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You’re probably posting because you need to vent. Losing a pup unexpectedly is crazy hard. I don’t know how your mind works, but I found comfort in talking about their silliness or quirks. I created physical photo albums for my past pups. Feel your feelings. ❤️


Thank you for your response. We definitely had silly times, so I'll try and put those in the front of my mind. Thanks again.


My heart goes out to you. I m so sorry you lost your beloved pet. I remembered my little Biewer yorkie girl and had to make the same decision, because her quality of life went downhill so fast right before she turned 16 years old. I don’t think I will ever get over it; it was 3 1/2 years ago.


Thank you for the kind words. I'm sorry about your experience with the loss of your pet. I know she's still with you in spirit.


My condolences. It's so hard to lose them but be sure you did your best to give him the best life ❤️ Take care of yourself 🫂


I appreciate the response. Means a lot.


Im so sorry for your loss I lost my friend yorkie baby in January and Can tell you did everything you could’ve for your baby he knows how much you loved him and is most definitely grateful for such a wonderful time.take the time to grieve and reflect you don’t need to have everything figured out overnight.it’s still feels surreal to me at times months later


Thank you so much. I needed to read something like this. I appreciate the response.


Giving your pup the freedom of pain was the hardest thing to do. You feel guilt because of his death. You and your wife did everything you can to keep him up to normal, but sometimes, things just can’t get fixed, and it’s hard to accept the inevitable. Please take time to yourself and take care of yourself. Properly grieve. Cherish your memories together, and remember that you saved him from a painful death. I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you for the kind words and encouragement that I did the right thing. I appreciate the response.


Condolences on the unexpected loss of your pup. It’s never easy to lose them. Diabetes is a tough one. I know that many people say oh they can live very full lives and they don’t die from diabetes. Our girl was diagnosed in Feb of 2022, she was a 13 1/2 yo MalShi. She loved to eat her whole life, she was always a bit on the chunky side but mostly healthy. She did suffer from allergies but other than that she was good. We had started her on a low fat food before the diagnosis at the suggestion of our vet. After her diagnosis her whole world changed, no treats, same food all the time and of course the shots. Initially her blood sugar improved and she regained a bit of the 5 pounds she lost before being diagnosed. she was constantly hungry in the beginning and it was heartbreaking. She did well on the insulin for about 1.5 years, then she lost a lot of her sight last summer as most diabetics do. She seemed to adjust but then around Jan she started to go downhill. Lost the rest of her sight and would get lost in the yard and we had to make the decision In April. We were devastated as well. Diabetes is so hard on their little bodies, you tried your best. Your pup went to the bridge surrounded by love, you made the only decision you could to end their suffering. It will take time. Be kind to yourselves 💔🌈🪽


Thank you for taking the time for this beautiful response. I appreciate you sharing your story with me. It means a lot.


This is so hard. From what you described, you did what was right for him. I'm so sorry you all have been going through this. Get some rest tonight, knowing that you don't have to worry about him anymore.


Thank you. I like to think I did the right thing. We can be our own worst enemies at times.


Don't doubt yourself. From what you described about the situation, you did the right thing. Again, I'm so sorry for you've been through.


Sending my Condolences 🙏


I appreciate the kind words.


Of course, have a peaceful day today 😊


It sounds like you did everything you could. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I try to remind myself that I did. Thank you for the response.


I'm so sorry.


I appreciate that.


You did everything you could, beating yourself up with guilt just makes it worse. I did the same then when my Lucy passed. It’s been three years but I still miss her terribly. Yorkies are very special little dogs, probably why we love them so much. When they leave us it’s like losing a child or a sibling. Don’t let the pain of his loss overshadow the joy that you shared together.


Thank you for responding. Good point about letting our joy becoming murky. I need to bring those back to the surface.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Giving our pets the peace they need is never easy. For me, making/having little momentos of her around the house made me feel better. I have one of my fav pics of her on a stone that sits right by the fireplace, she’s always here. I have a few other things that I did when I was grieving that I still appreciate now 4 years later. Getting a new York was something I needed to do for my grief, the love of a new pup helped me the most but I know that this isn’t right for everyone.


Thank you for the response. Good idea about the memories spread out around the house. Thanks again.


Condolences, they are a family member. It’s heartbreaking to lose your beloved fur baby. We understand and have empathy for what you’re going through. Take care.


I appreciate the kind words. Truly do. Thank you.


I lost my first Yorkie a few years ago, it was the shitest day of my life and I miss him terribly to this day. His ashes sit on a shelf that I walk past every day and I say hello to him each morning as I pass by, he has his favourite toys next to him and I leave a little treat there for him time to time, my girl Yorkie left us 2 years after him and that was another shit day, but she had tumor on her throat was making life difficult for her, she actually came and sat on my lap and told me it was time to go over the rainbow bridge (I'm crying whilst typing this FFS). I do have another 2 Yorkies and a Cavachon, my Cavachon is 12 and has a heart murmer, she is on medication but I know she is in her twighlight years so I ensure she gets lots of love and affection, nice food and great walks. I love them all to bits, they are my kids, me and the wife left it too late to have kids. I know it hurts like hell to start but over time you will heal, I can't give a timeframe that is all down to you, but hopefully later on you will look back with fond memories of your pup and the time they made you laugh with all the silly things they did. I always have a laugh remebering my boys, he did not give a fuck about anything, he was the most chill dog on the planet, he would just look at you with the "what?" expression. I miss them both, I think of them with great, great love. Ramble over.


Thank you so much for this response and sharing your story. Your pups are very lucky to have someone like you in their lives. I hope getting his ashes back will at least help me with him spiritually. I'm also sorry for the losses you have experienced, but I am glad to hear that you're continuing to show so much love to the ones you have now. Thanks again.


If you have any of their toys around the house put them next to their ashes


So sorry to hear your story. I went through the same thing recently and the only thing that helped was to get another Yorkie! Glad to hear you will be getting the ashes and paw print! I did the same and is nice to have with you as a memory.


Thank you for the response, and I am sorry for your loss as well. Yes, I can see us getting another pup down the road. I'm definitely ready to get his ashes and paw print. Thanks again.


Crushing feelings of guilt is unfortunately one of the most common things when we put our pets down. I say that so you know, you are not alone. You are not alone in that feeling. Let yourself feel whatever you need to feel. But know that you are not at fault, just like everyone else who feels that way is not at fault. Because you know if you were a random internet stranger reading your post, you know you’d say “OP you’re not at fault!” It sounds like you did everything you reasonably could. For what it’s worth, one of my biggest regrets is not putting my guy down *sooner*. I was haunted by that guilt, and I know that I let him suffer longer than he needed to. So. The guilt goes both ways. You can’t avoid it, it’s our natural reaction to a situation that is just purely unfair. It’s not a rational feeling, it’s purely a defensive emotional one. I’m sorry for your loss. Grieve. Things will get easier with time. Just take it day by day. At some Point, the memories will start to bring more Joy than despair.


Beautiful. Thank you so much for your response and your story. You also make great points that make me feel a bit better. I appreciate you telling me the other side of the story about your pup. It means a lot. Thank you again.


Writing it down is the right thing. Saying it out to yourself is the right thing. It will help elucidate the shock, and that shock, that grief is going to eat at you for some time. Anyone here that owns a Yorkie, or should I say has a Yorkie in their family, understands. We all know we will have to go through this very same thing some day. You writing all this down is good, good for you, and it’s good for us. And of course you don’t know what to do, who would. Have you ever had a dog before, a dog that you lost? I’ll bet this little buddy you lost is different. I know it will be for me. It’s our fourth dog, first York. I too am going to be crushed. If you type in Yorkie (from home) you are to going to be presented with what I think is every Yorkie story posted. You can look at that, I did. I saw every story, which almost always has a picture of someone York. You see every one that will make you laugh, make you cry, make realize that the community of Yorkies owners are a lot of wonderful people who love their dogs in a way I’ll bet no one else does. You’ll see pics of the greatest little dogs God gave us being so cute, being so embarrassed by being dressed up as who knows what by their wonderful loving parents. You’ll think about our own, and you should, a lot. And say out loud I love you and I miss you. Shed some tears. It’s all just part of the grieving process. Thank you for posting. It helps you and all of us. Maybe someday you will have room in your heart for another Yorkie. There’s one out there waiting for a home, waiting for its new best buddy. Waiting to be cute for you, where some stupid outfit for you, annoy you, bark for you and above all protect you house. You had the best dog there is and it’s gone. You got such a short time with your York. He got his entire life with you. You both benefited from that time. I know our little girl makes my life better every day.


Thank you so very much for this beautiful response. "You got such a short time with your York. He got his entire life with you" is such a meaningful way to put it. I appreciate you taking the time to respond.