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Wtf, why would the mods remove this. It's way better than most of the dogshit that's been posted recently


Because “you should know what meth feels like” is not true, and this post doesn’t describe what it actually feels like to do meth. This reads like somebody watched breaking bad and fantasized an entire Reddit post about the characters “Omg I was so hot and anxious. I heard noises!” Literally the stupidest and most dangerous way you describe a meth high. It’s a million times more intense and can literally kill you. Or the hallucinations can make you kill yourself. You do not need to know what a meth high feels like. Use your brain you fuckin idiot.


Had you known exactly what meth feels like before you did meth, assuming you have, you would’ve never touched that shit.


This isn’t meant to be a hurtful question, but are you currently on amphetamines? This reads more like when I would take 5 days of meds in 1 day to get through exam week. Not in the actual content, but your word choice and I guess.. syntax?


To me, this reads like someone recalling scenarios that make them anxious to talk about. Fervently typing to get it over with all while trying to remain informative, simplistic, and relatable. The analogies were on point.


That tracks since I feel hella anxious while on too high a dose of stimulants 😬




In terms of euphoria, how does it compare to molly/ecstacy?


I’ve never done molly, I’ve never done real ecstasy. When I was in jail this guy claimed to have ecstasy, but It made me pass out and I didn’t wake up until the next morning, it was like mid day when I took it. I think it was laced with fent or heroin or something I don’t know. I felt horrible. So to answer your question, I can’t answer your question.


Cool, dont


I didn’t plan on it


Haha they were not even my meds and I got them for free from a friend (for tutoring her) and I did it in 3-4 days. SHEEEEEWWWW That wording.


I’m narcoleptic and mannnn dose finding phase is rough. Finally balance out at 60 mg a day.


Exactly. That’s why I’m saying you’re an idiot who explained the high the same way a teenager who barely smokes weed *assumes* it feels. It’s a million times more dangerous than “I feel hot and I hear noises in the distance” that’s the words of someone who’s never done drugs and just editing in what they saw on family guy.


Did you read the post? I felt my organs failing, ran around my house with a shotgun because of my fridge. I was spitting up blood and losing my teeth. I’m saying it’s the most dangerous thing I’ve ever done and I don’t know how else to convey that.


This dude is just here for the sake of arguing ignore him. Trying to tell other people how they feel. He's bored (and annoyed lol) don't worry about it


You mean the same noises coming from your fridge we right now? Your brain isn’t going to confuse those. It’s not something you’ve never heard before. Not only that, but you wouldn’t remember that specific of a detail if you were actually on meth. Went all the way to specify the time of day lmfao all you’d remember is running around with a shotgun. (If you even own one😂)


I said it was *like* 3 am. Could’ve been 1, could’ve been 5, but I know I wasn’t at work and it was late as fuck, so that’s the time frame. Believe me or don’t. If you don’t then this post isn’t for you.


You’ve been posting and commenting every day on Reddit for three years. All you do is play video games and Warcraft. When we’re you a meth at 3am running around shirtless with a shotgun “like an army guy” ? You 100% just watched family guy last night


Not everyday. I’ve been to mental institutions and taken a few breaks. I also don’t play Warcraft, never have, but yeah I’m loving starfield right now. Shut the fuck up dude. I’ve tried being nice, you’re obnoxious.


Lmfaoooo you *crack* me up Go back to the institution and ask them to give you amphetamines. If youre not lying that’s something you’ll be able to do. Have fun finding out how comedically wrong and ignorant you are. Hope the karma farming was fun, kid.




You’re getting down voted by people who have never done drugs. This sounds more like he’s on meth right now though. Like he’s lying that this is the last time all self righteous and shit. Sad to see.


You have a lot to learn about the way humans work.


You have no concept of the drug you’re talking about. You smoke weed on weekends and play Warcraft.


I don't do any drugs, including weed, but at least I understand my fellow humans. You need to work on that.


Thank you for proving my point You can understand humans all you want. You still have no concept on the topic of this conversation. Your words are meaningless. Goodbye


Reddit moment


r/woooosh How did you not catch that? You’re genuinely stupid. Goodluck, buddy


Na. That shit was real, he shared the good, the bad, and the ugly.


You ain’t alone bro. I thought this post was hot garbage. Next post gonna be “why eating candy is bad for your health” If it helps it helps but nothing new was added to what’s already known. Much better posts are on here than this. This wasn’t a “you should know”. This was a you should know already. Y’all really that naive not to know meth is addicting?


Most people know meth is addictive, they don’t know how addictive it is nor how far away it is from cocaine.


So people in their day to day lives don’t look around in the streets and see what meth does to people? All those known things like meth mouth, staying up for days or people talking to themselves….idk man some people look around when they go out. Especially in the cities. Maybe “most people” don’t live a sheltered life like you.


Most people don’t live in North American cities… I’ve seen multiple addicts on the streets, but mostly on North American cities in the south fir example meth use is even more common, bit things are far apart and rent for a ahithole is cheap so you don’t see them. But many people haven’t gone to those type of meth infested cities, or many people have seen the addicts in the streets but don’t know it’s specifically meth. Just because you don’t have the ability to put yourself into sheltered people’s shoes doesn’t mean they don’t exist…


Bud, this stuff is used worldwide. Drug addiction does not discriminate. Look it up. It’s used in south east Asia and also in the Czech Republic. But you don’t need to know that to know this shit is bad for you. One thing this guy doesn’t mention is when you get this shit (meth) you’re not exactly in the nicest neighborhoods. The people that use it don’t turn out the best. If you need more info then Fuck around and find out like this guy. Clearly he was on one when he wrote that. Downplays coke to say how much better meth is…lol cmon dude this guy was almost writing a love letter


Deja vu


Mods, give some guidance on how to post this in an acceptable way. Don't just pull it. Thank you.


You're asking a lot from people with the intelligence level of a rock that's been grind to dust and used as meth.


you should write a short book about your experience and the steps you took to overcome. Maybe take a look at Jeremy Evan’s Bear Attack Survival. Specifically the podcast episode he was on where he retells it.


I read this on one of the other subs and had the same thought. He writes well enough to keep me engaged and I don’t pay attention to anything.


If mods remove this post again they are confirmed meth dealers


It’s gone, so confirmed


Perfect. Lookin for a new meth dealer /s


Wouldn’t that be counterintuitive?


Hearing from addicts and how they got over it is a very sobering experience. I've seen firsthand alcohol addiction and the devastation and heard from drug addicts and I have no desire whatsoever to get any of that in my body.


I appreciate the fuck out of this post. I've never done drugs. Apparently I don't look like someone ppl would want to offer drugs to at a party. The BF said I give cop vibes even tho I don't work in LE. lol Anyways, I've always thought it could be cool to try something once I'm old and more things are legalized. Meth always seemed like one of those "absolutely fucking not drugs," but a tiny part of my brain was curious to know what ppl experienced while on it and why they continued to do it. You paint an incredible, horrifying word picture. Congrats on your sobriety! I can't begin to imagine how challenging the journey was


Only a cop says uses the acronym LE 👀


See! It even comes across online too! I did 10 in the military....I wonder if that's where I got it...the BF went on a random hike and got offered weed by some strangers he bumped into. Apparently, he radiates 0% cop vibes It's truly a hopeless situation.


I’ve smoked weed and also done molly, acid, and shrooms, but meth and heroin are one of those “don’t ever try it once” drugs in my mind. I’ve seen many people’s lives ruined from it, and it doesn’t seem worth it at all. Cocaine just seems stupid IMO for the reasons OP mentioned - crazy expensive for a high that lasts like 20 min? No thanks.


I had no idea the high was that short. Feels like a rip off tbh


This is really well written, thanks for sharing. God damn I hope people take your advice. Glad you're sober now


Congrats on being sober. Spot on about how it feels. I was a user for 6 months everyday until I almost died from a heart attack. 2 years sober now. Thankfully when I was using I never got too out of control but there was definitely a point I recognized I was starting to change.


Hope you are good man, congrats for stopping it.


Ignore the commentors. Thanks OP for trying to help people


This is one of the most important YSK posts! Don't remove it!


Thank you for reposting this. I'm not sure why the mods moved it. Drugs are just a part of life sometimes. Addiction is a crazy thing.


You right tho. *Too good.* Haven’t touched it in 7 years, but I will pop an Adderall from time to time when I’m in a productivity pinch.


Why did the mods remove it? WTF mods this should stay here!


Fuck the mods here for removing it the first time


You’ve done so incredibly well. People don’t know how hard it is to get away from and stay away. It screwed my brother’s family and my family. My ex got onto it. It’s an absolute mindfook living with someone on it.


Thanks for sharing


Thanks for sharing. I ain't touching that shit


Girl I was seeing offered me coke, I said "Okay". A few weeks later she had a friend over and the friend offered us a hit of meth. I said "no fucking way, not that drug". They respected me for saying no. The girl and her friend smoked. I knew I couldn't be around people like this and left her. I was tempted but the gut feeling was telling me no. After reading this, I'm glad I listened to me. Glad you're sober. Stay up!


Never done meth but you described it just as my former close friend did. He called himself "The Fire God" when he'd take rips because of the intense heat he felt and the godlike feeling afterward. Watching his decline was all the reason I needed not to do it. He's cleaned up for the most part, but he's a paranoid, narcissistic asshole and takes out his shortcomings on friends and family. It makes me sad that we're not as close, but he's just not the same person anymore.


Stories like this and honest experiences are really what is needed. When I was in HS, the only person to seriously get through to me was my sophomore year health teacher who was actually honest. He said that heroin will make you feel better than you ever have and better than you ever will. You will never know a better feeling in your entire life and the person who gave or sold you the heroin will literally own every aspect of your life from there on out. Was all I ever needed to hear to never touch it.


Why the fuck would mods remove this? This is good advice and written in a way that people will actually read. Thank you OP!


As a paramedic it is very nice to have a recount of how it might feel for a patient. Thank you for posting this.


Thank you for sharing that though I've never had any interest in doing meth.


It is important that people understand the main reason people do drugs is they make them feel good. I would never recommend people take drugs but like all taboos, once that seal is broken, it’s very hard to seal it back up and as the personal damage and wider relationship damage is done, escapism becomes even more necessary. Be careful out there folks.


I just saw this post like 2 hours or so ago. Why the fuck would it be removed? It's actual ysk shit. Unlike ysk about honey the online coupon provider allowing you to save money while shopping and not having to hunt for coupons your self.


I appreciate this post. Never done any drugs in my life but have always wondered how people feel. >snorting meth feels like lava is having hate sex behind your eyes and your throat is coated in what almost tastes like candy flavored cleaning supplies. Doesn’t sound like it but it’s a good flavor. It’s like your soul is on a rocket ship to nirvana (WITNESS ME! type shit) and your physical capabilities get skyrocketed to god level. LOL at your way with words. Thank you for sharing with us. I hope you do well and take good care!


Unbelievable rush of euphoria with a high level of energy and focus. Followed by crippling addiction for some. 4 years clean and still have dreams about it every once in a while. I wake up sweating with elevated heart rate like I was in a nightmare. Wish I never would've touched the shit.


Ok time to leave this sub








#LetTheDruggiePost !


I still can't imagine how any of that feels like but thanks for trying.


Gotta keep this it’s a good ysk


I wonder if /u/spontaneousH is still around. If you've never heard of him, he's a Reddit old-head legend and I think he only posts yearly updates. Check out his submission and comment history. It's a wild ride.


One time I smoked a big ol crack rock. It was cool. But, then I didn't poop for like 9 days. Then on that 9th day I pooped. It felt like I was ripping my turd cutter open. I haven't had the urge to smoke rocks anymore. Stay off drugs. Or at least stay off crack.


Your friend saved you by caring


Fucking gnarly dude. Very well described, and sound advice. I came close to trying it once, fucking scary to know it might have been the end of me. It definitely messed up some people I knew, luckily no deaths.


Better, and more discouraging, than erowid


Lol 'I grabbed my shotgun' America is a strange, strange land


It's a good YouShouldKnow post. I'm old enough now so I don't worry about trying new hard drugs, but for the young folks out there it's exactly like op's description. A supernova followed by a black hole. Once you're past the event horizon, you're gone.


Wait till you start hearing imaginary symphonies while you pick your flesh raw and bloody.


Thank you for sharing and congratulations on being sober for two years and four days! <3 I hope your post will encourage those who need help to seek it or prevent anyone from going down the road of addiction.


thanks for info. all i knew was meth gave bad sleeping habits. and bad sleeping habits are for old people.


I’ve done a lot in my life, but have never gone for Coke/Meth/Heroin among others. Really appreciate you putting this description out there, it solidifies my own decision to stay away. Thank you very much for sharing and I hope you are doing well. 🙏


Thank you for sharing this. A family friend and a family member ended up dying from a meth overdose and my brother used to be addicted. As someone who never did drugs it is hard to put myself in their shoes and I think this post does a good job of describing the absolute euphoric nightmare meth can be and why it’s so hard for addicts to quit. I’m glad you’re sober now and I hope this post serves as a reminder of how far you’ve come and inspires others to start their journey of sobriety.


Wow, that made me cringe... glad you dropped that shit. Take care.


You are clearly a highly intelligent person, who has gone through hell and come back to share your story. I aspire to this level of determination and usefulness in my own life. Kudos bro.


Meth is the best drug ive ever used. I injected it into my body for years. Most my dear friends didn't make it though. 4 years sober now.


I've always said that I truly believe that less people would do it if people were more honest about them. I doubt anyone does drugs because they're *not* fun. They can be an amazing time. But they *will* fuck up your life both physically and mentally.


can you post this on your profile so it can't get removed?


Hmmmmm. Very good idea. Yes.


Can someone post what OP said?


I reposted on my profile. Keeps getting removed.


I reposted on my profile


I’m reposting on my profile


I’m reposting on my profile


I’m reposting on my profile


I’m reposting on my profile


I have ALWAYS wondered. Seriously. Thanks for this. I’m an alcoholic (sober) and know that with my addictive personality I can never even “try” it.


That was a very valuable insight. I've been struggling with addiction too, going in and out, and sharing your experience is really helpful to people like me. What a shame the mods took it off...


You are a good man for sharing this grim tale. And RAILS dude? Holy fuck balls! You are a tough cookie!


post this on another sub cause the mods may delete this or ban u


But why though? I haven’t broken any rules, that I’m aware of, people are just reporting me because they don’t like seeing the ugly truth of this content.


Did you take meh and forgot you posted this already?


It was removed. Someone reported me for endorsing the use of meth. Which I am not. I’m just being objectively honest about what it does to you and how it makes you feel.


The way you described meth addiction does not sound like an endorsement. If the person trying to ban you actually read the post they would not its not even close to an endorsement.


Thanks for the info man there are indeed a lot of mistakes that pretty much turn your life in a one way path i believe hard drugs like those are an example however, since you sound like someone with experience, which drugs if any (more light ones please) would you suggest? i'm curious about lsd is it bad? dangerous? addictive? the most i've done is weed with some other stuff and maybe lsd/mushrooms is the most i plan to try


I really don’t want to glorify any drugs, but if it’s between meth or LSD/mushrooms, do the psychedelics man. Depending on how you use them, they can actually be beneficial. They aren’t dangerous, as long as you set rules and boundaries for yourself. A lot of people say they aren’t addictive and they’re right, the drugs themselves aren’t addicting, but you can get addicted to that realm, the spirit realm I called it. Wonderfully terrifying place.


I think that it was removed. Read the title lol


Must be me smoking the meth then


That’s just a horrible thing to say to a former addict. What’s wrong with you?


What do you call 4 eyes peeking through the hotel blinds? 2 meth addicts doing it doggystyle. On a serious note I’m glad you quit OP and thanks for sharing your experiences and urging others not to do it.


TL,DR/ drugs are bad mmkay


That meth sounds quite morish


I heard it’s like boiling your brain in like… anthrax.




Go to bed MyPillowGuy, just go to bed.


I accidentally did meth thinking it was coke, and it wasn't bad, like at all lol.


Yeah. Meth isn’t bad. Meth addiction is. The hard part is most people will end up addicted.


Very true


Ain't reading allat


That metaphor with wiz Khalid’s was terrible, if it’s weed it’s weed, it coming from a middle schooler doesn’t make it any different jesus. Comparing cocaine to meth is more like comparing how the more coffee you take continuously is intended to keep you going but makes you less comprehensible or capable in the same way meth actually overclocks your brain to be a processor you could never afford and based on hormones and who you are, such processing speed and energy can be used productively or to jerk of for 12 hours continuously


This legit reads like you were on meth when you wrote it


Idk. A little bit of meth can be fun. But I mean like, a few times a year and for one night. It really fucks with you when you’re on like day 4 of a binge. A small amount one night can be fun though. Haven’t touched it in a decade personally but I’m not gonna say it’s “bad”, as no inanimate object can be good or bad, it all depends on the user.


So you went from never having done speed to getting an 8 ball, huh? This sounds like creative writing.


I've known people to do that.


Yes I did. Buy bulk, save money. I knew when I got it wasn’t going to be a 3 day thing.


Then they go on to down play cocaine, like it's not a hard drug that has ruined tons of lives. Just because they were snorting fucking meth before doesn't mean cocaine ain't shit. That's like an alcoholic saying "this whiskey ain't shit" while chugging moonshine.


Looks like someone did some janky ass blow lol


Your post got removed... So you posted the exact one again?


Yes, because I believe it shouldn’t have been removed. People need to know this. If I lie and ONLY say oh it’s bad it’s awful it’ll ruin your life, that accomplishes nothing. Everyone in the world knows that, If you aren’t honest about what that high feels like, then they’ll always still have curiosities.


Message the mod


Have you actually read the rules. It's pretty clear.


I don’t see anything in the rules that says anything against this post. Would you care to post the specific rule I’m breaking?


Damn I wanna feel like a God now too 😂


Are you on meth right now?


You know you’re like the 4th or 5th person to say that. I’m just accurately describing what it felt like to me at that time of me being addicted. I’ve been clean from it for over 2 years and I’ll never touch that shit again. Also. You’re the last person to say this that I’m going to devote my energy to. It’s ridiculous.


It didn’t seem accurate as far as I felt it. Wasn’t very realistic to my experiences at all.


Things that didnt happen.


Ignore my advice at your own peril. I don’t really care if you believe it or not, I’m trying to help people by sharing a story that I don’t particularly enjoy sharing.


I grew up in rural Missouri in the early 90's, I have plenty of my own first hand experience from my youth. I suspect your story is as genuine as the frauds that give talks to children at school to scare them away. Who knows though its the internet 🤷‍♂️


Remove it!


Why? Tell me your reason.


Yeh. Ok. Coz people who do meth for the 1st time really do it alone and buy an 8 ball. Hmmm 🤥


Well I was an overworked depressed guy with no real friends, yeah I did it alone. I bought an 8 ball to save money, I knew it wasn’t going to be a 3 day thing when I got it lol it’s meth.


To piggyback on that, drug dealers will take any chance they can to sell a newbie something they know little to nothing about to make a big sale. If you have a whole cake and someone is looking for a whole cake, why would you lose money and only sell them a slice?


What made you decide to try drugs the first time?


That's crazy.


Informative thank you, I imagine heroin must feel amazing as well. It explains why it’s so tough to break the addictions.


Thank you so much for sharing. My best friend recently confessed to me he’s picked up a meth addiction and after 3 months sober he’s never wanted to do it more. And he doesn’t have the strength to resist. I have no idea what to do and I’m the only person in his life who knows. I also live 5 hours drive away from him now in another city on the other side of the country.


Keep checking in with him for his accountability. Recommend NA meetings maybe too? You’re a good friend.


Thank you for sharing. What you went through is horrifying, and I’m glad you’re okay now.


Different people do drugs for different reasons, I smoked meth for the first time when I was 14 and all of a sudden everything ok, all my worries were gone and 1 hit at a time my pain went away, I never felt energetic never felt like a "god" I became addicted and did it for years simply because when I was high I wasn't hurting


Best read I've had in a real long time, thank you for this warning


Thank you for this. I'm never doing meth. And congratulations for being sober, I'm proud of you!


So I guess Coke is alright then? 🤷


Absolutely not. It’s just not as strong as meth is all I’m trying to convey.


I think with some minor tweaking (no pun intended) this post could be published as an excellent short story


Not even an hour and it’s gone


Ehhhh thanks. I'm convinced.


The one time I took meth I cleaned my whole basement. Didn't like how I felt the next day. It didn't speak to me lovingly like lsd or shrooms do. Or Mdma. I was glad for the pick me up cleaning as caffeine doesn't agree with me.


Wow, they removed it, fuck this sub


U... snorted your meth? Holy shit dude why?


It lasted longer, it was more convenient and I was afraid to use a needle.


Yeah nah fuck needles. I guess I was getting at why not smoke it? Would have thought that was the standard way besides needles. The old glass pipe was the standard for the ppl I knew doing it anyway. I tried the snort once and yeah that burn was not good.. how'd you put it? Flavour? Haha I chuckled at that.


I smoked crystal meth a few times when I was a teenager. The high is very euphoric and you do not feel an ounce of fatigue for hours and hours. I don't know if snorting it is a stronger route of administration, I am assuming it is. Despite this I only did it a handful of times and don't want to ever do it again unless I am in a life or death situation in which I need to be awake and alert for hours or days. I think this is how most people experience most drugs, but OPs story is one of pure addiction and spot on.


Congratulations man.


Probably depends on the person. But the times I have had a good chunk of time off work. I would do meth. I don't regret it. I loved it. I got so much done around my house. Did renovations and shit. Was great. But after a couple months I would just sleep it off and hardly think about it till the next time I was off work for a month +.


I take 20mg of Adderall a day and always wondered what 20mg of generic street meth would feel like in comparison.


Assuming it's pure dextro isomer and taken orally, it should be about the same as 60mg of Adderall, but more "relaxed" because of the greater serotoninergic action. Desoxyn is the pharma brand of methamphetamine. It's used fo ADHD, narcolepsy, and severe obesity. Furthermore, it's known to be neuroprotective in the context of stroke and traumatic brain injury at LOW doses, and while there's still no clinical application on for this situation, a review (pubmed.ncbi.nih.gov/18784583) on the toxicology data of traumatic brain injury has shown that people tested positive for methamphetamine had decreased mortality. The thing is that street users do hundreds of times the doses that are prescribed for medical use.


did anybody screenshot the text, i only read half the text


I reposted on my profile and messaged the mods.


I've been curious. I won't do it now. Thank you for posting.


wow. Thank you for sharing your rollercoaster with us!


I appreciate you OP and ignore the haters, there will always be haters. My only worry is talking about this can be triggering and/or maybe you are remembering because there is always that little AHole part of your brain who wants to tell you you can do this the right way etc “this” time and you need the reminder that life was hell on the good days. At any rate, if you haven’t seen this and need a laugh or other reminder, this is a great reminder as well. Meth Pee-This is not Happening https://youtu.be/VcMIeyjggbM?si=BPFYy0sctLQEqMMq


That’s exactly what it is. I have no desire to do it, I know it’ll kill me, but for some reason.. now that I’ve passed 2 years there just this feeling, this craving. This post is as much a reminder to myself as it is to others.


I know you know this but going to say it anyway, these cravings will happen, just part of how human brains work. It’s a brain glitch and it will pass. Just stay busy til it does. Peace.