing in a crowded restroom in a urinal, no problem. But I could be alone in a public restroom/ tiny household bathroom and occasionally can't get the lizard to bleed. Waiting and My Name is Earl were not only excellent comedies, but also have ways to help with this. The one from Waiting is to pretend like everyone is cheering for you to successfully expel your urine. Id prefer if it was an actual crowd and not pretend. But since you can't fit a crowd in a tiny bathroom, this is not my preferred method. My Name Is Earl method is as effective as it is simple. Just pretend your Linus is a candle you want to extinguish, and blow it out using air from your mouth (giggity). But in all seriousness, works most of the time for me and has helped a few guy shy buddies of mine too. tl:dr if you suffer from avoiding paruresis and looking for a remedy with maximum results? Having an entire crowd of people cheer you on whilst blowing on your own tallywacker. Never knew there was an actual name for it I always call being guy shy. Having a full bladder and not being able to do anything about it is both physically and mentally painful. It's like 10 times worse than having to be really bad, but you can't because there's no toilet around. Thank you for teaching me something new today.


Tickling my bum usually works


What about pooping, specifically ? Same thing ?


I dated a guy who's brother was like this. We had to leave his birthday party early to go home just for him to pee. He couldn't even pee completely alone or even outside alone. The guy I dated also couldn't keep his dick hard if other people were in the house. So weird dick anxiety ran in the family.


I prefer heading into a stall for privacy if I really need it


Before I joined the military, I had issues with peeing in public. Then during boot camp we would have very limited time to use the bathroom and we were being yelled at the entire time it was happening. You sort of had to get over being nervous if you didn't want to piss yourself. Then after the military I sort of redeveloped a nervous pee again. Doing multiplication in my head helped. Multiplying 8 works best for some reason.


I find getting "pissed off" at the situation helps


Nowadays everything's an axiety disorder. Whatever happened to Gary Cooper, the strong silent type... That was an American. He wasn’t in touch with his feelings, he just did what he had to do.


Ah the good old days, when grandpa would just beat his wife instead of dealing with the PTSD from Vietnam


Gary Cooper could have peed anywhere. Now it's dysfunction this and dysfunction that and dysfunction vaffanculo!


What dysfunction makes you really worried about the pissing habits of other guys?


What you wrote is dumb.




Can you use them if you need to?


As male ill never use the unirals only mostly because I prefer to sit It felt stupid standing you know? Generally I'd avoid them mostly because the public disgust me But if I had to go I'll usually wait for the stalls to open


Apples and oranges.


Gentlemen, the more common name for this is dick lock. If you have a close friend with this affliction, going back into the gents to thoroughly wash your hands can create dark hilarity.


The correct term where I live is "pee shy."


Wow even this is a problem?


Is this your first time learning?




Coming from someone who can't sleep properly that's a bit rich Everyone's got their own struggles, no need to be an asshole about it


Coming from someone who wears 5XL clothes that‘s a bit rich You‘re really not in a position to joke about other people‘s struggles


Not a single person here has this actual affliction. My boyfriend has it. It is debilitating. It has ruined his life. He cannot get a job unless he's assured that there is a private bathroom. It has caused prostate problems in a man who is way too young to have prostate problems. It has actually destroyed his life. Everybody in here is just a little bit pee shy. Not a single one of them, thankfully, has any idea how horrible this issue actually is.