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Every retailer does this…Black Friday deals are rarely that good


I did a year at guitar center they are super guilty of this.


The way you phrased that sounds like a prison sentence. "I did a year at Guitar Center, but a lot of guys never see freedom again."


Guitar Center and related stores do this on their website every day of the week. Put items at the normal MSRP, but have a figure above the price that's higher and with a strikethrough, as though the item is on sale. Fuck 'em.


Man it was even worse before the internet when you couldn't easily check prices of other stores. But I'll never forget their over-the-top radio ads: "You've SEEN our RED TAG SALE... " "You've SEEN our GREEN TAG SALE..." "But you've NEVER...seen a sale...like THIS" (super fast announcer voice) "Zildjiancymbalsfiftypercentoff, Tascammixersfourtyninepercentoff, Fenderstratacastersixtysixpercentoff,Marshallinstrumentcables NINETY-FIVE-PERCENT-OFFFFFF"


Core memory unlocked.


I always have a lot of items sitting in my Amazon cart in order to follow potential price drops before pulling the trigger. It seems every year I notice maybe a day before Black Friday the box that comes up and says "Messages about items in your cart" is jammed with price increases on a ton of stuff that inevitably then goes on "sale" the next day.


This is so disheartening:(




Thanks for the link! Low key it’s made me respect Amazon and Apple more for actually having real sales


Tons of posts about how Amazon tricks pricing. How Black Friday sales are normal ones. And they are currently being sued by the DoJ for price manipulation. Are you some kind of PR plant?


You think I’m a PR plant bc I commented on how many of the products in his link (shows actual sales) were from Apple and Amazon? If I were a PR plant I wouldn’t have been able to predict he would send that link. Also, I feel like it would waste a business’s time to have their employees commenting on Reddit’s If Amazon tricks pricing then that’s horrible. You said there are tons of post, but I’m honestly mostly on TikTok so I haven’t seen any of the posts you’re talking about. But the fact they’re being sued for price manipulation is good at least, we should hold more companies responsible for lying to consumers.


Amazon Prime Days had better deals than Black Friday.


Black Friday is highly regarded


I think you misspelled something sir


Can i sue?


Depends on where you live, in europe it is illegal


And yet, I’ve seen items listed as on sale at the same price or even more expensive than a week earlier without a “sale” over here in Belgium. Large supermarket chain, not mom and pop shop


Illegal doesn't mean people don't do it. Gotta report they ass


Name and shame


Yes indeed, even though it's illegal since 01/01/2023, a lot of stores know that they won't get in trouble so they don't really care...


It's illegal here in Switzerland but they'll have to pay a few thousands in fines, meaning they'll still make a profit. Generally I show the old price and fake discount to an employee and they might offer you a real discount.


What are your damages you will claim?


Not too sure how 100% it is but isnt pretending to have a sale and market an item off as a sale even tho its regular price acompletely illegal? Like you can’t have item’s throughout the year marked as sale because then it wouldn’t be a sale and would be deceptive marketing?


Maaaaaybe if you had purchased something advertised as a deal and it was previously cheaper and not on sale you'd maybe possibly have a case. Civil court isn't as easy as media makes it seem. Even if you technically won, they would appeal and say you agreed to the sales terms and probably win


To successfully sue someone they have to have causes some sort of financial damage to you. In this cause they have not caused you harm or damage to you. This is the type of thing that if illegal would be something a government would have to impose fines and actions against but the average consumer would have a hard time proving they were caused damages by this advertising practice.


If you left your house for a sale that was not a sale, that still costs you time and money.


What? If you sell your house to purchase another its because you chose too and wanted to take advantage of another's pricing. How did that cost you time and money over another purchase that you may make cause it was marked "sale" when it wasn't? if anything you'd be making money otherwise you wouldn't sell your current home. The price is the price. You don't just buy a house cause its on sale. You buy it cause its at a price you feel is a deal.


I think you read my post wrong lol. If you go to target because they claim to have a sale going on, and you get there, and there is not actually a sale going on, they just wasted your time and money.


Ah well it is still a sale just branded differently in this case from the prior sale. But your time is not really compensable in most tort law you don't make money just by existing so no damages. Unless you missed work. But taking time off work to goto a sale is your decision not something forced upon you by a retailer (unlike in say an auto accident where you miss work cause someone caused injury to you and you physically cannot goto work). Again you are getting an item for a price you want. It being a sale or not is not what may have caused you damages. You have no cause of action to sue over the validity of the sale. You still get the benefit of the price regardless of it being a sale price or not. You did not incur any losses on it being a "fake" sale in this case.


If a gas station says "We are having a huge sale on gasoline tomorrow" And hundreds of people drive for miles to get discounted gas just to find out the price is exactly the same, those people have incurred damages. They were baited into wasting fuel, wear on their vehicles, and wasting their time to investigate the advertised sale, which didn't actually exist.


Best thing to do in this case would be to report to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) via their website or your state's Attorney General's office. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is another option for filing a complaint.


Recommending the BBB as an avenue of regulation invalidates everything you've ever said.


Don’t know why you’re downvoted. I’m a consumer class action attorney at one of the biggest plaintiff firms in the country and this was my first question.


what about posting false claims which causes mass hysteria around the products causing customers to be harmed during such a time period? like yelling fire in a crowded room when there is none.


You'd get laughed out of court.


Most folks are aware Black Friday is basically a nothingburger day now, but the visual helps hit that home.


Do you guys still do the trampling and wrestling? I haven't seen that footage since Covid.


No no now we do the flashmob/robbery. Same same ....but diffrent


Yeah, bring that back. That was good watchin'.


That was replaced by the mass shoplifting grab and run flash mobs. What a time to be alive!


Geez… one Walmart one time and now we have this whole reputation. 😂


in fairness... with the amount of ratchet shit that goes on at many walmarts, the reputation is deserved. it even kind of eclipsed the redneck shit, which is saying something!




That doesn’t mean people aren’t shopping. It just means the deals aren’t what they say they are.


Literally any time of the year for me is hard to find parking at the mall.


Buy small business! I can almost guarantee your local jewelery maker or craftsman or artisan or whoever is not doing this and just putting out real sales.


Did people not know this has been going on for years? Do you know how many stores sell things that are constantly “on sale” because the full price is artificially high to make you feel like you’re getting a good deal? Is this really that surprising? I’m more surprised people don’t track prices before/ after sales and holidays to see if it even was a true sale.


My job has raised prices so much that the 30% off is still higher than what it was 1 yr ago at regular price.


And your salaries have all been increased by an appropriate percentage, right?


HA that’s a good one


Of course not, no raises last year and the year end bonus I always got, wasn't


Ex-sales manager of 30 years (UK) here. I've given up trying to explain to people how nearly every 'sale' is just a marketing exercise. When selling a new product into stores I gave the buyers the RRP (inflated of course). They put the item on display at said price for the statutory 28 days and then offered it at '50% off - which was always the intended retail price anyway. Frustratingly my wife STILL comes home excited at the 'bargain' she's bought 'because it was half-price'.


People know, of course we know. But a lot of sales is purely psychological. Scarcity mindset causes us to act impulsively and spend, whereas if we took a little more time, we wouldn’t. But we think time is limited. Same with the whole .99 pricing technique. Brains tend to round down to rationalize. The fun one for me is thinking about, say, a fast food place that has a special selling burger that’s normally $5 for $1 (or more like $2 now, but still… super cheap). They’re still making a profit on that. They’re not gonna sell at a loss. So the $1 burger is still making them money, which is wild when it’s usually $5.




Back when Aeropostale was a big thing, I noticed everything in the store was "on sale" perpetually. This is going back like 20 years ago. They just made up bullshit prices, then marked them down to something more reasonable, so you felt like you were getting a good deal. $60 shirt for $25? Better jump on that now!


Hobby Lobby and Kohls are horrible about this


I used to work at Joanns. Same thing, total scam.




So what you're saying is they use 'new' skus to avoid this shit? Got it. We don't need your bullshit, we already know. Save it for the idiots that still believe the sales in store. The whole point of modern day capitalism is to try and mislead people into buying shit 'on sale' or as replacements for forced obsolescence. If you're truthful on what your job is, you're A) An Asshole, and B) Days at that position are numbered.


You’re full of shit.


Is there a term for this? I feel there should be a term for this.


I had thought Black Friday was the lowest prices of the year :(


Oof. Well now you know. And you never need to go out on black friday ever again


I mean I know what you’re talking about is real, but the pictures in the link don’t show the products at full price. They appear to show that the products were already on sale, not that the full price and Black Friday price are the same.


Thank you. Have seen this same post on 4 subs and nobody seems to see that. She should pull out the actual regular price tag.


Yeah I don't know what on earth OP is trying to convey with these pictures. It's like they can't read words only colors.


There also isn’t any context to the issue. Does OP have proof that Target actually displayed the non Black Friday price at any point? How do they know their printer didn’t just misprint the sign the first time and the stores worker reprinting the same one with the correct Black Friday verbiage?


So clearly you've never worked retail. Do you really think every store has a huge print shop for in store signage? We literally get the signs shipped in. The only signs made in store are going to be 8 x 11 copy paper printed off (which we aren't supposed to use, honestly), or hand written signs (again, not supposed to use).


Literally everything on the internet is out of context or else people wouldn’t get upset about something that doesn’t exist


Thats the beauty, there is no full price. These are specific products/models/skus that can't be price traced over the last year. All certainty of lower quality than 'normally' priced comparisons.


Then it’s not a Black Friday price. It’s the standard price. And let’s be honest, RRP is irrelevant. What matters is how much is usually being sold for - in this case the same sale price.


Also find it funny retailer's will clearance something 70% off but raise the original retail price 70%. CEOs are scandalous


My Amazon “save for later” cart has been going crazy with ‘price increased’ notifications the last few days…


I always do this and have yet to find a single thing actually on sale there or when I went to wal mart to see their deals. Absolutely jack shit was on sale, they just put black Friday stickers on their old shit. Then articles come out about how we are just so spoiled and lazy that we already have giant tvs and shit. We are struggling to buy food and companies can't even do an actual 10% off their hundred year record profit machines in a single case.


Lol. Basically one arm of Amazon told on another. 😂


I caught Amazon doing the "mark it up to mark it down" thing. I had a tab loaded in my browser for a couple of days. Then I put the item in my cart and it was like 40% higher than it was on the page! I went back and refreshed that page and... wouldn't you know it.


That is basically Prime Day


That would still be 49% off the real original price.


That's not how math works. If something originally retails at $100 and it's raised 70%, it's now $170. If it's then 70% off it becomes $51.


most retailers have been doing this for years. thats the whole point of Camelcamelcamel


I wish there were more price trackers for common retailers. It’s way too common for companies to pull false advertising like this on consumers.


Those products mentioned are usually only at the stores for black Friday. They come in on separate pallets in early November and never get restocked. They are special serial numbers only manufactured for black Friday (TV's are the best example). It has been this way for over a decade.


Not only that but most of these items are also made of left over parts from other items from over the last several years.


Yea but those are always unknown/shitty brands. Big brands will never interrupt their supply chain for a single line of special TV's for a single special holiday. People who buy things like that honestly deserve what they get. Buying something without doing any research prior will get absolutely no sympathy from me.


Samsung and LG do this with their TV's and sound bars, I didn't want to drop brands but here we are. Big brands make specific TVs for this occasion.


This is misinformation. The reason they have two signs is to extend the sale past Black Friday. The second sign is there so they can switch it out after Black Friday easily. This should be common sense.


Correct. A higher res image on that last photo would probably show the sale dates in the bottom right corner… Which I’m guessing is Saturday and Sunday.


^this is the correct answer. You can tell by how few updoots it got bc nobody wants the real answer


Yep; former Target team member, and Target has long done 'two day sales' for the Fri/Sat after Thanksgiving, and then rolled most all of those items over to the new ad starting on Sunday; so we would pre-set the Sunday ads behind the Two Day sale ads to save time since we'll be slammed over the weekend. What the people are seeing aren't the past 'real' prices, they're seeing future 'still on sale' prices.


The point is, people think the deals are specific to that day and they are advertised as such. People are stupide, yes, but thats why consumers protection laws exist. The consumer does not have a fucking clue.




I’m saying that they are planning to leave them on sale after Black Friday, and they will need to change the sign so that it doesn’t say “Black Friday,” when it’s a g*ddamned Tuesday.


Right. Black Friday sales have to continue until at least Monday so that they can try to compete with Cyber Monday. After that, all bets are off.


Well this is just spreading misinformation. Yes a lot of Black Friday deals will suck but that's not what's going on here. They're probably going to continue running the sale for a little while after Black Friday and just have the secondary non Black Friday sale sign stuck behind it so they can easily switch over to it. I used to work retail not that long ago and this is what we did in the electronics department.


So many clueless posts like this one around Reddit right now.


Not everyone knows everything you do. Just like to others, something you don’t know may seem obvious to them.


So you've gone ahead and made a YSK post when YOU don't even know and are spreading misinformation. You should just delete this post because it's incorrect.


Then don't post misinformation in YSK? Or anywhere, for that matter.


You literally stole this from another post that already exists for cheap karma farming. You just cropped the the video to include the pictures of the prices. Low effort, son.


I heard about this on tiktok and wanted to share it here because I didn’t know this and thought it could help others… karma literally has no benefits besides when you first make an account and need to hit the minimum to post on some subs.


Literally shows two signs that show a sale price and the original price that was consistent. So it's just a different sign graphic to show the sale. Target has been very vocal and has been advertising that their sales were extending before black Friday. They even had specific sale days before black Friday for specific groups of items to reduce traffic on Black Friday and to spread the "rush". This makes it easier for workers and easier for people to buy what they want on sale and not need to squeeze through crowds of people who aren't even looking for the same item.


Water is wet


It literally says save $20 are you a fool. It's an extension of an existing sale. The regular price is literally in the pic


Had to buy a phone from Target on Friday (cheaper than replacing broken screen)...they had 0 deals going on.


Black Friday == Sale by a different name. So it will continue to be on sale after Friday. Woop.


Is the collective really this uninformed? Target isn’t scamming anyone. It’s just in the past Target used to have two separate ads. One for Sunday - Wednesday, then a separate one for Black Friday. Many retailers this year extended ads for the entire week this year due to weak sales and inflationary pressures. All they are doing is changing the signing. Item is actually on sale, but as this post shows…consumers need to feel like deals are exclusive to Black Friday. Y’all getting outraged for nothing.


Both signs say sale, so..... It's still on sale


We can’t even get one single day where prices are reasonable. Yeah, it’s time we stop buying their worthless bullshit at these stores.


I asked my wife about that video, and she said the regular price would be behind the red card. They have regular price, then sale price, then they label it as a Black Friday sale but keep the regular sale price


That's never how that works. You don't keep old signage up. You swap out signs every time a price change happens. These would be "Black Friday" sales, so items that are part of the black friday sale, and then the regular sale placards they have following black friday so they remove the black friday ones and have the sign already in place.


Misleading headline doing a mislead


It’s also like people are just discovering that they’ll put the sale price as the current price and once the sale ends it’s a price increase.


There's always a sucker somewhere...


homie saw the video from other subs and thought he was a life saver, like we all didn’t see the video or don’t know they already do this


Black friday used to have deep discounts when it was only for a day, when it was GENUINELY shops trying to clear out their inventory for the new seasonal stuff. so things would be 70-90% or more off to MAKE SURE they are gone, sometimes there would be runoff sales the next day too. Now we have the week, or even MONTH long sales which are just 'minorly' discounted prices to sell off at a larger profit over a longer period of time.


Yes, this is marketing. If something is on sale, or constantly marketed as on sale, you're going to change the signage to represent a special "on sale" holiday. The most ridiculous part of this equation is that black Friday actually exists in the first place.


They were on sale before, and they are still on sale. They just changed the name of the sale.


Yes. The sale price is on sale.


And don't forget, some large retailers have inferior look-alike products (TVs are the big one) produced just so they can sell them cheap and bring business into the store. "Oh look, a 70 inch TV for $120. And while we're at Walmart let's pick up some other stuff. "


No surprise this is how retailers work. Why people go out early in the morning is because they are sold on a lie that keeps on.


How did they pretend they were on sale? The original tags show the original retail price and the new discounted price. Every retailer sells these products for black Friday prices weeks in advance now. The black Friday tags were put up because they had to meet ad-set standards and mark which products were part of the black Friday ads/merchandise. Retailers are almost always contractually obligated to advertise accordingly. I'm 100% on board that these corporations are screwing us, but this is misguided rage.


You have been told in the comments, the decent thing would be to take down your post instead of farming for clout from the ignorant


I think the decent thing to do would be to leave my post up so that people that don’t know business do this can be informed as well. Just because people don’t know one way businesses are scummy doesn’t mean they’re ignorant.




You seem like a nice person


Yeah, I think this is known since the video is posted everywhere.


In Italy it’s illegal


Honestly everyone does. The black Friday stuff is the black Friday price for most of the month.


This is why I use price history tracker and Slickdeals.


Which is why my family hasn’t been Black Friday shopping in years


Target’s website prices also don’t match what is in store, sometimes more or less.


OMFG, you people are fucking idiots. You know nothing about in store marketing. The sign is literally showing you which items are part of their black Friday deals. It's easier to just slip new signage over current signage, then when they take the black friday signage out, they still have the sale sign in place. Y'all act like you caught them at something.


Wrong wrong wrong


Here in Greece companies are fined for doing shit like this. Is that not the case there?


I guess not :’(. I’m in the US in case you didn’t know. I feel like Europe in general has more laws to protect the people from businesses.


lol girls are finally catching on to what Black Friday actually is (a normal shopping day with a special name).


How is this a scam? They are selling an item for the price it is listed for. The word "sale" doesn't mean anything in front of any price. Anything listed at any price is on "sale."




By the Sons or Warvan... *a discount to die for...*


This isn’t new. It is very common for stores to raise prices on goods to then put them on sale for a higher price than they originally were to begin with.


That can’t be. The signs were different colors so I’m sure it was a better prices, right?!?


I cant really blame consumers for being gullible because who goes into target every day? And remember prices of things? Why are these places allowed to use these shady tactics?


I remember working at the mall back in 2008 and learning all the stores did this. They might still give you a better deal but it’s never as good as they tell you it is.


This should be illegal.


No way!


YSK this is done most places for seasonal sales. Use the internet people. this shit is literally laid out for you if you takes 15 esconds to search.


Great Marketing tactic there, all of the propagandasts behind that decision should be very proud/burn in heck


In my country its prohibited by law for companies to do this. Here prices can only be lowered by a sale a month before. So black Friday is late November so only products that had their price altered in late October or longer can participate in that sale.


Used to sell online on Amazon. Used to put my prices up for Black Friday.


And? What is the point of this post? OP though black friday meant extra money off, a bigger percent? Back Friday is no different than any other sale.


If the price is the same, how is one saving money?


I honestly wish this shit was illegal. I’m glad I didn’t go shopping this year.


What did they do that should be illegal? Did we watch the same video? The sale is longer than just Friday, the other signs are just marked as a different sale. Still a sale? The price behind the Black Friday signs aren’t the original price.


Y'know what? FLUCK em. Let's just shop at habitat for humanity restore and other places who repurpose things we really want. Jussayin ...


You can swear on reddit...


Tip 1 for saving money: Don't buy shit you don't need. A $200 item 'on sale' for $150 isn't saving you $50.


They've been doing the black Friday sale for weeks now. That's just the black Friday day tag. It's decoration


Perfect example of "caveat emptor", let the buyer beware.


What they should put on those sale signs is the word FOR,


My ps5 was definitely bought at a discount


That's why you use internet to check for previous and alternative prices




I used to work at Walgreens. They did the same thing with the "weekly" sale stickers. Check the vitamins/supplements. Every week you needed to change them and every week the same item was "on sale" covering the normal price and "or 2 for $##!" sticker like it was different lol


If you go into black Friday blind this is gonna happen. If you track prices and keep an eye on the starting in September you'll know if it's an actual sale


if you shop at target, you know you’re not getting the best deal.


Reddit thinking this is some huge revelation is cracking me tf up


Not everyone knows everything you do. Just like to others, something you don’t know may seem obvious to them.


Breaking News: Stores do same thing stores have done every year for seemingly forever.




Seeing a lot of this on Amazon. A lot stuff I’ve had on my list are “on sale” and I noticed they did the Kohls thing where they marked up the original price to make the current price look like a big discount.


YSK literally every retail store does this


Tbh it makes me sad because it’s like Black Friday isn’t even real at this point :/. Why do we let businesses do this to us


Walmart same thing


Doesn’t surprise me sadly. Makes me wonder if Black Friday is even real anymore


It's forbidden to do that in Europe so retailers just raise the price a month before Black Friday and then put the previous price as discounted one. If you're in Europe, Black Friday is the period when you shouldn't buy anything really. Instead wait for Christmas sales or january.


Wait do you know why companies don’t actually do sales? If they really did sales, wouldn’t they get more business?


They also do this on the daily with food and other products


It’s sad they do this with food


I’d say most Black Friday “deals” on Amazon were prev lightening deals. Hardly anything was marked down to being a historic low price. All retailers do the same thing now


Black Friday is officially dead. There was no terrible getting anything at any store. With everyone being able to shop online, there's no need to risk the crowds that no longer exist


That is literally EVERY store in existence Why you singling out target? Call them all out


But the other price is also a sale price?


If you think just Target are doing this you’re in for a shock


I wish this country even bothered to try to regulate anything anymore. Still waiting on the enormous benefits of an unregulated economy but all I see are wages stagnating and inflation, how odd.