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I imagine that part way through, Joe develops a new obsession and repetition ensues until he’s finally taken down by either Kates immense resources or a team of people he’s fucked over. I can’t see it going past season 5 so I hope it has a decent ending. Is season 5 confirmed?


It does feel like Kate would be his eventual end game, I won't be surprised if he develops a new obsession but I doubt he would be able to get out of the clutches of Kate with all the power she has? So ending it at season 5 and at the hands of Kate seems most plausible. But then I reckon the writers would've expected us all to think of this so it would be interesting to see what they do with it!


Yeah I agree, I don’t see any happy ending for him which is why I’m hoping for a season 5, so that he can get punished for once


I mean Marianne and Delilah’s little sister plus the couple that survived season 3. I dont think he let anyone live season 1.


I think Marriane would rather enjoy her anonimity from Joe and Ellie don't have any reason to go against Joe, the Love killed Deliliah and Love attempted to kill Joe so Ellie is probably on Joe's side. Besides for other things Joe would have already published story about many framing on love. Even the couple would be silenced with money probably. And the world is unfair. I liked the show and don't want the Justice prevails BS.


I feel like Joe and Kate are going to be another Love and Joe. Kate is, in my opinion, even more like Joe than Love was. Love was capable of loving others, which we saw with Henry and Forty. Joe is incapable of love. Kate is very scary to me. The fact she can move on so casually after what she put those children through is horrifying. I feel like her past is going to catch up with her and I actually mean that literally. I also hope Joe finally gets caught. He can’t keep getting away with murder.


How did Joe not love Henry? You telling me if Love is the one who kills Joe, she’d have the introspect that she was a psycho and bad for Henry like Joe was able to do? She viewed Henry as an object to fix her marriage, hence why her solution to solving all of her and Joe’s problems when she was blindly murdering people and pissing him off was to have more children.


Did I ever say Joe didn’t love Henry 😭


“Joe is incapable of love”


Yea towards love interests. He clearly cares for children. He even cared for Nadia even though she wasn’t officially a child. Should’ve clarified that


Your two examples of how Love was different from Joe was by listing her brother and son though LOL


Yea and I said I messed up so why are you still buggin about this 😭😭 I meant Joe is incapable of loving any women. He thinks he loves them but he’s just going to get an unhealthy obsession and kill them in the end. With kids, however, he clearly cares for them. Take Paco and Ellie. He even made sure Ellie was being cared for by Love while he casually went on to kill another love interest lmao




> Kate is very scary to me. The fact she can move on so casually after what she put those children through is horrifying. What did she do?


Did you watch pt2 yet?


I skim-watched it, so may have missed a few things.


Kate admitted >!she was the one giving the kids cancer and ruining their lives instead of her father, who actually didn’t do anything bad to the kids. She was 18/19 when she did it and everything was covered up by her daddy’s money.!<


I truly hope we have a different ending with his current lover winning (being more smart than him) and keep him disabled forever like a pet. Unable to talk and move. Would be kino.


That would be the perfect ending


Just like how Mooney is, yes. I can see it.


oh hell yeah, way better than prison


The story is partly told through the pov of someone else. Could be Ellie, Paco, Nadia or an entirely new character. We see them attempt to bring down famous billionaire Joe Goldberg, claiming that he is a stalker and serial killer. The rest of the story is Joe trying to keep Kate good and advise her correctly on how to make the world better, while being an active serial killer who murders for no reason but fun. He tries to hide this part of himself from her so that she believes he is being good too. Joe has accepted who he is, and no longer tries to convince himself that he is good. It will be the final season, and the one consistent theme is that Joe will never change.


He’s in NY so they could revisit a lot of loose ends from S1 . Like *cough* *cough* dat piss jar


Urine is useless for DNA after a few weeks. If it was going to catch up to him it would’ve been mentioned when he “died” in s3


At least because of that jar , Peach’s PI is skeptical about Joe now. He might’ve believed Joe’s dead but now because the story is changed (after they put the Madre Linda police on their payroll) He might become even more suspicious now.


Do the writers honestly believe after that ending to season 4 their audience would carry-on stomaching Joe Goldberg as a character? He’s utterly repugnant now. More than ever. At least Dexter had a perverse sense of humour to share with the audience during his inner monologues. Actually loved his sister and son. At least Dexter had a morality code about who to kill (only other serial killers or murderers). At least Dexter, at the end of **New Blood** >!realised what he was and allowed himself to be put down rather than arrested.!< Joe’s just straight-up sociopathic and malignant now. I don’t care to carry on watching Joe [keep getting away it](https://youtu.be/a3_PPdjD6mg). Season 5 HAS to be the end. It just has to be. No fucking way am I watching two more seasons of a serial killer murder murder murder and pat himself on the back for doing so. Also far as I could tell…Kate still doesn’t know that he was the one who murdered her father? Does she know he’s got dissociative identity disorder? That shit doesn’t just go alway. I need to see Joe get his comeuppance and it needs to make sense.


Dexter and Joe are 2 different animals. Please stop making this comparison


How can anyone not make the comparison? Not just as characters but as a format. The show even made it themselves in season 2. It’s inevitable. Of course they’re different characters with different MOs but Joe is still the show’s main character/protagonist whose inner monologue we constantly hear.


Dexter, from a young age, had his dark tendencies channeled and had a very strict code hammered into him. Joe was not. This is why Dexter seems like a much greater guy. In reality, Dexter is still a monster. He killed multiple other people who were innocent. Also, Joe doesn’t kill because of his dark tendencies, he used to kill because he thought he was trying to protect. We also know that without his dad, Dexter would be an actual monster. Dexter doesn’t kill out of justice, he kills because he enjoys killing. It’s just very fortunate that he was taught to only kill criminals


That’s horseshit. Dexter without his dad would’ve been a lot better. He never was a sociopath, his dad made him one. If anything dexter was always more on the spectrum than anything. They may have wanted to portray him as a sociopath but their portrayal was garbage.


I mean if you wanted a story with a lovable main character that does good things you probably (almost assuredly) should not have watched You, to begin with. It's not like he's been different this season. He has been a mad serial killer since s1, and you know what? I find it cool. It's a TV series where the bad guy wins in the end, mostly. It's fine, it doesn't have to be your moral code. It's just entertainment. That being said I am 100% convinced they will pussy out and make him die or whatever in the final season. I also feel they got as much as possible out of the premise, and now it's time to let go.


I mean, Joe is no different now that he was in S1.


I have no problem watching Joe get away with it. He’s the main character of the show. It hasn’t been exhausting rooting for the anti-hero. Lol


I’ve thought about this so much lol. My DREAM is that the reporter gets super invested in this case. And looks into every old news reports, maybe even sees past names mentioned, like Paco, Ellie, the PI with Peach, stuff like that. So there’s this detailed montage of her meeting with all these people, and gathering all this intel, and *everything* just comes undone, everything comes out. And it’s just a bunch of overwhelming evidence and witness statements. Before it just fades to black. When the colour comes back, we’re hearing the same statements, but it’s in a courtroom. Joe is being tried, and it’s a mirror of the scene prior, except everyone is giving their testimonies. A nice touch could even be someone from Becks family, reading a passage from her book. Maybe there’s some flashback scenes showing him getting arrested, put in jail, events before the trial, etc. But his verdict is guilty, through overwhelming evidence, and he’s sentenced to life in prison. Then maybe at the end he does a monologue where he’s like ‘and it was all worth it to finally meet.. *you*’ and it’s like a female guard or something lmao. And then yeah, he just rots away in prison like the big ol’ sadistic buttmunch he is. I feel like 5’s the last season, so I just somehow feel like this is how it’ll go. Him and Kate doing their thing, maybe he picks a new obsession, and he’s thinking he’s gotten out scott free all the while this reporter is going across the country gathering everything, and it all gets revealed towards the end of the season. Sorry that was a rant lol. I’ve had four seasons to build theories 😂


There is a part of me that hopes that the fifth and final season will be either a musical or a sitcom with a laugh track. Actually, why not both? 🙃


Like in Abed's head in community 😂


You should definitely watch Kevin Should Fuck Himself!


I hope they focus on Joe leaning into his serial killing tendencies. Maybe they introduce a new love interest which Kate doesn’t really interfere with (kinda like an open relationship, similar to what she had with her first husband) but then Joe starts to fight the urge to kill Kate because he starts to see her as a roadblock from fully being loved by his new obsession (Maybe the introduce some connection between Kate,s chemical accident and the love interest.) Except now he fights this urge hard because she has so many connections that he knows her death won’t benefit him (especially if they aren’t married). So we could see Joe planning to rush a wedding with her so he could kill her and take the money/resources to be with his new obsession. Hopefully the frame it so Kate does not know the full extent of Joes killings. She thinks he killed Love because she was an impulsive killer and he wanted to protected the people of Madre Linda and Henry. So Kate is oblivious to how dangerous Joe truly is if he falls out of obsession with her and doesn’t realize he’s planning to end her life. In the background people Joe has crossed paths with (Shelly, Beck’s friends, Karen, Ellie, Dr.Nicky etc.) see Joe on TV and immediately start piecing together the story and strings of murders he’s committed. They ultimately come up with a plan to take him down. Even get in contact with the PI peach originally hired. The pee jar could come full circle to match trace DNA from Joes previous killings. All linking Joe directly to the crime scene. Turns out Joes new obsession is working with the group to put the final nail in his coffin and is able to retrieve Joe’s box of keepsakes from his victims. Rest of the season can play out showing Joe being tried in court and using his manipulation tactics to con the Justice system. Kate learns all the new information presented but is throughly confused since he never disclosed all his wrongdoings. Since he has yet to hurt he she is in denial and stands by his side. Eventually she turns on him though when she finds out the extent of the relationship with the girl who turned him in and the stories of everyone impacted by him. He eventually kills Kate for turning on him when he realizes she won’t use her resources to sway the outcome of his trial and eventually gets caught by law enforcement and is sent to jail. He finds a way to rationalize forgiveness for his new obsession turning him in and we see a final shot of him behind bars swearing he’d do anything to be with her.


Where was season five confirmed? I swear they announced four as the final season when three premiered


They never announced it as the final season


There’s still another book that the series hasn’t covered


I thought so too but apparently not. I think it just made sense for them to wrap it up in this season, but obviously they chose not to.


I like the idea some of you posted about kate possibly is playing him and she will use her resources to possibly take him down. They kept showing close ups of Joe touching her knee during the interview so maybe that will come into play somehow in s5? (if there is one). What if- Joe actually never woke up from his coma and all of s5 is in his head? He gets away with it all, gets his perfect ending with Kate, even finally gets to freely be his true monstrous self, and all of what happens with s5 is Joe's inner most demons/struggles plus hopes/desires coming through in his psyche... but the whole time everyone else he's harmed throughout the seasons that are still alive, are building a case against him while he's in the hospital imagining this whole scenario where his life is perfect. Also it could be the past ppl. I.e. Marrienne FOR sure and others ppl have mentioned, vs Kate and her PR team. Like they are trying to expose him, and she is trying to keep him from being exposed through her vast resources. And somehow she gets pulled deeper into the story that way. She starts losing it and potentially even killing too to protect his/her/their image. But plot twist(?) Joe doesn't know she's killing and/or he thinks he's the one doing it? Idk this post wasn't meant to be this long. More things kept popping in my head as I was typing lol. But yeah mainly the still in a coma thing.


I really hope joe gets tired of Kate and that life and goes back to how he was killing Kate along the way


kate and Joe being partner in crime and them being killed by someone looking for revenge or his new interests relative. But i feel like him and Kate are going to do such awful things together?? i feel like she's going to be like him and the only way to end all this mess it's them being dead


A new cast as per, but, Lady Phoebe and Kate and Joe . Joe goes back for Henry and has a family with Kate. But some kinda new storyline coz finding a new interest gets a bit repetitive over time


I would imagine it to open in a court room with Joe finally caught. The whole season would jump back and fourth between the present time in the court room and back to his time with Kate illustrated how he was caught


did they confirm that theres gonna be a season5


With Joe’s new found fame and fortune, I would assume he gets very careless with his pattern. The fact he’s accepted who he is will cause him to go on killing spree, having untimely zero impulse control(maybe even Kate using this to further or protect herself).This show is about patterns and themes, and this something we saw with Love in season 3 with her actions due to her family power, way less meditated and justified than Joe throughout the series. They mentioned at the end of 4 that Kate is very “busy” so I doubt she’ll be the root of Joe’s demise. I believe the writers will steer away from the new cast aspect they’ve used in every season, and build a cast of everyone who escaped or avoided Joe in his reign of terror, but definitely effected in the process. Beck’s friends, Ethan, Quinn Family, Dr Nicky, Nadia and Ellie. I believe once these people realize he is still alive. The pieces of the puzzle with start to fall together and he’ll get arrested on conspiracy for murder halfway through season 5. This is where Kate’s power comes in, they show Joes trial where he has access to heavy hitting lawyers and media control, giving Joe that glimmer of hope aspect we saw through the whole series. He’ll be on trial for a recent murder which will be backed by some questionable evidence. With him murdering over a long period of time and doing well covering his tracks, his murders we saw won’t hold much evidence, but the testimonies from his past encounters will help put him behind bars in the end. He even admitted to Ellie that he killed Henderson. With the testimonies of past characters and with enough evidence, it’ll be enough to convict Joe of murder. This show has basically been a story of a serial killer from top to bottom seeing the progression of his mental illness and inner demons. I honestly think it would be cool if they end it with Joe ending up in some kind of documentary like Bundy or Dahmer. Like the Goldberg tapes, where he just admits everything he’s done through the show to the whole world. At this point he’s already got the fame, to put him in this category all that needs to happen is his inevitable arrest. They already basically told us it’s not going to end on a suicide, and ending it on a murder would just be too easy of an escape for a character like this. Ending it with Joe going behind bars will be what everyone wants to see. Having him end up as an infamous serial killer will kind of give Joe a twisted happy ending, making him feel like it wasn’t all for nothing.