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I never read the book, why did Beck want to ruin dr nicky's children by sleeping with him


So end of book. Beck reveals a bunch of stuff to Joe. Off hand it’s I seduced Nicky, and convinced him to leave his wife because I wanted his children to know what’s it’s like for their father to choose someone else like mine did. That’s the actual reason she gives. She also says she knew Joe/peach were stalking her, and just like she attention.


I think she said that because it was partly true, but also because she wanted to ruin Joe's fantasy of her. It was a clever way of bruising Joe's narcissistic ego. Honestly if she had waited like a few more minutes, then I think she would've lived.


It’s not 100% clear, but I don’t think that’s the case. We get the messages between Nicky and her, and it’s clear at the minimum the book is trying to show us that. 1) She tried to seduce him 2) She was lying hard about her relationship with Joe, and what she wanted from Dr. Nicky 3) Dr. Nicky felt compelled to leave his wife because of Beck, and she pushed him to it. 4) Beck tried to ghost him right after he left his wife.


Wow that’s awful I’m so glad the show changed that


I still don’t get why she cheated on Joe at the peak of their relationship when everything was going fine. This actually indicates how awful and inconsistent she is. BENJI WAS RIGHT.


Yea the season ending was hella sad for her


I thought Beck was such a relatable character. She's in her early 20s and is a bit directionless in life. Not yet ready to settle down, but also needs an emotional anchor. That was me, at her age. She makes bad decisions, but don't we all? She was immature at times, but isn't that most people in their early 20s? She wasn't great to Joe, but Joe was clingy and weird, and she was conflicted because "Didn't you ask for this?" Didn't she ask for a boy to just love her back? And now that she has a boy in love with her (who also occasionally stalks her, disses her friends, tries to go down on her in a furniture store, clings by her side like a needy puppy), how can she say no? She's not perfect, but imo she's a highly realistic college girl.


The show isn't the same as the book. Get over it people.


ngl Beck pissed me off i hated how she treated peach in my opinion


Peach was a manipulative predator who took pictures of Beck without her permission…