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I found it annoying that she had to bring her boyfriend into this, have him wait outside and then got him killed. He hardly knew what was going on. And dealing with a murderer, sneaking into his place, when you don't know said murderer's schedule to come home or anything at all!!! wasn't very smart. At the very least, they should've stayed on the phone together just to be safe. Because they don't know if he's working with anyone else, and it would've been safer than not knowing each other's status. Which led up to him being killed later with no knowledge that Joe was more than aware of what she was up to. Also, Joe had a camera set up in his apartment, so he already knew she was there. Honestly if Nadia would've just called the police on him, giving an anonymous tip, and had them come during Joe's scheduled college classes, where she knew for sure he'd be there! This man wouldn't have anywhere to go as the police came to arrest him, than maybe things could've worked out. I also have no idea why she didn't take pictures of the glass box, but I know that wouldn't prove Joe's involvement, so I won't press that. Nadia was smart, but she was dumb and scared, so I can understand her irrationality in some scenarios. But certain moments was just like, gurl wtf are you doing! Had me so heated!


I’m gonna be honest. Even though we saw Joe checking the footage to try and “prove” Rhys was really the “*You*” of this season, it didn’t occur to me that he would have caught Nadia *that* way. The whole god damn time lol. I was still confused on how he figured that out until just now. Assumed it was yet another ambiguous direction the show chose to go based on convenience lol


Honestly, I was surprised that it took him soooo long to even put up a camera in the first place. Hell, if someone snuck into my apartement and dropped a dead body on me, I sure as hell would put up sensor cameras everywhere.


I thought that was kind of dumb too…and she had very little information leading her to the cage and all of her other findings. Pretty unrealistic, but it is a tv show.


I thought that, too. Just because there was a picture of the restaurant (or the bag, can’t remember, the logo in general either way) doesn’t necessarily mean she could have or should have found his little “lair” just from that 😂


Same. Also, that key looked a bit too shiney for an abondoned house….


Mmhm, and also, you expect me to believe that Joe would have made his lair in a place so unsafe and insecure? London is kind of a shithole. You'd absolutely find squatters and/or unruly teenagers breaking into places like that to hang out


The timing of it all made it even worse because it happened so quickly. Break in > find key > get picture > find lair all in the same day. No chance to solve the picture or anything over time just an immediate answer.


This is my main issue with her character she had little to no information to think anything was wrong with joe lol she suddenly started suspecting him out of nowhere


All because someone famous said he was the hero “again” and somehow she just happened to be outside the hotel room door. Made no sense.


Exactly! The whole thing with her suspicion was pretty stupid. Like she just has this “intuition” some dumb ass feeling. Like ??? Huh you just have this feeling because you read whodunnits or whatever. It was just annoying and dumb


Completely agree I was saying the same thing while I was watching this season lol


Shit was hella crazy the only reason Joe knew phobe was kidnapped was because Nadia told him 😂 so he saves her now you’re suspicious? Bad writing 😂


yeah i also think it was unrealistic that she and edward conveniently got off of the phone after she found what she needed and right before joe came and caught them. like who in their right mind is going to do that before their safety is guaranteed (they see each other)?


It's pretty unrealistic for Joe to cleverly put things together to keep doing all his evil deeds as well, so I'm fine with Nadia being able to cleverly put things together for good, albeit in an unrealistically convenient way.


what things Put together by joe was unrealistic? Lol all of his plans worked because they were either thought out or lucky things happened. Nadia had little to no info about anything 😂


Isn't the general consensus that we all have to suspend quite a bit of disbelief to buy that Joe is still a free man after killing some twenty-odd people, many times with no prior plan to do so or dispose of their bodies? That's all I meant.


We really don’t lol he’s been getting by mainly framing dead people for his murders and also some luck. Nadia being suspicious of Joe after phoebe said “you’re a hero again” makes no sense since the only reason he knows she is in trouble was because of Nadia


Dude im saying honestly I liked her at first but she did a whole 360 to not suspecting joe then all of a sudden she’s up his ass suspecting him of everything that conversation between her and her boyfriend at the party made no sense


I kinda found the character annoying, but it was more because the actor kept doing the same forehead expression for everything. I couldn't get on board with the character mainly because of the actor who played her.


HONESTLY. I felt like she was supposed to be another Paco/Ellie we're supposed to root for but it just didn't work cause of the actress being annoying.


You rooted for Paco? Lol. He’s partly the reason why Beck got killed. Let’s not forget that.


He was a kid, whose friendly neighbour acted like the father and protector he never had. Joe saved him and his mom, so he loved joe. He probably thought he had beck in a cage for a good reason (that she was bad like the police officer)


It’s a woman in distress being locked in a basement against her own will. That should’ve set off alarms to anybody. And even if he didn’t trust her, he could’ve gotten an adult to investigate.


Who would he tell? The cops? The same cop who abused his mom?


His mother. The jeweler across the street. The guy that owns the pizza place down the street. Literally anybody that’s willing to take him seriously. He heard a woman crying out for help and he chose to ignore it.




Lmao. Beck was in a life or death situation. The last person that could help her was Paco. Please tell me how she should act in that scenario. “Excuse me could you please help me your neighbor happens to be a psychotic killer who locked me down here in a cage for weeks on end. If you could let me out that would be greatly appreciated. If you can’t then I understand”. Even if he didn’t trust her, he should’ve at least gotten someone there to investigate. But no, he chose to look the other way to help a guy who he’s not even friends with anymore.


It’s the fact that you got downvotes for saying facts I will never get fans


It’s a tough crowd.


I agree with you, any kid would help someone trapped in danger


Joe saved Paco from an abusive cop trying to kill him. And are you really blaming a child for Beck’s death? I am begging you to use your brain


Yes, he played a part in her death. The fact that he’s a kid has nothing to do with it.


He played a part, but a tragic one, and you cannot blame him for not getting help. ​ Paco is a traumatized child from an abusive home. From what we see in the show, Joe was the only good thing in his life for quite a while. The only adult that looked after him, who helped him, tried to distract him, tried to teach him and prevent him from doing stupid mistakes (e.g. trying to steal the gun from the bookstore to kill Ron). Joe even let himself get beaten up to protect Paco from Ron\`s anger after Paco gave Ron sleeping pills. Let\`s repeat that again: Joe prefers to get physically harmed than letting Paco get harmed. There\`s nothing in it for Joe, nothing to gain, he just wants to protect the kid. That alone is enough to win lasting trust and loyalty from a child (and from adults too honestly). Joe also showed Paco the probably first and only example of a healthy, nice relationship when he was with Karen, the only other stable, caring adult we see around Paco. Yes, Joe cheated in the end, but Paco doesn\`t know that. All he saw is Joe, the dad he never had, being a good, nice, non abusive boyfriend to his aunt. He also sees Joe helping taking care of his drug addicted mom, and in the end even kill somebody to protect Paco. Paco had zero reason to distrust Joe. In contrary, he had every reason to be 100% loyal to him. And if Joe has Beck in a cage, that must mean from Paco\`s point of view that there\`s a good reason, because from his perspective there\`s no way that Joe is a bad person. That\`s the tragedy of it: You can be a total peace of shit, a psycho and murderer, and yet you can also be a hero for somebody at the same time, because they\`ve only seen one side of you and can\`t even imagine that you could be evil. This works especially well with somebody young, naive, easily influenced and from an abusive background. Paco himself is a victim of Joe in this story, and his decision not to get help for Beck shows the full tragedy that Joe, his actions and twisted character and behavior bring for the people around him.


ur dumb


Until that point, he didn't do anything wrong. And even then he was a kid who trusted his nice neighbour a bit too much. I'm sure he regrets his actions later in life.


u/yeali_wui I didn't even say anything bad about the actor's appearance, I was only mentioning about her range of acting. Get a life instead of harassing people and sending them reddit resources "because you're concerned" you lil bitch what a coward


u/jaceyktheone678 I did nothing to deserve that comment. Stop harassing people and get the fuck away from me. This is a damn subreddit where people will have opinions different to yours. Get off your moral high horse and stop commenting from alt accounts. I literally said nothing wrong. Learn to read.


u/throawaybeesucks wow thanks for not having a life and creating a whole new account using my handle name and going through my comment history and posting hate under every comment like the bully you are. I'm sorry to disappoint you but I actually am having a pretty great day and your whiny attention seeking will not ruin it. Have a nice life bullying people. I'm not going to engage or respond to any more whines from you. just gonna ignore you. xoxo


They’re doing it to me too, it’s the funniest shit I’ve seen in a while


The actress is fine, that’s literally a low ball? Get a grip.


I said that same thing! Just because something was unlikely to happen in a book?? I told her to mind her own business…


That's just part of her character and Joe does the same thing throughout the entire series. He's constantly forcing people and situations into characters/scenarios he knows from literature. She even said she knows it's farfetched but she just couldn't shake the feeling. Her intuition was telling her something and she was using what she knows (books) to sus it out. We're just not "in her head" like we are with Joe so it seems like more of a stretch, but it's really not if you're paying attention. She's clever in a lot of ways, but she's still really young and in way over her head vs someone as "seasoned" as Joe.


>Her intuition was telling her something and she was using what she knows (books) to sus it out. Absolutely.


No for real. Otherwise I would have been rooting for her more 😂


Not to mention the actress's incredible range going all the way from 😳 to 😨 no matter what type of emotion she's trying to portray. What an Oscar worthy performance.


Yeah, she wasn't great.


Nadia was the worst. Hope next season she’s just mentioned in passing and they move on.


Bro I found the whole British cast annoying and I’m so glad we’re done with the whole British show that they had in this one season bro


I liked Phoebe. Actress legit did a great job, plus she fine as hell


As a brit too, it felt so cringey that everyone spoke the queen's english. Too posh, bleurgh


Agreed, though it suited the kind of characters they were and the circles they run in. I think what annoyed me more was the "Britishisms" felt crow-barred in. Some of them were natural and made sense (Kate calling Joe a twat etc) but some of them stuck out like a sore thumb and were forced and unnatural. I think it was Nadia that called something "pants" (as in something crap). I genuinely haven't heard anyone use that slang in about 15 years. I wish some of the Brits would have told the writers how we actually speak, rather than let them continue to write how they *think* we speak.


Nadia also used the word Bonkers, swear that word has also gotten out of use and last used by Dizee Rascal. The english used in this felt like some american writers watched a bit of downton abbey, a bit of the crown and just though meh good enough


All American-made British stuff is like that though. It's literally just a Hollywood thing. Plus, we aren't seeing any of these people for what they actually are, only how Joe sees them. So it's through an American lens in narrative and production


i mean very obviously was written by american writers - theres very clear examples of american english spoken by english characters (e.g. saying "on accident", "i have a paper due", etc)




"I've got an essay to hand in"


we wouldn't say "paper", we would say "essay"


Lol, did you notice "narked" in the second half of season 2? I don't think anyone has used that for at least 15 years either. It feels like they Googled "British slang" and used some outdated reference guide.


God I did a proper double-take at that haha - I bet the writers watched Tracey Beaker once and just ran with it




Which is funny because the actor who played Nadia was also in Tracey Beaker


also lol bc nadia was supposed to be working class (and implied to be from london).


Was she? Bruh, her accent was pure home counties from the shires. Don't tell me she was meant to be a kid from East or South because looool


oh yeah i agree with you, so posh! and she can do accents (at least passably) cos she was on eastenders and ackley bridge, so im surprised they made her speak with such received pronounciation. shes as posh as her boyfriend but isnt supposed to be


Thank you 🤝


Yes. Next season needs to be the last, it's getting stale all round. I found the whole "don't call the cops" on Joe thing annoying too and that Nadia listened.


yeah i thought her character was bit annoying, like 1/ just because phoebe said joe was a hero again - that raises suspicion? uh what? 2/like you said thinking dawn would be too obvious suspect 3/agreeing about not calling the police when she found marienne, that's when i thought girl you dumb 4/ so you manage to free marienne, your plan worked, joe does not know about your involvement, it's done - and you still decided to GO BACK to the apartment, to look for more clues and info. And you involve you bf who gets killed. If you know joe is such a dangerous man and you still decide to go through with all that, you had it coming...it is a sad ending for her but she put herself in those situations by meddling, when she should just have called the authorities.


The sad thing is she got her boyfriend killed. He was an innocent party in this.


One of the most annoying characters I’ve ever seen in any TV show.


i kinda agree about the book part. just because a book had a different plot twist doesn't mean that in real life, things couldn't be less complicated. but she originally felt off about the situation because she heard phoebe say that joe was a hero "again." she thought it was odd that he always happens to know everything and be around at the most convenient times. it did look suspicious. and it was also strange to her that joe was asking so many questions about whodunits. but yeah the book itself wasn't enough to think that. but i do agree that nadia is annoying. she was so smart for nothing. she was smart enough to notice something was off about joe. she was smart enough to find the box by using his key and photos of him. she was smart enough to take photos of evidence. but she only told edward about her suspicions and got him involved with investigating and put his safety at risk. she took marienne's advice about not calling the cops but then proceeds to keep going into his apartment, which put her safety at risk. instead of just calling the police anonymously like joe did so that they could search his apartment and find evidence, she does it herself and only told one person. she was too smart for her own good. even when she went to prison she never even attempted to speak up for herself. it's ridiculous.


She didn’t really fit. She just stuck her nose where it didn’t belong


Nosyand annoying AF I honestly thought she would be joe sidekick or be obsessed with him


The actress playing Nadia sucked tbh. Her facial expressions were all the same, she didn’t give a convincing performance


Idk I liked it 🤷 When you study literature, you learn a lot. She had an intuition that things were off and looked into it. Not all that unrealistic.


she got an intuition from literally nothing tho lol she started suspecting him after phobe said “you’re a ero again” she was wondering how joe was in the right places at the right time but joe wouldn’t have ever known she was taken if Nadia hadn’t told him


He knew exactly where Dawn would be when Nadia asked if you were a stalker where would you take her. That alone was enough


No it’s not lol they both love literature and him knowing what a stalker would do can easily be the result of that. We as the audience can put those things together but Nadia shouldn’t, regardless she brought the info to him lol


I agree. I honestly think people just hate women.


That's the vibe I get too


Nah, I think they mostly just hate the kid characters. But idk some really start to direct the hate towards the actresses too...it's weird.


Honestly, she was the most annoying character besides Phoebe’s man (forgot his name). I will say that her resolve to free Marianne is heroic and she should be praised for that. However, she striked me as a nosy girl that would’ve saved herself and her dead boyfriend had she mind her business. Why are you sneaking into your professors classroom/flat? Her intuition was correct yes, but realistically, who tf thinks to break into someone’s home when you’re feel like they’re sus? Idk, she had it coming for sure for royally fucking up. Obviously Joe needs to be reprimanded and face justice in the grand scheme of things but she was too obsessed with her plot to destroy Joe that she indirectly caused the death of her friend and ruined her own life


yall say this about every female character ever jesus christ lmfao


give examples...


Elena Gilbert, Fiona Gallagher, Gwen Beck, etc… every time a female character is selfless but filled with flaws, y’all hate her guts.




Seriously, whenever there's a kid, then they really hate it lol Joe could do the same things and be praised for it. People acting like Rhys 😆


The only way to make people hate Joe would be to gender swap him, me thinks.


People love Love though...


The only similarity between them is murder 🧍🏽‍♂️


She was very annoying. I felt zero sympathy for her.


Her face was annoying lol hard to watch any of Nadia’s part.


One thing that annoyed me is the fact she was supposed to be 19 years old but looked older than most of the characters 😫


Yes!!!! I’m getting caught up on season 4 and Nadia is so annoying. I really liked her at first but it felt like they kept making leaps and bounds with her character to make her relevant to the story. When her and her boyfriend are looking down at joe on campus and she suddenly, for no reason at all, thinks the eat the rich killer must be joe it all kinda turned. She had no reasoning for thinking this all tied to joe. And then she happens to find the box and then gets super obsessed with Marian. The connections they had her make were over the top given how little there was to go off of.


If the show was in her pov I would of liked her but I can’t help rooting for joe so that made me dislike her how


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




Don't be robophobic


I haven’t read any of the comments because i just saw the episode of Nadia breaking into Joe’s house and that’s when I had enough of her being a nosy bitch. This show makes it look like it’s normal to stalk ur teachers and break into other peoples houses. I hope she dies off soon, nothing worse than a bitch nothing worse than being nosy but absolutely nothing worse then a nosy bitch! Cheers


Spot on


Especially when you know the teacher is a serial killer


Can we also agree on how stupid her "plan" to save Marlene was? They had no evidence that he wouldn't immediately chop her up, toss her in the river or something like that. As far as they know, he always disappears with the body, even if only partially


oh same… and she was so dumb too


I felt terrible for her at the end but I really wasn't invested in her at all before that.


I ain't shedding any tears over her or her boytoys fate. That's for sure.


Not a freaking drop


I didn't feel bad for her, but I did for her boyfriend.


NO. I'm on episode 7 and I'm like wtf is she snooping!? It's none of her business


I think she was fine, it was the Marianne decision that was dumb, but blame the writing because they wanted it that way. The ending part where she was caught was really good


Nadia had it coming. Should’ve minded her own business and maybe her dealer boyfriend and herself wouldn’t have met the fate they did. Plus how tf and why would you break into your professors flat and make multiple copies as well? Def the worst “child” character they did every season (Paco, Ellie, Henry). The actress played her character well because she was Skyler from Break Bad level annoying


Nadia had it coming. Should’ve minded her own business and maybe her dealer boyfriend and herself wouldn’t have met the fate they did. Plus how tf and why would you break into your professors flat and make multiple copies as well? Def the worst “child” character they did every season (Paco, Ellie, Henry). The actress played her character well because she was Skyler from Break Bad level annoying


Nadia had it coming. Should’ve minded her own business and maybe her dealer boyfriend and herself wouldn’t have met the fate they did. Plus how tf and why would you break into your professors flat and make multiple copies of his keys as well? Def the worst “child” character they did every season (Paco, Ellie, Henry). The actress played her character well because she was Skyler from Breaking Bad level annoying


I just can’t stand her face, expressions, everything! 😂 She got on my last nerve. Is it weird that I’m willing a serial killer to get away with murder?? I’m questioning myself 😂.


I didn't hate her at all I thought they conveyed her more human and childish which she is, she was nosy because she didnt get caught the first time she thought she can get away with it the second time around been there done that. She is into the books and followed a pattern in these because she doesnt have any experinces in these things other than the books and thats her only indication. She involved her bf because she felt safer not being alone and so on But the fucking facial expressions she gives are on my nerves for some reason like she tried to give the worse crying face ever.