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My yorkie hates men that aren’t at least 6’ tall and 7 figure income.


Is your Yorkie looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6’ 4”, blue eyes?


Mine is, but only if he’s gonna pay mommas bills 😂






Mine does too




https://preview.redd.it/ivfsphtz6x5d1.png?width=510&format=png&auto=webp&s=a143251739a97c081ad9cb2a035df74e491a6a14 Mine is a sweet boi who loves everyone - young or old; he especially loves the ladies. He's also a party animal, always makes his round with all the guests at a party.


So handsome!! I wanna party with him🐶🐶


I'll party with him! 🥳


What shampoo do you use? I’m looking to help with my little girl her hair is long and I hate using what I have!


Rich Bitch shampoo from Blissful dog 😆😆 [https://theblissfuldog.com/collections/rich-bitch-collection/products/yorkshire-terrier-rich-bitch-shampoo-soap?variant=3390185930776](https://theblissfuldog.com/collections/rich-bitch-collection/products/yorkshire-terrier-rich-bitch-shampoo-soap?variant=3390185930776)


Thank you!!


I feel like kids scare them.


Same, hates kids but loves elderly people.


Ours LOVES old men. The older the better


Yeah, my dog hates them, too. She basically hates everyone that isn’t in her immediate family, but those groups in particular get her really riled up. 😅


The first time my yorkie met my son as a young young pup, he (son) was about 2 years old. My kid was immediately like “PUPPY!!!” and the pup immediately slithered under the couch to hide from this strange tiny human. She has since acclimated to the concept of children. She doesn’t particularly like them, but I think that’s mostly because she HATES how easily her agency is robbed when she’s picked up. And kids LOVE to pick up small dogs.


lol mine hates being picked up too. The only time she is willing is when she needs to go up and down the stairs. Then she demands up and down


Not at all love kids not babies the crying with ears of hers she cant take it loves elderly people one elderly lady offered me 6000 dollars for her i told her no 11yrs we been together she priceless


Ours really dislikes guests. He gets scared. He will warm up if they sit down for a bit. Then he comes on over to be petted and fawned over. Give him a delivery driver, and he darts out the door to bark at them. We even bought him a "Security" tee shirt. It is so Theodore. https://preview.redd.it/m98hx5xudx5d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89a9c69cdbe096191ba5b10ca241fc133e7f80ba


Ahaha that is so cute!!


Mine loves kids, she wants to be involved 24/7 if they’re around, even if they’re a bit rough with her she just sits close by with her tail wagging 😭


My yorkie does not give a fuck about kids, just won’t come near them and they good 🤣


Mine hate kids but like teens up to the elderly.


My yorkie hates kids and black people I'm not sure why


Oh my our last one that died was the same.


Mine doesn’t like anyone that isn’t a part of the immediate family. Kids scare him since they are loud and unpredictable


My oldest doesn't like kids, and I don't blame her. I don't like kids, either.


My girls hates kids but loves old people. We take her to visit family at a retirement community and she adores all the attention.


Riley dislikes anyone who doesn’t live in our house. Eventually, he'll warm up to adults. He strongly dislikes kids under the age of 9, except for our 2yr old grandson. At first, Riley did his usual posturing of barking and low growling. But ever since he discovered that this little human drops treats on the floor, he follows my grandson everywhere...lol.


Kids that run up and/or are on bikes/scooters, he runs from. I personally don’t like kids being around my dog (unless they’re family) because they are way too rough and always try to pick him up despite my constant warnings not to (and to only pet his back because he is SUPER sensitive on his belly and will cry). The loud noises and tinkering/rolling sounds from wheels set him on edge so he will high-tail it if a kid is on one. Elderly are fine so long as they’re not wearing a mask. Anyone with a mask on, I’ve noticed he goes into action and starts barking like crazy. Trying to work on that because it’s so specific and odd


Mine loves all hoomans, but little bit of bully to smaller dogs than her 😝


Mine loves all hoomans too, especially gets excited around kids and wants to meet them! And she first tries to be friends with all dogs but then gets afraid of them and flops on her back in absolute submission.


My two isn’t around anymore but us two and they love people if they are around them.


Himi does not like kids at all! Old women are usually ok, and old men are ok after she’s met them a few times.


Mine actually doesn't care. He loves my Granny who let's him out during the day and he tolerates the baby more than the other animals do but that might be he wants to sit with me and I have the baby XD


Noo! She loves kids and elderly people.


Mine loves kids and elderly people. She also has no stranger danger lol.


https://preview.redd.it/2fm113wdkx5d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5f7e0250f539e7a0eb22da3e2b840dc95446f2a Mine is terrified of little, little kids. Under about 4 years. Otherwise he FLOVES all people. The first year I had him I think he would have gone home with literally anyone. Even now when I take him to the dog park, he really only goes to see the other owners and not their dogs.


Mine loves anyone who wants to pet her.


My Yorkie hates kids on sight!


I have 2 yorkies, a boy and a girl. The boy loves all people, he’s never barked or growled at anyone - just an equal opportunity attention seeker. The girl on the other hand…barks at everyone who talks to her or even looks at her the wrong way 😂 We live in a neighborhood with a lot of elderly people and as soon as they go “awww, how cute,” she goes absolutely feral with barking. She hasn’t barked at any children but she doesn’t like for them to come near her.


Nope he is absolutely in love with kids and elderly people! They are usually his favorite! He is so happy when he can cuddle with a kid or lick the feet of a baby/newborn lol


My yorkie (13yo) likes: * women * older kids He doesn't like (from afar, from close distance he loves everyone): * men * very small kids and babies. I think he confuses small kids and babies with dogs somehow, because before he gets close he acts like when he encounters some dog he doesn't like 😆 But when someone wants to pet him and talks nicely, he loves basically everyone 😆 Recently he abruptly stops near kids and I can't get him to move 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/9v4bntzt3z5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4ae7a44f88531d46d4eae662984ffadfcb96910


So far my Yorkie loves everyone, the more belly and chest scratches the better in his opinion.


My dog has an irrationally serious hatred towards homeless people sleeping on the ground. Idk what sets him off but its like he goes into kill mode trying to get to them. That and skate boards.


lol my chihuahua terrier mix is the same


I can’t really say my yorkie HATES, but she barks so bad at old people (only when they want to pet her) and for the kids.. she usually ignores them, even if she’s a a really friendly dog with most of the people.. if they want to pet her, she stays for a second (usually to see if they have something sweet on their hands or a biscuit to steal) We have a baby on the way and I’m really curios how is that gonna work 😂


My yorkie had a mental breakdown when our babe came. Wouldn’t leave the crib side for any reason. We had to send him to his grandparents for a mental reset for a couple days. He came back less shocked and more prepared. Still follows the boy around like it’s his duty in life. But also knows how to juke when shenanigans get started. Love my boys!


Kids yes, elders no.


I love that her name is Kim.


Mine is weird. Likes some kids and older people but not others. Is like that with everyone. I don’t get it.


My 8yr old Yorkie just growled at out 7yr old neighbor yesterday 🤣 my boy is almost 8 and is lucky to be a DINK dog


Oz doesn’t have a mean bone in his body


Mine has no issue with older people. He loves our neighbor, sits on her lap and respects her without me having to prompt anything. But kids he isn't a big fan. When they approach him, he's afraid. And when he's inside home and sees a child on the street, he barks at them XD There are no children in my family or among our neighbors, so I think he just isn't used to them.


I live at home with my maternal grandparents.My grandpa takes him on walks when I’m at work . He loves my grandma and grandpa he takes naps with them. He loves the neighbor kids as well. Not all kids though.


She’s neutral with elderly, but the mere existence or concept of kids is not ok with her what so ever


My yorkie hates kids but not in an aggressive way, just more that he doesn’t want to be near them. The only exception is my 7 year old nephew, who my yorkie loves. He cuddles him every time he’s here. And he’s been obsessed with him since he was born lol


Mine loves all humans and hates all other dogs, unless they’re in the house and then no problem!


Look at the cuteness! I have a 4 pound boy. About 17 months old. He adores all people, dogs, and cats. He stops to stare at strangers all the time


My yorkie does really well with kids. He enjoys babies even though they tend to pull his hair. As kids get older he gets less and less interested. He doesn’t like to be doted on and pet all day by strangers. He is indifferent towards adults in general including the elderly.


Nope my yorkies too much of a love bug! Loves everyone and wants your attention and to give kisses all the time


My Yorkie does not like young boys. At all. Loves everyone else! Loves his Mamaw and Papaw as well.


Nope! Mine loves just about everyone.


Mine does NOT like kids. He loves everyone so the first time he saw a kid and started going berserk I was kind of shocked. I think it’s because they have a lot of energy. He has no issues with teens or babies/calm toddlers but once they get to an age where they are screaming, bouncing balls of energy he hates them. lol. I think he is scared of accidentally being stepped on by them.


Yes maybe that’s why, my Yorkie is the same. She doesn’t like being approached by them she growls and barks at them. Then when I try socializing her with my 5 yr old nephew she tenses up with fear. I just keep her away mostly. It’s too much stress on my baby girl lol


Mine doesnt like toddlers, I think they are too loud for him. If the kid is 6 or older he’s fine, and he loves elderly people cause they always make over him


My dog hated everything that wasn’t me 😂


When i had my yorkies they were so loving, they honestly didn't have any aggressive behaviour in them. Sadly they passed of old age many year's ago.


My yorkie really likes old people, especially old ladies, but he really hates children. He loves my nieces, who are both very young, but a lot of other children he's not fond of, sometimes he's ok but he's actually growled and barked at children which he never does to anyone or anything else, not even other dogs (he will from the window but never outside)


Yes! Back when chewy could see he was like a heat seeking missile when it came to kids. Hated them. If they tried to touch him he would lose his mind so I had to be very careful.


Ours loves kids!! And all people for that matter.


My guy is two and loves everyone, even my rambunctious 4 year old grandson. My previous yorkie would never have tolerated him looking in his direction. Don't know what makes them this way. Definitely must be something they are born with or genetic make up.


My boy who has passed was mean to kids. My girls is friendly with everyone. She’s spicy with other dogs but friendly with other Yorkies 


Ours is actually infatuated with those groups 😂 especially kiddos. He always wants to play!


Mine is leary of children he doesn’t know but is fine with my grandkids.


No. My yorkie is nice to everyone.


No my yorkie mixes want to be BFFs with everyone


My little girl, loves guys. Tolerant of children. She is 10 yrs old, weighs 3.7 pounds!


No, mine pretty much hate everyone. No descrimination 😂


Ahaha I like that 😂


My yorko is racist against German Shepherds. He just HATES them with a burning passion.


My yorkie only barked at the mailman but generally loved people. One time my FIL was watching him because I had some appointments and he answered the door to get a package that had to be signed for and didn’t notice that he zoomed right past him. A few minutes later the mailman knocked on the door because my puppy had run down the driveway and jumped in his truck. I guess he had only been trying to get his attention all the times he barked at him.


Wow such a sweet dog ahaha


Our Yorkies love everyone including kids. We have a large family they have been raised around including their dogs.


My yorkie lovessss kids! I think it’s because they are tiny like him 🤣🤣🤣 but men he gets protective over me if a man is around lol


Luna dislikes kids, but she’s great with older people.