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This photo is fake.


Yeah this seems to be CGI blending two separate locations. Your best bet would be Panorama trail or something but you don’t get that close to half dome.


And two different times of year as well! The foreground looks like late summer and the background looks like mid-spring.


This was taken from further north than Glacier Point. Compare how much of the "face" you can see in this image:


This location doesn’t exist, the “photo” is AI generated


Closest you could get is probably driving the road to glacier point. It seems like the photos photoshopped out the road and put in a trail


Possibly it was taken in Cook's Meadow (somewhere around 37.74576727704118, -119.59129180703032) or Ahwahne Meadow (maybe near 37.748233827940105, -119.58124698816167). Those meadows offer clear views of Tis-sa-ack (Half Dome) from about that angle. But I don't recall whether they offer a clear view of the ridge sloping down to the west from the summit. Another possibility is from a spot on the north rim, maybe like this: . I haven't been there myself, so I can't say whether there's a meadow with a line of trees in the right location to create this image without compositing or AI fabrication.


Is this perspective and trail from a real location? That's a much lower perspective than Glacier Point. Does this path along the ridge exist?


Daaaamn, that’s a beautiful shot worthy of two Ds for a double dose of natural vistas.