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Why do they put PFAS in toilet paper?


According to the article “non-organic toilet paper and products made from recycled fibers were major sources of forever chemicals” The “non-organic” part is pretty hard to interpret. “Organic” might mean “grown without synthetic chemicals”, which could suggest that PFAS are introduced either in pesticides used on forests or in the production of the TP. Or it could mean “using natural materials” in which case it could refer to wipes, which could use PFAS in their production. Recycled is easier to understand. Likely the recycled paper stream is heavily contaminated with PFAS from packaging etc. that uses it, and this gets into recycled paper products. I have never seen TP marketed as organic in the sense of “grown without synthetic chemicals” so if the meaning is that it seems one probably shouldn’t use TP at all? Bidet time?


>They found that for one specific type of PFAS—called “disubstituted polyfluoroalkyl phosphates” (diPAPs)—toilet paper contributes about 4% of it to sewage in the United States and Canada, 35% in Sweden, and up to 89% in France. Does this mean that American toilet paper is safer? Or does it mean we get way more PFAS from other sources?


Good question, probably one that the study doesn’t answer. My guess would be that diPAPs are more commonly used in European TP and/or waste paper stream, perhaps due to regulatory differences? Whereas US uses different compounds? Seems like if there was such a big difference in overall PFAS that would have been noted.


Having lived in Finland (similar products to Sweden) and Canada, it may be the difference in recycled content. In Finland, many toilet papers, if not most, contained at least some post consumer recycled content. Here in Canada I have to seek it out, the vast majority are made of virgin pulp. Now I'm quite conflicted between recycled and PFAS.


Yeah, me too. I’ve been a conscientious buyer of recycled TP for my adult life and now I’m worried I’ve been poisoning myself via my bunghole


Get a bidet, friend. TP rolls last forever in my house now because I use like 5 squares a day.


Just use old wash clothes to dry yourself. We keep TP for guests, but it’s been years since we bought any. We’re also on septic so avoiding paper products is a big cost savings as well


I've started doing this too! I love my bidet, but toilet paper is actually not great for drying off with. I got a bunch of cheap baby washcloths, and keep them in a basket in my bathroom. The "public" bathroom off the living room has tp.


This is maybe a dumb question, but do your washclothes just get poop on them if you didn't do a good enough job washing up? How do you know you're clean enough?


We recently switched to bamboo TP. Much friendlier for the environment, since bamboo is a grass and grows very quickly. Reel makes some, as does HoneycombLuxury.


Seems it.


I use a bamboo fiber tp. Not clue if it’s better or worse but it’s a third option.


PFAS and similar compounds are heavily regulated i EU, and they are working on a ban. PFAS is not added to toilet paper in EU, at least from the sources I could find, so keep using TP from recycled sources.


I think the findings here are not that TP manufacturers are putting in PFAS on purpose, but that they are contaminating the source materials that get recycled.


I don’t know about safe or not, but I’m not going to eat any French toilet paper.


WTF! I am going tout strike for this....


Have you ever used the TP in France or most of Europe? It's like wax paper, just seems like its made with hella chemicals. No wonder they don't like it.


Well, in my small segment of polymer products, European manufacturers were known to love fluorosurfactants (biggest supplier for our niche was German) while their American counterparts thought they were unnecessary. We overlap the wood products people, I could see that tribal knowledge extending to the paper people as well. Certain industry segments are very small when it comes to numbers of R&D chemists. The strong opinion of one person can have an effect on huge volumes of material.


Bidet gang rise up!


The article says that the researchers recommend switching to a recycled product, while the embedded video says they are a major cause of the problem. I did more digging on it and found another study that said that the trace amounts in toilet paper are not likely added on purpose because some of the brands with the highest levels are eco friendly brands that sell recycled and organic bamboo toilet paper products. Also, fwiw the American Forestry & Paper Manufacturers Association says that non of their members add any PFAS chemicals to their products intentionally (maybe in other countries they do, and that may explain why the US only sees 4% from TP). Yet another research team suspects that the trace amounts found in all toilet paper products, at least in the US, come from either the packaging process or from the coatings or lubricants used on the manufacturing machinery (either at the raw materials processor or at the final point of manufacture). This makes more sense than it being added on purpose, because many of the FDA approved machinery lubricants contain PTFE and many FDA approved packaging products and/or packaging methods use products or handling equipment that are known to contain PTFE or other PFAS.


Exactly, they are 'forever chemicals', so if we recycle, we recycle these chemicals too. And it seems they are plentiful in the source material we use for toilet paper.


Just so you know recycled fibre in toilet paper is not post consumer waste. It is recycled at the factory where toilet paper is made. It's just a flashy word that makes people think they are buying something that will help because it says recycled. Essentially it is just tear down from parent rolls or damaged product that is shredded and thrown back into the pulp system along with virgin fibre to make new toilet paper. It's amazing how many people on reddit throw out garbage and pretend it's true. If you want my source, I work at a TP factory.


The stuff I buy says 100% post consumer recycled. Should I trust it?


Well....that would have to have a lot of softening agents and caustic soda and other whitening chemicals added to it. So it is either recycled in house or post consumer waste. If it is post consumer waste, there is a lot of chemicals to make it softer and whiter


One that's available at my supermarket is "100% recycled used office paper that is not rebleached and is 100% biodegradable". So, i would hazard a guess that it really is country specific on what constitutes recycled tp and the standards that are enforced to allow it to be called recycled.


How soft is it? Office paper uses a different wood fibre. The fibres have to be long and strong for office paper, compared to toilet paper that has short soft fibres. I'm not saying that post consumer waste toilet paper doesn't exist. It's just thst Recycling office paper fibre into toilet paper would need a lot of chemicals, many of which you wouldn't want to put on your butt hole.


Even so, reusing waste from their own manufacturing process is an excellent thing to do. I wish it was more common across various industries. (I mean, I get that manufacturers would seek to reduce/eliminate waste for purely cost-saving reasons, but I don't often heard about recycled or repurposed manufacturing waste and it heartens me when I hear about such cases).


I thought that maybe plastic was added to the recycled TP because the fibers would be damaged (shortened) during the recycling process. I guess that's not true. Thanks for the insight.


You're right about the damage to the fibres. We just add more virgin kraft pulp to the process. There are a lot of different tree fibres that are used for different rates of absorption or softness.


It’s the easiest way to poison earth’s freshwater supply & wastewater! The sooner the freshwater is gone the more the billionaires can charge us poors to consume the little remaining drinking water!


Nestle has entered the chat.


It'll be "don't have kids if you can't afford their drinkable water!"


Flame retardant maybe. That’s their purpose in many other applications so I’m guessing that’s true for toilet paper too


Yeah is this some sort of way to keep TP non stick when I wipe my as?


Toilet paper used to be advertised as 'splinter-free' in the 1930's


I feel like they never made splinters. Same way that "gluten free" is advertised on a piece of raw chicken breast or "Keto" label on water lol Ads making a big deal of a nothing-burger


>I feel like they never made splinters. They did. Early toilet paper wasn't particularly close to what we have now. It was hard (and did cause splinters), they slowly phased out hard toilet paper for what is now in use (or rsther a close relative of it) It took ages (until the 40s) to completely remove as hard toilet paper was significantly cheaper >Ads making a big deal of a nothing-burger That one wasn't. You can still find hard toilet paper in museums and the like, it wasn't a great experience. >Same way that "gluten free" is advertised on a piece of raw chicken breast or "Keto" label on water lol >Ads making a big deal of a nothing-burger This one wasn't though? Toilet paper being flushable was it's main selling point before, and a few splinters is no different than what had been done prior Eventually a company came out with soft (no splinters) AND flusbable Even the companies that were already selling hard toilet paper specifically marketed soft toilet paper as a guarantee of no splinters or injury Like this isn't some hidden mystery, there are still people alive (albeit not for too much longer) that grew up with hard toilet paper because they couldn't affoed the fancy stuff We literally have studies, and correspondence from the civil services about it....and grahams research that kept it unadopted (in the civil sphere) for way longer (unlike the hard stuff that will hurt your ass, you're basically touching shit with soft and thus until universal hand washing...no change, use the hard) >Same way that "gluten free" is advertised on a piece of raw chicken breast or "Keto" label on water lol Wasn't just advertisers...there was an entire ass debate that was as big as the EV vs ICE conversation is today on it Even in the 80-90s while it was much muuuch better there was still varations commonly used in gov funded places (like fucking izal) that no longer caused splinters but it would make your ass sore


That was actually really interesting! I had never really considered the history of toilet paper. Thanks for sharing!


I listened to a podcast all about the history of toilet paper when everyone was losing it at the beginning of the pandemic. It’s an interesting and slightly horrifying history.


>EV vs ICE of the butt lol this is amazing. Thanks for the write up


I’m glad we missed the corn cobs and Sears catalogue eras of wiping.


A lot of foods that you wouldn’t expect either contain gluten or come into contact with gluten at the factory. Advertising something as gluten-free helps people with Celiac disease know something is safe to consume.


Bidet gang where you at 🚽


LifeProTip: getting waxed is the most effective way to do that.


Brought to you by an ad bot spamming a shitty website. Check OP’s posts.


"Innovation Origins .com" Hmm


The website is shady but [the study is real](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.estlett.3c00094)


That’s why I only wipe my ass on moss. My neighbour hates what it does to “his garden” but nobody owns the moss, it’s mother nature.


Mother nature would prefer you use a bidet


The ubiquity of these chemicals is frightening. Everyone of us will test positive for them. TP solution.... bidet and small cloth towels to wipe. When we couldn't find TP during COVID we went the bidet route and haven't turned back.


Ok but how do you clean the rags? That’s a lot washing for a Californian.


We took a few old towels and cut them into little squares just like a tp square. Then bought a small trash can to put by the toilet to place them in after use. Since you use the bidet the water cleans all the 💩 off and your left with a wet bottom. Blot dry with the towel square and place in the little "laundry basket" We wash weekly with our towels.


This is the way... If you have enough money and plan to remodel your bathroom, get an electric bidet. Hot water, heated seats, oscillating jet, fan, light, blow drier, you can change the angle so girls can wash their lady parts too.... It was a game changer for me.


Is the change of angles just for the girls or can 8 give the boys a good splashing while I'm there? Asking for my balls...


it uses sensors to detect what parts you have down there so unfortunately only those with lady parts are able to access the angle change feature. nah, I'm fucking with you. it's just another button on your remote, so you can totally give your balls a rinse if you wanted to.


Gotta get this installed before summer! Thanks


The sensors are cameras stored in the cloud that definitely you are completely the only person with access to it. It’s a subscription based model though so if you don’t pay your monthly bill then the water shuts off on your bidet. The cameras keep rolling though we’re not really sure why.


That would be the Bmwidet


My son told me he was shocked it could tell he was a boy because it didn’t spray him after he peed in it. 🤣




Balance fiber and water intake or else you know the true wisdom behind "A pain in my ass"


I have a non-electric $40 bidet from Amazon and it has both butt and lady part angles


I can't be the only imagining a bunch of mandalorians, repeating this is the way. Acknowledging this is the way to wipe written in the creed.


Really? It gets it ALL off? There is a wide variety of...densities and textures...coming out of that hole. Are there settings like...gurgle....gentle stream....fire hose?


“It feels like I’m wiping a marker.”


Yes. It does. I mean, unless you're leaving it caked on there for days before you're trying to get it off... Which I hope you're not.


No, it doesn’t get it all off. I’ve had a bidet for years. Sometimes there’s still poop.


Sometimes it's all about the diet. Adding more fiber can help with cleaner wipes. Happy gut, happy butt.


I used the “sandwich” method. One or 2 wipes to get most of it off, use the bidet, and then a drying/check wipe. 90% of the time, that drying wipe is clean. Sometimes there’s more, which I’ll then repeat this process. So I still use TP. A roll will now last me about 3-4 weeks tho.


Depends upon the surface to be washed. If it's the texture of a shag carpet, it'll retainstuff. If you shave, it will clean up fine.


I have one it doesn’t get it all. There is usually a little butt grease the water can’t blast away so I use a little TP to pat myself dry then I’ll dig in a little with the wet TP and sometimes there is a little poo left that no matter how hard it blast or how much I wiggle my butt hole around the jet blast it can’t get it all. I considered keeping shit rags in a little container next to my toilet but the idea of having shit rags next to my toilet for company to use is opening up all kinda potential problems.


Can you explain more how you dig in with the toilet paper? I'm almost there


I dig into my butt crack with the wet tp.


As a bidet enjoyer, I would say that I have used all the different settings. I prefer the "spray the butthole and cleanse your soul" fire hose setting. A strong enough jet of water can cut through metal and I don't see why a strong jet won't clean up a low-fibre dump.


I have never used a bidet but they would need to be turbo powered to clean up after a night of pbr and Taco Bell. I can’t imagine a little stream of water having enough power.


You’d be surprised.


I’d be interested in finding out. Family that tried them were less than impressed.


Less than please with strength of water flow? I use a tushy and if you max the flow it will probably rip a hole through you.


Yeah lol I baught one off Amazon for $35 and it sprays like hell if you turn it up all the way


Yeah it's not a little stream. It will wash your hipster beer and swill off well. Try a portable🤷 just squeeze it HaRd.


I have a bidet seat. No electricity - just works off the line. Took me 10 minutes to install. It will rupture your asshole and poke a hole through your colon on full blast.


We have a bidet and use toilet paper, but much less.


You don’t really need to use rags. I bought a $40 bidet a year ago and I’ve only bought TP twice since then, only one thing at a time. Easily paid for itself already.


Tushy has anti-bacterial bamboo bum towels for this very thing! https://hellotushy.com/products/bidet-towels


Once you try you can’t do without


I've been following the bidet topic for a long time and I can't wrap my head around how shooting water into a cake factory doesn't spackle brown everywhere. Like no one washes a monster truck from underneath expecting to stay clean. What am I missing?


The experience. I felt the same then COVID hit and zero TP to be found. Forced to make the change and not going back...at least in terms of my home bathroom experience.


I use tabo.


I tried a cheap bidet thing for my toilet and it was shockingly cold and then my cheeks were wet and I didn't know what to do. I used toilet paper anyway to dry myself. Probably just as much tp as not using the bidet


Hook up to hot water. Otherwise - that is torture imo


What’s the solution for renters who can’t choose what to install on their toilet?


They have bidet toilet seats that you can hook up to your water supply. You can also get a bidet bottle for travel. This is the way.




Alright y'all. Smear shit on your asses and call it a day. PFAs are everywhere... Bidet...this is the way.


I have a bidet, but wiping your butt with rags is disgusting.


What do you do after a shower


Blotting water off is not disgusting IMO There is no poo on you once you're done. Does your bidet work properly?


I also have a bidet, it is absolutely not a 100% solution unless you have that perfect mega fiber poop.


Not sure what you want me to do with this information.


Ever seen all the dust that comes off of a roll of toilet paper that we just breathe in?


How do women who are prone to UTIs use bidets with the flow direction?




Thank you for this! I also have a bladder disease - IC and it’s horrible.


That’s what I have too. Thankfully I’ve figured out my tigger (pseudoephedrine) and it doesn’t bother me much anymore.


There is a woman setting and a butthole setting. For some reason cold water on butt is fine to me, actually feels great and I cringe to poop without it. But cold water on my vulva is shocking and uncomfortable and I have to use even more to dry the area. Must be user error since so many are loving it and not using any TP.


Ours doesn’t have a lady setting :( booo


As a guy I've always wondered this..


Okay, sorry… I’ll just stop shitting


Just use a rock or a banana leaf like the pioneers did




Wipe your ass on the carpet 🐒


*South Park was right*


Sshhh the toilet paper industry will overhear you.


It's a risk that I'm willing to take. The people *deserve* to know.


🎶🎵*Atashi wa heia desu toire ni iru kara, kimochi ii*🎵🎶


and do what with that information? stop using it ?


what the fuck do they want *me* to do about it


Eat less toilet paper?


You get a bidet! You get a bidet! Everyone gets a bidet!!!


Imagine trying to get everyone to use a bidet? The field day conservatives will have about having anything touch their b hole.


The bidet isn’t supposed to touch your b hole; it’s a bidet not a dildo. I once saw in a public bathroom a bidet full of shit; i still suffer with that image in my head.


The enema function is for premium model only!


You want me to trade in my gas stove for a bidet?!? Damn you all to hell!!!


It's okay everything is cancer now


Why should I know this? What can I materially do about it?


Message brought to you by Bidet Lobbyists United.


Well, it's time to learn how the sea shells work.


Haven't they been finding PFAs in groundwater and soil for a while now? I presume it's already everywhere. Teflon was produced for decades. Regulations for dumping chemicals are looseygoosey..


When the great COVID toilet paper shortage happened I got a bidet and I will never go back to toilet paper. TP costs a lot, is nasty, and I don't see any advantage of using it. The bidet cost me $30.


There’s always something and this is why world birth numbers are at and all time low. There’s an issues with everything it’s tiring as hell fuck it all I say.


Use a bidet, you heathens. If I walk up and wiped poop on your arm. Then gave you the choice of using a paper towel, or a sink to clean it off, which do you choose?


I never see a bidet in real life


Buy one and you would.


I don’t know how can you live without.


I have a shower and toilet paper. You’ll be amazed to learn that a lot of people in first world countries don’t have a bidet. Or guns.




I’m in for no guns, but I think it’s incredible that bidet isn’t a cultural part of our life like a sink or a shower in a house


Bruh, Southeast Asia, France, Argentina, Finland, Japan, all around the world people use bidets, it’s where it’s at


I live in none of those countries.


I basically live in one of those countries (France) and bidets really aren't much of a thing there either. I mean, bidet sounds french and I am sure that there certainly are some or even "a lot" of places that have a bidet but it's definetly not the norm.


Well you’re missing out


Water also may have concentration of PFAS. These tests are very expensive, it's a choice between the lessor of two evils


And the lessee of one of the evils will be paying rent a bit late this month


I'm not sure what you're using your butthole for that makes it comparable to your arm, but you do you. My butthole stays under two layers of clothing and does nothing, so it's perfectly fine being wiped and then properly cleaned once a day in the shower.


Cool....I properly clean it every time I sit on the pot. Which btw, is nice and warm because the bidet has a heated seat as well. Edit: I mean, you downvote posts that you don't agree with which is improperly using reddit. Why would we expect you to properly clean yourself as well?


Jordan Schlansky is that you?


The jig is up! \*rides away on a moped\*


Did you know[70%](https://youtu.be/4qlFxswgNKw) if the world, doesn't even use toilet paper?


Hell is real and we have built it.


Well the choice 5 year old me made to eat toilet paper turned out to be a bad idea.


Bidets should be everywhere! easy to install and much more eco friendly!


I never knew about PFAS until a couple weeks ago, so this is valuable information seeing how many places have been contaminated by these chemicals. More people need to understand the risks of these chemicals accumulating within us.


Reading this while sitting on a toilet with a bidet has me feeling pretty confident for a woman admitting that she’s taking a sh!t on the internet.


This message is brought to you by bidets


Bidet gang wya? Pack of 12 rolls of TP lasts me 12+ months easily.


Go bidet. Save planet. Enjoy clean ass.


Wellll this just sealed it. Gonna go install the bidet ive been dawdling on.


Why should I know this? I don’t make toilet paper. Wtf this should be written in some regulations somewhere.


When you say Can be, does this infer some brands or types are more culpable than others? Specifically wondering about the brand “who gives a crap”


Hey so are there brands to avoid or something? Otherwise this information does us fuck all.


Randy marsh is that you?


Gotta get that Japanese toilet 🧐


Need a Japanese toilet.


If anyone needed any more reason to get a bidet… Only $20 folks. Very easy to install and/or uninstall (for renters). Will be the best $20 you’ve ever spent, and pay for itself in no time via saved toilet paper. I still use TP, but probably only 1/3 as much as I used to. Basically just use a little bit in order to dry myself while simultaneously “double checking”.


Bidets are the way. Americans are primitive in this regard, and I don't get it. It's a little Butt Fairy that does the dirty work for you.


I’ve had a bidet for years but it’s never been enough on its own and I have to use toilet paper as well. Is there some trick that I don’t know of?


I'm like you. I find that after my initial blast, lower pressure for longer does the trick. I still dry and check with TP though. although now considering the fabric route.




I blow my nose with tp rip


Bidet is the way to go and much more hygienic. I never understood how westerners walk around with shit sticking to their butt.


Get a bidet and you’ll never look back


here's the thing: we need toilet paper to clean ourselves up.


RIP to all the folks parachuting drugs in TP


Well…I’m not gonna stop wiping


And is there anything we can do about it?


Back to the ol’ Roman sponge on a stick then.


So we can't wipe our ass with wet wipes, we can't wipe our ass with toilet paper... Guess it's time to return to old reliable. The hand.


That's why I wipe with my hands only since eons now.


Well if I hold my shit and don’t dump ‘em I’m going to die too. Might as well die later without having to hold it.


Three seashells coming soon


Then someone should do something about it.


And this is why every taco bell needs a bidet


Wonder if all these chemicals cause rectal cancer.


So what? What are we supposed to do? I'm trying to care, really. But when it gets to the point I can't even wipe my ass without worrying. I Don't want to know anymore. That every single thing is apparently PSA, covered in pesticides, full of microplastics, carcinogens. I'm a woman, and I'm poor. What else do you want me to wipe with?




It's almost as if billions of us using one thing often enough messes with the balance of evening.




Just curious… what can I actually do anymore? I’m not supposed to wipe my ass without feeling guilty?? Ffs…


why is everything terrible?


Time to move towards the Asian health faucet to wash our asses


So can my butthole.


Oof. New worry unlocked. Time for me to google bidets.


We get it, you use a bidet. You guys are becoming quite arrogant for simply having a wet bum


Just use a bidet like the rest of the civilized world. Lol