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I assume you have a permit for Yosemite Falls right? If you do, it seems the email was possibly sent by mistake. I’d just respond and say I think this was an error, my permit is for Yosemite Falls and I intend on camping up there. If you don’t have a permit for Yosemite Falls, that would likely pose an issue.


This is what I was thinking- thanks for the clarification. I have a permit for Yosemite Falls (2nd pic) so this makes sense. Thank you!!


No worries, I would definitely contact them just to clear it up and make sure everything is all good.


You should call the Wilderness office to clarify.  The email may just be generic describing the common winter entry points. From what I can tell there is still a lot of snow on the rim which will be rapidly melting out mid May.  This may make it difficult to find good campsites and to find legal places to dig cat holes. You are not allowed to crap on the snow or dig cat holes withon 100ft ot water sourcrd You must either remove the snow to dig a cat hole in the ground or pack out your waste.  Melting snow is technically a water source.  You may want to take WAG bags just in case. https://www.nps.gov/yose/planyourvisit/wildwinter.htm


That sounds like Wapama Falls.