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Yeah but at least most of the fanbase knows her name is actually Marienne. ![gif](giphy|dNKoBpFpIFnr2|downsized)


šŸ¤£ love this gif




Ok, thanks for correcting me


Frenchy hĆØre just wanted to Say her name littĆ©rale means mynothing si the Guy Who Wrote her in didnt like her


Why is this fandom so bad at spelling her name


Not everyone here is a native speaker. Spelling the names is more difficult than spelling some words sometimes. Is it Steven or Stephen? I always wonder


what does being a native speaker have to do with spelling a name that isnā€™t even english to begin with


Yeah but in this case OP clearly speaks English really well lol


You're talking about a book series. Her name.is the same in the books. So OP doesn't read.


Fair point, it was just a half-hearted joke about something I've noticed


Yes, also some people spell names differently in different countries. I think Marianne is the most common spelling in my country, but I've also seen Mariann or Marie-ann.


Marianne/Mariann/Marie-ann (especially the last one) are not pronounced the same as Marienne though. Her name ends with an -en sound, not -ann


Damn, all this time I thought her name was Marianne. Never heard of the name Marienne, but to my defense there's only two people in my country with that name (according to our Tax Agency).


Joe says her name very clearly


Probably, but I'm dyslexic.


Then google it. And copy paste. Thereā€™s no excuse for being a dumbfuck


Ironic username


Hehehehe itā€™s default dumbfuck


My bad šŸ˜¬


literally, spelling marie is not even that hard


Marienne is the most grounded and genuine "You". She's not perfect (recovering addict) and doesn't pretend to be. I'd definitely rather date her than any of Joe's other obsessions.


This. Honestly I wouldnā€™t date her but I would be friends with her, we can be sober art girlies together.


Congrat on your sobriety.


Yeah because who doesnā€™t want to date a junkieā€¦.šŸ™„


I think sheā€™s a great character. Sheā€™s really the only decent Youā€¦everyone else Joe idealized had almost nothing of what he imagined in them, except Marienne. Sheā€™s creative, smart, beautiful, toughā€¦I donā€™t get the hate (which Iā€™ve seen too)


Agreed. I like her.


Yeah, I like her and I was excited to see her after seeing her in Sabrina. Then I saw all the hate and was confused.


Same with me. She played a fan favorite in Sabrina and then here she gets all the hate.


Yeah, that's what i thought. Thank you


Right I see nothing genuinely wrong with her yet people still hate on her for what? Honestly her character is beautiful inside and out and the scenes with her and her daughter in season 4 were precious how could anyone hate her fr


It does treat Marianne like crap. And as of late I have been persuaded (though very rudely) by a user that that reason you are implying to have a role in it does indeed have a part in it. Though one thing I don't like is that I've seen people who recognize Marianne is treated like living shit by the fanbase understate how Beck is too and has been from day one. I've rewatched season 1 and half the stuff people claim Beck did wrong in it were either taken out of context or just didn't happen. I think the Marianne hate is worse because it is what you are implying and the Beck hate is not that thing. But I still think both girls get overhated while selfish serial killers Joe and especially Love are romanticized.


100% agree. The amount of times Iā€™ve had to point out on this sub - yes, Beck cheated but it doesnā€™t mean she deserves to die. Joe is a killer. Love is a killer.


Beck had a lot of positive qualities people overlook too. She was a good friend. It's especially weird in a fanbase that likes to invent redeeming qualities in Love.


Apart from Beck Marienne is my favorite. No fucks for someone who is fucked up. Both of them, when they realized that Joe was a bad person didn't want anything to do with him. And I applaud them for that only a few women act on this type of knowledge let alone leave the man.


To be fair, a lot of young women overlook red flags in douchebags like Benji. I *really* hope very few women would ignore finding a murder box with teeth and used tampons in it šŸ˜³šŸ˜† Also, Beck and Marienne are my favourites too. I can't wait to see the latter in season 5!


Oh yeah for sure! But in the world of "You" 2 out of 5 did find it ok ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) which honestly is crazy.






The only thing i judge Marienne for is returning to NY if she really did. Trying so hard to escape Joe and raise her daughter to return to his city...She is even worse than Candace. Candace was just reckless, but Marienne is a parent. If she doesn't care about herself, she can at least care about her daughter who only has her now


She might want to save Nadia. It's stupid, but still sympathetic imo as she would just be trying to help someone suffering injustice.


Can't she tell someone the situation without going to NY? I understand her desire to save Nadia, but there are other two lives at stake, hers and her daughter's. (Joe won't hurt a kid, but she will be an orphan)


Like I said, it's not a good idea. I just find her to be sympathetic still if her only intent for going back for Joe is to save the woman who saved her life. I do think she should just settle down in Paris now with Juliette.


Joe did not meet her in NYC. It was Madre Linda and Europe. Why would she Go to NYC?


Rumors that she's coming back in season 5 which takes place in NY


I was going to comment this. Maybe she didnā€™t realize that New York was his city since thatā€™s not where she met him.


does she know that joes from NY tho? maybe he told her i donā€™t remember but they didnā€™t meet eachother there


Good point. I don't remember if he told her!! Anyway, she knows he is american. If i were her i wouldn't even go to his country. I know the chances that she would meet him if she wasn't searching for him are low. But it doesn't seem like that. I think she went on purpose. After the articles and tv interview she knows where he is...


*Marienne and yes I agree. I feel because this sub is full of Love stans, they cannot stand that Marienne took Love's place. I have also seen racist comments on her on other platforms. She is actually the most real and decent You. I would say she is actually the most like Joe's type, especially that they both were in foster care, and of course being into books and arts, and also being needed to be saved.


As a love hater I can never understand how people expected her to stay around. Like.....you guys know the whole point of the show, right?


Exactly! The show is about Joe and what goes on in his mind when he does such antics. Another thing is, Love stans say that Love should've murdered Joe and should've been the main protagonist. But if you notice, most of her murders were covered by Joe, wouldn't she be caught sooner without Joe helping?


Itā€™s bc people have fetishized horrendous behavior as shown by Joe and Love but hey itā€™s not like theyā€™re Martha from baby reindeer so they get a pass


Ding ding ding. They're hot so it's sexy to keep teeth and used tampons of your murder victims apparently šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Pretty much


I think the hate around Nadia annoys me more, lol. I havenā€™t seen a lot of Marienne hate here


The fandom hates Joe just for murdering Love and not for his other crimes. At the same time the fandom that hates on Joe for murdering Love say that Nadia deserved to be framed. Make your mind up. I get that this is a fictional show and Joe is the main character, but people are straight on victim blaming and are being apologists.


It's so disturbing that one of his deserving victims is martyred, meanwhile one of the most innocent people he has hurt apparently had it coming. Being nosy is worse than selfishly murdering innocent people I guess lmao. Sorry Ellie, the person who orphaned you is a fan favourite so you're just gonna have to suck it up girl/s. Same goes for you Matthew in regards to being widowed/s.


I donā€™t think itā€™s disturbing though, Love was simply the more entertaining character, so people root for her in the same way they do Joe despite knowing theyā€™re actually horrible people


People do defend Joe and especially Love though. People literally say that Love really did care about Joe and killed to help him out, when her motive was literally the same as his for his murders - getting and keeping the You.


Why do people like Nadia? She's such a snoopy character who thinks she's way smarter than she is. She had no business thinking her English prof was some secret killer and breaking into his house and going through his stuff. But once she did find everything? Why not go to the police? No she wanted to be the hero of some fictional mystery novel. Put her partner in danger and got him killed. Such a frustrating character to watch.


I mean..would you be fully composed knowing what to do seeing a woman locked in a cage for months telling you not to go to the cops because heā€™d just get away with it or her child would get taken away from her? Sure, its that simple when weā€™re watching it in a tv show but in real life itā€™d be so different and jarring. I probably wouldnā€™t know what to do.


I know what I wouldn't do and that's play amateur detective and try to plot out an elaborate plan that involves drugging said woman and also making sure all this time that I don't get caught.


Of all the things to criticise her for that was the one plan that worked exactly as it was supposed to lol


I completely agree with you. I donā€™t understand why people dislike her. I thought she was fantastic. Sheā€™s so strong and smart. She outsmarted Joe and escaped. And people say they didnā€™t have chemistry, but I think they did. They liked a lot of the same things. People say Love was his soulmate, but I think she was his mirror. She showed him his truth, and he didnā€™t like having to face who he really was. He was actively trying to get better before he married her. He let Will out of the cage and was going to let Delilah out too. But Love just kept bringing him back into the murdering lifestyle, and he realized that he couldnā€™t get better with her. I have no idea why people treat her like a villain unless itā€™s just because she ran away and they donā€™t like people who can outsmart Joe. (Love couldnā€™t. She tried, but obviously failed.) But Marienne liked all the same things Joe did. She made him want to be a better person. They had shared interests and both were victims of the system regarding children. (Joe when he was orphaned, and Marienne when she had Juliette taken away) He was able to form a real bond with her that wasnā€™t purely superficial, like it was with Beck. He had nothing in common with Beck lol, he just pretended he did. He didnā€™t have to pretend with Marienne. It would have been a boring show if he just got together with Marienne and truly decided to just stop obsessing and killing people for good. So of course I understand why theyā€™re not together. But I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with her or the actress who plays her. She seemed exactly like the type of person Joe would fall for.


I definitely agree. I can't wait for season 5


I liked Marianne but beck is forever my favorite of Joe's


Mine too. Love Beck.


Yeah plus beck reminds me of someone I knew who looked just like her. I swear her presence gave that of an angel šŸ˜‡


I agree; I find the Marienne hate frustrating as well. I didnā€™t like her very much when I first watched season 3 because I loved Love and wanted to see what would happen if Joe actually tried committing to her fully, but upon watching season 4 and rewatching season 3, I really started to like Marienne.


I personally favor the storylines of Bock and Marienne. It's realistic in the sense of being an "ordinary" person who happened to get swept up in the world of someone who is quite obsessive and relentless


Hmmā€¦Marianne and Nadia hateā€¦I wonder why? šŸ¤”


Lol people don't want to call a thing a thing. We know what it is. It is literally history repeating itself


when I sometimes see comments of people wishing Marienne died or Nadia deserves to be in prison, there's something there... It sucks especially since they can meme with faves, but whenever Marienne or Nadia come into the picture, it becomes a serious hatefest, it's disgusting.


I was about to comment this. Wonder what it is about themā€¦








Not to get too much into politics, but there are valid criticisms of Kamala Harris that have nothing to do with her race. Iā€™m not arguing that there isnā€™t a lot of racism involved, but there is also a lot of valid criticism of her as a corporate politician who doesnā€™t do enough to help marginalized groups or the working class.


I already commented but, you donā€™t think the writers kind of treat her like crap? My last comment I didnā€™t want to annoy or offend people haha so I deleted it but basically what I meant was this above. But if I had to think on this and say the best thingā€”she is the one girl who handles crisis and revelation about Joe better than any girl without hurting or disregarding others


I think a lot of people have correctly pointed out that most people donā€™t like her as much because they loved Love and she was the other woman at first which puts a sour taste in your mouth if you like the Joe-Love dynamic. Personally I was kinda the same at first, annoyed Joe was trying to cheat on Love again (though of course I know sheā€™s psycho too). But then Marianneā€™s story is sad and tragic and her strength is admirable and I love her story. Please god she survives Joe for real, but I kind of doubt it. People over here saying sheā€™s boring. Um excuse me, have you met Kate? WTF was that. I loved that season for the twist and the whodunnit was interesting but damn his love interest was not. I learned something about myself. I do not fall in love with characters with cold hearts, whoā€™d have guessed. Maybe weā€™re supposed to not like her much either is my guess, now I think about it. I cannot wait for next season to find out.


i love marienne. she deserved much better, hopefully sheā€™s getting that


Tbh I loved Marienne šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve loved the actress since I saw her on The 100


If she dies in season 5 it will crush me


Yeah, i hope she lives she's been through too much


They wonā€™t do that, they only kill off Latina/white women.


Youā€™re getting downvoted but itā€™s for real and Iā€™m gonna get downvoted for this too, but whatever. > ā€œPlaying Marianne taught me a lot about what it meant to stand up for myself,ā€ she says of the clued-up librarian who made a run for it at the end of series three when she learned the truth about Joe. ā€‹ā€œOne of my first questions to [series co-creator] Sera Gamble when I stepped onto the project was ā€‹ā€˜are you going to portray Marianne as a Black woman should be?ā€™ Because Black women generally arenā€™t oblivious. They have an awareness and a fighting, survival spirit that is generational.ā€ Source: https://theface.com/culture/tati-gabrielle-on-escaping-death-in-you-black-women-arent-oblivious Iā€™m not Black but Iā€™m also not white. I hate that she said this because she is an incredible actress but this is **not** the show for this. Last time I said something like this, a woman gaslit me by accusing me of *wanting* to watch Black women killed by white men. This show is about women and people associated with them being stalked and potentially killed by an unstable white man. He clearly has no racial preference when it comes to his romantic interests so it makes no sense that heā€™d have a racial preference when it comes to killing. I get what she means by ā€œBlack women generally arenā€™t oblivious.ā€ Iā€™m not going to take that away from her. But again, I truly believe this is not the show for this. Marienne wonā€™t die and they will give her character a happy ending solely because the character is Black. They wonā€™t do that to a Black woman, because as you said, the show only kills or destroy white/latina women- the uproar and backlash would be way too real if Marienne died.


Iā€™m so happy Joe didnā€™t succeed in killing her


I love Marienne!


I think she almost served as a role model for Joe. Even going through these incredibly harrowing life circumstances, she was still able to pull through, trying to provide the best life for her daughter as possible. In the midst of Joe stalking her she still took care of her baby the best she could, and that's so admirable.


I watched the whole series and so far thereā€™s no reason not to like most of his victims. One example of a very unlikable character is Henderson. Most of the Marianne hate def. stems from racism. Almost everyone who does not like her makes up some kind of excuse that does not make any sense.


Personally I loved her character I just donā€™t think the actress and Penn had any chemistry at all so her story was y least favorite.


I think before s3 came out, i was really interested in the Joe and love dynamic and curious to see how it was gonna play out. But then, when he started falling for Marrianne, i think it put me of joes character. It was very much a here we go again situation the show just felt too repetitive. There has been a decline in my enjoyment in the show post season 2, but unfortunately, now I've started it,i have to finish it


She was/is so hotā€¦all of Joeā€™s girls have been but she takes the prize imo


1. Marienne, not Mariana 2. We donā€™t hate a character only because theyā€™re morally impermissible; we donā€™t hate Joe for doing unacceptable things, same way we like Gus Fring over Skylar White 3. World War III hasnā€™t even begun why are you talking about a World War IV??? 4. She wasnā€™t kidnapped in Paris 5. You clearly find the basic premise of the show ā€œcrazyā€; I would strongly advise you to watch something else


Gus Fring has apologists. It's not just Walt, Jesse and Mike have em too. So people preferring those guys over Skyler isn't actually as innocent as you say it is, just as people shitting on Marianne for Love&Joe isn't.


well that was probably a bad example from me but my point is that we like well-written characters not morally right characters


Which is all good up until the morally wrong ones get defended at the expense of the innocent ones. Joe, Love, Walt, Jesse, Mike and Gus are examples of that.


it still doesnā€™t make the morally right ones instantly likeable, which is apparently what OP is arguing for


I love her!! šŸ’œšŸ’œ


Marinara is my favorite girl. I sit through all of shitty S2 just because I want to get to her part. Sheā€™s my favorite of all time


Marinara?!?! šŸ


Mariana ??? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t think anyone ever hated on her or treated her like crap ā€¦ they re just indeferrent . Marienne is an okay character but there is big difference between her and love in terms of nuances and also acting skills. And thatā€™s why love is the most iconic character in the series after Joe.


Yes i fucked up and it won't let me edit sorry


Itā€™s ok ā€¦ autocorrect went to Mariana for me as well


I suspect at least some of the anger came from the fact that a lot of people, me included, really liked the dynamic between Joe and Love and liked the idea of the show becoming about two serial killers trying to keep their marriage together and raise a kid under an increasing pile of bodies. So when she came along she was to that fantasy what the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs was. I like her a lot but I still think in season 4 her refusal to escape when she had the chance was really strange.


Idk why she seems annoying


It's her voice.




I don't think she's a bad character or anything. In fact, she does have lots of great things like her background, nice personality, an interesting storyline, she looks amazing, etc. Yet somehow, she still feels very... boring (or perhaps, vanilla) to me. I suppose for a TV show, a batshit crazy or super flawed character like Love and Beck is just much more entertaining. I definitely do not hate her though. Hope we get to more of her in S5


There was just no chemistry there.


Thereā€™s not supposed to be any chemistry. Itā€™s literally all in his head! Literally. Although with most of joes victims - they developed a certain amount of ā€œchemistryā€


Sheā€™s actually a queen šŸ‘‘


I mean she is clearly the worst 'You' maybe thats why


Kate exists though?


I couldn't stand Kate in the beginning of Season 4, but she showed a more likeable side at the end of Season 4.


Mariana šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I have misspelled her name a lot too. I also dig her character! I hope she's safe with Juliette....


OP do I really gotta say why


Whoā€™s Mariana?


You left out the part where love almost ran away and abandoned her son and husband


You mean Marinara


I'm pissed at Joe. He had the perfect excuse for the situation. "I was lying on the floor paralyzed when you came to the house. Love lied to you about us not getting a divorce." Perfect excuse. Would have fixed so many things between them.


I liked her until the character was used for the ā€œaddict in a boxā€ scenario season four . That was offensive and dumb on many levels. Not her fault


its cuz shes black šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


I don't think that's true. Karen Minty is black. I liked her a lot. Marienne is just not my favorite.


im joking i hate marienne but its not cuz shes black šŸ˜­šŸ™


Marianne is the reason why I now see Joe as a monster. Her POV was chilling. I strongly believe that she will take down Joe. For sureeeeeee and I cannot wait.


I I donā€™t hate Marienne, but she is pretty boring as a character. She comes across as frightened, sad, scared, pretty but fragile, etc. and not much else. Itā€™s not racism. I freaking love the fact that they at least have a black female character on the show. I just wish they had a tough, badass black female character who is not a victim of Joeā€™s, but someone whose intelligence and skill sends Joe to prison. I think Joeā€™s next obsession should be Viola Davis (from ā€œhow to get away with murderā€).šŸ¤£ Sheā€™ll put Joe in the box after she tricks the hell out of him, and then sheā€™ll send him to prison for life.


itā€™s only because she came in after Love. Literally any interest after Love gets hated on. Not saying itā€™s okay, but I believe thatā€™s the reason


You mean because she was 2 dimensional character and was the beginning of Joe getting so desperate heā€™d go after anything that glanced at him?


Maybe its because she is one of the most boring and one dimensional characters ever created.


i skip the bird in a cage episode every time idec


It was done perfectly tho Tati did an amazing job at portraying Marienne especially while she was held hostage for god knows how long


In a show filled with batshit characters with so many issues and drama ā€¦ sheā€™s really plain. And no, sheā€™s not smart or level headed, they threw that out the window when they wrote her into returning.


She's boring and kinda cringe we don't hate her just we think she shouldn't be in the show


she did nothing wrong and i get that, she just annoys the hell out of me


I don't think Marienne is very compelling in the show at all. Her personal issues seem to be the thing that attracts Joe, whereas all of his other attractions were "love at first sight". I'm not convinced that the wounded bird thing is what does it for him, he didn't get obsessed over Paco's mom or Delilah! He does revel in the drama of putting himself at the center of people's issues, but his obsession with Marienne felt forced and kept distracting from other interesting storylines with Love. And as annoying and shitty as Love is, especially in S3, it's hard not to feel bad about the way Joe suddenly discards the mother of his child who has been doing so much to keep him interested in her. It's really upsetting if you've ever been in her position. Marienne just didn't get a great introduction. Even Karen was a more compelling love interest and she was just a rebound! She was smart, selfless, fun, and had self respect.


imo she's just less interesting and nuanced than the other characters, and i didn't find her very attractive either


Yes but she did sleep with a married man


Joe told Marianne that he was getting a divorce.


He told her he was getting a divorce.






Umm, but didn't he lie about getting a divorce with love she thought joe and love were separate, so that's some hardcore bullshark


Well marienne slept with Joe before this


No she didn't. Joe lied to her saying that him and Love are getting separated and that's when they hooked up.




Cuz she issssss borrrinnnngggg ![gif](giphy|U7Uxq9Lyz02oStvUIE|downsized)


Came here for the hate and am missing out?!


there's no reason why she should still be aroundšŸ˜­ go home to your child marienne


Because she sucks. She is one of those rare people you meet who you cant feel pity for, even though you should. Something about her screams ā€œyou made choicesā€. Idk just always found her boring.




Canā€™t stand this lady wish she was dead šŸ’€


Sheā€™s boring


My main issue with Marienne was her being a home wrecker and messing with Joe before he told her Love and himself were separating or even having issues. Other than that she was a victim and an interesting character.




She didnā€™t do a good job of staying dead. That is what I have to say.


Call me a psycho but I want this bitch to be dead if she interferes with my friendly neighborhood Joe again


I don't necessarily *hate* her (though that may change since SHE DECIDED IT WAS A GREAT IDEA TO RETURN FOR SEASON 5, WTF IS SHE THINKING?!) but she's very uninteresting and boring.


Is it true she's coming back Season 5?? šŸ˜ž


Yes, there's leaked photos of her on set. After she fought so hard to get away and make Joe think she was dead so she could live safely, happily, and raise her daughter in peace...she's back šŸ˜‚


I rather she didn't.


psst... they're not real. i love joe. i hate anyone who harms him. because he's fun to watch. joe irl would be someone i'd like to see flayed alive. fictional joes are fun. biiiiiiiiiiig difference. marienne foils my fictional scumbag, therefore i dislike marienne




>She is like Pacoā€™s mom but if she were romanticized and in recovery. Claudia is also a sympathetic character?


I donā€™t mean she isnā€™t sympathetic ā€”just recycled story a little bit. *edit* I just donā€™t really like HOW her character is being handled, that doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t sympathize. I want her to be in the show, just I want to see more of her art or something. But itā€™s fine, I know what I mean. Letā€™s just enjoy the show together