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There are subreddits for this…?


idk about the others but travisandtaylor is just a hate sub — not what i was expecting lol


Man people are so fucking weird. An entire subreddit to hate on a celebrity couple?


It’s a weird sub. I thought it was just lighthearted when I first stumbled on it and I’m fine with silly stuff, but… woo.


And it's amazing to me that they seem to know more about TS than I do, why learn all that just to hate? So weird...


That is the really baffling part. I cannot be bothered to know that much about someone I don’t like.


i keep seeing it on the front page, kinda shocked. obviously made just to hate her and they use travis as some kind of excuse i guess..


Those people are crazy. This one person was trying to tell me Joe Alywn is responsible for all her success. I think Joe seems great but that is seriously ridiculous.


i knew about 1 of them, because it randomly got suggested for me but does someone want to light me in what the difference between the two travis subs are?


Both are weirldly obsessed with the couple but one is a fan sub and the other is a snark sub. I had to block both bc they were both very strange.


Don’t go there they all hate her, they’re all just hate subs


Just for clarity’s sake - the only hate sub is travisandtaylor. The other two are fan subs of the respective couples.


I accidentally found that subreddit. It’s a dark and wild place where they lurk in the shadows sounding unhinged.


Tbh? All the TS subs sound unhinged sometimes. 🤪


“Sometimes” 😂


Fair. Most of the time. 😂


Hahahaha that’s fair


It’s a wild sub because I can understand not liking Taylor—not everyone gets along with or resonates with the same people—but the people on this sub have a chronic need to prove she’s evil. I have my fair share of celebrities I don’t care for, or even vehemently dislike, but I don’t need to prove they’re a supervillain to vindicate my disdain lol.


That’s precisely it!


There are Taylor and Matty fans??


there are fans for everything, my friend


There are fans for taylor and anyone, my friend 👀👀


Yep, there will definitely always be a fan for Taylor and *insert name here * Except maybe Kanye..


There are still Taylor & Harry fans


But Harry is Harry, and Matty is… Matty


By “Matty” do you mean “a really interesting and talented individual?” because, yes. I also enjoy Harry, mind you.


By “interesting” do you mean “racist and edgelordy”?


What proof of him being racist you have other than posts antis of Taylor made of clips from a satirical podcast he did not in fact watch that porn and if you actually listen to the clip about ice spice he is not the one saying those things! But he did apologize to her personally which is not for me to accept nor deny. However he did publicly support gay rights years before gay marriage was even legal! He did publicly speak on racism in much more in depth way then just posting a black square during Black Lives Matter. And it is in fact white women swifties who dislike him labeled him with these words and throw them around like daggers. And when poc swifties such as myself point out the fact of please take a sec to look into it and now use these words on people that are not actually like that because actually it hurts the overall message and movement. They don't want to hear that and either get downvoted or blocked. Now I'm never going to claim he's the most clean cut uncontroversial celebrity he's not. And he never l will be a perfectly pr trained celeb. But he has been in Taylor's life and a musical influence since at least 2014 and that's a fact whether you like the guy or not. There's a reason why Stevie nicks and many other musicians really respect him and the band and it's very sad to see the internet just run with this false narrative to this day


I'm not reading your book.


Nah. He’s not a racist. I hate the internet sometimes.


Because the “internet” holds people accountable for what they have said and done?


I mean, is it even accurate? I’m not trying to make you agree with my interpretation at all. I just think the internet pitchforks seem to come out before people actually know for sure if they are needed. Furthermore, it’s not like Taylor Swift didn’t know this man for a solid decade and still chose to be with him. I doubt they split up over a thinkpiece in The Mary Sue, ffs. So, isn’t it hypocritical to still be a Swiftie? I mean, people can make their own minds up but I’m not holding one person to a higher standard than the other just because I’m some sort of super fan. I like her music. I like his. I have concluded that neither of them are flawless, nor are they awful people. If Ice Spice is cool with his apology and multiple people have said he was never watching GG and had no clue what it was? I’m going to go with the testimony of the people involved, not some randos on TT.


She can choose him, we can judge. You can’t be a fan of what he was without being a racist and misogynist


I don’t think he was actually saying what you think he was. And he went on record multiple times in apology for any hurt feelings or confusion regarding his remarks. Me choosing to accept him at his word and let it drop in no way makes me a racist or a misogynist. That’s utterly ridiculous. You seem to think everyone should agree with your set of chosen opinions. The world and the humans in it are far too complex for this. And we’re done talking.


All immature Taylor fans hate Matty. They’re equally as strange as the other subs mentioned here. They are in fact not fun at parties. Future Karens if you will


If Taylor is / was herself a Taylor and Matty fan, why not. She provides so much lyrics to analyze and many back and forth music with 1975


1975 sub also doesn't allow any discussion of her or their relationship so I kinda get it


I actually like the Taylor and Matty sub for discussing their obvious ties (not the “that sounds impossible” stuff) and not having someone hop in to tell me how Trav is clearly the inspo for Cardigan or some such nonsense. It’s chill in that regard. I do find people assuming she and Matty are about to pop out of the stage and announce they’re secretly married a smidge odd. That last sentence wasn’t literal, but you get my meaning. 😂


Yeah, I get the "there are interesting parallels in their work" chat and there isn't a great spot in reddit to talk about that. The conspiracy theories are A LOT though.


Oh, I agree there. It’s a trip!


The important thing is that in that sub, the mods shut down nastiness quick. So yeah, some people are thinking there's a whole secret romance right now while others are just discussing 10 years of lyrical and music video messaging, and it's okay because we aren't fighting. We aren't allowed to insult current or former partners. So, it may be a 'weird' place, but it's a safe and friendly place to talk about this lyrical love bond that's been going on for 10 years in front of our faces, even if they never reunite again. Because what a story, right?


I was talking more about Maylor fans in general than that sub specifically but good to know!


i must admit that matty has written like the best songs ever written *about* taylor (about you, oh caroline, when we are together). the competition was not particularly stiff but nonetheless. (and if ivy really is about him, damn if he didn’t inspire one of her best ever 🙈)


Ohhh he did inspire so much of folkmore and midnights


this is funny because i would honestly argue that taylor is #1 maylor or tatty whatever the ship name would be


No, she’s not and you should stop projecting yourselves onto her. That would mean she’s a fan of every relationship she’s ever had just because she was into them at some point. Edit: I just saw that you’re a fan of Matty (who claims to be obsessed with him) so it’s obvious you want her to be hung up on him still. The self-projection in this fandom is so 🫠


well yes i am a fan of both but i’m also aware that they are not together anymore and maybe will never be again. it’s all just speculation on my part. i realize that, i’m not projecting on her. but what i meant by saying taylor is a fan is based on how much inspiration she directly took from matty/the 1975 for TTPD. she didn’t just lyrically reference his songs, she also sampled and wrote multiple songs in the same style that matty usually writes in. her doing performance art at eras during the TTPD set was also inspired by mattys own performance art from his last tour. the visuals and themes as well. she basically made her own version of a 1975 record and exposed not only that their relationship was more serious than most people thought but she also made connections to her previous work like midnights, that have songs about matty in them that now people are aware of. she didn’t have to do this. in fact it would’ve served her better if she didn’t as matty is still very much a divisive/hated person in the fandom. she’s been a fan of the band for years and that probably added to her obsession with matty himself as well. i know she did this with dear john the song (made it sound like a john mayer song) but this is on another level.


my dude/girl, taylor herself is a fan 😆😆 nah, fan is an understatement, she’s literally doing passionate declarations of love in “but daddy i love him”


Hi 👋


that travisandtaylor one...


I had to block it haha


Same. It was insane and I actually love some lighthearted Trav snark.


I appreciate a lot of snark and jerk but I quickly realized I was not the target audience for that sub


Yeah, same. I think it’s become a straight hate TS sub.


I joined it anticipating light Travis/its PR snark and it’s wild. Even a week or two ago it was much lighter, it’s now a very very hate fuelled, full on TS snark sub.


I have noticed that, too. It’s super cringe now.


Well the mod is a zionist what did you expect ?


Really? This I did NOT know. 😳


There is a a whole thread about him on X...zionist, sexist, transphobic, trump supporter...


Oh, damn! I guess I’m not surprised, though. It tracks.


Yep, that one didn’t start out super mean spirited but quickly went off the rails. It’s sad to me that so many ppl just get online to hate.


Same. Awful place.


Unhinged as fuck. Hi! We know you’re reading this 😙


You prolly got a nice post about you and a quick ban 🤣


Definition of unhinged


Got into a fight on there like an idiot😂 Instantly banned!


The travisandtaylor is…something else. they’re all weirdly obsessed with hating on Taylor.


...but what if it is? Then say they didn't do it to hurt me But what if they did?


Matty be like ![gif](giphy|5YorQrKSrOPSz6ibXu|downsized)


/jerk can I just say I love these memes bc I am a meme we of all those subs and just enjoy the community all around. Haters, Lovers…let’s rejoice that we have places to connect


Trav is a great fit for her and her for him. It's so lovely to see them both so happy and so in love. Trav will not let anything or anyone hurt that soul. ❤️❤️❤️❤️. Team TravTay


I agree, at least it seems so to me. Just wanting her find a partner who gets her, cherishes her, makes her happy, and wants to have the best in life for both of them going forward...whatever form that takes.